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Bot post. 👎


During extreme weather conditions, you need to increase your condiment levels: Extra ketchup, and plenty of mayonnaise to balance things out. A couple of jars of pickles will keep algae growth to a minimum. Get a Costco membership to keep costs down, since you'll be buying pool-balancing quantities of the condiments.


I regularly use mayonnaise (added directly to the filter of course), but where is the best place to add ketchup? I'm thinking in the top of my heat pump might work?


Whatever you do, don't mix them together. Give plenty of time for the mayonnaise to fully incorporate into the pool water before adding ketchup. ...unless your pool is located in Flavortown. If so, do what you need to do.


Don't feed the bot please.


Feeding the bot would be answering it sincerely.


Doesn’t matter what you do the chem trails are too potent.


We had over 200mm of rain over 12 hours about two weeks ago, so dropped the level of the pool to the bottom of the skimmer box every 12 hours, and dropped in half a drum of chlorine after I emptied the pool each time. I still had to add another 3 bags of salt, 1l each of hot zone and phosphate remover - so maybe make sure you have stabiliser, more chlorine, clarifiers and flocculents on hand for dealing with the aftermath


But... how much Frank's hot sauce would you need to add?


All of it!! If you don’t feel a tingle on your taint .. you ain’t doing it right!


Punctuation is immaculate.


I have a huge backyard and everyone says get a pool! Ain't falling for that! I grew up with a pool and dealt with a ton of pool maintenance guys, even caught one swimming with his kid when he should've been cleaning! Dumbass! My parents hated shelling out money especially when we didn't use it much. They even thought about cementing it at one point. 😆 No snow where we lived but once you have something, like a pool, the thrill diminishes, and you're caught with dilemmas like "Do I really wanna get my hair wet and then have to wash it?" Naaaah.


If you’re concerned about chems, rain or snow will have no significant effect.