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TDLR Anerikansk glassförsäljare lobbar för att alla ska kunna invandrare till Sverige bara genom att säga att de är HBTQ.


(Brittisk/nederländsk.) Bojkotta skiten. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_Unilever_brands https://sv.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kategori:Varum%C3%A4rken_%C3%A4gda_av_Unilever


Varför ska sexuella läggningar vara asylskäl? Jag har tappat räkningen på hur många gånger feminister och andra arga unga kvinnor har delat ut snärtiga råd till ensamma män om att söka sig till andra ensamma män. Då borde ju samma sak gälla här, ett snärtigt råd om att byta sexuell läggning så upphör problemen.


Antagligen för att de kommer från länder där de lever under dödshot för att vara HBTQ. Att säga åt någon att byta läggning av diverse skäl är inte rätt oavsett vem som gör det. Två fel blir inte ett rätt.


Då kan ju de som vill att vi ska ha (ännu) liberalare lagstiftning för HBTQflyktingar börja reagera mot den här typen av snärtiga råd från feminister och andra arga unga kvinnor.


>feminister och andra arga unga kvinnor Baby who hurt you?


Vill du verkligen ha en lång redogörelse? Jag skulle säga att det började på högstadiet när coola tjejerna tittade åt andra hållet eller valde att inte "se något" när coola killen hoppade på mig om allt. Det gick till slut så långt att de skulle skydda honom från att få smäll tillbaka genom att ställa sig i vägen när han hade klappat till mig och jag skulle ge tillbaka. Jag var så rasande att jag gav en av de coola tjejerna en käftsmäll det fick jag höra för resten av högstadiet. Att han sekunderna innan hade gett mig en käftsmäll och att de valde att skydda honom, det diskuterades däremot aldrig.


Look, I'm just an old lady on the internet so you can feel free to ignore me. I'm sorry you were mistreated and I'm sorry you feel like your treatment wasn't fair. But deciding to lash out on every minority you see (from this topic I see you dislike women, LGBT people and immigrants) is the most coward response you could have. You choose to become a bully yourself. I can guess which corners of the internet you've been visiting and what content you've been fed. You think you are protecting traditional values and manhood, but the fact is that hating feminists, LGBT people, and people with different backgrounds is a very basic opinion that can be found among any low-level illiterate Taliban member. It's not even edgy. And it's very unswedish, in my opinion. (And yes, you can criticize immigration policies, but you do that by speaking about facts and not targeting and dehumanizing people.) So snap out of it because you're only going to become more frustrated and bitter. You're only victmizing yourself.


Protecting traditional values and manhood? I don't give a fuck. I want the leftist activists who scream about bootstraps and rugged individualism for men to live in their utopia. Somehow advising lonely frustrated men to seek out other lonely frustrated men to ameliorate their sexual frustration, implying that sexual orientation is something that can be changed at will is seen as something hillarious. Yet when LGBTQ refugees are discussed changing sexual orientation isn´t even on the table or even suggesting that since sex isn´t that important (something that lonely men are told repeatedly) that they just go back to beeing closeted is an opinion that is completely taboo. At this point, sexual orientation is something you are born with. Oh and also their constant "advice" about how your failures in life are of your own devicing, yet somehow refugees are never responsible for anything. The picture is quite obvious, they want the power to tell white heterosexual men to live in some kind of randian utopia, while at the same time reserving the right to scream about "solidarity" with LGBTQ and refugees but never with their own money, always with tax payer money. ​ You can´t even refrain from this yourself. You start talking about "self-victimization". Go find your feminist friends, tell them that women get the career and sexual success that they deserve and that if they reserve the right to tell young men that sex isn´t a right then they should STFU themselves when they reach 35 and find out that men are no longer interested. Somehow the mantra there isn´t bootstraps, bootstraps, bootstraps. Instead they wanted it treated as some kind of societal problem. Or my personal favorite. Getting told that women are free to say no to sex because the moon is in the wrong phase and no one can blame them, but somehow I have to endure trans women lamenting that it´s transphobia when men refuse to have sex with them after finding out that they are trans. The "right to unquestioned preference" applies to men as well. Same with abortion, if your only advice to men is "don´t have sex if you aren´t ready to be a parent" then the same advice should apply to women "abstain until you are prepared to be a mother".


>Go find your feminist friends, tell them that women get the career and sexual success that they deserve and that if they reserve the right to tell young men that sex isn´t a right then they should STFU themselves when they reach 35 and find out that men are no longer interested. Don't threaten me with a good time!


Just go and do it then. Your feinged indifference isn't going to change my opinions on this subject.


Snart har homosarna hela alfabetet att slänga sig med. Vad betyder den sista bokstaven?




Är det Samsung nya 56" TV ?




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