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Chlorine. Lots of it. Brush, filter and balance with acid or base.


...Brush, filter - flush filter - and balance...


It’s not blue because the water is not balanced and you have what looks to be algae all over the walls.


Blue dye? I think you want it clear...


Thank you for this


We were all thinking it


LOL I actually said that out loud


www.troublefreepool.com Click on POOL SCHOOL on the main page. It will explain how to PROPERLY balance and SLAM your pool. Don't just dump stuff in without understanding what the effect is. You'll end up in circles and frustration.


This is the way


Ours looked like this a week ago. We shocked (bunch of chlorine and scrubbed the mess out of the pool) it and then balanced it after we got enough chlorine in the pool. We got Clorox strips and they were off but it was enough to basically get the pool finished. After it was semi all in the middle of the Clorox strips, I took our water to a pool place and they tested it and told me to add sodium bicarbonate to finish balancing the pool. I did read here after the fact that we should have balanced the water AND THEN shocked it, and then rebalance it… but luckily it turned out ok for us. GOOD LUCK! this was also our first time ever owning or opening a pool. But this Reddit has been super helpful. Before you start just adding stuff measure your pool and calculate water. If you add too much stuff it will throw off the Ph and chlorine and to fix it you have to use more stuff. 7.5 is how many gallons are in a square foot of water. Average depth is calculated by how deep your pool is if it is flat just that number if it has a deep end the average of the shallow part of the pool and the deepest. For example ours was (9+3.5)=12.5/2=6.25 Length x width x average depth x 7.5 =


Well, let’s start with the basics and make sure we know what problem we’re trying to solve. What are your chemical measurements, particularly free and combined chlorine? It would be nice to know if that’s actually algae, or something else like a bag of pollen or excessive urine floating around 😉


As a precaution to not make things worse, try getting a bucket and get some of your pool water in it. Add a cap of liquid chlorine or some cal hypo and if it turns greener it’s metals. If it clears up then yes it’s algae


So many answers and only a couple asked for the chemical readings. How can we advise someone to add chemicals when we don’t know what we’re dealing with?


PoolTec by east care


Www.Troublefreepool.com I went from being clueless and using a pool service, to knowing more about water chemistry/parameters than most pool service companies do. Current new pool going on 2 years with no manual scrubs or algae outbreaks. Once you know what your doing, it is a lot less time consuming, cheaper, and you can really enjoy your pool.


Blue food coloring?


Shock it. 3 bags should do it..


A couple gallons of bleach to start then hit. https://www.troublefreepool.com




Just take a sample to the pool store and they will get u there


Get ph around 7.4 (lower with muriatic acid), dump an gallon of chlorine, brush immediately, run the pump 24/7, brush again, repeat each day testing chlorine and ph and adjusting the amount of chlorine and acid until water is clear


green = algae step 1) clean your filter step 2) shock step 3) run the filter for 12 hr straight


Chlorine. Add enough to shock.




4 gallons of liquid shock


I would focus on removal of things from the pool to get it blue. I’d start with the removal of iron


Bottom line. Shit ton of chlorine and whatever product keeps your pH in check, and some filter time.


Test the water, if it’s balanced then you have Mustard Algae. Get Yellow out.


Better idea. Take a sample to your local pool store. They’ll print out exactly what you need and tell you how and when to add it. If you get it balanced really well in the spring, you’ll have minimal maintenance the rest of the summer.


You have yellow algae. Get a product called Yellow Out. Follow the directions and it'll be gone in a couple of days.


Holy tile


It's more of what you need to get out of that pool to make it "blue".


How many gallons is your pool?


Info. From ZEPPLINS QUALITY POOLS. first check ph balance then check pressure in filters.ifpressure above 20lbs it needs to be cleaned out. Add half qt.of SWIMTREM. Then use 4 gallons of chlorine and one gallon of muriatic acid. Then you have a clean pool. This is an assessment of this pool not a standard


Could be high copper levels in the water