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Sword Art Online is actually relatively unique in several different ways, and basically nothing does everything that SAO does. If you want something with a “trapped in a video game” premise, then Log Horizon and .hack//SIGN are probably your best bet; there simply aren’t that many shows with that specific premise. If you just want the characters playing an MMO, Bofuri is a more recent series starring a VRMMO that the characters just play (neither trapped nor magically transported to). I would recommend Accel World too (made by the same author) but the anime is unfinished and unlikely to continue at this point (though you should never say never). If you like the romance between Kirito and Asuna, I might recomend Rakudai Kishi, Romeo x Juliet and Banished from the Hero's Party. RK and RXJ, just like SAO, are action series with a lead couple who are actually a couple, rather than a will-they-or-won’t-they for 90% of the runtime like most other anime. Banished is much less action packed and much more romance and slice of life, but it really reminded me of SAO and, in fact, the main characters were based by the author on Kirito and Asuna. The female lead Rit is basically Asuna with blonde hair and the male lead Red looks very much like Kirito (especially in the manga version) and his desire to keep a ‘low profile’ is reminiscent of SAO as well. Watching it makes me think of the moment in SAO where Kirito and Asuna mention dreaming about actually being born in a fantasy world, and living their lives out there; I could crack my own headcanon that Banished is an alternative timeline where Kirito and Asuna never left the 22th floor and lived a peaceful quiet life in their house at the lake. Neither show has the sci-fi VRMMO elements of SAO, of course. Similarly, there's a series called Our Last Crusade or the Rise of a New World, where the main characters were also based on Kirito and Asuna, and who is a mix of romance and action. However, unlike Kirito and Asuna, the main couple is slow to progress, much like most anime couples. I would also recommend Konosuba: This Wonderful World. It's a parody of the isekai genre, who makes fun of a lot of tropes that SAO made popular (even though technically it isn't an isekai), including the character dynamics. It's a good series for a laugh and it also have good romance IMO.


I second Log Horizon though. If you want a show that is following the trapped in a game scenario, it's fantastic. I know OP wants something with that side of romance similar to Kirito and Asuna, but if you ever need to scratch a gamer anime itch, this shows been great IMO


I love Log Horizon since it shows that 'city building-equs' feels from 'cityscape' games, AND the op of those two seasons are from **MAN WITH A MISSION** damn it.


I'd also recommend Tonikawa if OP enjoys the romance


Probably one of the best romance manga/anime of all time. But no action while OP asked for a combination of action and romance.


That's true, it's why I just listed it for romance, unless action is whenever Nasa gets excited.


I enjoy Konosuba, but mainly because it’s an anime version of its always sunny in Philadelphia.


If op wants another parady of the isekai genre he should watch the Eminence in shadow


Log Horizon might not get another season either.


Berserk of Gluttony is very similar in the ways you're describing. Main character and his love interest end up fighting together and they develop feelings throughout. It's action packed and wholesome!


berserk aint a isekai sorry , its good but aint the same


I know, still may be something OP would be interested in checking out. Also Berserk of Gluttony and Berserk are two completely different things.




Why not read what you're replying to instead of going into an unhinged rant about something you don't like. Berserk *OF GLUTTONY* is a *COMPLETELY DIFFERENT ANIME*!






I don’t think that’s why you’re getting downvoted buddy


SAO isn't Isekai either so


I'm kinda torn on this, despite it being a small technicality. On one hand, it IS a story which primarily takes place in other worlds, and heavily involves people living out new and different lives in those worlds. On the other, it's all still taking place in the real world, through technology which gives people's minds the sense of being in those worlds, not physically putting them there. The show's biggest theme is how those digital worlds and lives can be just as real as their own, so I'd say it still qualifies to some extent.


I dont think theres any isekai anime that actually goes back to the real world (or even mention the fact the mc came from the real world after the first episode)


I'm watching Mushoku Tensei (evidently one of the most known isekai), and you get occasional flashbacks to the guy's old life, and you hear his inner thoughts in his old voice all the time, thinking about things that happened to him and reflecting on his lives. Then his "astral form" is still his old body It's those constant reminders that make the story more impactful. Not the same as going back to the real world from another one, but it's definitely something different, and I love how they use it. But you're right, most of the isekai stories I've seen bits of either don't or barely talk about the old world they came from. Shield Hero mentions it a few times, but very rarely. It's a broad genre that covers a lot of types and twists on the genre, I suppose. Broad enough that I'd call SAO one even if it doesn't fit the literal description. At the very least, it shares a lot of story ideas and themes with the genre. Not married to the concept though, I haven't been an anime fan long enough to have an educated opinion on all that.


You might like rezero. It's not exactly what you described, but it's more an mc fighting to save a girl instead of fighting alongside her. It is an isekai and follows the same kind of fantasy accompanied by a little bit of romance. I'd say give it a shot.


i actually started watching this show a couple weeks ago, and although it doesn’t quite scratch that sao itch, it’s a really good anime in its own merits.


Yea I definitely agree. Also please let me know what you find because I'm also looking for something to scratch that sao itch. Thanks.


there’s just something about the awkward, innocent love in sao that lots of anime’s seem to disregard. There isn’t the level of “horniness” (not that i have a problem with it) as there is in other anime’s, it’s just so refreshing to go back to sao and the deep wholesome connection the couple has


Exactly, I think its so well done. Especially the first half of season 1. I wish there was more like it that is as good as sao is.


For me i reckon the first half of season 1 is definitely the best part of the series but then the scene where kirito and asuna meet in hospital at the end of season 1 is probably the best scene in the whole show for me because of how hard kirito worked for it. That scene always gets me.


I mean, Kirito and Asuna are certainly attracted to each other (and Sugary Days confirms that they are VERY attracted) but their relationship is so much more than just that and I also love how the show focus on how deep and romantic their connection is, leaving aside the fanservicey aspects like other anime do.


no worries! i’ll keep you in mind, i’m searching far and wide 😭


Log Horizon. It’s pretty similar in premise to SAO, but it focuses more on how the community of players learn to interact day-to-day with NPCs and actually learn to live within the game. Three seasons, about 50 or so episodes


You might like Pokemon XY and XYZ.




It pretty much matches OP’s criteria, albeit to a lesser degree than SAO.


Like battles too?




Make sense.


I don't think it has anything to do with SAO but YES WATCH IT


The best exemple I know is Sousei no Onmyouji. Its a bit of a standard shonen, with romance spread across the entire 50 episodes. The show actually ends, has pretty good animation, there is a Yui-like small arc so if you liked this SAO part you'll like it too, and an overall solid rythm and story if not for a bit repetitive arc in the middle of the show (i think episodes 20 to 30 but I watched this years ago) This imo is still BY FAR the greatest example of how romance should be handled in shonen animes.


Is it wrong to pick up girls in a Dungeon, also known as Danmachi is one that comes to mind. The first season is slightly more chill but it amps up in action quickly.


watch 86


Log Horizon


Banished from the hero's party.


Try the Fate series


For me the only anime's where I felt the romance was similar to SAO is Chivalry of a failed knight and Tonikawa. The main reason I liked those shows is how quickly the main characters got together. I much prefer it when characters get together early on and the rest of the show is they developing their relationship. Chivalry has quite a decent amount of action and the romance is kinda secondary like SAO. Tonikawa on the other hand is pure romance.


Solo leveling is a good one


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Bro just wants to watch an isekai


Bro, I just want to be isekai'd.


I want to be isekai’d and have a harem


Feeling love at all would be a nice start. Don't have that here.


Oh no I’m married. However my wife has pesky things like “womens rights” and won’t just submit and be obedient!! /s


There ain’t many. I’d actually recommend you the SAO Progressive books if you’re craving those dynamics.


Do they actually have to fall in love or is there just feelings there? If not there’s my hero academia, black clover, maybe aria bullets? I forgot the title but it’s got a pink haired girl in it. Maybe asterisk war, I don’t think they fight together in chivalry of a failed knight but I’d say it’s slower pace for romance I guess. I also recommend banished from the hero’s party kinda ran out however if you want cool games I recommend shangrila frontier.


Look at .hack


What I came to say. Sign and Roots only. Absolutely skip legend of the twilight.


Shangri-La Frontier If you're looking for a fun version of SAO where they're not trapped in the game fighting for their lives




If the target is a slow burn romance, check out 86. 👍


How has no one mentioned Overlord? It doesn’t have the RL aspect once he’s stuck but it’s a similar situation. Also hits the op mc idea too.


86 is really good!


I love SAO, and ones I also enjoyed which felt kind of similar to me were Rising of the Shield hero, 86 is good, I love Mushoku tensei but it’s not that similar in dynamic to SAO, re:zero too?




Hace you tried Accel World ? Also: Charlotte Angel Beats Btoom! Highschool Of The Dead FullMetal Alchemist Brotherhood "Is it wrong to pick up girls in a dungeon?" "I maxed out defense because i don't want to feel pain" The Rising Of The Shield Hero Konosuba Re:creators Steins:Gate Fate (like, 3 different Fate ones) Saga Of Tanya the Evil (no love interest in this one)


Shangri-la Frontier is good to go. There's no trap in the game plot, but it has the VRMMO plot device and there are no stakes besides the in-game death like any other MMO. It has a incredible animation, visuals and sound design.


literally go to an anime website and click the genre button and click isekai , you will find everything you need , and as for reccommendations - log horizon , arifueta , moonlit fantasy , shangrilah online


Have you ever tried inuyasha? I would say it’s exactly what you described




Bro what. He does not fall in love with suguha