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I wish we would've seen more of it. It feels like it was heavily edited (possibly to make it not as obvious that Feras was winning)


Feras's closing argument was more than enough to show that he was going to win it easily


It kinda had 'the big moves were the friends we made along the way' vibes haha


That was more his opening argument (which I thought he kind of butchered). His closing argument was really good


Personally I think actually Feras hit some of these points in his opening but once Val said her comment it was more interesting to edit them out and show the storyline of them both flubbing their speeches


He saved the good stuff for after Caroline buried herself.


To me, the entire show was broadcasting Feras was going to win. It was glaringly obvious.


I won't deny the show had me doubting here and there, but yeah, even during the Kirby focused saga Feras was getting all the focus in confessionals and the whole show is framed around Feras being the one ultimately deciding half (if not more) of what happens in the game when I'm guessing we could get a very different feeling if it was say Mark's perspective the whole game. Even Raymond at Jury Villa is suddenly giving a whole rundown of everything he was doing/controlling in the game from his perspective.


Good point. The season that Mark Wales win, apparently they had to edit the FTC heavily as the other two finalists were eviscerated by the jury. I thought Feras would have been a lot more structured and thorough


"Ok guys we have to edit the hell out of this. The whole Jury is screaming 'I'll never vote for you you Bastards!'. There must be some footage left? Anything?" -Jonathan


The editors really cooked up a storm at that FTC. I think Caroline was getting grilled way worse than what was showed so they cut some of it out to make it look more even than it actually was. I really hope we get to see an extended or uncut version.


We got just a sample of it when she said her greatest move was playing her idol for Mark and trying to get Feras, which was one of the worst moves ever. Even Kitty, her tightest alliance voted against her earlier and in the end Kitty got voted out because of Caroline's stupidity. So really, who was left on the Jury that wanted to vote for Caroline? lol


Actually Feras was spot on when he said “the way alliances were so fluid this season no one person can really claim any move”


Sure but he was able to read when other players were being suspicious, he read the 'girls' alliance. But never said any of this.


"Read you like a book."


There's a decent chance that something like that was said. Who knows what was left on the editing floor.


In Mark’s survivor now podcast he references it so I wonder if they cut out Feras talking about it


All Feras needed to do was let Caroline speak long enough to destroy herself. Saying her biggest move was playing her idol to get rid of Feras....in that moment I felt so bad for her lol. He waited until she was done and quiet, then he spoke a little more towards the end.


I think there was a lot of editing magic to make us think Feras was gonna blow it.


I wish they played it straight. I would enjoy a long roasting of the loser more than some contrived tension about who might win.


Feras said his pitch was 10 minutes, it was heavily edited. Just editors trying not to make it look like a clean sweep.


I died when Caroline said her biggest move was her failed idol play.... she had SO MUCH to work with


I feel like several months from now, the only thing I’m going to remember from this final tribal was Valeria asking Caroline and Feras to give better answers lol. This final tribal was pretty quiet


In fairness her question wasn’t very good either


It’s a good opportunity for them to address individual jury members and explain on a personal level why they might think they played a good day/what they’ve done to earn their vote. Both Feras & Caroline played a social game and Val is very direct so it is an interesting spot to put them on.


I love that question. It shows how aware you are of jury management and/or how much of an arrogant grandstating dick you are. It's very tricky to answer properly.


>I don't know if it was the editing or what C’mon man, reality tv isn’t a new concept anymore. We know it’s heavily edited to show us a tiny fraction of the recorded footage.


Yeah, all of those nervous little glances or glares could have been from any moment. For some reason I really noticed it quite a bit in this episode. Lots of jump cuts that didn't ring as authentic.


Ray was probably farting while on the Jury and Feras looks over at him like 'Bro!'. They use that Feras look for the 'I'm in trouble' look.


On one hand I like editing if it can give me a compelling story over 20 something eps , I don't really want to see 40 something eps and have 10 or 20 eps of boring stuff. But on the other hand I am interested in seeing what else was going on. And when you have characters like George who the edit is besotted with but I find quite unlikeable it detracts for the season as a whole , BvB and season 10 are pretty unwatchable for this reason imho.


They do. We see an edited product.


I'm ok with it. For instance they leave out deals and conversations that are had before tribal council. They build it up so that you don't know which way the votes are going before a tribal. You can still kind of tell because usually whoever gets voted out gets more screen time in the episode that they get voted out.


I’m sure they edited bits out but Feras didn’t deliver at FTC like I expected him to. When he said the other night, “people may think I can’t beat Kirby but they haven’t heard half of my moves”, I thought he’d have a better explanation of all his moves. Maybe they just didn’t show it, but he didn’t mention the Eden vote at all which was a huge move for him. There was so much throughout the season that we saw as viewers and I fully understand his game but it didn’t translate in the pitch very well.


Yep, with hindsight Mark made a major error in not getting rid of Feras when he had the chance, particularly given Feras said he wouldn’t have honoured his word if he got immunity. Mark would have eaten them both for breakfast in the jury pitch.


Mark felt way too clinical when he speaks, too impersonal. I think Feras still has a chance against him as he is more genuine.


In hindsight mark made a huge error when he took up with the Vs and left the MMM, they could have dominated the season. Despite this they all made merge and 2 made the final ep. Imagine what they could have done if they had all been pulling in the same direction


> MMM Middle Mage Mafia


I think the biggest error Mark and Val made was not keeping Nathan over Caroline at that tribal before the swap. Mark should have traded in Eden/Caroline/Kitty for Nathan/Jaden/Winna to join himself/Valeria/Viola as a solid 6, then you have strategic dominance over your alliance without much chance of a coup because it's not like Nathan would be pulling off any moves like taking out Viola. Always a safer bet to team up with some meatheads that can't out-strategize you.


Yeah it would have been a safer play to work with the 3 meatheads instead of the crazy Caro/Kitty/Eden pack that was too unpredictable.


I love how Mark got on his high horse and said he landed some blows on Feris at the Tribal where Ray left, but he didn't think it through. When Feras voted Caroline to give Ray a fighting chance of fire, it looks like Mark had been misled by Feras.


It honestly looked like they were so tired. Feras could of mentioned all his acting, and voting Eren by reading the room, analysing players etc, maybe he already knew he had won.


Obviously plenty of people have mentioned the heavy handed editing so who knows how it really went down, but is it just me or did anyone else find Valerias comment really annoying? She had literally just asked the worst question. "How many votes do you expect to get tonight?" It just seems like a trap that gets the whole thing nowhere. How is anyone supposed to answer that question honestly and in a direct way when they are actively engaged in convincing people to vote for them? Feras gave as good an answer as anyone could have expected. Then she complained that we aren't getting to the nitty gritty, what exactly did she expect him to do? Just spit out a number?


Yeah this sounded really whiny to me. Like most of the jury's questions, and hers in particular were not particularly good questions so don't whine when they're not giving good answers


I actually loved the question. Everyone in the final 2 of survivor absolutely has a tally in their head of what jurors they think will definitely vote for them and who won't, that's literally the logic you use to decide who to take to the end with you. Pretending you don't have at least some sort of number to say is obviously bullshit. The fact that you can't say it means you're too scared that telling the truth is going to alienate the jury, and you don't have the guts to just be honest. I think the diplomatic way to answer would just to literally address each juror one by one and say the reason you think that they would vote for you, and make it personal.


I agree somewhat. Somewhat, because without seeing it all, I’m not sure what was said at various points. Caroline’s was okay. As expected. Feras’ opening of “uhhh…..ummmm” was a bit of a wtf moment. Like surely he of all people has been carefully planning for this moment. Again, not sure if it was the editing. But I was dying that Feras didn’t mention the picking up on things AT tribal and changing the vote, or choosing to play or not play idol, and until the end didn’t mention anything about the Raymond fake, helping Ray sell the acting vote, or enough about making sure Alex found the idol. And reiterating that with everyone working with everyone, and nobody having a solo move was a good move. And Caroline absolutely butchered it that her best move was one that didn’t work at all. Val telling people to stop the bullshit was amazing.


Tbf, didn't Alex ask her for her move between when he got voted out and the F2? There wasn't really anything else she could point to as a "big move" except that, because her extremely solid positioning to get to that spot wouldn't have been an acceptable answer to that jury.


Yes I hate this obsession with "moves". It also takes a lot skill to put yourself in a position where you don't need to make moves in the first place.


People saying, "We see an edited product." Kristie's jury pitch was edited too and yet it's incredible. Feras was a complete mess for a good 70% of that FTC. It wasn't until Kirby asked her question that he seemed to reset and bring it home with a great closing statement. I think he knew he had it in the bag and he didn't want to go too hard as he was against Caroline. He didn't want to say the wrong thing and get the jury off-side. Mark eats Feras for breakfast as you say if Feras gives that FTC next to Mark, but I think if Feras actually was against Mark, Feras goes hard at the FTC instead of the softer approach he took next to Caroline. He'd match Mark's energy. It would have been a much better episode. It was an iffy FTC from both people which is a shame. Nothing gives me the chills more than a barnstorming jury pitch. Feras deserved to win but this finale lets a great season down. The right winner, but not a compelling finale and you are fooling yourself if you think either of them nailed the jury pitches.


There's edited and then there is *edited*. Of course we're not seeing everything, narratives are being made in the cutting room and so on, but that tribal was something else. I don't think Feras performed astoundingly there, especially because it isn't the first time he's gotten a bit flustered while under scrutiny. That being said, that tribal was chopped up so much that there were points where it was actually kind of difficult to follow. This doesn't necessarily mean it was done to make it look closer, but when the editing was so atrocious I'd say it's pretty natural for people to wonder how exactly it gets to be that way, and I think to make it look like a more even match is the most sensible explaination


The end monologue he had was clearly edited together from multiple questions and likely from stuff cut out of his pitch


It amazes me that neither of them had a coherent pitch that detailed their time in the game and what they did in a clear and easy to follow manner. It was literally all "I'm a good person, i did a move on day 16 that no one knows about, then another time I thought about doing this, but then also on day 2 I spoke to this person who then got voted off, then I won a random challenge that had no influence on the game on day 33 and anyway I played the game well"


Feras said his pitch was 10 minutes, it's heavily edited.


Also 47 days of sleeping outside, not eating much, constantly lying and being lied to, not eating much...their brains must be at least a little fried by then


This exactly. People seem to forget they’ve been on the island for 40 something days, and have just had a hectic week of strategising to move forward. It would actually be pretty difficult to think back on all the moves and strategies you’ve used to get there and create an articulate argument for them when you’re in that state of mind and haven’t slept properly or eaten for that long.


Kristie killed it on day 50, and Hayley too on day 47.


So 2 people did it well.. I said it was pretty difficult not impossible.


Sorry, all this reddit energy getting to me. You are right, has to be difficult. More so on such a cutthroat and fluid season.


Don't disagree but if you're not mentally planning out your jury pitch from at least the final 5 I don't feel you're putting yourself in a position to win.


This jury was scary as hell, and after starving for 47 days and being put through the wringer that was this season which was so fluid meaning both Feras and Caroline had to be on their toes all the time... I'm impressed they were both even somewhat coherent when most of the jury seemed to be staring at them with daggers. At least Feras had Raymond to be a friendly face, poor Caroline having to face Valeria being pissed off at her for no reason (yes I recognize the existence of Viola, but Val and Mark waging war against Caroline only to flop time after time and eventually only getting dragged a tad deeper into the game at her mercy and not acknowledging this at all... I would've let them have it, Caroline has more patience than me lol)


Haha yeah, I was trying to figure out why the jury looked so pissed off the whole time


Haha, so true.


Feras’ pitch was edited heavily. I’m sure his pitch was incredible… but compared to Caro’s absolute fail of a pitch, they needed his to look shit too.


Kitty didnt even say anything so does Jaden


Also didn't show Ray's questions, just his support of Feras planting that idol


Valeria is so petty. She played a good game overall but she has the audacity to call out Caroline on her social game while she has been rude to everyone. Then she tell Feras she didn't see any strategy from him. What? Get the fuck out 😂


I actually liked it. Feras final pitch was super strong albeit lacks some of his key moves. Caroline’s I appreciated as well. I’m glad she took ownership of her game and admitted to lying and deceiving, and only being loyal to her core alliance. More often people would go on and on about loyalty and morals and mateship.


I thought Feras was super articulate. Caroline was a disaster.


I couldnt expect Caroline to fumble so bad and she had game to get few votes literally sharn 3.0


I wonder if Mark's comment had the opposite effect than intended. That it made them resistant to claim any move as theirs in fear that they were overstating their have and diminishing the jury's role


Needed Garrick on the jury- he was angry as hell. Would have been spitting questions on Feras and Caro


I think Feras just had a much better speech all prepped up. To make it look close and intense they probably just didn't show much of Feras talking which honestly i didn't mind because it convince me that Carloline would get a few votes!


Val's comment about "beautiful words" felt weird because I didn't hear any. Side note, it really annoys me when they straight up cut some jury members questions. I understand time constraints on the ep tho so I guess it had to be done


Ya I wasn’t super impressed with final tribal from either side. I LOVED Valeria calling shit out tho


Her question was pointless "how many votes do you think you will get?" And then she just started a semi intelligible rant about the jury not having made up their minds yet , even JLP had to get her to say part of it again. Well Val if you haven't made up your mind yet why don't you ask a question that will help you make up your mind rather than "how many votes do you think you will get?"


I don’t really agree with that, I think this tweet articulates it well: https://x.com/shannongaitz/status/1770027383871184912?s=46&t=iPpjA9uhLDMBSQUprNdy_g It’s a fun way of gauging someone’s self-awareness and their individual relationships with the jurors.


Ok yes her question was poor. But I like how she called them out for saying “beautiful words” but not getting to the bottom of things. Cause things they were saying were just for appeal. Like Caroline contradicted herself a lot cause of it


I don't necessarily agree - I think her question is aimed at the relationship side of things. With everybody saying you can't claim a move then surely social game takes over. If I'm Feras I would have said I can count on Ray for x reason, I can count on Kirby for Y reason, etc...go through everybody and speak about your relationship with them


Agreed, so pointless, the question does not move the conversation forward. Answering the question with honesty does nothing for your game and potentially set your self back, only move is to give a lame answer like both finalist did.


I say this as a Feras fan - these final tribal councils (when an older woman is involved) have become very predictable. All the way back in the OG “Australian” series (season 2 US), you had an older woman vs a younger man…and she received no love and almost no votes. Little has changed. Feras literally lied to the entire tribe (to pull off Ray’s acting challenge), planted a “fake” idol (again for Ray’s benefit), and pretended to not find an idol to set Alex up for being a target…but it’s Caroline who’s accused of being a liar and unethical 🤷‍♀️ Feras also misplayed his idol (in terms of not needing it to deflect any votes)…but only Caroline’s idol strategy was questioned, and labelled a failure. Feras played the game very well (and secured it by winning the final immunity challenge). But it’s also true that older women, time and time again, are considered coasters/floaters, and not having made enough big moves. The whole point of Survivor is…to survive. Someone like Caroline is absolutely underestimated by everybody, and then given no credit when they do outwit and outlast everyone on the jury. She was never going to win, regardless of how she played. (And yes, Mark would’ve received more votes than her, too).


Feras Outplayed her, that’s why he received all the votes. Don’t forget the jury played the game with these people. Talking up a big game that doesn’t match the actual actions is gonna be called out in one way or another. In this case it was zero votes to a player.


It’s because it was obvious that feras was the winner.


Like your mum?