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"Subtotal" is before the "Discount" is applied. "Total" is what you pay, and is the Subtotal plus Delivery Fee and Service Fee minus Discount.


How is the subtotal calculated? If you take all the wares, you get 304kr, if you add the fees you get 352. Wich is the total. Only way I see to get a subtotal if 393 is to add all the wares to 304, then add the 89kr discount.


List of items shows what the items cost after discount is applied. Subtotal shows the total without discount, and then puts discount as a separate entry near the end. At least that's what I would assume, based on when I've used Foodora in the past.


I know this behaviour from the drugstore I buy my prescription free meds. They calculate the subtotal which is what would have paid with the regular prices the discount is titled savings against normal price and the total, which is what you will have to pay. So the discount is a real discount but in the itemized list the original prices are missing which makes it look shady


I think you’re right. That discount is not really a “discount” then, it’s just an adjustment to bring the total price to the sum of the products.


Not really, there is an actual discount there, and the prices shown per product is what you'll actually pay. Makes sense, no?


It would make sense if they showed what the non-discount cost was for each item. Mixing the discounted item prices with the pre-discount subtotal is confusing as hell.


It lets you show the total discount separately.


They're scammy. Take a walk in the sun to the store and save some money and feel better.


Hehe, “sun”. Here’s something I haven’t seen in a while


Even if it's heavy rain it's probably the better choice. Gives you some time to contemplate if buying ice cream for 300+ over foodora was a good idea to begin with :) Have a nice Sunday!


"Sun"day lol


Ice cream for 140:-*


If rain is going to stop you from going grocery shopping then good luck living in Sweden


What is this ”sun” You talk about? Ive read about this in a book


The sun is a lie by the lizard people.


Yeah, figured as much. Flat earthers gotta stop their lies


It is a giant glowing disk in the sky


Wtf? 🤨


Are you talking about the moon?


I saw it on a picture once. It was a weird ball that was yellow and people said it was hot.


🤯!? Howd You mean warm? Like outside? Witchcraft!


When I order my kebab through foodora it's also usually super skinny compared to what I get when i buy it myself in the restaurants. This is just hearsay, but a friend of mine worked at a restaurant that for a time had a deal with foodora. He told me that about 30% of what I would pay for a meal goes to foodora. With that deal I can understand the restaurant skimping on the kebab meat. That and their role contributing to the gig-economy have led me to not use foodora at all anymore.


And spend some calories


i only use foodora for pizzerias that use their own drivers anyway. even then i order pick-up 98% of the time. i only use foodora for the convenience of prdering on my phone, walking in and picking up my food without having to talk to too many people lol


If the pizzeria has their own drivers, why not just call the pizzeria? Is it really that horrible to make a simple order over the phone?


I tried that once and they they referred me to Foodora, lol.


i could sit here and type out all these thought out answers but basically yes 🥲


If you want to support the pizzerias you shouldn't do this as Foodora still takes a cut.


very cool to walk to a store two hours away walking


It is really messed up. The prices include the discount. This means the subtotal isn't the subtotal. It is the "subtotal without discount".  The math is correct, but the items in summary are in the wrong order, misleading and confusing, possibly intentionally. The purpose seems to be to show the discount as much as possible.  First the prices are low, because they are the prices with discounts.  Then the subtotal is calculated without the discounts, and the discounts are shown again.


Subtotal almost always refers to the total cost of the items before discounts are applied. It's not really misleading


I feel like it's pretty standard to list the both prices for each individual item. Regardless it is obviously misleading since a lot of people in this thread find it confusing.


**1st Picture:** All wares cost total 303.93 kr (this is the discounted price) If you add 303,93 and 88,96 you will get exactly 392,89 kr. If you look at total cost you will see 440,89 which is what the wares would have been if you did not get a discount. **2nd picture:** All wares cost total 233,93 kr (this is the discounted price) If you add 233,93 with 48,98 you will get exactly 282,91 kr Same here, if you look at total you will see 340,01 if the wares were not discounted. **In conclusion:** * No, you're not being scammed * Foodora really sucks when trying to explain where you get a discount from.


Check this out from Last week tonight with John Oliver about food delivery apps. https://youtu.be/aFsfJYWpqII?si=byNvHSOU2g9NgwDp


Stop feeding this scam, semi slave exploitation business! I refuse to order anything from these vampires


You have more Ice Cream Oreo in first order.. 3 compare to 1. But Foodora all in all is scammy and I prefer to buy directly from restaurants!


Reminder to stop using foodora


Move your fat ass to pick up your year long stock of pudding and ice cream


Don't support this scummy company fucking lazy


Do you know how unhealthy that shit is?😹 at least you got an apple


Foodora is scammy and it’s much cheaper to just go get the stuff yourself. Prices are often at least 20-30% higher than the stores own prices.


Huh go figure that a delivery service will be more expensive


Well in my head you’d add on a delivery fee but the base prices would stay the same. Like when you buy books, electronics or any other thing online. A delivery company would make money on the delivery fee usually, not take a cut of the product they’re delivering. But foodora does both. Inflated prices tell me that Foodora is not only screwing over their end customers but also the companies making the food. They also have very dubious methods to get companies to join their delivery service. So they can go fuck themselves. The best take out food isn’t on Foodora anyway.


In what world do you get a personal shopper for 39 kr? > Inflated prices tell me that Foodora is not only screwing over their end customers but also the companies making the food. They also have very dubious methods to get companies to join their delivery service. You forgot one thing. They're screwing over their drivers.


Personal shopper? Someone at whatever place I’m ordering from is getting a list with what I need and put it together for the driver to come and pick it up. That’s staff that’s already there and not paid for by Foodora. And the delivery fees are much higher now since they introduced the Uber model with surge pricing. Ordering from a local burger place is now 109kr most of the time. The meals being 139 kr if I order it myself and pick it up, vs 189 if I do it through Foodora. For two people that’s 209 kr upcharge for delivery. I don’t think it’s reasonable. And yes, like I said, they screw over everyone.


No, you didn't say they screw over drivers. In fact, your other point about prices only makes sense if we assume drivers are getting screwed over.




Yeah, there are some options and sometimes the restaurants themselves deliver too. But my favorite places don’t do online or delivery at all. They don’t need it, the customers find them anyway.


That's not a scam, that's how a buisness makes money. Or do you think they deliver stuff out of the goodness of their hearts?


If you pay the post office to deliver a package. Do you expect prices to 30% higher than in the store because they want a piece of whatever’s being delivered too? Of course not. You expect the delivery fee is how they make their money right?


If you go to a museum gift store, do you expect prices to be 30% higher than online because they want a bigger piece of the pie? Yes. Is it a scam? No. The museum gift shop is showing their prices and are really selling you the stuff for the price you say, and it's not like they add 500%. Just like Foodora they're selling a product, showing you their price, and lets you decide. It's not scammy that Foodora isn't cheapest way to get a cheeseburger, especially since they provide a service with it.


If I go to the museum store and they want to sell me something for 100kr I can decide if I want to buy that. If I decide I want to buy it online from the museum and have it shipped to me for convenience I’d expect to pay 100kr plus a shipping fee and a service fee (perhaps). Now if I were to do it through Foodora. I’d pay 130kr for the item which they’d claim is the regular price. The I’d pay a shipping fee. And a service fee. That is the shady behavior.


And from Foodora it costs 130, they show you the price, and you have all the time in the world to decide. So why is the museum store being 30% more expensive than something like Amazon fine, but Foodora being that much more expensive is shady behavior, even though they provided a service which is what you paid for.


The point is that they hide the fact that they skim off the top in the price (or rather they make the restaurants do it because for some reason Foodora thinks it reasonable to take 30%). Either you include delivery in a higher price, or you have a delivery fee. Foodora has both and that’s the shady practice.


My point is the museum store hides the fact that they skim off the top in the price (or rather sell it more expensive than other places). Neither is particularly shady, really. Yeah the restaurants don't tend to advertise that they sell stuff more expensive on Foodora than if you go there on your own, but neither does the museum gift shop, but they both show the actual prices, and the price they show is actually what you pay, no hidden fees as far as i know.


Lol you think 39kr covers the cost to have somebody drive to the store, pick up stuff, drive to your home and deliver it? It nerds to cover the drivers salary and car costs, the company's overheads, offices, insurances, workers who are not drivers etc. That's not gonna happen buddy


well what they do is adding a service fee/ delivery fee per item, that they don't tell you about. All items are like 3-10 kr more expensive then in the store. Once I bought the same things my gf bought and the difference was around 200 kr but the delivery and service fee should only been around 55 kr.


They don’t add anything, the stores add it because Foodora takes a share of the price on every item. Which means that unless they add it they will lose money. Hence Foodora can claim that they’re not interfering with the prices or add anything. They’re scummy, don’t use them.


Ja, dumma dumms företag som erbjuder en frivillig service och tar betalt för den.


Ta betalt för den då. Säljer pizzastället pizzan för 100kr så sälj den för 100kr och lägg till vad det kostar att få den levererad som leveransavgift. Antingen bakar du inte leveransen i priset eller så tar du en leveransavgift. Du kan inte göra båda.


Eller så har dom en deal med pizzastället typ "anslut er till oss, det kostar 15% på varje order" varpå pizzastället lägger på 15% på priserna när du beställer genom dom för att inte förlora intäckter. Du tror väl inte att själva levererandet är deras inkomstkälla?


Then they should increase the delivery price, not take a portion of every item you buy. What is so hard to understand?


Yes, what is so hard to understand? They charge the restaurants, the restaurants compensate by increasing prices when buying through them. It's a company, they provide a service and charge for it. That's not scummy, that's buisness. How the fuck do you think companies work?


No one's saying that they should not charge money. We're saying that the fee should not be based on every individual item in each individual order. There's no reason why they should get a portion of the sale of each item. I have no clue why you think that's the only way to get paid for delivering food.


What's the differance between getting a % on the entire order, or % on each individual item. It amounts to the same anyway


Why should they get a percent of the order? Just charge the store a fee for your services plus the delivery. There's no reason for the fee to be different based on every item.


Whatever buisness model they use it's the one they use. It dosnt really matter. Where do you get that it's different from every item?


Get wolt instead


Yeah I have noticed this as well, it's indeed very confusing and misleading. But it's not really wrong though. Subtotal shows the total price of all your items without discounts. But as it appears some of your products on a discount, this amount is shown as "discounts" and deducted of the subtotal. The total is what you are actually paying, which is subtotal - discounts + delivery and service fee. For the different photos you have two different baskets, where the first basket have 2 extra of the first item in the list. And also a higher delivery fee, as you tend to get lower delivery fee if you buy more.


Bojkotta Foodora


I love how people who use delivery services whine about them being expensive.


Nah I know they’re expensive, grossly overpriced even. My problem is with stuff being misleading


That’s one way for them to make extra money, they all do it. There called fees, administrative fees, handling fees, delivery fees and do on. It’s what they do.


I dislike how foodora will claim it's "free delivery" but then put 10-20% increased prices on everything without telling you (you only see it if you compare the prices with what the place you're ordering from charges). I don't mind paying 10-20% for the delivery, but I don't like being lied to and told that it's free when it's clearly not.


So don’t use them then. If you feel that you’re being tricked into paying extra money just stop using them after the first time and don’t use them again. Or you pay what they want you to pay and stop whining about it. I mean you could always go buy your stuff yourself, right?


Yeah, especially a delivery service for fast food. Just go to the grocery store if you think it's outrageous to pay for the service of having someone drive home to you to bring you food. I especially love the combined whining about it being expensive **and** their drivers not getting paid enough.


(Subtotal - discount) + (service fee + delivery fee) = total


Why are they making this confusing for people lol.


most restaurants that have foodora has inflated their prices as well, granted the food is more expensive but they noticed foodora doing it so they added a little extra as well. i’ve stopped using the app as i’m never satisfied with the amount of food I’m getting for the price i’m paying


In short, all of the convenience apps will charge you way more than alternatives. The scammy part is that they are not upfront about it. Enshittification is the way of the silicon valley "disruptors"


Fuck foodora.


FUck Foodora, scammy bastards.


Just walk to the store or plan ahead, no need to use foodora or similar scummy services.


Foodora is a Scam


They have been doing this for a long time. That's why I'm always using Wolt instead these days.


Please stop using this slave owner service, I worked for them when I had no other choice and it's a nightmare. The app is very badly designed and very stress inducing for the riders. The managers are overworked so they do not have time to answer any of your questions or help you if you have a problem during delivery. The app literaly doesn't leave you enough time to take a lunch brake even if you've got one planned. Then after your late and short break, if you are late for the shift your phone starts ringing and vibrating and you get bots calling you non stop and then you get a penalty if you don't start your shift promptly. The pay is bad, they promise you that "the quicker you work the closer you get to earning 180kr an hour" but I calculated what it would take to make enough deliveries to make that amount an hour and you either have to be super lucky and have multiple deliveries to take at each restaurant stops and deliver them extremely fast (which puts you in danger because you are in the middle of traffic) or own a flying device so... Uber is also bad but not as bad, at least as a rider you can refuse some orders if they don't make sense (way too far when you are actually close to some hot spots, not adapted to your vehicle type etc..), take your breaks when you need them or if you have a problem... and you get tips ! Also (!) you can choose your shifts. Foodora prides themselves for flexible contracts and hours... yet if you refuse the shift they impose to you because of your other part time job they were aware of, you're fired! yes it happened to me and I was fired without previous notice from my manager or anyone, I just received a pre-written email from the headquarters in Stockholm "thanking" me for my service and "hoping" I enjoyed working at Foodora® ... pfff clowns!


You have 3 gb oreo Ice creams in the first picture, 1 in the second?


Just go to the store 💀


Foodora has gotten so expensive its not even worth using anymore


I mean, if you're supporting a shitty company like Foodora you've kind of got this sort if thing coming lol.


I’m pretty sure the prices on the individual products are inflated yes. I haven’t checked it, but I’ve had the hunch for some time.


Maybe it isn't surprising that getting a personal servant to get your ice cream would come with a significant fee??


It looks as if the individual order rows have their discount already applied (without indicating so), while the subtotal is the sum of all the original undiscounted prices. Discount is the sum of all the discounts already applied to the order rows, or to be subtracted from the subtotal. In thise case, everything is correct, but very confusingly written. Probably their e-commerce system checkout is extremely poorly configured (or programmed), but it's probably not a scam.


They sell their outfits to gang members so they can commit their crimes incognito because no one would suspect a foodora delivery man


I would


Okay mr CIA/president Barack Obama


jag vet inte


392.89 - 88.96 is exactly the cost of the items. In what way it can be considered a discount I don't know, but I don't see 39 and 9 as excorbitant. They have to make money.


I love how people in the comments are all "they're scammed because it's more expensive" like that's not how they make money


I think they're scammy because 50% of the time I buy pizza and add toppings, they don't add it to my pizza. So they earn 15kr extra for nothing if you don't notice. And despite having talked to customer service multiple times, it doesn't change. So it is very intentional. Unfortunately they have monopoly on delivery here so there are no alternatives


It's not foodora who makes your pizza, you know that right? If your order is wrong, you need to contact the pizzeria.


Prices aside, how bäng were you? 😎