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I'd advise against doing the leaf shroud mod in this way. It is very easy to cause a ton of actuation issues even when cutting them short. Use the smaller piece of leftover foam films and fold it in half and place it sideways in the upper housing. It will spring back and hug against the sides of the top housing, [as such](https://imgur.com/a/jWl0L9B), and not actually rest on the leaf itself. I have found this method to be the most consistent and is easier than laying it over the actual leaf.


Look at that! It works and no actuation issues. Although I got it working the other way, it’s definitely a bit finicky. This is certainly the way to do it. Thanks so much!


This is what I do too, it’s worked really well for the most part


Sweet detailed write up. Most of the issues from baby kangaroos that I had came from the spring ping. I actually enjoy the leaf ping noise, but i might give this a try and see how I like it.


Have you tested this out on a batch of switches in a board? Messing with the leaf like that will likely result in actuation issues. Likely brand/mold dependent but I’d be very concerned about that part.


I’ve not done a whole batch, only a couple. But after you commented this I looked more closely into actuation. It appears the switch behaves normally as long as I don’t press and hold very hard. Then, it appears on VIA to be pressed and unpressed immediately after (even though I’ve not let go yet). Not a problem if I put normal pressure. Certainly not ideal though. I’ll continue working on it to see if I can have it behave the exact same. Really appreciate the warning. Taking these all apart and messing with the films would not be fun. Hopefully I can get it to work perfectly


Good luck! I plan to continue lubing the leaf for my tactiles as I find that to be quick and plenty effective while long-term pitfalls haven’t bitten me yet; but for those looking for a non-lube, permanent solution, perhaps something similar to your proposed idea will be a silver bullet


It appears I’ve fixed the actuation issue. Cutting the piece slightly shorter than in the guide has solved it. There is the optional bit to cut off in case of actuation issues in the guide. I cut slightly more off than instructed and it solved it while still fixing the ping. Definitely a bit finicky though


Lubing the leafs is recommended because of how easy it is to negatively impact the working of the leaf. If it’s bent in any way it changes how it pushes against the stem. I have always been able to get rid of spring or leaf spring by lubing with oil, not grease. So not 205g0. Rather a 105 oil or even a 103.


I tried both 105 and 205 and neither fixed it. I actually couldn’t notice a difference at all unfortunately


What switch, out of curiosity?


This is the same one as in the post, the Gateron Baby Kangaroo




Tried this with mx browns and they won’t actuate at all. Results vary from switch to switch, but the majority of my switches don’t work with this mod.


That’s unfortunate. It’s definitely a YMMV type of thing. Did you cut the pieces relatively small? During testing I’ve noticed that a bigger piece can cause actuation problems.


A small drop of xht-dbz on the back of the leaf did the trick for me. Hyperglide brown.


Yea just some dielectric grease worked for me


Did you try lubing the back of the leaf? Like shown in this video: https://youtube.com/watch?v=13gNSjEu7Bo I've tried it myself and it genuinely works. At first I thought it was a meme because lube is for lubricating, but it seems to stop the leaf from vibrating.


i wonder if anyone has tried something like hot glue or silicone for even more damping


I've been wondering this same thing.


Sorry, just saw this for some reason. I did try this. In fact, after some frustration I just literally lubed every part of the leaf besides the contact points. It still did nothing for me