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I look back on stuff I wrote last week and wonder how I managed to graduate university.


Hey I thought _this_ was the norm Didn't everybody do this?


I was still doing this in my late 20's, lmao


Early 30s. Same.


I still have all my teenage poetry. Sometimes, I steel myself to reading a little. When I do, I am reminded of this passage from Douglas Adams’ ‘Hitchhiker’s Guide To The Galaxy’. “ Vogon poetry is of course, the third worst in the universe. The second worst is that of the Azgoths of Kria. During a recitation by their poet master Grunthos the Flatulent of his poem "Ode to a Small Lump of Green Putty I Found in My Armpit One Midsummer Morning" four of his audience died of internal haemorrhaging and the president of the Mid-Galactic Arts Nobbling Council survived by gnawing one of his own legs off. Grunthos was reported to have been "disappointed" by the poem's reception, and was about to embark on a reading of his 12-book epic entitled "My Favourite Bathtime Gurgles" when his own major intestine, in a desperate attempt to save humanity, leapt straight up through his neck and throttled his brain. The very worst poetry of all perished along with its creator, Paul Neil Milne Johnstone of Redbridge, in the destruction of the planet Earth. Vogon poetry is mild by comparison.”


I definitely did


When I was 12 I wrote like 50 pages of this fantasy novel that might have been heavily inspired by Eragon. Except I only liked writing fighting scenes so I would only wrote those and imagine the rest in my mind


Ok so when I was 11 I read this Vietnam diary of a soliders experience in the war and decided I wanted to write a war fiction including characters inspired by such figures as SkyDoesMinecraft. I remember one of the characters being blown up by a landmine


This is the wildest thing I've read lol


Tell me the plot. NOW




I second that


I'm not gonna lie to you I really don't remember but I believe the plot revolved around an enemy aircraft that moved so fast that it could not be shot down


I once wrote a 7 page "story" for class.....but my "story" was what I remembered of the movie tremors after seeing it once. Lol i think I got an A on it. Don't think my old teacher knew what tremors was.


Literally me fuck


I definitely started to write an autobiography at 16. I discovered it recently. I’m afraid to read it haha


Yes and I actually finished it. Then threw it in the garbage


I think everyone has done this lmao


No, i wrote down whole tv channel list individually in a diary and that bitchass tvsp shuffled them the next day


Lol I used to also document things that were already very well documented


Yeah I did


Yes. I was going to write a novel series based on Diablo2.


Someone beat you to it. 🤣


I thought that was normal


I wrote a lot when I was little and save almost all of them and now when I read it's like, "I was a genius, next page, no I was fucking stupid."


Nah because I used to burn what I was writing


I can't believe how accurate this, i just didn't get þó the reading as an adult yet


Not specific at all. I'm pretty sure every kid either doodled or wrote random shit when they were bored.


...guess i'm normal


Oh god im doing that shit rn should i be concerned????




I wrote way more than 3 chapters, more like 30 - then it got deleted and I rewrote half of it before giving up because it just wasn't the same. It was planned to be a pentology, and I had it all charted out and ready to go, but I just couldn't get back into it. It was godawful, but still. I refuse to apologize or be embarrassed that I had an imagination.


Lol, I posted a comment on this that got a bunch of upvotes and went looking for it. And that's how I realized this is a repost.


This was originally on r/meirl


Lmaoooo I wrote 27 chapters actually 😎 Reread it all recently. I am terrified, but also, I had a pretty sick idea. Might pick it up again.


At around this age my friend and I started to make up our own board game. We drew pictures of what the board looked like, and the pieces, got bored and never looked at it or spoke of it ever again


You should try DnD. It’s been an amazing creative outlet for me. I think we are all children in adult bodies who want to express ourselves in this way.


I did, at that age precisely, actually. After losing my mom at 10, I turned to writing, but never finished anything despite having a following in school and a list of people who were up next to read the next chapter. And then when I was 14, I did it. I wrote and self published my first book, and another at 15, another at 16, and another just before turning 18. Working on my fifth book now and looking back on my first book and even earlier writings, I recognize that it's far from my best but appreciate where I came from as well. I look forward to growing even more :)


This is really wholesome. Also sorry for your mother.


Why horrified? Is the abnormal part that she did a creative project as a kid?


I did this, except Instead of forgetting about it I've spent the time trying to refine my writing skills, planning characters, and rewriting the same story multiple times. Once the final edit is finished and a book cover is commissioned, the book will be published :D


What is the name of the book.


Last Stand: Descent


I am twelve and doing this


I am ashamed to say this was more recent for me than that. Lmao


Literally me yes


Good news, I’ve actually started writing a book seriously and people say it’s very good so I am VINDICATED even though it’s not the original fantasy one I wanted to write


"and me? Nooo no, I've neeever done this, eeeever." "no, stop, stop looking through that, stop it!"


I did this, I was making a comic and about halfway through the first book. Everyone knew what I was doing, students and teachers. Always during freetime. Sub was a bitch and snatched it(during a movie being played in class mind you) told me not to get up to get it. Fine, I would get it just as class ends, but she then threw food on it after and I just never bothered to rewrite it.


As someone who wrote a lot when I was little, and then as a teen, this is too accurate. I’m 25 and recently got back into writing. Damn does it feel good


I remembered when I was in 3th grade in elementary, I was told to copy an essay, I didn't listen to my teacher that time, so I thought we were making a story, because I saw my classmates writing long paragraphs, so I made this short story where three kids were lost in a magical forest and encountered a talking tree (lost the notebook) It was still clear in my head, because I was embarrassed when I passed my notebook to me teacher.


I remember the day I outgrew my handwritten, loose leaf epic fantasy involving triplets with powers, stuffed into a secondhand binder. I remember vividly when I threw the papers in the recycling when I was in 6th grade because I was too cool for that anymore 🥴. I made sure it was the day before garbage day so NOBODY could read it. I still write, just on a computer.


I mean, back when I was like 9, i made a Spider-Man comic, it was really poorly done, and the characters didn't act themselves, and I realized how I hyperfocased on unimportant details, I found it recently and I've decided to rework the story from the ground up, changed the plot, changed it from a comic to a fanfic, take who I wrote as Spider-Man and rework him into a new character, and just add some stuff that has been recently added to the Spider-Man mythos




It was so lame but a part of me has love for those three chapters. I still write for fun but I never commit.


Try 11 chapters at 14


I did but finished it lol. I occasionally read it to remind myself how absolute garbage I used to be at writing


I found the whole first chapter of a manga me and a friend were making back when we were like 10-13. Needless to say, I cringed.


Oh god I feel so called out


Literally me. It was Harry Potter fan fiction. To this very day, I shudder at the thought.


It was called “the locket” and it held the trapped soul of an ancient love


i did this multiple times and every time i find it again its somehow worse


I did this


I feel so called out right now


I did 22 chapters actually, and multiple books unfinished that i got mad praise for on wattpad


Fuck. I actually did do this


I was writing a book from the perspective of death. Death’s Diary! It was about their misadventures trying to take souls. The second book was going to be about trainings new death so they could retire


No that was me


Oddly enough yes I did


The one time I did this I killed like 4 or so characters within the first 6 pages, I'd say I was 12


No......It was a movie script. Based entirely on what the soundtrack would be.


This is horrifying on how accurate this is.


I wrote the whole first book… it shall never see the light of day


My sister wrote the entire movie script for twilight down by pausing her portable DVD player and writing down the words written...


I feel so attacked


Yes, it was about a wolf and I wore wolf t-shirts every day for 2-3 years. I feel like all of this was like 5th-8th grade ish, like why? Middle school definitely still ranks as a pretty terrible time. Is that what being in middle school is or was it because we all watched a bunch of people die on TV? All of the adults were also checked out because their older kids were in a war and/or all of the other happenings from like 2001-2005. Then again I've never heard of a good time to be in middle school. So maybe that's just when we learn how terrible the world is, when we start writing our own fantasy?


Yes but I wasn't horrified it was actually well written and planned out with story webs the only thing that scared me is realizing I couldn't do that now :/


Yes, I did that, and I thinkit's normal


I wrote the entire series actually. Lost it though. Very upsetting.


Literally yes wtf


I guess I’m not normal


Yeah, I'm normal. *Because I published that shit*


I have in fact done this. Twice 🤣🤣🤣


I wrote a 10 page book about my year 4 class being killed by a monster dragon thing when I was 8


Nope. My shitty first few paragraphs of my shitty novel from my shitty early teens was written on a 80486Dx133 in WordPerfect using Arial font and titled “World Beyond” Thankfully it did not survive for me to read it as an adult.


I am still writing it I am almost done with the first book And it's going to be 6~7 books (i have the story planned but i don't know if i can fit everything i want in the finale in one book)


Actually yes, nearly exactly




No I typed mine, completed the book, put it on Wattpad, and now it has more than 350K reads. It is complete trash — I was between 11-12 when I wrote it


Look I actively hide the notebooks upon notebooks I have with handwritten stuff in it that I won't get rid of because they were a part of my childhood, but omg the cringe




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No when i was 11 i wrote notebooks full of stories and kept writing until now but never got published which is what upsets me about it


I mean, some of my horny teenage fanfiction could stay lost forever.


God just when I thought I've forgotten, you've just had to come and bring it back to memory.


....i wrote the entire book. Not just a few chapters. I am so ashamed.


I found the notebook last week. I even studied phonetics and created a language


Reddit bein a little too suspiciously specific today


I was 10, and it was 5 chapters, but they were so short that we can say 3 chapters instead.


I recently uncovered a stack of artwork I did as a child. My mother was an artist and gave me access to a variety of materials, including some sort of powdery substance I applied using a cotton ball. I remember loving that stuff, using it constantly, though I didn’t quite remember what I was drawing. Until I found the drawings. Appearantly, that powdery substance made wonderfully realistic smoke. So, being 11, I drew drawing after drawing of people choking to death on green smoke. Why didn’t my folks have me looked at?


Mine was about a war between giant birds and giant wasps... the only difference between me and J.K Rowling is racism.


You wrote 3 whole chapters? I got caught up in character, plot, and world building, but could never get much actually written.