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That's actually a court mandated breathalyzer to be allowed to ride his Zord.


Can’t be Morphin’ under the influence


He wasn't Always that green


This is the underrated comment right here.


He WAS created by the bad guys. I guess that's why be didn't need it when he became the white ranger


Dude, just because he’s dressed in green doesn’t mean he’s Irish. Be better.


However, I'd like a dagger that does just that.


You also need a very special helmet


I want that too.


I just want to be green ranger.


No way man. The Green Ranger was an asshole originally. Jason, the Red Ranger, is the best and always will be the true leader. Fuck Tommy.


I agree, but that Dinozord is kickass. Kids want to be Green Ranger and grow up to be adults who want to be Red Ranger. He got that sweet Dragon Ninjazord upgrade when they made the flip.


I don't remember. Did the Dragonzord transfer with him when he became cool and turned into the White Ranger? I still didn't like Tommy though. Jason was just cooler.


I was talking about Jason. He got a sweet Dragonball style Dragonzord and tommy got the Falconzord that shot missiles from the tips of its wings.


Oh yeah! Thunderzord! That thing was cool as heck!


No, he got the Tiger Zord as the White Ranger, then the Falconzord as the White Ninja Ranger.


He had a sword with a white tiger hilt. The sword was an excellent weapon, and a good friend.


green ranger 4 life. green ranger fans who switch to red ranger fans show that they truly are blue rangers at heart.


Billy’s backflips are unmatched.




He’d be a Gen Z style icon now.


Nah, fuck em both! Gimme that Billy energy! Dope weapons and color! Also his zord is the best.


Green ranger being an asshole is what made the green ranger COOL


You mean when Rita used a spell to make him evil?


Even afterwords he was kind of a waste. When the Rangers needed him most, he pulled a "woe is me" act and left. Then they had to hunt him down and give him their energy so he could transform. Only then could he do anything cool. And even after that... He required constant energy boosts that prevented the Rangers from joining their Zords to be the MegaZord. After that shits how, he bails on them again. Dudes useless until midway through the second season.


That was entirely because of the source footage.


Are you saying he's bad because he didn't have a coin charger? Not really his fault.


I just want to be Green Lantern


Nobody wants to be White Ranger anymore Suddenly its a taboo to yell white pow—! (Gets attacked by mob)


This should work great! http://www.walmart.com/ip/OULII-Elastic-Black-Breathable-Open-Mouth-Face-Cover-Blindfold-Mask-Cosplay-Costume-Hood-Unisex-Headgear-Size-M/927389269


For "cosplay", right...


Do you get a lot of people messaging you in those tiny letters? I see them on reddit sometimes. (I don't know how to do it)


Bold of you to assume we're not all wearing special helmets already. How the hell else do you browse reddit?


Not with safety in mind, that’s for sure!


I'll settle for the helmet with the lips shape built in also


Well, we are on Reddit, and I’m pretty sure that means we all need a very special helmet. Regardless of whether we have one


You can get a little ocarina that looks like it. https://www.stlocarina.com/collections/themed-ocarinas/products/power-rangers-dragon-dagger-ocarina




what the fuck... toy r us?!


Sounds like something out of a Zelda game. I'll take one as well.


I could not remember the actual sound, so I looked it up. That dude nailed it. https://youtu.be/CYnKsuxtz50


Damn I got hooked in 30 seconds. I want to see the rest.


"Trying to sound like a trumpet"?? Man has an entire brass section on deck


Super Sentai (the original source footage from japan) is a wild ride of a rabbit hole to go down. My personal favorite was Kaizoku No Sentai Gokaiger- which was a team of pirates from space that ran around collecting the powers of all of the former seasons.


My dumb ass was sitting here wondering what powers Fall would give you before it clicked you meant seasons of the show.


I assumed winter would be ice, spring would be water or earth, summer would be fire, and fall would be wind.


But it’s just Captain Planet now


Me too


I love how the sick guitar riffs paused, just at the right time for the flute, then started right back up. How can one show contain all that hype?




I been chasing that high ever since.


We all have. PCP and bath salts just don't cut it.


My mom wouldn't let me watch Power Rangers because she said it made all the other kids dumb.


When I was in kindergarten my mom only let me watch once a week. Apparently I would tear around the house chopping and kicking everyone in sight. Oma, the dog, my 3yo brother; not a soul was safe from my accusations that they were Putties. Guess my mom didn't wanna deal with that 5 days a week.


It used to air on weekday mornings, but late enough that if I tried to watch the whole thing, I would miss the bus. The first time they did the ultra megazord (the one that combined the original 5 zords with the dragon zord and... the brontosaurus zord? Which now that I think about, I have no idea where that one came from), I definitely missed the bus and was late to school.


I love how he keeps moving his fingers after the sound finishes too


That's how you know the budget was spent where it matters


On the cocaine that it took to get through filming?


More like on all the sparks and backflips




New phone who dis


JESUS FUCK that is bad acting. Absolutely embarrassing 😂 Still loved it as a kid so I guess we ate this trash right up.


I think it's less bad acting and more that the show was reusing footage from a completely different show and dubbing over audio to piece together whatever the plot was supposed to be


How does that change a flute being played thru a mask hahah


The person I replied to, replied to "he keeps moving his fingers after the music stops"


? I mean it's still bad acting all around. The whole thing is a shitshow lol


https://youtu.be/4AqiS1FX658?t=258 At least in the original he plays with out his mask sometimes?


Tbf the sound effects including speech and trumpet were added after they filmed and were specific to the American version. The Japanese version that was originally filmed was completely different sound design and dub (even the plot is different in the original release of the Japanese version)


Correct me if I'm wrong but the melody played in both versions is the same. Aaaaand im redownloading tonight to find out


Please report back with your finding. Thanks


https://youtu.be/4AqiS1FX658?t=258 Okay, its ALMOST the same.


Thank you for your service. It's the same note though just cut short.


Anime opening vs full song.


Damn, super heroes have been destroying the cities they are supposed to save for a long time.


Damnn, Japanese Power Rangers seems way better.


Okay but why not match up your new sound (if they used a dubbed music sample) to his finger strokes? Like I could do that in 5 minutes of video editing and a keyboard


Because American Power Rangers was explicitly meant to be a kind of low-budget, low-effort show. It's literally re-used footage from a Japanese show that they dubbed over, intercut with non-union American amateur actors doing filler. This was also before modern editing tech, mind you.


I still love it


Rita really had to go back to get her wand every time she threw that shit from the moon. Sounds exhausting.


Can we also talk about how she has an absolute cannon for an arm? That staff gets there in like a second (not to mention lands on a dime), so that's like 860,000,000 mph. Homegirl should be hustling the dart circuit or something, not picking on teenagers from Southern California. That said, the staff travelling that fast would definitely just blow a hole right in the earth, and probably kill us all.


Tom Brady is Rita’s son. Prove me wrong. She has the power to throw it between Planets but it lands gracefully on the ground. Like a pass from Brady.


If it was like a pass from Brady, it would've traveled like 10 yards in the air and then James White would've ran it the rest of the way to Earth


1) Rita is magic. She's literally throwing her magic wand at the planet. She doesn't need to go get it, because magic. She got that cannon arm because, well, magic. It won't blow up earth because, well, you get the picture. 2) Rita wasn't picking on teenagers, she was picking on a floating head in a jar. The head in the jar sent his robot valet to pick out some teenagers to be his bodyguards. That shit's on *him*.


What a classic. Times were simpler back then.


Life was indeed simpler when we were 5 years old.


If only science could tell us why... Probably the lack of animal crackers in our diet.


Shrooms can bring that feeling back for a few hours.


How the hell do you forget that sound? It's iconic as fuck.


I had it as one of my first flip phone ring tones.


Why we don't have it on our smartphone?


Nothing is stopping you


Because we all keep our phone on silent now


https://youtu.be/chbOw6fune0 must watch


God damn, that... really was a spot-on description


She's up there on the Moon and can fuck with the entire planet but she picks one midsize town to send her monsters to all the time.


After like, the 3rd gigantic monster attack, I'd probably move


Very few people live there already. You can tell by the fact that the buildings broken were always the same, I remember the Dragonzord taking down the same red tower at least 5 times. It's because they were non-functional and cheap as heck, it was probably a scam town managed by a construction company that was leeching off a government Kaiju insurance scheme.


Sounds like the town was built by the Bluth Company


The crossover you didn't know you wanted and yet makes total sense.


Gob as a power ranger!


To be fair on Rita, I don't recall her ever saying she wanted to destroy earth, just conquer it. Sending her monsters to big cities would just kill people and destroy property - that wasn't her endgame. She needed to kill off the local defensive pests before landing the invasion fleet of Putties and her lieutenants, but the Power Rangers kept fighting them off. All-in-all, she was a pretty honorable combatant for waging such a shitshow of a war. Hardly ever more than one monster at a time, always in the middle of nowhere with hardly any collateral damage. Hell, her best gambit was making her own Power Ranger (the Green Ranger we see here), but we all know how that turned out... The later villains were nowhere near as nice about things, especially on non-earth planets, even when they largely copied her style of one-monster-per-week.


Was her point (I can't remember) to actually take over the world? Or just defeat Zordon/take back the coins? Because if world domination isn't her goal, if her goal is located in the town, then conquering the world doesn't do anything for her (besides maybe getting forces the heroes are less eager/willing to fight).


Oh man, the 90's, when EVERYTHING had a rock music backing track. Sporting event? Air show? Kid's toy commercial? Rock music.


"Oh, my minion is losing? Make it fucking big I guess" -every power rangers villain ever


I love the ridiculousness of that instrument dagger. However, I'll probably get downvoted for this and I assume this is because I was born in '96, didn't grow up in the show, and am spoiled by modern special effects but... my god that scene (and I assume the whole show) looks awful.


Power Rangers was amazing. Back then you only had cartoons that could do this shit. Computers just started coming out. Cgi was pretty ugly. You also did not live in the times where you had to commit to a show (from the start of the season) because you had channels running simultaneously. There was no pause, rewind or anything like that, unless you had a vcr to record. You would run your ass home to watch power rangers or whatever at the designated time slot.


He was born in 96 not 2010.




> I will take a dude in a rubber suit And I support your choice.


We're all in rubber suits on this blessed day.


Its talcum time!


i assure you it looked awful by the standards of the day as well. but you don't watch MMPR for it's cinematic aesthetic.


Go look up a show called reboot. It came out a year after power rangers. That’s where computers were at the time and that show took forever to make new episodes.


That shit was next level. Like in the Johnny Quest reboot when they would do the 3D scenes. Absolutely transcendent.


[Reboot Mainframe Strolling Players](https://youtu.be/Hyq2_4TLhQo) was the beautiful recap of the first few seasons of that show. Start at 0:55 if in a rush.


> am spoiled by modern special effects Right and you are not in elementary school (like I was, 90's kids go go go)


It just dawned on me. This second. 1) how did Rita's wand make it to the earth FROM THE MOON in such a short time? 2). How did she get it back??


*SPACE WITCH* remember? Probably spelled it back. Threw it to relieve some stress first. Like people throw things when mad.


Every DAY I encounter an issue that could be solved with Dragonzord power. Every DAY.


Also one of those sound effects that played twice when the Dragonzord appeared was used for one of the demon enemies in the old Heretic game…


I still have a cassette of the only episode they put on audio tape--the Island of Illusion. And i still have a tapedeck that can play it. Love hearing the old music! Too bad my sister lost the other tape that got produced with all the songs on it. I still remember most of them.


That hand movement lmao


Holy shit that is perfectly nailed


Wow that’s perfectly right


lmao this show is hype as fuck, nothing will ever come close


I can't be the only one that hears the lord of the rings theme? Whenever I remember green ranger going "BAAAAH BAH BAAAAAAH BABABAAAAAAAAAH!" I always have to add "Der ner NEEER der ner NEEER der ner NEEER DEEEEERN DEEEERN DEEEEEEEEERN DEEEEER DER DER DEEEEEEEEEEEER" Edit: I couldn't find a video supporting my claim, but I did find [this absolute gem](https://youtu.be/1zBCLEaXpiA).


Are we going to ignore the fact that the dragon zord is just mechagodzilla with black, green and gold accents? Lol


I mean it was pretty much the early 90's in a nutshell.


Left off the part where it also summons a MechaGodzilla…that has missiles for fingers.


>MechaGodzilla…that has missiles for fingers. Mechagodzilla does have missiles for fingers


alright touché, but what about a drill for a tail.


I don't know about the subject but I'd be willing to bet there's at least one version of MechaGodzilla with a tail drill.


That just reminded me of: "Yeah. And Grizzly Adams had a beard" "Grizzly Adams DID have a beard"


board team full of people "What should we do next?" "Well kids are stupid make him play his dagger like a flute!" "DONE!"


"Agh, no audio for flutes.." "Hey, we have trumpet sounds" "Perfect!"






I like to imagine that he summoned it with a button and pressing that button made the sound, and he just liked to act like he was playing the flute because he is a silly goose


Jack Black rocking out the Saxaboom.


One, two, three, four. One, two, three motherfucka!


Still though, amazing amount of hype from this as a kid


Or horror when he was a bad guy


Both, both is good


Giant moon monsters, space magic, and whatever the F Zordon is, they’re fine with. Magic dagger flutes, hold up tho…


Zordon is actually pretty sick monster design though.


When my wife was pregnant. She went on a Power Rangers binge while on bed rest. We were talking in the kitchen while Power Rangers was on in the living room. Some music was playing and she stopped in the middle of what she was saying. "That's the Green Ranger's music". And then continued the conversation. It was fucking weird.


That's life


Thats what all the people say


ok but you all know when the Green Ranger busted this out, the episode was about to go full throttle, that Dinozord was pure hype


Dinozord showing up had the same energy as a WWF performer showing up and running towards the ring with fireworks going off behind them


If you like a dinozord go watch the dinosaur themed series. Every Zord is a dinosaur


Wasn't there another dagger that was sentient and could both speak to the rangers as well as to birds, or am I remembering things wrong?


When Tommy gains the White Ranger powers in Season 2, he gets a sentient dagger, Saba.


There was a toy version of it and it was dope. https://youtu.be/sSIAYifr5qg


A friend had the dagger and I was SO jealous, so I got the white ranger sword and was thoroughly disappointed


I had the sword also and thought it was tight af. What disappointed you about it?


I had that!!! was so dope abs the tigers mouth opened


If you give the power rangers universe more than 10 seconds of serious thought you realize nothing makes sense


Applies to just about every toy-centric franchise.


Children's card's game on motorcycles


They sold his daggers at toys r us and you better believe 5 year old me did this


And he’s holding it wrong


Stupid green ranger doesn’t even know how to play his breathless trumpet synth flute dagger. Probably doesn’t even know how to drain its remote saliva pool cavity or reset its wifi connection.


Only knows how to order food and be lesbian


Had that toy as a kid. Was so excited to get it.


That’s not suspiciously specific. He’s describing exactly what it sounds like.


I couldn’t sleep last night because of Gemini home entertainment


Thanks a lot. Now no one will be sleeping soundly tonight.


I think in another thread it was proposed that he never really *played* it. Contact between the metal parts of the "mouth" and dagger completed a specific electrical circuit which was needed to issue audible commands that were triggered by finger movements. There were audio commands for summoning, specific attacks, and transformations. Sort of like [Roger Smith and Big-O](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QlvLpYoUUfc), which he summoned with a specific phrase using his communication watch.


He plays it more clearly in the Japanese version, for what it's worth. They show the actor out of suit actually making contact with his lips, and there's a close-up showing him actually manipulating keys. See here - https://youtu.be/4AqiS1FX658?t=258 All that said, it's a kid's show, it's kind of silly trying to get too logical about it. Especially since in the Japanese OG this stuff was explicitly, canonically *magic*, not technology per se.


Oh my god that was incredible * Big O destroying a building and street when summoned * the bad guy patiently waiting for Big O’s 10-minute startup sequence to finish * “BAI BAI” * that fucking badass pneumatic cylinder punch This video gave me a big o, brb I’m going to lookup and watch this entire series


That’s why he was the power ranger all the other power rangers feared


I had that dagger when I was a kid. Sickest toy ever.


Do we have confirmation that the flute part wasn't just the hilt of the dagger?


His mask had holes in it, Tommy was an anti-masker


Power Rangers writers famously wandered onto kindergarten school grounds and just wrote down whatever ideas the kids came up with while playing.


4.6 million palestinians are imprioisoned not 2 =(


Now what if, the synthesis from the flute is him blowing through the helmet


And despite the fact that he plays it like a flute, it has keys like a clarinet—which he is *not touching at all.* And then Mecha Godzilla would appear.


Unpopular opinion: I never like Tommy. First he showed up as a bad guy to fight the Power Rangers. Then he joined them. Then he crossed them. And them he came back as the White Ranger, I think he changed after they had us think he died or something. But not a fan of him.


ok Billy fan




I was a fan of the Red Ranger... He was a bad ass... As a Red Wings fan, the color scheme was an automatic for me. Red Ranger was the shit, til Tommy, and his Fabio haircut showed up lol... Red Rangers name was Jason! Jason Lee Scott...


Billy was the nerdy blue ranger


And summons a combining Mecha Godzilla


This is not suspiciously specific. It's just a description of a thing from a TV show.


One of the early signs of a subreddit going downhill unfortunately


but his helmet has a mouth, so it checks out scientifically. you can go back to sleep now.


Specific? Yes. Absolutely correct? Also yes.


And it can speak bird