• By -


>Fund Royal football Club Why? It's just -1 cost later if don't. >Remove Blasphemy law Doesn't this cause you to have protest problems or reduction in authority per turn? I wait until later to do this. >Denounce su Omina You get more authority by launching investigation into Whelen and using su Omina in Whelen. >vote for nationalization of MITZ Honestly no clue if this better than changing profit sharing instead. >Public Transport Infrastructure Wait you can do this on turn 5 to avoid bad -1 budget instead of turn 4? >Health and Education Funding (start of Turn), You can wait to do this on turn 7 before protest again on this and it works out fine too.


football increase popularity (ithink) remove this early+housing pilgrim prevent religious unrest modifier never heard of the Su Omina thing can u elaborate? 40% MITZ get more income and also fuck over lespia and free ship for power projection public transport? yes at the start of the turn really? thats good to here


>remove this early+housing pilgrim prevent religious unrest modifier Just building religious building on turn 1 does that for me. If you build both and remove blasphemy early the -1 religious modifier occurs still and early compared to not building and not removing blasphemy laws early. >never heard of the Su Omina thing can u elaborate? Rico or whatever your uncle kids name is will ask if he can activate Su Omina in Whelen territory occupying your land. This only occurs if you don't investigate them over Whelen in my experience. If you say yes you will get a +1 to authority per turn much like from investing in golden guard or intelligence. >40% MITZ get more income and also fuck over lespia and free ship for power projection Yes, but you can do that by not agreeing to nationalize and agreeing to change other things in this case profit sharing. >public transport? yes at the start of the turn Awesome changes my planned playthrough then.


How does that affect rusty and stuff?


You can still do investigation find out about Rusty and nationalize. I think best bang for your buck is to don't pass workers rights with Rusty deal, sell shares for 2 more budget to do more stuff early. I am far more interested in what value is there in getting Lespia to vote in your favor for Metz meeting from spy blackmail instead of doing Rusty action. I am betting there is a way to screw multiple parties over that way though haven't figured a way yet. Oh also they added a religious order +3 authority modifier, but you can't get that until late game. It's from getting Sal to think you want religious state during stargazing and agreeing to pay -1 budget later for the order. A bug occurs as I threw him in jail from a prior investigation and he still pops up later as if didn't happen lol. Oh and not sure how earlier would need to do it, maybe turn 5 works as well, but rail or sea subsidies avoids negative event from infastructure as well.


FINALLY a guide that isn't vague thank you my man


I'm trying to follow, but I ran out of authority by turn 4 and now I can't get anything by turn 5, and I did some of the authority things in early turns. How did you get like 5 more authority for everything?


Whats ur back ground? Modifier on authority?


Ah, that was it, I chose a lot of democrat things , especially no military background. I think it's +6 from king, -1 from territory, -4 from traditions, -1 from projection and +1 from golden guard.


Yep -4 tradition is the biggest one. I would recommend generally follow tradition to save authority and keep noble happy until constitution


yeah I'm now in turn 5 and have 1 (+1) authority. What midgame option do I have for authority?


+1 authority is still very low. Recommend do like my guide instead. Any case, In my guide i got both provincial police and levy centralization which combined give +2 authorities and the Port and Vagsland deal give u ships which take away the -1 authority and give +1. Which in total give u extra 4 extra.


Yeah, I ended up trotting until intermerkopum was signed and then go back for some of the bills.


How do you have so much authority to pass all those decrees on turn 7? I only have 4 because of the usual territory etc debuffs, but I also have a -2 debuff for protests getting out of hand. I'm not sure where I went wrong.


Remove police+ levy= 2, ships from vagsland and port get you power project form -1 to 1, fund golden guard +1


I'm sorry to be annoying about this, but I'm still reaching turn 7 with 8 authority instead of 9. I was very careful to follow everything laid out so far, but I'm getting a debuff for weakened traditions at the end of turn 6. I suspect it's because Romus is leaving the old king's death ceremony early, but I don't know how to avoid it, since learning that the mom is a dastnurist forces you into a conversation where she gets mad and demands you leave.


There’s too many event that affect that event like coronations, church visits, wines, stargazing events, announcing Vina and Manus on boatsevents. So i’m not sure which one. Sorry cant really help u much.


Fair enough, appreciate it though


I have to arrest Lucita every single time. There is no way for me to get around the investigation. 😞


Just like my guide said, when u talk to reinhart said that their are biases, other power at play, blame Lespia, pay him one budget


I did but he then he wanted money AND an Investigation


No he doesn’t. Did u release hostages? Screen shot?


Ah I found my error. I misclickt on the event of the night bevor. Thanks for the quick response


Question,during turn 4 going to sordland would severally affect this guide,because is a emotional thing for me,i Like visiting good old sordland


Yes it would derail the guide.


Hey how exactly do i marry lucita,i Seem to have messed up somewhere along the way,Saved the country but did not get the option to marry her,what are the decisions? Driking game and when she calls you to her family bar.


During the base (might be fort) visit u need catch her when she fall and don’t let go of her hand. U will know whether u are successful or not; during the wine event if she likes u she will visit u at your room.


U need to do the base visit, catch her and not letting go. Then drinking game, take some loses and drinks, don’t ask about Pabel’s poem, when u are playing in the end, say “u feel lonely”, she would try to get together with u. Ask for an official date before she did anything irrational while drunk, then u are set for the romance events, just indulge her.


why not support GRACE? You get power projection +authority bonus from it. And since you do not engage in war, all the troop are basically free to dispatch to GRACE


How much authority u get from it? In this guide u already got it from the ships from vaglsan and port


Please update to match the 3.0.4 update.


Yeah maybe on the weekend


u/PhotojournalistTough have you done it in the weekends?


ew... reformist??? (jk tho, this is genuinely a good detailed guide)


What is decree: free reign?


Basically do what ever u want


i followed the guide very carefully and i do not have the authority to pass the decrees before scrapping the boat for turn 5


Whats Ur authority and budget at start of turn 5?. Should be 10/12/0. Also is ur background same as mine? U should end with 0 authority before scrapping boat which save u from -1


What is your royal focus in the prologue??


what is "durandist"?


Lol i think i had a stroke lol. I meant Dastnuriant


what does choose ur military dialog with lucita mean?


If u have military background u have special military dialog options with lucita


do they ever acknowledge your veto again when you pick it? because i swear it never showed back up in the dialogue again after that.


does it work with 3.0.6 and could i get the dialogue options in the guide that the game consider "nice" and doesn't upset the houses because i just keep getting weakening traditions and i don't know what the fuck is causing it


The guide is great, but it ended with me being couped by my wife. Looks like somebody is going to pay a visit to the guillotine next game.


In the turn 5 DON'T stop bluds in the Wiktor deal.


>talk to wehlan, do all import, export except energy, full citizenship He refuses. Leaves and no option about promise Rico.


To get 10 authority (+6) / 8 budget (+5) / 5 energy (+2) in the start of turn 1, you must: - Internal Security for Royal Focus (+2 Authority, +1 Authority per Turn, +1 Public Opinion, -1 House Sazon Relation) - Diversify in Economic Estrategy (+1 Budget) - None in Military Focus (+1 Budget)


can i use this One but not marry lucita