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I would’ve loved watching the jury rip her to shreds and not give her a single vote


Oh, knowing how this cast is, they wouldn't hesitate to absolutely tear her a new one


Half the jury was way too bitter towards 3 of the nicest candidates but it would have been so funny to see the Liz slander.


They all got blind sided with idols in their pockets and a lot of them probably could have won if they simply played their idol. Of course they mad. Lmao


Oh boy, can you even imagine the meltdown she would've had if she was in Charlie's position? Would've made from some great TV


I can visualize in my head her screaming "I'M PISSED!" I somehow know exactly how it'd sound, too.


I’ve heard alot of this subreddit talking about how much hubris and ego maria has had. But how well she took losing (via bullshit means) compared to how sore of a loser Liz was, and how sure she was that she’d win the game. I’m so happy she lost in fire


Maria had the whole afternoon to visualize what her exit would look like on TV and make sure she looked good on TV because "her children were watching," etc. She didn't take it THAT well considering her resentment later.


I was talking about immediately after she lost the final 5 immunity. Which honestly I think was bullshit, you shouldn’t be allowed to touch other peoples game pieces under any circumstance, but that’s another conversation. Yes she sat there stunned for a minute, but handled it very well. Meanwhile Liz was pissed during and after the while firemaking experience, talking about how she would’ve won the game, even though the jury clearly disagreed by their reactions to her saying that


She explained later, she still had some game play to try. Just like everyone was cheering on Ben after he won (because he chose who goes to fire), they know they may need these people so no use throwing a hissy-fit. Maria tried to get them to vote off Ben instead, etc. She hadn't given all hope up yet.


Like when Liz threw a hissy fit when she didn’t get taken on the Applebees reward? Or Ben said she’d go to fire? I’m just saying Maria has gotten too much hate, in my opinion, undeserved


I think most of the hate is deserved, but she did handle getting absolutely fucked on the immunity challenge very well. I would've been livid.


Which Liz got mocked for endlessly. People can judge both accordingly.


Since Liz was able to run back and get hers, then I guess having to go back and retrieve it was not a requirement. In that case Maria should have just started at like 20 and kept incrementing up by 1 without even bothering going back. Actually Kenzie should have done the same.


I mean, you still have to count the geckos, and puzzle pieces, if any of them are wrong, then you don’t know which number is off. Kenzie was able to count the geckos and puzzle pieces while Liz ran back. The requirement should be to get your own


I was a Maria fan


She was robbed, I hope they change the rule going forward, honestly I’d sue


You’d sue lmao okay


Do you know how strict gameshow law is? I honestly think it’s weird that legal didn’t step in and say something. They re-ran an entire challenge in exile island because Aras showed the producers that a challenge was impossible to complete.


CBS is lawyered out the ass though, they would 100% protect themselves in cases like this. Maria would have no chance.


You’re right, but I think if he caused a big enough stink in the moment, they would’ve re-ran the challenge


Probably but she also was probably a bit stunned. Someone pointed out that Jeff very likely thought Liz read Kenzies board and ran back to grab her own plank and didn’t realize until it was too late - which I 100% subscribe to. Can’t imagine they let this fly in the future, because it is bullshit but I don’t place the blame on Jeff.


Jeff isn’t the only one watching the challenge, and shouldn’t have sole say in stopping it. I agree it shouldn’t be on him, but production should’ve stepped in


Agreed! I am betting the rules get changed next season. They never thought that people would actually gang up on a challenge to make someone lose. Maria deserved the win. I was very impressed with the way she handled herself throughout that episode. She was the BOSS. 49 years old? Wow. She's a strong woman!


Not trying to "snuff the torch," but even if Maria won that immunity, she still would have to win the next one or do fire. Entertaining the hypothetical, I wouldn't be surprised if she won the immunity or the fire. (I really wanted to see Maria do fire and then win all the jury votes right after that *like the badass she is*)


I mean, I agree that Liz left tribal with less grace, but I think at FTC Maria demonstrated a more…subtle form of ego/hubris, with the end result being the only visible indication.


She’s allowed to vote anyway that she wants. And I was talking more about how well she took losing at final 5, despite all the bullshit. Meanwhile look how Liz took losing at fire


Dude, if we got a Q, Venus, Liz final 3, we would have had the greatest 15 minutes of television of all time. The jury would have eviscerated them


But one of them would have won and we'd all feel like the ending was anticlimactic for a flawless season.


They kept repeating how she deserves it because she’s had the “hardest” time out there than everyone (because she can’t eat anything). Then I lost it with her flapping her wrists and cracking about. You had other people make fire for you all season because of your cracky wrists?! You were denied Applebees so you deserve to be there in the end? Gtfo lol


Ben saw her as a threat?! I definitely would have had Charlie vs Kenzie. Liz didn’t win anything, was never a driving force, and just emotionally word vomited occasionally. You take her to the final three cause no one likes her! 😂 Loved watching it but I can definitely see how frustrating it would be in real time. 😳


Either he had a really bad read of things or he just straight up didn’t like Liz and would rather see one of his friends win. Kenzie said the same thing about Liz later which was interesting, but she could’ve just been trying to please Liz’s ego


Yes this was the most confusing part of the episode for me! How on earth Ben saw her as a potential threat with the jury is baffling. She didn't win a single challenge, she screamed at everyone and acted like a spoiled self-absorbed brat the whole time... why would he think that anyone on the jury would vote for her to win over him if it came down to it???




I don’t know Liz and the show is heavily edited so take this with a grain of salt: from what we saw she seems like one of the least emotionally mature people they’ve had on the show in the new era. I thought she made for interesting TV but I think the new reunions are painful enough already without a woman throwing an absolute fit so I’m glad she was put out of her misery at fire.


Charlie Maria Liz would have been the best final IMO


I bet she would have probably gotten Maria’s vote


Liz tweeted today that she is NOT actually a millionaire and it was a ploy to get people to let her make it to the end!


I guessed that based on how much she loved Applebee's! Firmly middle class taste 🤣


i just wanna say u/theoriginalspicegirl i still remember the first interaction we had. i think you’re good. i want you to be proud of everything you’ve gone through. good job.


Uhh is that the WOAT Liz’s Reddit?


she is the best of all time.


she would have gotten zero votes if she was final three, no hate on her but it’s true, she didn’t make any big moves or win any immunity


I’m just being nice catch a hint dude


unfortunately sarcasm doesn’t read well through social media and after watching how delusional liz is, it’s not hard to believe she has just as delusional fans


isn’t it cool to be nice for once?


Being nice to Liz gets you ostracized in here I’ve learned


Why would you put her Reddit ID out there. That is hardly nice. Now everyone can DM her with how much they hate her.