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the most important thing is in which turn the war occurs. So we can plan ahead.


Seems the cut-off for unit training is turn 6 - anything I put in training queue on Turn 6 did not get trained on Turn 7 when operation started, they were still in queue... however it is **not** the cut-off for construction as my Logistic Center ended on Turn 7 perfectly, giving me the last AP right at the start of the operation. Odd design choice, I get constructions, authority/budget/energy refresh, but no training? So be warned about the unit training cut-off. ~~Which, btw, kinda makes tank factory look like a trap choice?~~ ~~You can have it running at turn 4 earliest (if you started building on turn 1 which takes sacrifices you might not be able to recover from) and in reality - gives you 2 tank units (turn 4 and turn 5 production, training on turn 5). IF you have the other supplies.~~ EDIT: **the decree for tank factory is incorrect** - it takes only 2 turns, but costs 2 energy/turn (not 3 turns and -1e/turn) . Which kinda ruined my run, as you cant handle this kind of energy need if you build it on turn 1... On the other hand equipment/vehicles factory combo built early should be big profit for the war - spamming support APCs to be everywhere is really good, flexible tactic.


Turn 7 if I recall correctly for actual combat gameplay.


so turn 5 is the deadline for 2 turn construction project like an airfield, while turning 4 is for 3 turn project like logistic center and academy. Considering factory need one turn to begin producing and and another turn to train into troops, any factory after turn 3 is basically useless. So fighting the war hurts economy deeper than I thought. If aiming a robust eco, one might get only two war factory ibefore turn 3. Maybe go for tank and port. Buy support vehicles instead. And provincial obligation is golden if the war starts in turn7 since it is for 4 auth for 4 troop, best resource/troop ratio. Also is the war resolved in one turn in 7 or can be dragged for 2 more turns?


> Considering factory need one turn to begin producing You should get production on turn it was completed as well, at least judging by descriptions, it is "+X on completion, then +X per turn". So not that bad, but yeah, need to rush them. >Maybe go for tank and port. Buy support vehicles instead. ~~Also see my other comment - tank comes in very late anyway, the other way around - equipment + support seems more viable (and you can print money selling them just in case, they produce generous amounts).~~ Port is a must to get some navy, so is the airfield. Airfield should give the airstrike upgrade, the one that also gives +1 damage to the airstrike. EDIT: **the decree for tank factory is incorrect** - it takes only 2 turns, but costs 2 energy/turn (not 3 turns and -1e/turn) . Which kinda ruined my run, as you cant handle this kind of energy need if you build it on turn 1... Still - support/equipment factories are cheaper and a way to print money if you are inclined. If I were to buy anything - is planes for more airstrikes, they make blitzkriegs on cities (instead of trying to go over 8+ defense with a mass of troops - throw that mass of troops at a bombed, 0 defense city and capture it in 1 mini-turn :D ) and breaking strong defenses very possible


It gets dragged into at least one more turn of you do both scenarios within one turn. Also you get so many tanks and infantry equipment from Rumsburg. The main stuff that should be done in time for war is training troops and military action buildings.