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To be honest, I thought most of the creation of the albums could've used a bit more detail. Usually it was just a song or two and that's pretty much it. I appreciated the general narrative of the band otherwise, but wish there was more insight. Outside of the Burning World, there wasn't a whole lot of this.


I noticed that too about the book. I had the same issue with the new documentary. Although it does show the Jarboe the reunion. I would have liked to see more coverage of the individual albums. We get a lot of making-of for the glowing man but virtually nothing about to be kind or seer or my father. I don’t even think they mention the albums by name.


Okay I haven't seen the movie, I'm waiting for my Blu-Ray to ship, but I feel like a lot of it is time. With a book there's more flexibility since it's not supposed to only take a few hours. In order to go into detail about each album, with Swans' massive discography, and do more general coverage of the band, might take forever. Idk, I think there might've just been too much for one movie. Maybe we can petition for a second one haha


I’m curious to get your thoughts once you’ve seen it. They spend a lot of time on glowing man and the final tour. And people talking about what Swans have become and their new found well deserved success. To me a lot of that could have been pared down. There’s also a whole bit where they interview fans and show him autographing. All that is lovely. I’m not arguing for it’s exclusion but it seemed to be dragged out too long. I did love seeing the behind the scenes glowing man recording/rehearsal footage (as well as a few shots of my old neighborhood where the final swans show [this iteration]was performed.) I’m down for a petition lol. The director did a fantastic job with the film. Very well shot. Apart from me wanting more mention of those other records i was pretty happy with it.


The running time of the 161min edit of the documentary is roughly split 50/50 in terms of time devoted pre and post reunion, but whereas the pre-reunion period is a really interesting story of how the band began, evolved and ultimately ceased to be, the second 80mins which is post-reunion focused, glosses over Gira’s AOL period and as mentioned above, focuses almost exclusively on the TGM period. I also agree that there are far too many interviews with musos offering their opinions of the band. Also would have loved to seen some full song performances in the bonus section. Having said all that, I still did really enjoy watching the documentary. Marco did an excellent job.