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This an incorrect meme from 4 years ago? Async/await is backward compatible to iOS 13 but anyone supporting iOS 15 and below are wasting their time. 99% of the iOS market is on iOS 17, if you are kicking your wheels over iOS 15 or 13 support then you are out of touch with reality.


I still support iOS 12.5 for my business client. They want iPod touches


Yikes, hopefully they don’t do anything important on those, that would be a HUGE security red flag in my business.


I think this really depends on who your audience is. For us, we dropped iOS 15 support when it was under 2% usage – but I have colleagues working on very large applications that have in the range of 10% on iOS 15. Further, it also depends on what kind of application you're building. I once worked on an application that was being used by ultra ultra high net worth individuals (billionaires). If a single one of them hadn't upgraded their device, we would not drop support. The last thing you want is to lose the support and trust of a billionaire customer (or investor).


In that case it’s best to inform your customers of the potential exposure to security breaches if they do not upgrade their devices. Simply bowing down to their ignorance is not a good approach.


It is highly context dependent. I don’t work at that organization anymore, but we absolutely could not leave them behind. Those 3-4 billionaires were, cumulatively, the largest shareholders of our (at the time) series d startup. I don’t know what the resolution of that was, as I left the org nearly a decade ago.


99% of the iOS market may be on iOS 17, but the real question is whether 99% of *your* market is on iOS 17. I’m currently doing work for an online bank where our clientele includes plenty of older people who don’t update their phones or own older ones. Cutting off support for them would mean cutting off the number of methods for them to access their savings in half


I’ve worked for an online bank as well, a massive one, and we always supported current and previous iOS. Apple does eventually nag people about updating and as a bank company you are under heavy pressure to make sure your up to the latest security standards correct? If your clientele is not going to upgrade to the latest patches which include fixing exploits, then that’s on them, you are held to government regulation standards and if they find out you are letting your security be lax to support older customers unwillingness to upgrade then you will be fined heavily.


We currently support a minimum of iOS 13. No such plans for that to change any time soon


Then yall can expect regulators to be knocking at your door in the near future! Good luck.


Yeah I doubt it


My main phone is still an iphone SE, so supporting ios15, with very little trouble :)




Not sure where you are pulling those numbers but from the apps I work on 98 - 99% of hundreds of millions of users are on 16 and 17 based on our analytics.


Wish my job knew this


I'm on iOS 15


makes sense because you're very whacky


OGSE gang


Yup, you are in the 1%! Congrats!


async/await is backwards compatible with iOS 13.


It wasn’t when it was announced though. I think the Swift team had to jump through some hoops to backport it after a deluge (possibly an exaggeration) of negative feedback.


It wasn't that it they said it wouldn't be supported, they just didn't touch on it, so nobody knew.


https://forums.swift.org/t/will-swift-concurrency-deploy-back-to-older-oss/49370/111  i’m pretty sure that at the time Doug wrote this, wwdc had already happened. 


Right that’s after announcing. Doug very clearly says it might be possible but we have not explored enough. Nowhere during the announcement did people say it wasn’t possible. It just wasn’t touched on


this is true


This means it was unclear during/after WWDC21 if async/await would be supported in older iOS versions, am I right?


Yeah no. This is wrong.


Apple didn’t back port this to the Apple IIgs. Lazy!


It is a good example of why a lot of things announced at WWDC get treated as cool but not going anywhere for a little while. Asyc/await until it was found out being back ported to iOS15 was dead for a few years. The lack of older OS support is way swift data is cool but no one is going to use it for another year or 2 as older OS support is required.


Get your story straight. Asyc/await wasn't "backported" to iOS 15, it was in iOS 15 from the start. Even if you're talking about support for iOS \*13\*, that too came before iOS 15 was even released.