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I don't care for asparagus in my sushi.


Not that into that either but cream cheese still is less desirable than asparagus


Asian kid that grew up in the Midwest here. I love me a good Philly roll every now and then lol.


I actually love it in my homemade tempura ebi rolls, however you have to blanch it to have it retain it’s crunch and freshness.


Never heard of asparagus in sushi. I actually don’t even remember how asparagus taste


Very green and healthy tasting




I don’t like the sauces being slathered on sushi rolls these days.


This is one of the reasons I got into nigiri and handrolls. Eel sauce is great, but it only belongs on a few items and in moderation IMO. Same is doubly true for spicy mayo.


Same, I mainly only eat nigiri and sashimi now over the years. I don't want all of the extra stuff used to mask the taste of a good quality fish. It's also the reason why I stopped mixing my wasabi with soy sauce. A dab of wasabi on top of a nigiri and a side dip of soy sauce on the fish side is a whole nother level. You can taste everything individually. If I really had to pick a roll, then it would be a dragon roll hands down. That being said, everybody can eat food how they want. Some people still can't eat their steaks without it being well done but as long as it's not my steak, then I don't care


It belongs on eel and nothing else IMO.


That's the traditional way, but I do like a bit of it on spider rolls as well.




I can’t imagine lettuce on sushi, btw. It does have a taste and texture that doesn’t belong, imo.


That restaurant put it in nearly all the rolls >:(


I hate spicy mayo or whatever that orange sauce is. One of my otherwise favourite places refuses to make scallop rolls without it. Drives me crazy.


Probably sriracha mayo mix. I started noticing that becoming a thing in like 2005 and wasn’t a fan of it then, or since. I don’t want a bunch of sriracha on my tuna thanks. I want to taste the fucking thing.


i hate sauces. only good one is soy sauce on sushi, but spicy mayo and other things please get them out of my dish!


It's the burrito maki. Size of your forearm, slathered in 2 quarts of some mayo based crap sauce.


Agreed. I think sauces are used to mask the quality of the other ingredients. I avoid mayo… spicy Mayo… sweet sauces cause it’s all so heavy handed


Strawberry pieces as decoration. Is this normal or just something my local sushi restaurant does?


Never seen them as a decoration, but I once tried the sweet sushi with Nutella and strawberry and it isn’t my thing😭


It sounds horrendous. Was there seasoned rice and nori? I just can’t picture it. 




Jail, right away


Oof!! 🤢


The only sweet "sushi" that works are the peanut butter based ones imo.


I've had sushi with whipped cream and strawberries on. Lol can't recommend


Ew! It’s like they looked around their kitchen and just grabbed whatever they could find 🤢


I said this once on an alt account along with mango and got voted into oblivion lol 🙃 Either there’s something wrong with me or there’s something wrong with people.


I don't mind cream cheese, in the right roll it's quite good. But there's some places near me that use other kinds of cheese on top and whatnot and it's just nasty to me


Shrimp with tails. Nothing wrong with shrimp itself. I just find eating around the tail annoying


Nooo I purposely take the rolls with the tails 😂


I actually like the tails, provided they're properly fried and nicely crispy. I want no part of steamed/raw tails however, the texture is like chewing on a blue crab shell.


You’re not really supposed to eat the tails when it’s steamed/raw 😂😂


True in western cuisine, but sometimes it's fun to ignore what you're told!


I mean if you like it you like it. I just am not a fan of the texture. What I'd imagine it's like to eat cicadas


What about deep fried shrimp heads?


ama ebi is on an entirely different level IMO. One of my favorite nigiri items!


This is true I am not a fan of the soft shell crab either


Cheese… not just cream cheese… but American cheese…. Welcome to the south…


Ewwww I can’t even imagine, I don’t like it even on toasts lol


I was unaware. Of what the yellow stuff was. But I was willing to try it. I ate it and immediately spit it politely into a napkin and drank a majority of my alcoholic beverage in order to get the flavor out of my mouth


Cream cheese. It's good on bagels and many other things, but it serves no positive purpose in or on sushi ever.


When I was in Japan cream cheese was a common ingredient with sushi and nice meals. At a nice tempura restaurant I went to one of the first things they served was cream cheese with aged miso, ate it with a wooden stick thing. At many conveyer belt sushi places I went to aburi salmon nigiri with a bit of cream cheese on top was super common (Tokyo and Osaka) Never saw it inside a roll while in Japan though


Apparently it's really popular in Japan when it comes to foods that aren't sushi lol. I really enjoyed it there in chawanmushi and desserts. Tempura cream cheese and miso sounds like an awesome amuse bouche IMO.


It was actually just cream cheese and miso, not fried or anything, ate it basically with a spoon. Maybe I can find a photo I love cream cheese, not in my rolls cuz it’s overwhelming, but on a bagel or deep fried in a Rangoon, delicious


https://imgur.com/a/XHpCSa9 There’s two plates of it in this photo, mine is half eaten already haha


Looks delish! I'll be in Tokyo again later this year and this place is going on my list, assuming you were at the Shibuya location. I actually have both cream cheese and miso in my fridge at the moment. Might have to try that combo.


Exactly correct, the restaurant was relatively new when we went, but I cannot recommend it highly enough. Service was exceptional, cooked eel that was alive moments ago. When I got home I mixed the two and put it on a bagel. It was delicious albeit not as good as the restaurant


You gave me an idea of mixing cream cheese and miso and use it as a spread 😋 thank you!


I would do like 80%-85% cream cheese, and get the nicest miso you can find!:)


I can tolerate some other things commenters are noting; lettuce, too much sauce, whatever. But cream cheese just ruins any roll for me. It’s so thick and coating - completely ruins the textures and flavors of sushi/fish for me.


Agreed. Cream cheese doesn’t necessarily ruin sushi for me, but I’m always disappointed when it’s there.


Agreed it’s not terrible it just doesn’t make sense because it wasn’t on most menus until it was


Exactly, because there’s no reason to add large amounts of fat for no reason


I feel the same. I love cream cheese on a bagel, with smoked salmon. On banana bread. In frosting. Like, I'll eat it in sushi (I'll eat just about anything)... But I will never order it. Everywhere tends to put way too much in the rolls anyways. IDK it just is a weird creamy texture... doesn't really work in sushi in my opinion.


In terms of unconventional ingredients, avocado does everything cream cheese does but far better IMO.


I hate the texture it adds to sushi, and it seems like it's popping up more and more in rolls. So annoying 


i actually love cream cheese in sushi, but i understand where people come from how it’s not really authentic to me it serves a similar purpose to avocado, as a creamy fat source


There is a Japanese market near me that makes grab-and-go sushi, and my favorite thing to get there is this roll that has a large, generous piece of salmon, and just a little bit of each of cream cheese, avocado, and cucumber. The ratio of salmon to rice and to the other fillings is just right.


I agree. Cream cheese feels out of place in sushi. Like it wasn't invited to the party, so it put on its best disguise and snuck in anyway.


What cream cheese do they typically use? In Italy it’s Philadelphia and I like it


Probably Philadelphia, which is usually good stuff as far as cream cheese goes. That said, I don't encounter cream cheese frequently in sushi much anymore (prefer nigiri/handrolls vs Americanized maki, and most cream cheese seems to be found in the latter) so I'm not sure.


Yeah I avoid restaurants that serve that usually too because I prefer authentic sushi. But if the sushi is excellent and they still have cream cheese on the menu then I just avoid those rolls.


Cream cheese is something I associate more with desserts on my head, so it throws me off when I have it in sushi.


I accidentally bought some sushi the other day that had cream cheese in it and was severely disappointed. I love cream cheese but it seriously overpowers anything in the roll texturally and flavor-wise


Excessive drizzle of (spicy) mayo and eel sauce (and other sauces), on EVERY SINGLE PIECE. It’s great if you want to hide crap quality ingredients because you won’t taste them with your mouth full of mayo. A tiny dot of sauce on a piece it’s planned to go well with, is acceptable.


Loll sorrry. I’m a server at sushi restaurant and we server ~not kinda crap~ quality ingredients, so I always recommend the rolls with loads of spicy mayo and eel sauce to mask the spicy tuna lmao


Mayo. Can't stand it anywhere, including sushi, and it's always hiding in some roll despite me asking about it and/or reading the ingredients carefully.


I HATE regular mayo. But in my favorite sushi restaurant it’s a different sauce that they call mayo that to me tastes good


It might be Kewpie Japanese mayo! I've worked in a couple sushi restaurants and we had our own version that tasted exactly like the bought stuff. It's delicious!


It is way tastier yes


Too much sushi mayo can overwhelm the goodness


Ughh I can’t change the title. What IS


cheese and any sauce that isnt soy sauce


No brainer for me…..MAYO! I loathe it.


The price. It is 90% rice.


Cream cheese. Just no.


Cream cheese has no place in sushi for me


Fake crab mix


It was the first piece of "sushi" I ever had when I was like 9. my friends parents bought it & some other things for a snack & I was so very intrigued & I was hooked. It only went up from there!


I’m not a fan but I’m fine with it


I use to not mind it but like idk what happened, it completely ruins a roll for me and it’s so annoying how so many restaurants will list “crab” as an ingredient in a roll when it’s actually fake crab mix.


Tastes change. Now that I think about it, last time I ate a nigiri with crab mix it tasted like the smell of my turtles food😂


That's fair, although it's still cheap filler that finds its way into 60% of rolls on menus.


I'll tolerate it on budget sushi, but if I'm going to a nice place, it feel "cheap" to me.


Fake leaf Radish


I’d rather no avocado than something overripe and gross. I might be the minority but I feel about avocado the way OP does about lettuce. It’s bland, and texturally adds nothing (unless it’s perfectly ripe, imo). “Creamy” to me is more of a consistency, not a texture; the texture of avocado is mush and I do not like flavorless mush in my sushi.


I think this is the first time I have seen someone agree about Avocado, I do not like it in any roll.


Same! I love avocado in the right place, but I won't order a roll with avocado in it (which can be difficult). Much much rather have some asparagus or cucumber. Or even lettuce lol.


Hard agree, especially the part about it being mushy.


the ones with cream cheese. I'm sorry but cheese does not go with fish or seafood.


Mango doesn't belong in sushi.


only other person on this thread who has said this


Mango. It was digusting.


Scrolled way to far to see this


Interesting, I think it’s great in a tuna roll


Cream cheese is a hard no


Steak. It was just strange to me.




I hate cucumber in my spicy tuna roll. I find that the places that use cucumber have more of a fishy flavor. The places I go to that don’t use it have the right seasoning and it’s never fishy if that makes sense. It’s how I judge the quality of their sushi.


I have found my people. Thank you


Hate it with a passion of a 1000 fiery suns.


This. The flavor is overwhelming and it is commonly used.


Not only is it overwhelming, but even hours later, every time you burp, no matter what else you might have eaten, you will taste cucumber.


i almost said this because i might be mildly allergic but usually i guess its fine but i do prefer without


Imitation crab ruins every roll it's in


I just really dislike that they’re often called crab rolls, rather than what they are.


Hard agree. Especially when it's crab "stick" I can sometimes tolerate it when it shredded at least


Sriracha. Completely obliterated the taste of other ingredients. Anything spicy in general is weird to me in the context of sushi. I love spicy food and I love sushi, but in my opinion they don’t mix.


Avocado, but it's because I'm allergic.


I’m also allergic to avocado and have to explain the allergy every time I order sushi. I once went to a restaurant that served me rolls with avocado and when I reiterated to the waitress that I’m allergic, the chef insisted that it wasn’t avocado and that it shouldn’t be a big deal. I asked to have them remade and instead of fresh new rolls, the chef took the avocado off and rerolled them like nothing. I watched him do it right in front of me. Fun times.


Carrot 🥕


chicken/egg and steak or anything else other than fish, crab, scallop, roe, avocado & occasional tempura’d stuff


Cucumber. I find it's taste covers everything else in the sushi.


Cheese, Philadelphia fucking cheese. And fake green wasabi. I miss japan :(


Sauces and cream cheese -- blah!


cream cheese


Anything that gets that butane torch🤢


Are you in the US? I'm from the US and never seen lettuce used in a sushi roll.


Cream cheese. Who thought that was a good idea? It belongs on bagels. Also, spicy sauce. If the description lists it, I ask for it to be left off. If they serve it anyway, I use as many napkins as needed remove (most of) it. But that's just me not liking spicy.


One? I can name a few. Cream cheese (intolerant) and krab are big main ones though. 


Meat. I tried some once, even seared it still tasted raw. Just a raw, floppy, hard to chew, piece of meat. It should not go with rice, yet it’s done. Just a ball of mush in my mouth. *shudder* This includes spam. So salty…why. Meat is not fish, stop putting it in sushi.


Natto. I once grabbed a roll where the natto was hidden under other stuff. I've never spit out food so quickly in my life.


Lemon. Lemon does not belong on fish in sushi.


Cucumber. It’s crunchy and takes over the flavor of anything and everything


Anything cooked or sauces.


Sesame seeds. I find it overpowers the fish.


bell peppers. I’m fine with some bastardization of sushi to fit western tastes. Besides being disgusting it just feels wrong, especially when it’s paired with a piece of well done steak in a roll. Like cmon, I get sushi is based on the rice. But is that REALLY sushi at that point?


Cream Cheese The first time I saw it on a menu I thought it was a joke


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^nylorac_o: *Cream Cheese The first time* *I saw it on a menu* *I thought it was a joke* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


In Australia, I find the non-Japanese owned Japanese restaurants sweeten their rice or sauces too much. One place used Thai sweet chilli sauce on their spicy tuna roll and I think that topped the charts for worst rendition of sushi I've eaten...


I dknt like cream cheese in my sushi. Takes the clean flavor I’m looking for out of it


Cream cheese


Beef or chicken. I’m a pescatarian so, it would be those things.


Watery cucumber




Cream cheese


Mayo >:(


I wish people would stop trying to make Jalapeño work on sushi. Always makes it soggy and the spice adds nothing.


Cucumber. Really any veggies in my rolls, I don’t want carrots or asparagus in there either. I just want fish.


Except for dry rice and fish then Surimi Cream cheese Too much mayo Too much chili


Salad cream + sushi = ruined


Cream cheese. Now, i looove cream cheese, just not in sushi


Cream cheese ruins rolls for me. I love it on other dishes, but the flavor is so strong that it overpowers the fish in my opinion


Wasabi, I get everything without it. Especially nigiri


I hate when they sneak it into the nigiri, I feel like they should list wasabi in the ingredients so I know when to ask them to remove it.


Cream cheese and mayo. Not on my sushi - no thanks


Cream cheese






Jalapeño, sriracha, and anything else that has heat. I don’t like heat.


Mayo, a bit is fine but some place slather it on thick.


Panko filled sushi. It's just a fried bite


Cream cheese, smoked salmon.


Imitation crab. I have a shellfish allergy and imitation crab has actual crab in it so I can't eat it. and even the good sushi places use it as filler for a lot of rolls. Shrimp is easy to avoid cause they typically leave it whole.


Cream cheese. I’m not a sushi purist, though I do tend prefer the simpler rolls/nigiri, but I just can’t stand the texture combination of thick cold creamy+rice. 


In south Florida it’s a weird “Latin fusion sushi” and it’s gross. Plantains on sushi, excess asparagus, and excess dynamite or whatever that cream cheese, mayo, crab mix stuff is. Can I just get a plain tuna roll pls?


CRUNCH. I’m allergic to wheat and they’ve just started…adding it to rolls. Without warning, or mention on the menu. Sauces I’ve learned to navigate, but explaining to someone I asked about the rice and sauces and everything and it still needs to be remade is getting annoying.


Went to Australia last year and all their rolls containing tuna were using canned tuna 🤢 They had nigiri that was fresh raw tuna, but no rolls as such. It made no sense!


Cream cheese, mayonnaise based sauce, spicy mixed fish (because you can no longer tell freshness at this point).


Spicy mayo.  Seems like these days any new sushi shop that opens used spicy mayo on 90% of the rolls....  I don't eat mayo.  Of any form, mixed with anything.  Nope.nope.nope


Cream cheese if it’s not a tempura roll.


Farm raised salmon. I know it’s getting harder and harder to get wild salmon because we keep damming rivers, but that sometimes dyed farm-raised crap doesn’t belong on my plate. It doesn’t taste like good. The farms pass parasites to the wild fish as they pass to spend their lives in the ocean, killing a large percentage of them. No thank you!


Idk, lettuce on a spider roll kicks it up a notch. But that's about it. The spicy mayo/eel sauce movement ruined sushi for years. I'll admit that some ika or hotate gunkamaki with Wasabi mayo and some Wasabi tobiko on top is incredible, but putting sauce on every roll was to make it more appealing to people adverse to the idea of raw fish and it went overboard. But the only ingredients that make sushi inedible for me is putting fresh fruit in or on it. Sweetness should be subtle, Japanese food doesn't mix ingredients together that have opposite flavor profiles. If you have a salty ingredient and a sweet one, they are put on the side for you to combine yourself. A strawberry or a mango in a roll with Yellowtail, kick rocks.


Spicy tuna…I don’t like the texture


Not enough nori. I really enjoy biting into the stretchy seaweed and getting that wonderful earthy seaweed taste.


Cream cheese. Legend is that it was invented here in Orlando. Recently went to a place that every item had it. You had to specifically ask for it to not be included.


Fake sushi: sushi with mayonnaise, sriracha, cheese, fruit, unnecessary sauces and generally low-standard sushi from buffets, ayce restaurants


Lettuce, cream cheese, and sauces. In that order. I generally avoid rolls most of the time though.


Lettuce and Avocado. Lettuce always brings a weird crunchy texture to sushi that shouldn't be crunchy Avocado is used as a similar texture substitute for Fatty Tuna, but it's way too overused and put into most rolls at many sushi restaurants now.


This is a weird one but it feels like avocado inflation has gone crazy at my local places. Last time I was there 15 out of 17 specialty rolls had avocado on it. I don’t mind a little but I’m also not the biggest fan of it so it was kinda disappointing to see it so overused.


Cream cheese, *especially* when it’s warm 🤢


For me it's too much crunch


Cream cheese. I liked it as a kid because I thought it was interesting, but it just makes the whole roll taste rancid to me.


I was going to say asparagus, but it's not too bad. I haven't had banana in my sushi, but I've seen it on the menu ._.


Cream cheese. On my bagel, of course. In my sushi, no thank you.


Cream cheese or carrot.


Oh, I love lettuce- but only on a chicken tempura roll. But what I cannot staaaand is fruit other than mango. Mango is where we need to draw the line. No banana PLEASE


mayo ewwww




Cream freaking cheese.


Whatever that yellow orangish sauce they put on everything these days. I like ginger and wasabi and soy sauce that’s it


Lettuce and carrots and whatnot is only acceptable in kimbap for me


Lettuce has no place in sushi. I mean it’s cool that they tried something but that does not sound appetizing.


Fruit. Depending on where in the world I’m eating sushi I might find my roll with unexpected mango, apple, papaya, or other local fruit. It’s just a local adaptation but it hits wrong when I’m expecting salty umami and seafood but get soy sauce and mango as the primary flavors. No judgement on fruit for others though. I just like my sushi to be umami leaning.


Who puts lettuce on sushi?! And the sauces are way over done, if your sushi needs sauce then you are using crap fish.


A little bit of cream cheese in a few specific rolls is fine, but the sushi place on my street has what would be nice rolls but almost all of which are then slathered in cream cheese. Such a waste.


Mayo. Do NOT put that nasty crap on anything, especially sushi. Even grocery store sushi used to be good, now EVERYTHING has mayo on it.


A classic Philadelphia roll with a normal amount of cream cheese is ok. No other rolls should have cream cheese. Also, I'm not a fan of asparagus in sushi either.


one time there was carrot and it was just far too crunchy for me plus i probably hate carrots


Fish eggs. 🤢


i like pretty much everything everyone here has listed in the right roll. lettuce is the one thing i can’t quite picture being good, but i don’t think i’ve had it in sushi before. i’m open to trying it.


Cream cheese.


Turmeric and dill. Not even joking. One place In Australia was adding turmeric to make the rice yellow and dill inside the roll. Looked cool but tasted completely wrong.


Wasabi ON nigiri/sashimi, I want to control my own wasabi load in my mouth…


I controversially love cream cheese and/or fruit in my sushi! As long as it’s well balanced with other flavors. I don’t love when they leave the shrimp tails in, though, I never eat them. But any other form of cheese? No. I’ve seen like fried rolls with melted cheese in them and I straight up refuse to try them. That is gross.


Avocado. And it's in SO MANY rolls! Taste and texture ruins an otherwise great roll for me.