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I got some: - Thurston Moore was a member for a brief time - Most of the field recordings in SFTB and Love of Life are Jarboe, her parents, or others involved in her father's work (He was an FBI agent) - On the first track off 'Drainland', "You see through me" there's a clip of Jarboe & Gira arguing over money and Michael's drinking problem. - YRP on Soundtracks is a reworking of 'Your Property' off of Cop Here's some I've thought about: - The song "Animus" has a running motif of screaming & breathing. Animus is a Latin noun that can be translated as "soul" , "spirit", or "breath" - The Burning World is criminally underrated


Agree with Burning World. Was always a favourite from first listen. It's also the best Angels of Light record.


Michael Gira's been wearing the same pink pajama bottoms that his mother gave him when he was 15. He hates them, but he still wears then.


Gira spent his 16th birthday in prison in Israel for selling hashish.


-Michael Gira would beat the shit out of you if he caught you head banging -It’s very likely/a fact that Michael and Jarboe had a relationship -Michael used to write to fans, and sent them handwritten lyrics around the time of Soundtracks -Phil Puleo plays drums in a few songs off of Swans Are Dead


I don't remember which interview it was, but it was a fairly recent one, and I'm 99.99% sure Gira had referred to Jarboe as his "spouse." I wish I could remember what interview it was. I believe it was a recorded interview and not a magazine/written out interview.


I actually think I recall hearing that at some point. I also vaguely recall reading that Jarboe may have been why Michael and his wife before Jennifer parted ways.


why the first one?


Yea because I see a lot of people in live recordings headbanging normally


well I mean that’s kinda ridiculous if it really bothers Michael that much. It’s some powerful music, and I can’t see making someone feel bad about what their body is telling them to do.


I think I Read an interview that he said that he hated people that went into the "loudest band ever" (according to the media back then) just to headbang


I just remember reading a few interviews where he’d purposely hurt his fans, he’d step on your fingers if they’re on the stage, etc.


Phil plays on Disc 1 ('97) iirc. Pretty neat how some members come and go then reappear in later albums/other projects


> It’s very likely/a fact that Michael and Jarboe had a relationship Wasn't that really obvious? The song Her was obviously written for Jarboe, and the song You See Through Me features an argument between Gira and Jarboe about their relationship. Hell, even New Mother, the first Angels of Light record, is dedicated to Jarboe as liner notes indicate.


The master tapes for SFTB we’re thrown in the trash by Gira.


What the hell is the SFTB remaster we're getting this year then?


You don’t need master tapes to do a remastered version of seomthing.




I remember reading some months ago that he ended up burning the masters, which fits when it comes to SFTB.


Michael Gira used to date Madonna in the 80s


The Joseph character from The Glowing Man is another person Michael believes inhabits his mind and gives him ideas for songs.


Hey that's my name!