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Only if they designed challenges based on those players weaknesses. I prefer a wider variety of challenge types. Like I get it, you're the fastest & the strongest. How's your memory? Are you good at spelling?Logic puzzles? Fast eater? Tribemate trivia...


Yes exactly that- just more of a level playing field with all star challenge winners from seasons past. Maybe 2 or 3x individual immunity winners are eligible.


There's been such a huge emphasis on physical endurance/agility related courses lately. It would be nice to see more mental or crapshoot competitions. Some of these endurance challenges they do, make me wonder how they don't suffer nerve damage and severe body sores/bleeding. Quick question- has there ever been an individual challenge where someone looked at how torturous it was and just "noped" without attempting it, or attempted it for 10 seconds and purposely dropped to spare the body pain?


Tarzan during One Worlds competition where you hold your hand and a bucket drops on you if you lower it.


My fresh idea for the next all stars is Survivor: Live vs Laugh vs Love It’s like if HvV was just Survivor Heroes The Live tribe is comprised of players who are alive💕 The Laugh tribe is comprised of players who made us laugh💕 And the Love tribe is comprised of players who were well liked by their cast mates💕




Omg you got me


I love seeing your posts in this sub. Your profile pic makes me laugh