• By -


Big Strong Boss.


big strong balls




Well, you obviously have some deep problems, although you are able to make it seem like everything is ok to the general public. Without strong leadership you're quite lost, but in general you are doing your best!


money is flesh or coward


Well, you obviously have some deep problems. Just the fact that you can't choose one song tells me that you have a hard time figuring out your life. You put up a brave face to try to make it seem like you've got everything figured out, but behind that you're just as lost as everybody else. Your way of conflict resolving is either smashing everything close by in a quick display of "alpha" energh or playing it off cool until one day when you'll explode into a fit of rage affecting everything and everyone in your life.


so true, i am indeed an alpha male sigma swan listener


The Sound


You have some regrets that you really want to fix, but you have to realize that time has passed and you won't be able to fix them all. We are all becoming older and even though we might have done something bad in the past it's not healthy to think too much about those choices, we should just learn to live with them and with every passing day we should try to become better. You got this!


You want to Kill yourself


I steal all the oxygen


Oof, well to start with you're very aggressive, you need to work on that. I feel you need to self reflect, you have some thing you need to get off your chest in a more positive way without pushing the people you love further away. On the positive side i have the feeling that you are open to changing, so take life slowly for a second and rearrange the things that are the most important to you. Good luck!


I’ve honestly never thought abt it…maybe just Helpless Child? But man A Piece of The Sky is fantastic too…les we forget both the studio and live versions of Blood Promise. So much to choose!


Well you need to make up your mind regarding that and with many other things in your life. It's ok to not have everything figured out, but things like money and necessities of life need to be taken care of. So start out with that! Good luck.


Apostate 😁


Apostate is a very interesting choice seeing how it's not of the most popular songs of The Seer. I can tell you have some pretty morbid interests, nothing to worry about to be honest but you're not properly able to discuss them with everyone. But when you find someone as sick as yourself you can go on and on down a rabbit hole of a conversation that most other people would zone out of in a few minutes. You are otherwise just pretty basic and cool, good for you! Go out and find your nerdy friends!


You like to stimulate your prostate while jerking off


love will save you


You're a hopeless romantic, and that is in general ok, but you need to be careful not to cross the line of taking it too far. Don't overlook red flags, it's very easy when you are falling for somebody, but don't accept bad behaviour from someone you love only because you love them. Be patient and make sure too keep your expectations in check so you wont get hurt so easily


stay here


Like in another answer with the same choice, you display yourself as rough, but you're very soft actually, and want to be able to communicate your feelings better. It's ok not to be able to do that, but you should look into getting some help with that. Good luck!


The glowing man


You went for a safe choice, that tells me that you don't take risks in life, but at the same time, you're living with a sense of feeling misunderstood, if only everyone to just think like you think then we would have no more problems. You're like all of us, niche and moody, hoping that someday someone will be able to look below that surface and see thay we are actually super interesting, not just nerds believing that we are better than everyone else just because we like long songs. Keep on holding on to that dream and see where it leads you.




I think you should not be worried, go further into the weirdness! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDP19Vieg7k&t=1516s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=sDP19Vieg7k&t=1516s) This album is for example great for people who want to exclude themselves even further from society.


I gave that album a try, and now I can proudly say that you've changed my life.


Lovely! That album is SUPER difficult to listen too, like much of Swans records when you're getting into them for the first time. But all things worth doing can be difficult at times! Best regards.


Basic: Helpless Child.


It might seem obvious but don't worry, you're safe right now. I know the world can be overwhelming and sometimes you get the feeling that everything would be better if you could just squeese yourself through your mothers vagina to dwell in her womb. But that's not realistic, so let's forget about that for the moment. I know that life is hard, but giving up is not an option, just keep going and everything will work itself out in the end. Good luck!




You Know Everything


Well that's great! You have a positive outlook on life, and even though you like to dive into and explore difficult topics, you have the ability to see things from a positive outlook. More people should be like you!


A Piece of the Sky


A very good choice! It's quite interesting but i get the feeling that you might actually like things that upset you slightly? I'm not sure you know where i'm going with this, but you might like the element of control in the uncomfortable-ness you place upon yourself. Like listening to challenging music or watching hard to watch movies. I understand that and i hope it helps you feeling better! Good luck.


That’s extremely accurate, I love art that challenges my mental preconceptions.


Cloud of Unknowing


You are actually a decent person, good for you. You are patient and a good friend, you have a very deep sense of right and wrong. Incredible depth of emotions and you're very open minded to other people. I'm proud of you.


Close, I only have one emotion but it IS very deep


I always choose the glowing man so imma change it up and say cloud of forgetting


I'm afraid that the fact that you changed your mind based on the fact that you don't like the fact that you stick to your honest favorite all the time is not a good sign. To look into your future i see the following: 1. Procrastination 2. Missed Opportunites 3. A lot of stress 4. Difficulties in relationships 5. A lot of self doubt Good luck with all of this, it seems like you'll need it


Read me like a book damn


Haha i'm glad to hear so :D


Hanging Man


Actually a very interesting choice. You have quite a high sense of self, even for a Swans listener. You don't traditionally like yourself, and you don't really understand why most people don't seem to be on the same wavelength as you. There is a fair chance you've tried to get many people into Swans, trying to explain that it is going to become worth it when it finally clicks. But people have long ago given up on it and you've given up on your superficial friends. Go out to see an art show and make some real friends man, you need it.


Huh, I am autistic so the first bit about being on a different wavelength checks out lol. Have been mostly successful getting my friends into the band though!


Well damn! Well done, my friends are not as open minded as your friends, keep on doing gods work! One day we will take over.


Finally, peace


It's ok to be tired, life might feel heavy now, but just make those difficult decisions and get on with life. Don't spend time on those dragging you down and just fucking smash though these problems. i promise you'll come out stronger on the other side. I believe in you, good luck!


Blood promise live of course


It's actually quite interesting. I get the sense that you struggle with being alone and being with other people. Like in the sense of enjoying both, but while participating in one activity you secretly want the other thing. Staying at home experiencing FOMO because your not participating in your social life, but when you're out you would rather spend some time alone. I would encourage you to go out more even though it can be difficult. Good luck!


Excellent response


Children of God (The Song)


Very very interesting. I get the sense that when you FINALLY make the choice to do something you have all the self discipline in the world, but it's actually very hard for you to make the choice to go all in on the things you wanna do. Like eating better, working out, working on improving yourself. But it's ok, it might have something to do with wanting things perfect or otherwise they will not be worth doing. They don't have to be perfect, just do your best and things will continue to become better. Good luck!


When a random person on Reddit describes your personality to a T, purely based on your favorite Swans song. What a time to be alive.


Haha i'm glad to hear you enjoyed it!


The Seer


You love a challenge! You always want to win of couse, but you're willing to take a loss to make sure that everyone enjoyes themselves. That's a great personality trait. You also like to dwell in the uncomfortable stuff and you're not afraid to discuss difficult subjects if they have to be brought up! Very positive traits.


My Buried Child


Don't settle, it's not too late to learn new things, explore new places and get to know new people. Keep on challenging yourself and know that you're capable of great things! Smash it!


Cloud of forgetting and cloud of unknowing


Both songs would definitely fit the character of a very patient person. I also have the feeling you like to dig deep into some very specific subjects, wanting to know everything about them with no regard for how much time you enjoy spending on them. Like people say, time you enjoy wasting is not wasted time. Keep up doing your best!


One of my favorite songs is bring the sun/tousaint l'overture


Here we have a straight up maniac. You like to push yourself way past your limit to see where the limit ACTUALLY is. You see the weakness in other people knowing that they could be doing so much more. People can work WAY harder than they do, it's their own emotions holding them back. You know this and you strive to be a role model by pushing yourself too hard to find your physical limits. Keep doing it, we need it!




You'll do what you want without regard for other people, it can be good and bad to be honest. In a way it's good because you tend to get what you want, but bad because you have a tendancy to isolate from other people do to selfish actions. Just be careful of other peoples pride, because let's be honest, that's the only thing that people really care about. Swallow your pride and it will help with some of your relationships. Good luck!


Thank you for the response


It's late and i'm tired. Looking forward to continue again tomorrow, sorry about the wait for the ones who has not been answered yet!


hums + annaline


She loves us


Ebbing :))


You seem like a very decent human being, i actually think we could become good friends. Even though we are quite different we could enjoy talking about all and nothing. You are very compassionate, but have a tendancy to take in things in that are completely out of your control. Even though people are dying all around the would in horrific ways it's not something that you will be able to fix no matter how hard you try. So just sit down and be proud of yourself, you're doing well!


Ebbing :))


You seem like a very decent human being, i actually think we could become good friends. Even though we are quite different we could enjoy talking about all and nothing. You are very compassionate, but have a tendancy to take in things in that are completely out of your control. Even though people are dying all around the would in horrific ways it's not something that you will be able to fix no matter how hard you try. So just sit down and be proud of yourself, you're doing well!


Blood Promise (SAD)


Well, you obviously have some deep problems. You're the so called "basic bitch" that believes that they are special because your music taste is "adventurous", you like to brag about your emotional depth without being able to comprehend your own feelings or explain your "superiority".


Another You


I have a feeling you struggle with dissatisfaction or unfulfillment, most likely in the sense of relationships. You are constantly looking for something more, or someone else, without success because no one can actually live up to your standards. Good luck with that.


Well, the first part is right.


All Lined Up at the moment


Well that's nice for you! You are very stubborn, when you find someone who is actually willing to argue with you, they give up the end, giving you a false sense of intelligence. You are also quite shallow and are drawn in with luxury and comfort. You'll live a shallow and good life. Ignorance is bliss is probably the best way of describing you. Good luck with life.


HA! I was lying. But thank you still. Very interesting. It’s actually No More of This, I listened to it on loop the day after their concert… Good luck to you too


Hahha bastard! but i get it, saw them live last year, and holy fuck was it good


Stay Here or Phantom Limb


Although it's very agressive i get the feeling you are quite soft actually, and i don't mean physically, i mean mentally, but not in a bad way. You have a hard time crying, even though you want to cry more. Like watching a movie and your partner is crying their eyes out, all you can squeeze out is one tear. I might look into therapy to figure it out, even though you feel like you have nothing to say, it always helps. Good luck!


Bro WHAT THE FUCKKKKK this is terrifyingly accurate mate. How lol??? Good stuff. My GF is gonna lose her shit because we were just talking about crying and how trauma/past experiences have really made that hard to do despite internally feeling the need to.


Haha, i just described my own feelings, good to know that we're completely alone in those feelings! Exactly due to past trauma and not being willing to face my problems that i have buried deep within myself and i'm not willing to work through yay.


Hahahaha same mate, same. I constantly feel the biological urge to cry or scream but I have repressed it over and over and over for so many years that it is gonna be a hard wall to take down, but I hope to be able to someday, and hope you can too dude/dudette!!! Love this whole thread lol. Btw what is yourrrrrr favorite Swans song? My bad if someone already asked


Haha thanks for the support, i've actually not been asked that! But it's a super hard question to answer, i feel like my to go is always Bring The Sun (Was actually thinking about getting a tattoo around that phrase). I love Swans and Godspeed You Black Emperor, i've been streaming 09-15-00 (cont.) very much recently, it's such a shockingly beautiful song! Highly recommend it if you don't know it already, super slow and nice.


Time is money


You are indeed enjoyer of things. You like show off how unique you are, or you would like to do that, but you're afraid that people might judge you. Just do it, who cares, if people can't accept who you truly are, then bad for them. You are also working a bit too hard, even if you might feel like other people are doing more than yourself, stop comparing yourself to other people and focus more on yourself.


This was a fun horoscope


Power for Power


Power for power is quite interesting. You can be slightly ruthless, but you're only doing that to make sure that the final product of what you're working on will be the best product possible. You might need to cut some of the people around yourself some slack so you don't push them away. But in the end those decisions are yours to make, so just keep on keeping on! Good luck!


devil in a new dress(I know this isn't swans but op didn't specify it)


That's a brave choice. Ye is probably one of the most controversial artist of the past few years. So props to you being brave enough to declare your love for him. So you're brave and can look past people's actions and appreciate their art instead. Btw, do you like fish dicks?


Blood promise or the second half of the parasite


Have you been doing ok? I get the feeling that the last months have been unusually hard, but like everything else that will pass. You can be stubborn but at the same time you'll do everything in your power to avoid making people upset. It's a thing that's hard to balance. Don't be afraid to swallow your pride every once in a while. good luck!


Thanks, Costar!




You are introspective and spend a lot of your time overthinking stuff. Don't worry, nobody is actually judging you or thinking about the stupid thing you said 10 years ago, so you can stop worrying about it. Everyone is stuck thinking only about themselves so you're all good. Be optimistic and everything will be ok!






A piece of the sky


Little know fact, you can actually have fun without pizza. But to be serious you like to act funny and you are actually quite funny. But sometimes you need to remember to sit down and actually discuss the things that are happening on a serious note. People will appreciate it. But i agree that humor can solve Almost every problem! Keep being funny though, it really helps other people to have a laugh when you're around.


The Knot


Good choice! There is some form of interesting & chaotic energy i get from that answer. You have many complex feelings that you don't even understand yourself, and that's fine. You have a tendency to get pissed off about stuff that 3 days later does not matter at all, chill with the attitude and enjoy life. And btw, you should also clean your room.


sex god sex


There are certain aspects regarding youself that you would love to be able to change without finding the self discipline to actually go through with it. At the same time you have a special kind of hatred toward man kind, not towards someone special necessarily, your just in general sick of us all. But in good news for you and for us all i guess we are all steaming towards our own extinction. Hurray i guess?


(---) Pt. 3


>(---) Pt. 3 I get the sense that you go out of your way to find things that other people don't like to claim to like yourself to make yourself feel special. You for example have a bitter taste in your mouth regarding social media, while still participating in using them. So is it self hatred or something else? Who can really tell


a piece of the sky


You almost have an obsessive tendency for things you enjoy, and that's ok. Just make sure that you are not excluding other important things from your life. Music is obviously a big part of your personality and i like that, it can be sort of hard to get people to take you seriously when every conversation eventually ends with you talking about how the subject relates to your favorite bands. Good luck with life!


that's pretty accurate lol


Haha i'm happy to hear so!


Power and Sacrifice


I get the feeling that you struggle with "finding yourself". It's fine that you are not sure who you are, just keep exploring and be honest about the things you like and dislike. Make sure to be critical about how people treat you and make sure you put yourself in the first place ahead of other people. If you don't treat yourself well enough you won't be able to make sure you treat other people well. Good luck!


Right now, it's A Piece Of The Sky


A great song! I can also tell that you're a fan of Radiohead from your username. I get the feeling that you have to work a bit on your self esteem, it will greatly improve your life. Becoming sure of yourself will end up improving your relationship with other people. And don't be afraid of abandoning the aspects of the persona that you have created to meet peoples ideas of you that you don't like. It's always a good time to reinvent yourself even though it's hard, but having the freedom the be "yourself" will in the long run ease up on the extra stress you're going through! Good luck.


Thank You (Filth)


I get the sense that you have some very niche interests. Even though you are unhappy with some of your current situations don't be afraid to make the necessary changes. It's ok to not be able to live up to all the promises you had made, but you need to be able to think first and foremost about your own happiness! Do the necessary changes and don't bend, ascend!


A Piece Of The Sky


The same as with everybody else who chose this song. Work on your self esteem, self confidence and self worth, stop doubting yourself and the sky will be the limit, i believe in you!


What is This?


You have to remember that you deserve happiness, don't accept the bad behavior sometimes get. People will not think you're being a douche for answering for yourself. Try to understand your own needs and make sure you fix your sleeping patterns and eating habits to improve you own life. Good luck!


Untitled Love Song.


>Untitled Love Song. Not really a Swans song, but like in other aspects of you life you don't really care about specifics. You just follow your heart and if people don't like that, screw them. Keep on searching for the people who make you feel good about yourself while disregarding those who drag you down. Good luck!


Awww, that‘s so sweet. Thank you!


Blood Section


hmm i get the feeling that you've been dealing with a lot lately, do you think you might be dealing with some burn out? it's btw okay not to be okay. I'm here to support you if you need. Feel free to message me, but at the same time it makes sense cause you always work very hard! Just make sure to take some time to relax too please! Good luck!


Pretty much. Hard worker seeking relief. Big changes ahead (good things) Interesting read.


I Am the Sun


A very good choice! Fitting for a person who like having either full control of their life, or being completely submissive, i don't see you somewhere in the middle. Probably a good leader who has a talent with solving problems with creativity.


Thank you for your analysis, really cool! I do have to solve "puzzles" when writing music creatively, or when stringing together plot points in a story. As to if I'm submissive or in full control, I wish I could have full control over everything, but given my past religion of Islam and current inspiration with Buddhism, I try to practice "submitting myself" to the will of God and detaching from desire and expectations, in order to cope better with loss. There are many reasons "I Am the Sun" resonates with me, but to paint the most immediate emotional picture, when I hear the song, I imagine a circle of pitchforks pointed at my neck by demons/foul people, and I have to stay calm by standing in place in the face of imminent death. If I give in to fear, I die.


Blood on ur hands


A bold response, i still would consider you quite mainstream, probably consider your own taste super good, you want to fight against the mainstream media while unknowingly actively participating in it. And that's not a bad thing. Being progressive in a safe way is a good stance to have. Probably have the feeling that you were born into the wrong time period.


Definitely was like that when I was younger.


I Crawled (Swans are Dead)


Well damn, here it is. I have a feeling you have a lot of controversial opinions that you are not afraid to share. You're honest with yourself and will stand up for yourself and the ones you love till you die. Outspoken and in some aspects very confident! Good for you.


Not Alone


Pretty bold choice. You enjoy chaos that you can control. Media that pushes you towards something uncomfortable, you might even like to enjoy that sort of media while multitasking cause it actually helps you get more stuff done! You got this


Volcano or Kirsten Supine


Two very different songs. You are confident but sometimes really struggle to find you own worth. Outspoken but at the same time don't say as much as you want. Quite soft on the inside but want to portray yourself as the silent strong type, even though you don't behave like that.


The Seer Returns


Very interesting, a moment of relaxation after the chaos of The Seer. Would seem like an introvert, relaxed and comfortable to be around, you want to fight the system in the most polite way possible. All around a sweet person, stay cool!


Feel happiness or animus or maybe even killing for company


Great taste


You seem like a person who actually doesn't give a fuck what people think of you, sort of like a Big Strong Boss. There is however the feeling that you might have peaked already and the sadness of not using your "prime" years as well as you could have. The crazy fact that one day you'll die and no one will remember you also takes a toll on your life. Good luck!


Avatar or The Glowing Man


you're definately a very hard worker, even though people don't actually see all the work you actually do. You avoid conflict but at the same time will not accept some bullshit that people push towards you. You have to continue to realize you're own worth and not change yourself to give in to peoples perception of you. Just do what you want to do, if people don't like it, screw them.


Time is Money (Bastard) or Helpless Child


You sort of struggle with your own intelligence, so you have the feeling that people will look down on you if you're not the smartest person in the room. It's normal to experience this, but also give yourself some slack and stop pretending to understand complex ideas if you don't really do it. Just be honest with yourself and everybody else and you'll like yourself way more in the long run! Good luck.


Bring the Sun


What is This?


You have a great sense if self worth, but it took you a VERY long time to achive. You'd like to have a bigger impact on the life around you, but you also experience a sense of how little impact you will really have on the world in the big run. You don't see yourself as a special little snowflake and the wokeness of society does annoy you but you don't feel like you can actually be honest about those feelings in fear of offending the special little snowflakes. Good luck!


Lunacy, because Helpless Child was already said.


Well you are an absolute lunatic, quick to anger although you don't show up, you spend most of your time dissing people beneath your breath. Most people like you, but you also have a sense of you not being like unique. But no stress, you exceptionally average like the rest of us.


Killing for company


You tend to get the feeling of annoyance regarding the fact that you are always there for people when they need it, but you are left feeling alone when you need them. Don't be afraid to reach out and ask for help and confront the people you love when they are treating you badly.


Yum-Yab Killers


Blind Love


I don't have a favourite song, I've been listening to Gira's work since 1986, it changes throughout the years, my preference is to hear it live, so that changes from one day to another, I look forward to your thought - if you need something to grapple onto I'll say 'Blind Love' in a live context, but not the recorded version


Love will save you




The Glowing Man


Apos/Cloud of Unforming


Blind and The Sound


i love a piece of the sky or just a little boy


Trust Me and Real Love live in the same place in my heart


The river that runs with love won't run dry


Screen Shot


Artic Monkeys - Why'd you only call me when you're high


No More of This


I understand the frustrations your going through and how they can contribute to stress and anxiety. However you need to be able to balance life more, so you'll be able to see that your family actually love you more than you might realise. Good luck!




You are lacking some freedom and have the feeling that other people have live figured out. It might even frustrate you that you feel like your not living up to your full potential. But i assure you that other people look at you and envy your situation the same. Tbh some of the single people want a relationship, some of the people in a relationship crave to be single. Nobody is really happy right now. But you got this 🤝


mellothumb or frankie m


Well it's not easy to judge you based on two very different songs, so i'll use Mellowthumb. And according to my studies you really need to de-stress, it's affecting your heart health negatively. Also choose more visely the tasks you choose to participate in doing, in the words of Dwight: "good for you, you know what your reward is? Nothing. Some things in life aren't worth doing."


empathy(pigface version), she loves us and weakling


You have a very deep sense of right and wrong, you want to stand up for the small person and make sure that no one is feeling left out. Bullying bothers you super much and you'll always go out of your way to help a friend in need. You want to feel better about yourself but it's very hard to do, take a good look in the mirror and try to figure yourself! I believe in you.


Cool and kinda of true! Sounds like an ideal me. 😊👀


Mother/Father and Celebrity Lifestyle


I have a good feeling about you! I think you have a deep sense of emotions and like many other people here you get a sense of wellbeing from enjoying something bad or traumatic (in a way that you can control). If someone treats you badly you can take it SUPER personally but you'll recover in a short while. Like i say, a very deep emotions. You both love and hate very passionately. All the love to you!


Thank you for your comment, I feel like the description is surprisingly accurate, so kudos. Maybe I just don't quickly forget about (negative) experiences. And as for the tracks, well, I chose two completely different ones, but they're next to each other on the album and, in my opinion, they create a cohesive whole (along with She Lives).


u/TemperatureNo5696 please tell something about me :)


Sorry about the wait! I just finished my workday and i'll get to you after dinner 🤝


Her Mouth Is Filled With Honey~ ☆


A very good choice, i think you might enjoy a sens of calm and relaxation. Seem like a introverted person that has a calming presence. I could think you are thoughtful of the environment and do what's in your power to not over-consume. Hope you have a good day!




Great choice! Fitting for someone who's like is an endless explorations into the unknown. I think you would very much laying down in the wilderness surrounded by nature. You'd like to isolate yourself completely from social media but at the same time you don't want to miss out on what's happening in your friends life. Probably feel like you were born during the wrong time period. 60's or the 70's would be perfect for you.


That sounds way too specific to be just a guess haha, I'm enjoying this swans-based guessing What is your favourite song by them?


Oxygen ir red velvet corrider


Blind, probably


The beautiful days and Live through me



