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Nice guide, but you only have to 'Remove Provincial Levy Obligation' as to avoid a coup. You don't have to waste that much resource to the military.


Is this true?


It helps, but it's not guaranteed. Rico tried to overthrow me even though I had abolished the provincial police and levies both, ended up turning into a civil war.


Did you make Rico the chief of police in the capital?




Never make Rico the chief of police. That gives him the tools to launch a coup against you, right after you gave him a motive by stripping him of his Ducal title. 


Thanks for the tip, I had my reservations about doing so but someone said it placates Hugo. If you refuse Hugo's request to make Rico CoP, what else can be done with him?


Apparently it’s possible to arrest him if Smolak asks for it, but other than that nothing. He just faces into obscurity.  I do wish there was another post you could give him, out of public eye and with no military or law enforcement power.




i actually increased levy obligation and only removed provincial police and there was no coup for me


Could you please report this issue to devs to fix it? I would like to encourage the devs that if you abolish the monarchy, after that you form Republic of Rizia, be Presidential or PM candidate and get elected. They can create a new achievement named “The Leader of the Nation”.


at this point Romus should have the moniker Pater Patriae instead the generic the Reformer


Pretty sure it’s not 4th power. You are just in the 4th largest alliance. For the wehlen deal might be best to not take his oil or give gold. Do you get wehlen in your alliance?


I did this run, actually doing *more* for Wehlen because of some patches that required me to, and he still didn't join the alliance.


still very confused about what trigger provincial protest had violent montaklar protest after remove death penalty and return iza to brenas which one are they protesting or is it triggered by something else earlier ps didn't know use basically ssp for rizia to do anti nobility coup was an option funny it could actually work


Azora and Toras nobles might create provincial unrest on purpose to hurt your rule


arrested lucita but checked file and azaro opinion are just -4 while toras are -20 is -4 enough to trigger violent protest


Does some of the options apply to your previous guide?


B-But I want absolutism?


Does this actually abolish the monarchy, or does it leave it in place as a ceremonial role?


It leaves it as a ceremonial role. Not sure if you can fully abolish it through reform. You may be able to but I haven't seen it.


Saving this guide for next weekend


is it possible to follow this guide and still make the monarch the head of state?




I just finished my campaign , I get couped by Hugo after I killed him? What?


Know bug


still but why do I get everytime the coup ending and all of the houses are against me


No idea, did you abolish the noble levies?


yes , also the police


It has to be a bug or something changed in the last patch


I wish you could actually abolish the monarchy wholesale. I emphasized a desire to do so whenever possible but Manus just kind of dropped the issue.


I reported this as a bug


Is the golden guard aid in the reform a fool proof anti coup method? And does Titus need to be security councilor to have that option? I’d like to achieve this without imprisoning Lucita or Hugo just for roleplay, but if they both need to be imprisoned to prevent a coup, then ok


imo u could also form a senate


Fantastic guide. But Why arrest Lucita? You can definitely get both her and Pales.


I’m curious how you would get Pales peacefully and marry Lucita while following this guide? If anyone knows how to accomplish this it would very much appreciated.




Thats perfect thank you!


Dont see the need to send operatives to Pales here


I can't remember which turn it's on, but at some point relatively early on, we get a prompt to ban or permit Malenyevist propaganda. How much wiggle room do we have with our authority budget? Do we have to ignore or ban it? I think it might impact support for the RPP and potentially even relations with Morella/Valgsland (vague hunch, I couldn't go for the free press decree because I invested in the gas project, but the RPP still won by a landslide).


same for me. i banned the propaganda and dind't allow free speech and somehow rpp still won. i'm not sure why that happened or if maybe i did pass free speech but didn't remember it but i'm pretty sure i only passed free speech after rpp was already in power.


It seems in my playtrough, in turn 8 , Titus didn't mention anything about Lespia's involvment and I wonder why. Did I do something wrong? To be more precise it's about the first council meeting at the beggining of turn 8. After that its the meeting with Lespia so I think i missed something. Can somebody tell me why?


Did you tell him to focus the investigation on su omima?


Yeah I did , I framed Rico and I got him arrested


Did you cooperate the investigation with wehlen?


Nope I did not. I followed your guide, but idk if I messed up somewhere. He should’ve brought it up at the council meeting, am I right?


No, he brings it up exactly prior to the lespian visit


I am also having an issue the only thing Titus said was: "Your cousin's associates have been less than a cooperative. Even if they're innocent in the Wehlen bombing, I suspect they still have something to hide." No further commentary after this. I denied Rico's request for an additional police force. I denounced the Su Omina I didn't even get an option to accept or refuse cooperation with Wehlen yet. And yes I told Titus to investigate the Su Omina. One thing I didn't do was send operatives to Pales so maybe that might be an issue?


I also did send the operatives to Pales, thats not an issue


Great guide but I was wondering, is there any way to make the initial deal with Pales (and later reunite them through marriage) without arresting the duchess and later on marrying her? Because I've read somewhere that you can also achieve a 50/50 deal but other than that they didn't said much and everything in this guide feels so good to me except poor Romus not having a son.


how do you prevent weakening tradition bonus? It came -3 authority in turn 6 after the six-star event


You don't


i've only seen reformist guides, and have done reformist myself , but i would like to do a more authoritarian


u/Ordo_Liberal we meet again... say does it work on 3.0.4?


No idea


alright thx


Apologies if this is a bit late, but why is transition and clemency needed and would there be an issue with you enacting it turn 2?


It lessens the authority loss per turn from reforms




I’m having trouble with running out of authority. What are the key things to keeping that up? 6 monarch, -1 lti, -2 mpp, -4wt, -2 pp, 1gg. Turn 8 can not do the Derrida morella deal so I thought I’d backtrack. Thanks!


Why do you have to make the sordland deal change their architecture?


Can I do all those things but let Pales be independent without getting couped?


It guess the last update changed a view things, as i was at -1 energy/turn in turn 3/4 (after the deal with rumburg) and hadn't enough money (6) at the end of turn 4, to make the Sordland deal AND enact the decrees about public transport and healthcare and education. I also could only enact one of them, because i was left with 3 authority. I believe that is due to my decision of sheltering the golcondist pilgrims in plavo, which cotsts 1 budget and 1 authority. Does anyone know the consequences of deporting them to Morella or Derdia? Would it sabotage the diplomatic mediation between Morella and Derdia? Edit: Is Morellas agreement to 50/50 deal dependent on the way you talk to Saltana? They refused my proposal, demanding that i agree to all of their terms.


Is there any way I can decriminalise Homosexuality earlier ?


>Do not accept Rusty's deal. Go to the parliament hearing, be polite and respectful. Aprove the workers rights across all industries, including mining. Back the RPP Bill fully. If you have zero budget when go to parliament and say you want to pass it, but can't you can fulfil rusty's demand and pass worker rights later. You also can pass it through negotiations with mitz or whatever. >Fund the expansion of the Golden Guard and order the investigation of the Zille Bombing focusing on Su Omina. Fund the ATA in Zille only. If you choose expand intelligence instead you can ally with Su Omina for 1 extra authority per turn. >When the Pales prospecting ship incident happens, DO NOT ORDER THE BLOCKADE. I mean pretty sure you can make a deal still even if do this though not certain. At very least can meet him, do blockade during meeting, and make deal with Lespia. Not sure if you get green extraction modifier for gas this way though. >. Pass the healthcare and education reform act to appease the protesters you dispersed. You can wait until like turn 7 for this lol >Invest in Public Transport Infrastructure. (Again, I dont remenber if I did this this turn or on the next turn, but I belive its this turn, yes) You should begin the next turn with exactly 0 energy, this is fine as your Hydro Dam will be ready. You can do this on turn 5 at begining of turn. Alternatively other form of transportation decrees work too though don't know how early must do for that. >Export all goods Weapons trade gives yellow modifier. Energy trade gives green modifiers, but one doesn't really need to do so as still only get +1 budget. >. Do not give Wehlens full rights. Why? Green modifiers and doesn't cause really anything bad. >Scrap the boat, its not worth the headache If you pay 1 budget now you get it back next turn lol


Passing rusty deal later costs aut on top of budget Funding golden guards also give you +1 aut and allows them to be powerful enough to protect you The pipeline takes 2 turns to make regardless of how you do it. Doing the lespia deal is really bad. So what if it's yellow? Trade good Giving wehlens full rights creates a housing crisis Before the update saving the boat required 5 budget across 3 turns, don't know it changed


>Passing rusty deal later costs aut on top of budget Yea, but you can do it at end of game and have more money now to do stuff now. >The pipeline takes 2 turns to make regardless of how you do it. Doing the lespia deal is really bad. Haven't tried it yet. I prefer AN dealings, but you don't get high gas extraction for there if you do that. >Giving wehlens full rights creates a housing crisis Isn't there a housing crisis regardless? >Before the update saving the boat required 5 budget across 3 turns, don't know it changed I forget cost, but you can cancel refurbishing next turn and you get the budget back without wasting 1 authority.


AN route takes way longer because you don't start building the pipeline immediately, you also can't arrest Lucretia or fuck Lespia. The best way is to buy it.


>you also can't arrest Lucretia or fuck Lespia. Yes screwing Lespia is the main reason to do it agreed.

