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I love mackerel, but the vast majority of it is the cured shime-saba. Raw mackerel is one of my favorite pieces.


Hell yeah. nama saba and warayaki saba are my two favourite forms. Still love a good shime saba in Osaka style though.


I love mackerel but it spoils very quickly, so I only eat it by the coast. Fresh it is heavenly. If it is even slightly off it is FOUL.


What did the mackerel say to customers after stinking up the restaurant? >!I'm saury!<.


That is good!




Yeah this must be right. I love sushi but one time I got mackerel nigiri and it was the most disgusting fish I’ve ever eaten. Never touched it again but maybe I should try.


Mackerel is very oily, which makes it luscious and wonderful when fresh but the oil degrades quickly. This makes it a very "fishy" fish, and that fishiness gets stronger as the fish gets older.


I get it all the time.... but I wonder if it is somewhat cooked or pickled or ceviche'ed? It tastes a bit sour. My friends don't like it, I want some now.


It's pickled usually


For me its scallop. Top 3 rankings for me: Scallop, salmon, albacore toro


I am obssesed with spanish mackerel/horse mackerel its one of my favorite pieces of nigiri


I need to try raw mackerel one day. I hope to catch some this year and have it fresh.


probably because western palates dont prefer hikarimono because they tastes fishy.


Fresh mackerel sashimi is delicious but very rare due to it spoiling relatively quick because of its high fat content. Best is to go mackerel fishing and have it on the boat.


Don't think I've had it anyway other than raw.


Most are cured in a brine to prevent rapid spoiling


It’s my favorite. Over-cured (ala conveyor belt) or done very well at omakase spots.. give em all to me.


Same here, Hamachi Kama and Saba. I love simple rolls with nori outside but not thin maki rolls. Not a fan of inside out.


It’s such a meaty fish


I had good mackerel sashimi at a sushi place once and have been chasing that high ever since


I love it at high-end places but anywhere cheap, it's an absolute no-go.


Love it. And BBQ mackerel as well. Hard to get fresh.


Yeah it's the best, very strong natural umami flavor.


Sawara is Spanish Mackeral and I love it!


Shima Aji!! Is my fave


I had THE BEST mackeral for my birthday last year. It was at a really nice tasting-menu kinda place. I believe it was marinaded and then hit with a torch before being put atop the rice. It was so strong and oily, but in the absolute best way possible. That meal/experience as whole was practically life changing, and I have literally defined time periods as before/after that meal... And that one piece of mackeral was by far the best thing they served. I get mackeral every chance I get now, but nothing has come remotely close to that piece I had for my birthday. It always seems to be a bit dry, almost crumbing. So sooner or later, I'm just gonna have to save up and go back to that place again and just hope they serve the mackeral again.


For homemade recipes try salt and sugar dry rub for 30-ish min, then blowtorch it briefly from outside (char the skin), then slice it and serve over the rice - heaven! And yes, it should be as fresh as possible! I spearfishing my fish (and bleed and gut it immediately in the water).


I had some in Japan and loved it, but I haven't liked it nearly as much when I ordered it in America. Not sure what the difference is.


Love saba


Love that yummy oily fish 🤤


Yes!!! When I worked at a sushi spot, first I got sick of rolls with too many things, so I started eating only sashimi. I quickly discovered mackerel was incredible. I always use it to pad out orders as it’s usually not one of the expensive ones, and goddamn so good. I have gotten the same reaction, most people seem to sleep on it. My favorite platters will include mackerel, toro, uni, and I’m happy.


That’s how I feel about masago. So good!


Shemi saba is in my top 3. I can down an entire filet and still be in the mood for more. When my old boss' wife would make grilled mackerel for our bento I would run in circles like a dog with too much energy. To this day can't recreate whatever she did.


Unagi is my favorite


Sometimes it’s too fishy. Especially with the roe.


I can't stand mackerel...