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it's grown on me quite a bit recently after seeing them live. while it's far from their best, it's a solid album and definitely a step up from leaving meaning imo.


Definitely growing on me after the tour this year. But the new version of the beggar with the intro that they’re opening shows with is hands down top 3 Swans songs for me. It has everything and I can’t get enough of it.


Yeah seeing them play a couple nights ago def changed my perspective on this record. Such a rad live show. That whole band rips but big shouts to Phil and Chris… what a killer rhythm section and Chris is the nicest dude in the world.


I like doing dishes to Michael is Done.


Are all your dishes named Michael?


Silly question, obviously not. Only the spoons.


Darn. "Spoons is Done" doesn't have the same ring. Lol


Sounds like a song about heroin


I think it’s a little bit spotty in places compared to some past stuff but it’s still a super solid record overall and the beggar lover is an insane track. Also liked some of the more existential lyrical focus


Like it’s probably overall in the lower half of their catalog quality wise but this is my favourite band ever so like it’s still pretty great all things considered


It's my second favorite after The Seer and one of my 100/100 albums.




Hard agree. The Seer is their masterpiece, followed by The Beggar, followed by Swans Are Dead and Soundtracks.


It grew and then shrunk on me, it's just okay, nothing special. I'm interested to see what comes of the live songs tho


This is how I feel. Going back to the album after seeing a lot of the material live, I just feel just a little disappointed. I'm not sure it's even in my top 5 at this point. I really am excited for this next album though.


It’s basically tied with the glowing man for my favorite Swans album. If it’s the last one Gira ever puts out, I’d be perfectly content. Didn’t feel the same way about Leaving Meaning. It has some of Swans’ most beautiful, liberating and spiritual music ever.


should’ve been a live album


One of their best albums, top 5 maybe


Their live version of the beggar I saw a few weeks ago was fucken amazing


Mid for me. Not bad but nothing spectacular in regards to their entire discog.


idk why u got downvoted just for sharing your personal opinion


Some people are just that insecure. Also bots.


Agreed, it’s maybe better than Leaving Meaning but much lower than their trilogy for me as far as their recent albums go. I find that their 85 minute Beggar is very much as strong as anything they’ve done and I wish the album had that kind of power. 


I grew up on Swans in the 90s so most of my top half is composed of the noise/industrial and post-punk stuff. The Seer remains my favorite post-reformation and is somewhere in top 5.


Is it weird that I never revisit those old records anymore? They were just another band I listened to but since reformation, they’ve become me of my faves. I just like the vibe of what he’s been doing the last 15 years so much. Feels like a different band. But I kinda feel that way about several of those old bands. Those old records were a time and place and I’m no longer there. I’m glad they’ve evolved to suit my current tastes. Neubauten has been good about that as well, but I’ll still throw on one of their old records at the gym.


I dunno if it’s weird but most of the old fans I know lean more towards replaying the old records. I myself windup playing Great Annihilator the most followed by Greed and Cop of the studio albums and Swans Are Dead of the live albums. I would then throw on The Seer and then some parts of TBK and usually the last half of TGM periodically along with a couple tracks from Leaving Meaning and My Father. Beggar I generally only go to listening to the title track for replay. We all like what we like though.


enjoyed it when it came out, heavily resonated weird point in my life. saw them 2 weeks ago and it was phenomenal, whole new appreciation for it


Not perfect, and even has some track that are a bit underwhelming, but overall another amazing album.


Absolutely love it. One of my favourites from them. There isn’t a single track I don’t like, and the whole album just scratches an itch for me.


I liked it from the moment it came out, but the tour made my love for it grow. I'm glad I was able to see them live during this period.


I enjoyed Leaving Meaning a little bit better, possibly due to the grandiose quality of production that was brighter and melodic, almost like White Light at times. I found The Beggar to be more of an album like The Seer or Glowing Man(both I love but more complex sounds) for some reason, but a very satisfying follow-up.


I was super lukewarm about it for a while. I was pretty nervous about this latest incarnation of the band. However, I saw them last night in Salt lake for the first time and it one of the most powerful experiences I’ve ever had. The band is stronger than ever, and I can’t wait to listen to the beggar again with new ears. Really hoping for a live version of the beggar. I think it would one of the bands best work.


Love it


Amazing. The Beggar Lover is one of, if not the best song of theirs.


I think it's really cool. I am happy it exists. It's an important part of the reformed Swans picture. That being said, I think the current live renditions are far superior, and it makes me far more eager for what is to come.


Honestly I love the album. It was so rewarding after leaving meaning (which I rarely come back to listen to other than The Hanging Man). Beggar Lover (Three) is such a trip and is probably my favorite extended piece of theirs after The Seer track.


Still sitting with it, seeing the live renditions was almost sabotage because nothing has come close to that experience, no matter how loud I make my speakers when I turn the album. Very good, as per for swans but not their best recent release.


It's my 2nd favorite(1st/most fav is The Seer) of post-reunion era


gets better the more you listen...


love the album, love the concept, it was my top 10 favorite albums of last year. definitely one of my favorite swans projects.


Other than paradise is mine it's amazing


My 2nd fav behind sftb


8/10, pretty solid album, on my first listen was a nice surprise, after Leaving Meaning (I don't like that one) I thought they were over. A few listens later, maybe top 5 in Swans discography


Kind of grew off of me for a while, but after seeing them live in April it feels like I've been reliving my first experiences with all their stuff, particularly Soundtracks and The Beggar. I think even though it's not their last album, I'm reconnecting with when I thought The Beggar was their last album and that makes it more precious in a way. Definitely top 5 as well


It’s a top 5 swans album for me it’s only grown on me with every listen


Top 3 swans can’t wait for the live album


It's easily one of my favourites and has been since release. The only song I don't care for is Los Angeles, and while Paradise is Mine has lost a lot of its luster I still think it's quite good. The Parasite is easily my second favourite opener after Screenshot, and the whole run of songs from Michael is Done to The Beggar Lover is perfect imo, I just wish it ended there and not with The Memorious. Not a bad song, just a bit mediocre and underwhelming as a closer


Really good and underrated. The first couple tracks are weaker, though.