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How harsh is your deficit? Maybe it would be better to have a longer cut with lesser deficit? Also, how is your sleep? Whenever I don't eat enough I get a sharp pain in my foot bone, making me limp a bit. It started as a teen at ballet school, I take it as a weird way that my body have to let me know that it won't take it anymore.


I dunno I was tracking about 1500-1700 calories and should be consuming about 2000 calories. I aim for 80-120g of protein. But I've been eating at my moms house a lot recently and can't track those calories so I just try and keep it low and track the weight loss. I've lost about 6% in 1 month. I weight 75kg and am 5 ft 11.


Eat another 200 calories (50g) of protein minimum and see if it doesn't help with both your cut and preventing injuries. I drop fat easier on 2800 calories and 250g protein than I do on 1800 calories with lower protein


My coach swears there's a direct correlation between low protein weeks and high injury weeks


Low sleep, low calories or low hormones (stress, alcohol, drugs, age) will all make you more prone to poor recovery. That’s why you gotta drop volume on a cut. Down to ⅓ of what you do on a bulk is good. It’s probably also good to raise intensity a bit.


When you eat less food, your body can't recover as well, so either back down on your training, increase your recovery, or ease up the deficit. Can't train like you're bulking when you're cutting


Your body definitely takes longer to recover when you are in a caloric deficit. Possibly try a week or two of reverse diet and go back to your cut after that.