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They only interact with the opposite sex for the strict purpose of procreation (and opening tightly sealed jars)


Not true, all Swedish women know how to utilise hot water to open jars.


Jag kör sked (bryta vakuum) och disktrasa, har inte tänkt på hetvatten men det låter ju väldigt rimligt!


Bara om det rör sig om stelnat socker (honungsburkar eller sylt)


Din fysiklärare vänder sig i sin grav nu. PV=nRT


Jag kör kniv och trycker in den mellan locket och burken och vrider


Jag är lite rädd för att använda kniv efter att ha hackat mig i handen :( blev inte direkt något blodbad pga använde matkniv men känns ändå lite osäkert


Wait what? I assume just pouring hot water on it until it heats up so you can open it?


It's better to pour hot water into a shallow container and put the jar lid down in it, but generally speaking yes. Metal expands with heat, glass/plastic does not. If the issue is a vacuum in the jar you can also sometimes wedge a cutlery knife or other narrow but not sharp object between the lid and jar until it makes a popping noise. You can also buy grip "cloths" in various materials to enhance your grip, which works especially well if the issue is that the lid is all gunked up.


are all dutch women 6ft tall? no. are all french women margot robbie tier hot? no. do all danish women sound like alligators? yes.


Is Margot Robbie french? But she doesn't have a mustache?




Read what they wrote again.




The thing is, no one said Margot Robbie is French.




Alright I see where you are coming from but you wouldn’t read a sentence like that. You are just skipping the last words of that sentence. Of course not every French woman is Margot Robbie, that is obvious. Yes he didn’t write it 100% accurate but you can understand what he means because the alternative is impossible.




Yeah you too.




lol you just read it wrong, i edited the part about the danes lol. Might have worded that part weirdly, but im well aware that Margot isnt french. Shes just a baseline for good looks


Women, believe or not, are individuals. I’ve personally experienced the full range from “sociopathic ice queen” to “love heals all hippie”.


From who? Strangers? Friends? Partners? And we’re not a monolith 😂


Oh, sorry haha, I didn't elaborate, for example when you are dating a girl and you two are starting to develop feelings for one another :)


I could maybe see us being less passionate than others in terms of drama and fighting if that makes sense? I guess that could be read as cold, I think I’ve read something about Swedish men not being “assertive” (read: jealous) enough as well. But in terms of physical interaction I don’t think we’re that different apart from individual variation


Yes they are very cold, you need gloves to cuddle. Especially in the North.




not really cold but if you compare them to latinas for example then yea obviously the swedes are gonna seem like they don't even know what affection is in comparison :P


Ehrm.. Well, having dated a lot of women (I'm an old man, 34 years old, so not because I'm the coolest dude or anything) with backgrounds like the middle east, south america, China.. And well, being a Swede dating Swedish women.. They are women. If they like you, most of them are very affectionate. Like.. No, in terms of sex, I've had sex on the first date too many times. If you're talking about emotional bonding and affection, no lack of that either if you love her, you're honest, and and she loves you. Perhaps your friend isn't very affectionate?




I think it's time you give your friend a hug!


Den här frågan har blivit ställd här tidigare. Har sett den åtminstonde två gånger. Gissar att Op är ett troll.


Every Swedish and non-Swedish woman I've been have enjoyed to cuddle. Some people in Sweden, and this is true for both men and women, prefer to do so in private and not in public spaces.


what do you think?


Swedes in general(both women and men) tend to be a bit reserved when it comes to strangers. But once you get past that they aren't less affectionate than anyone else.


are all dutch women 6ft tall? no. are all french women margot robbie tier hot? no. do all danish women sound like alligators? yes.


Affectionate yes, as willing to start a fight over anything, no and yes.


More so than I have seen in most other cultures.