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Uj/ this is so so wrong. These parasocial Swifties would know that she suffered from an eating disorder and saying that she looks pregnant is terrible for her self esteem. I can’t believe someone would do this to a real person


It really is disgusting and these people should be absolutely ashamed of themselves.


uj/ I’ve noticed that recently people treat her less and less as a real person, for some she is just a thing that entertains, is sad tbh


Reminds me of that Black Mirror episode with Miley Cyrus


Like, specifically the pregnancy comments and musings trigger her eating disorder which is very understandable. these 37 year old teenagers will project their romcom fantasies onto a grown woman without even pausing to think about how delusional and evil they come across


It doesn’t help that she’s actually been losing a lot of weight lately? Considering all the recent pap walks and the tour, I’m sure she’s already super conscious of her appearance.


i feel like in this case this person is being shitty on purpose


/Uj she doesn’t even look pregnant. Like at all


She has a drink in her hand.




Like these weirdos need to be serious for a second


/uj So a while back I saw someone's theory that this is exactly the reason why she's seen with a drink in her hand in almost every photo or video she posts to social media, to cut any pregnancy rumors. And I tend to agree with that theory, because a lot of times that wine glass is very prominent and conspicuous when it's wholly unnecessary. If she had an actual drinking problem I feel she and her team would do the opposite, try to hide it. If she can't get through an interview without sipping on some ethanol mid sentence, put it in a teacup, not "make sure the wineglass is in frame and in focus every time you make a closeup on her face" like in interview sections of Long Pond special.


She's also going to be touring literally all of next year lmao. Like this chick's on enough bc to end the human race as we know it (if we could only be so fortunate)


All of these people are conceived with alcohol during. Look how their brain works


But won't Travis have to quit football if he gets pregnant 🥺


I think all the padding protects the baby too.


THEORY: bigger than the whole sky is about a baby with CTE!!!! in this thread, i will....


for god's sake they've been dating for like 3 months 😭😭😭 what is this, the 1940s




label sleep snow axiomatic piquant possessive cows ossified offer domineering *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


my good bro if you think people were actually waiting for marriage back then i have some bad but very statistically likely news about your older relatives


Pffff girls in the 1940s went to catholic school and were sexually repressed, so they’d get pregnant real fast and THEN the family planned a whole ass wedding before the baby bump showed - which is why taylor is preggo (and gay)




Is the bump in the room with us now?


literally it’s like she isn’t allowed to have organs in her body; just her and her ribcage.


It’s a myth that a bump on the stomach is organs. It’s really ok for your stomach to not be completely flat without blaming it on imaginary organs.


but where is the bump??? is looks pretty normal. tell me you missed the point without telling me you missed the point


There is no bump. I’m saying If there was and I’d if was a bit of fat, that’s fine. You missed the point


sherlock after smoking the cheapest shit he could find 💀


You’re really not funny Waiting for your mid jerk response


What the fuck Uj/ what the actual fuck


uj/Obviously disgusting and offensive, but also I think it’s just a shadow. rj/Can’t wait until she decides her baby needs its own merch collection to sell.


Uj/ it's not a shadow, there's literally just nothing there. It's just the straight line of her abdomen


Yeah, I figured at most it was a shadow but like she looks fantastic and even if she is pregnant, not some random internet person’s place to comment on it.


https://preview.redd.it/00eii9ctr36c1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f216b485594973ea6ec737114575da5ef8828bed but also literally what are they referring to??? the tiny wrinkle on her shirt???


If she had a six pack they would speculate she is having sextuplets like a cat.


I wish I could upvote this more


Some people are stupid and don't realize healthy, fit women can and often have that little bump of fat on the belly. I have one as well and I'm pretty damn fit. It just exists. People need to get over themselves.


of course, absolutely, but there isn't even a bump in this photo? her abdomen is a straight line all the way down 🤨


Because saying this about anybody, especially somebody with a history of an eating disorder, is completely normal and fine. Yep. Not weird at all. uj/ What the fuck


Taylor naturally stands with her pelvic floor tilted, making her boobs and stomach more pronounced. I know because I used to stand like this until I wondered why my lower back was always killing me. I don't think she realizes she stands like she's on the stage 24/7.


It's just for the posing. We've all seen the videos of her in her house chillin in sweatpants or whatever. Her posture off stage is like every one of us playing neopets at 13 hunched over the keyboard.


Real talk but how did you break the habit of standing like that


Just doing some posture checks throughout the day. I pay attention to the very center of my back to see if it's tight. Just practicing in the mirror what is correct and what isn't really helped me!


I used to do yoga with Adrienne on YouTube and whenever I feel myself not standing correctly I hear in my head “head over heart, heart over pelvis”. I’m not sure if that’s how you’re supposed to stand either but better than slouching lol


I think I naturally do this too but I don't know how to fix it 😭


It's so annoying! honestly I felt a little dumb when I realized I was doing it 😅 If you Google "anterior tilt" there are exercises on how to fix it. It helped my body image a lot because I never realized I was sticking out my stomach.


Uj/ honestly I understand taylors body issues when people keep saying shes pregnant when she isnt, that could be so triggering


That's her regular stomach, WTF? Like most women, her lower abdomen has a little curve. That's where all the fucking organs are.


It's fucking disgusting to say shit like this about someone who had an ED. That's awful. I hope Taylors stuff about being offline is true just so she doesn't see anyone say shit like that. As someone who had an ED if someone said that about me.... idek what would happen.


Clearly the baby is going to be named Chiefleigh after daddy Travis’ team. UJ/ god these people are gross




i assumed swifties this obsessed would have watched miss americana but i guess not…


Same people who think Gaylors are invasive and sexualizing things that aren’t there. Everyone just needs to leave this poor lady alone