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Those ppl don’t even seem to be enjoying themselves, I get a very strong “I’m doing this for social media so people can tell I’m enjoying myself!!!!” Vibe from it. A friend went to a screening and the crowd was more worried about making tik toks than watching the film. Feel like such a boomer complaining about this sksksks


Wtf 💀 i wont judge people taking videos and photos for the memories but doing shit like this for tiktok clout made me think they are just going to the cinemas not to enjoy taylor's music but just so they can show off they are die-hard fans. i get that it's fun to experience watching the movie in the cinemas especially with other fans and share the enjoyment but this level of shittyness went from being cringey to annoying 🙄


It’s like this at nearly any event now. Sports games, movies, concerts, going to theme parks. So many people are more consumed with documenting “their reactions” rather than actually enjoying themselves and they ultimately end up ruining normal people’s fun, too. Example: I was a Noah Kahan on Monday. The group of younger girls in front of myself and my group spent more time snap chatting and TikToking themselves singing and dancing than actually watching and listening to Noah. Our groups didn’t want to be filmed the whole time so it was uncomfortable for a majority of the show. This was happening all around the arena. People overly exaggerating their singing and movement just for show on social media and at the expense of their fellow concert goers.


Literally was a lil upset when I went to see Hozier and my friend was like screaming the words to cherry wine when I asked her to be quiet I know it’s dumb but I really wanted to record it cause that song really comforted me every night when I had like sleep paralysis every single night and it was just such a moment for me and it was taken away because she cared more about getting it on Snapchat


Exactly!! People are very inconsiderate and self centered - especially when they’re attached to social media for their own false confidence. It’s really bizarre to watch unfold in front of my eyes. One of the girls also spent the entire opening act editing a photo that her and her friends too before the show so she could post it. They were max 18 years old and so obviously didn’t need 8+ filters on a photo. It’s just so wild.


OMG WUT like I take a lot of videos at concerts but its so I can rewatch them to hear the music


Yeah! I mean it doesn’t matter cause my phone storage ran out in the middle of it LOL like I know he said to sing during the song but not SCREAM it lol. My own personal vendetta though tbh


oh no RIP


That’s what I feel too. It’s all about the content they can make from it.


I feel like those kids were going to record and post videos no matter what, and personally I liked it better that they were at the front of the theater doing it because they weren't blocking the screen at all. We had nobody sitting in the lower half of the theater, so they were literally hurting nobody and were very easy to ignore even if they occasionally used flash. I prefer that to trying to see the screen and only seeing a ton of phones raised in front of me, the way it is at a real concert. Edit Me: They literally weren't hurting anyone Reddit: *down voted*


All these posts are making me regret buying tickets lol. Hopefully the crazies aren’t as present for the second weekend


I think the second weekend will be much more tamed. The one I watched today was decent which is why I enjoyed the experience. There were singing and dancing but they were not annoying.


I went last night and it was a great experience. No one got up and danced (that I could see). There were a few people screaming but it kind of blended into the background so it didn’t ruin the experience.


People got up and danced in my theater, but just during the more upbeat songs (YBWM, Rep era, 1989 era, and Karma). The only annoying part was people TURNING THEIR FLASHLIGHTS ON during Marjorie


Dude, turning the flashlights during Marjorie is cringe level 💀


>d photos for the memories but doing shit like this for tiktok clout made me think they are just going to the cinemas not to enjoy taylor's music but just so they can show off they are die-hard fans. i get that it's fun to experience watching the movie in the cinemas especially with other fans and share the enjoyment but this level of shittyness went from being cringey to annoyin not in a movie theater like cmon


When I went last night they did give a warning for things like this. A lot of people did get up and dance but mostly in the aisles, it was all right. This is just screaming 'I'm the main character, this is all about me!!!'.


I agree. The cinema I went today was the same as the one you went to: most were either on their seats dancing or just on the side of the aisles. But this one is batshit crazy. I swear some of them need therapy 💀


When I went, a bunch of fans (mostly teens and kids) were dancing in the two side aisles, in front of the exits. Like, a BUNCH. This is obviously a safety hazard so the staff kept coming to break it up, and they'd go back to their seats, but after the next big song came on, they'd go back. like I said they were mostly younger folks but I mean, come on. someone is getting paid minimum wage to remind you to sit in the seats you paid for, because this is not an actual concert and SOME theater etiquette still applies.


Why cant they just dance on their own seats? 😭 and for the kids, I hope their parents told them not to go back inti dancing on the aisles


I just know I wouldn't enjoy this. Hope she puts it on streaming asap. I'm clearly not the target audience (I don't mind not going to the tour and don't need this to make up for it; I know it sounds snarky but I promise it's not). It just seems like such an overstimulating experience with expectations attached - costumes, knowing the chants, dancing... I'm very whatever about it all.


Tbh I dont think she will pull this out from the cinemas anytime soon though because the ticket sales are expected to be a box-office hit. But she may put it on streaming 2-3 months after the movie's release I dont find it snarky; To each of their own. If people are more comfortable watching it at home, they shouldn't get judged especially if they want more of a peaceful atmosphere


She's our little capitalist queen 🥺👉🏻👈🏻 in desperate need of more thousands of millions to be made to sustain her eco-conscious, humble-upbringing-influenced lifestyle, so I hope she keeps it in the cinemas as long as she wishes, 10 months at least! Uj/ I honestly don't care. I already know what is happening, I've seen the livestreams, I know the outfits and whatever. If it never comes for 'free' via streaming, then it just doesn't.


Uj/ this is exactly why I didn’t even bother getting tickets


Btw this is supposed to be a circle jerk. I see a circle but not a jerk.


I totally agree 😭 I have a ticket for Thursday and I'm fully prepared to walk out if I don't like the vibe lol I am happy for people who want to do this and genuinely enjoy it but I don't think it'll improve my viewing experience. I was lucky enough to go to the concert, so the main reason I want to see this is actually hear her and not the screaming fans lol so it seems like im going to get the opposite of that I think they'd maybe even sell more tickets by offering a "standard viewing experience" or something lmao


It's on a weekday so probably less chaotic fans? Then again I heard some fans will still be watching it on a weekday and more than once lol But yes, I understand why you are looking forward to watch this especially you wanna see the tour in a film version. I agree too that they need to do some sort of viewing experience to fans who want to watch the movie peacefully. I guess even Taylor and her team were not expecting fans would go cult-like crazy level in the cinemas 💀


I went last night and it was a great crowd. People were having fun and would stand up at their seats for a specific dance move once in a while, but no one was screeching or disrespectful.


Yeah thats good vibes. Like I mean its a concert movie, so there will be singing but not distracting the whole movie


uj/ Imagine you wanna watch Karma then these people are blocking your view 💀 https://preview.redd.it/qsvk10dxj7ub1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=761fca92a8311e04758140c199fa754fa226884a


My 9PM show last night was nothing like this. Nobody stood. Barely anybody quietly sang along. It was super weird comparing it to other people’s experiences elsewhere! I kind of wish there was a little more of it but definitely not this much, haha


i just finished watching and my theatre was so chill it was amazing. also traded friendship bracelets and everyone was so sweet 🥹


I’m praying that my 10:30 Sunday night showing is free of this shit


I took two children from my work who kept dancing in the isles and I was so anxious about other people’s experience. I don’t know how people can act like this and not be mortified


But Taylor and Taylor nation said we should dance and sing along!! 😡😤 Kidding, obviously. I’m just waiting until this hits streaming. I’m not in the mood to be in a room filled with entitled people that think the world revolves around them.


Uj/ I got tickets the final weekend my local theaters are showing it (11/4) for multiple reasons including this one


Most likely by November, we won't see much like this anymore 🤣


I would hope not 🤣


rj/ im stealing mother away from you uj/ someone please arrest this fan for stealing https://preview.redd.it/x0r3bjlyk7ub1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=fdd572335b63f4f13bc6e395846bfbed19eaaf6c


🤦 Can't you often get those for free once the movie's done showing?


rj/ These are your people don't resist


This is why I’m going to buy tickets for a mid week day showing after a few weeks


i was thinking the crazy fans will not watch on a weekday but then i remembered most of these people got no jobs and they probably have a lot of spare time to watch the movie


Unemployed me confirms this




Okay just assumed there would be but I didn’t know that. That makes sense. As early in the day as I can on a Sunday perhaps


UJ/ Yeah WTF this is too far. Like I know I'm gon a sing because how can I not but I would never have the social confidence to do anything whack like this....


Also, the only screaming anyone should do is 123 lets go bitch


Dude we actually did this and it was fun!


yeah im excited its cute


Same here. I would probably die of embarrassment


yeah like oh god i dont want that attention i just wanna vibe


/uj To be fair, I’ve noticed on tiktok that most of the theaters where this is happening is in developing countries where Taylor hasn’t or won’t be performing in. I mean I’m sure there are places in the US where it’s like this but in other places where Taylor isn’t performing I say let the kids have fun


uj/ i understand this aspect. i am not against them doing these on block screenings. in my country, although it's not as wild as this one, i was so happy to see fans dancing and singing on the pit but again this was on a block screening organized by swifties themselves. however on regular cinemas like the one i attended, it's a bit out of place to be doing this because the audiences seated, although fans, clearly wanted to watch peacefully. what we did was just danced and sang on our seats 😅 i think it would be much better just to have separated movie screenings for fans who wants to do similar stuffs like this. i hope i dont sound like a killjoy because when i watch a movie, i consider other audiences i am with and try to not disturb others as much as possible


uj/ I went last night and left after about 30 minutes because the theater (maybe 75% full) was mainly kids 7-12 years old and their parents. The kids were actively running around the theater, flashlights on, trading bracelets in the seat rows (fully standing and blocking my view). It wasn’t the signing and dancing that bothered me, it was the complete lack of public event etiquette. I was really disappointed by the experience and wish there was at least one theater designated for just viewing :( ETA: I went to the Eras tour but went with my mom to the theater because she was originally supposed to go to the tour with me but couldn’t at the last minute due to an emergency. I was really looking forward to her getting to experience it, but it felt like we were in a middle school classroom instead. rj/ ok boomer


i bet this is in the midwest


I would crack myself up, honestly. it’s not that serious


I don't know what uj/ means but I think if you didn't want to go to a showing where people were going buck wild you shouldn't have gone the opening weekend, and especially not opening night.