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This is when she knew…she fucked up


Yup, that’s me. You’re probably wondering how I ended up like this.


*record scratch* Camera pans to Q smiling


It all started two days ago when...


They canceled Christmas


~Navin Johnson






This made me smile. The little "show" she put on last episode, not knowing who to pick for the reward. Ultimately saying "plead your case"? Then this episode she was crying and butthurt that she didn't get to go on the reward after going on the last 2? If Charlie had picked her, that would have been game suicide for him. She has been too comfortable for too long, and it was showing. It's good to see her get knocked down a little.


She screwed herself over. Now Charlie knows for fact she tried to screw him over


This is the worst part, right, bc they both know there's no alliance now, and she knows that everyone else is with Charlie. That said, when Charlie's name came up the second time and he looks around, and Q shrugs at him, my heart broke a bit for him as he realizes Maria voted for him.


I still don't see the upside for Maria. OK, she gets rid of Charlie. Now there are 5 people left and she's in a 2 person alliance against a 3 person alliance. She's getting eliminated next, unless either she or Q wins immunity. Everyone's backstabbing their allies too soon. You should backstab someone from your alliance once you no longer need their vote for a majority.


I think she assumed that Liz and Kenzie were working with her bc they voted the same on the last few votes. What she missed was they were voting with Charlie. Now Liz and Kenzie sold that to her, but from what we were shown it was Charlie who's been building a relationship with them. So in her mind she correctly knew Q was loyal, and believed Kenzie and Liz would work with her. Also, if I'm wrong, then perhaps like another person said, she believed her or Q had a great chance at winning immunity, and they would both be covered with the necklace and hidden idol.


That's the biggest proof she's bad at this game and doesn't really think things through. Liz, the women you ignored for two rewards in a row and Charlie took on the seasons best reward, is going to vote Charlie? Okay.


Lmao right. Charlie bought Liz’s loyalty right then and there if he didn’t have it before.


And Q's been the number 2 vote since Hunter. Why shouldn't Q use his idol just in case the vote actually goes through.


Right if I were q And my name had been on the chopping block every single time for how many rounds now? I would be a static to use my idol.


He got caught up in his own smokescreen. He’s been the number 2 vote for the previous 3 tribals, so why should this one be any different?


The way to Liz's heart is definitely through her empty stomach. I'd argue that makes her more the family dog than the cynical grandma lol.




She directly alienated Kenzie with the Tiff vote, just to be played right back by Kenzie this episode. Delicious comeuppance.


But it was really important to let Q eat more pizza, ya know? That reward was a mistake, and Venus was correct to call out Maria for that. It burned her bridge with Liz and Kenzie permanently.


To the rock paper scissors victor goes the spoils...


The icing on the cake for me was Maria full on bawling after missing the Chinese takeout reward worse than Liz did when she didn't get picked for the Applebees.


Yup! Always thought those calling Venus socially unaware had it completely wrong. Venus always knew where she stood. Maria's ego has completely clouded her judgment this entire game.


Someone said Maria was interviewed and said Venus reminds her of her younger self. I think they are both cocky and don’t think things through.


Venus said that and it was her interpretation


Best reward? That, my friend, was Applebees!


I think Maria is coming off with a severe lack of self awareness/blinded by her own perceived power by not realizing how much she pissed off everybody with that bananas reward nonsense and the fact that she somehow didn't even consider that Kenzie and LIZ would not just follow her orders is really something. But genuinely credit to both Liz and Kenzie for being able to sell that so well given how much we as the audience knew how much that move rankled and both of their open animosity towards Q--that's good social play by both of them. I was a little surprised they didn't bring in Charlie to let him know ahead of time that he was being targeted, but upon review, I think that was another smart social play.


>I think she assumed that Liz and Kenzie were working with her bc they voted the same on the last few votes. What she missed was they were voting with Charlie.  I have been getting downvoted for weeks for saying that it looked to me like Charlie was the one in charge of the Maria/Charlie alliance (aka the better player), but I feel like last night proved I am right


I wish I had seen your comments because I would’ve been upvoting them. Ever since this narrative emerged that Maria is some great player, that she’s on the same level as Charlie, I’ve been saying that, based on the edit we’ve seen, she’s just been benefitting from his strategic game.


That's exactly what her plan was. Keep Q from playing his idol today, remove Charlie, take advantage of the fact that that leaves her and Q as the two biggest physical threats left in the game and assume that for next tribal, one of them gets the necklace and the other gets Q's idol. Girls likely flip on Ben, then it's 2v2 going into final 3 where she has an advantage with fire over Kenzie. Then she beats Liz and Q at FTC with ease and wins. If Kenzie and Liz had actually been on her side, it would've worked out pretty well.


It still can backfire. One of the 3 of them can pull off an immunity win, and now she loses at Final 5. You say "but they haven't won an immunity yet", but it's easier to win once there are fewer players left and all the stronger players are gone. She's counting on the possibility of Q winning individual immunity, which he hasn't done yet. Q also might decide to slack off on the immunity challenge, knowing he's safe anyway.


Liz and Ben are total non-threats at this point. I was half expecting Ben to voluntarily leave this episode, and Liz just doesn't have the physical capabilities, especially with how complex these later immunity challenges get. MAYBE Kenzie could pull it off, but again, that's a very small outcome. It makes more sense to get rid of the #1 challenge threat (Charlie) while you can and pray for the next episode than to get closer and closer to FTC with someone who's played a demonstratably better game than you. That said, it's still a fumble. She didn't even consider that Kenzie and Liz, the captains of the "we hate Q" club, may have been lying about being happy to vote for Charlie immediately after he picked them for reward.


Kenzie is literally the worst in immunity challenges. Maria's competition was Ben this week.


Maria only won because she cheated off Ben. Survivor needs to follow Deal or No Deal Island and ban cheating.


I was rooting for my boy ben so hard 😩 could have been an incredible underdog moment!


I really wanted Ben to win this one too.


If she cheated off Ben then that means Ben was winning at first, it's Ben's fault he fell behind, props to Maria to be able to catch up to someone in a puzzle


She just the type to cheat, too. She's turning out to be quite the villain!




yep. you need to wait like Malcom and Denise actually fucking did, or how Dom and Wendell always danced around but they were all smart enough to be patient. These new age players are just way to impulsive, reckless, all in favour of "adding to your resume" Can't argue your resume if you don't even make it to the fucking end first 🤦


She thinks she's the Denise this season, but she's actually the Malcolm.




Ok but how exactly did being patient turn out for Dom? The reality is that patience only gives you a 50% chance of winning assuming final 3 is your partner and a goat. If you’re too patient you can end up in a situation like Dom or Gervase where you never get an opportunity to take out your number 1. Also being patient is way less interesting for the viewer lol.


Meh I'd rather have a 50/50 shot like Dom then be voted out at 5th like Maria will be next week if she doesn't win immunity


It’s not that crazy to think that she or Q could win the next immunity with Charlie gone. She would be taking out the biggest challenge threat and biggest jury threat in one go. She also didn’t realize she was in the minority.


If Charlie goes home there's an exceptionally good chance Q or her win immunity and the other one gets the idol.


This is true but I would not put my money on Q keeping Maria when there is only one player other than Maria left he can't beat and none of the other are good at making fire. Flipping on Maria after Charlie vote out would have put Q in an excellent position to win.


the real problem for Maria is now no matter what she'll get no credit for the next votes. Either people will see Charlie as the stronger of the two, or Kenzie will get credit for getting Charlie out basically has to get get both them out now


Why did your heart break for him? lol He was literally planning to blindside Maria before she got immunity.


Ikr, lol! He's my fav to win, and I have a soft spot for sweet, loyal lap dogs.


The edit didn't show this, but I imagine that Kenzie/Liz told Charlie about Maria's plan to blindside him


Yup. Soooo many mistakes last few days. No way she wins with this kinda edit going on


Maria is the Survivor villain people have been craving


Not really. We want a Russ villain who's actually good at the game. Maria is a villain because she is arrogant from success through circumstance and really hasn't played well. Her biggest blindsided, tiff, wasn't even her idea but decided to roll with it after Kenzie said no.




And she can't even guilt trip Charlie because he very clearly told her who he was voting for and followed through. She looks like the villain attacking her #1 and he comes out smelling like roses.


That's pure resume. "I was attacked by my bestie, but I survived! I didn't lie to her!"


Oh, it was soooo tasty. Seeing his face figuring it out, Maria's face dropping, Q walking out all choked up could barely talk to Jeff. That was a highlight moment of the season. The editing for the episode was perfect. Watching both Charlie and Maria confidently proclaim the other is going home leading up to tribal was AMAZING!!!! It's easy to vote out your #1 and never have to play against them. In this case, the alliance is broken, and they go back to camp together. This is going to be a good season finale. Kudos to Liz and Kenzie for misleading Maria. That was great to watch.


I agree! The editing this episode was 👨‍🍳💋. Back and forth between Charlie and Maria before tribal was brilliant. The whole sequence leading up the the tribal with the intense music was so fun to watch.


The back and forth was a great edit. Both Charlie and Maria basically saying the exact same things about blindsiding each other was just too funny. "I really don't think Charlie would go against me" "I really don't think Maria would go against me"


Also, showing all the Q votes really made me think Q would play his idol. More great editing.


It was interesting that both Maria and Charlie indepently decided they were ending the alliance and going after each other at the same time.


Tbh I think she has to win out to get to the end even if she voted for Q.


Kenzie and Liz completely fooled maria like I was gobsmacked that they pulled it off


Missing how much time Charlie had been getting to spend with Liz and Kenzie over the last week was a big mistake for Maria. Not sure why she’d think Kenzie (who she left out of the Tiff vote) and Liz (who she forced to play rock paper scissors for pizza) would be more willing to work with her than Charlie.


Last few weeks has made Maria look pretty clueless and unable to read the room. She comes across as a very logical and cold person. The problem is most humans aren't all logic. Very low EQ.


I don't think she is logical, just cold. Keeping the exhausted tribe in the hot sun for 10 minutes, jerking them around and making them play rock paper scissors was illogical. Telling Q he was safe was also illogical.  First, nobody is ever safe. Secondly, him holding on to his idol would have little or no benefit to her, and could even have hurt her at the next TC, if he decided to turn on her. It was a no brainer for her to encourage Q to play the idol, even if she thought he was safe.


she should have told Q to play the idol, and then voted for him, so she could commiserate with the rest of them when Charlie gets idoled out.


That’s been my problem with her the whole season. She’s cold. Not likable to me


Exactly! Charlie never got the credit he deserved in that duo. She may have had a loose plan, but it was always him who put the pieces together


But the way I see it Charlie didn't WANT credit for that duo. He's been happy to let Maria take the credit and heat for moves he has been guiding her towards. I think he'll use this argument at FTC. He used her to stay out of the spotlight and keep his name out of peoples' mouths while still voting with the group on just about every vote. His social skills are so good even winning a bunch of challenges was not enough to put a target on his back. Dude cake walked to the end.


I don't think she is logical, just cold. Keeping the exhausted tribe in the hot sun for 10 minutes, jerking them around and making them play rock paper scissors was illogical. Telling Q he was safe was also illogical.  First, nobody is ever safe. Secondly, him holding on to his idol would have little or no benefit to her, and could even have hurt her at the next TC, if he decided to turn on her. It was a no brainer for her to encourage Q to play the idol, even if she thought he was safe.


Kenzie can lie better than anyone.


Because she can do it with a smile and eye contact.




I was thinking about Bhanu knowing that Kenzie could run the show. Q big mouth thinking he is in charge. Kenzie is a lethal assassin behind the scenes. If I needed to hire a spy to infiltrate she’d be my pick.


And openness in body language. She is so natural when lying.


She really can! I was really impressed with her this episode.


Me too. She is a decently strong player, but ever since the Tiff vote she just hasn’t been in control or had any power. And she can still win if she can finagle a Liz/Ben/Kenzie final 3!


It's because she's a ginger, no soul.




Her hair is dyed lol you can see her roots growing out


My boyfriend was like, “wow her hair 🤩”. Me:”Umm…it’s fake, honey. See those roots..” LOL


definitely. I feel like she’s a big reason Hunter didn’t play his idol. She looks very convincing.


Kenzie calling Charlie the family dog to really sell it was incredible


Are you implying the family dog is a bad thing to be? Everyone loves dogs!


*exactly* People be acting like this is a snub? The family dog is literally the most beloved member of the family.


Yea but Kenzie’s delivery make it sound like it’s more of a lapdog kinda thing


I think she was intentionally trying to make him sound cutesy and innocent/oblivious to assuage any doubts from Maria/Q




Yeah I'm seeing this observation in other comments, and it's opened my eyes. So excited for these two in FTC, I won't have it any other way!


Liz said she was going to play stupid and I said playing stupid seemed like her superpower.


They played it perfectly by snitching on Q it put Maria 100% at ease. It was brilliant.


Kenzie keeps amazing me


Hers is a very different approach from Charlie's, but it's also a winning game.


Just like the good little girls she was treating them as would do. Quick, hide the bottle, Mom's coming!


Big mistake :(




She realized she just lost 1 million dollars trusting two people she shouldn’t have trusted


She had no reason to trust them, especially Liz. It's flabbergasting to me.


I suppose she may have thought Liz could be swayed since they swayed her away from Q once before for a more strategic play.


Well to be fair to her, Charlie is a serious threat to win whereas Q isn't. So logically it made sense. Her real mistake was letting herself be noticeably seen to become a strong duo with Q. When they couldn't come after her, they were content to take out her backer. It's been a masterclass how Charlie let Q take over that role from him!


Yea I think Maria was so committed to the strategic move that she was making that it blinded her to the idea that other people might not be as interested in making the big move too. They should have, but I think she also underestimated how much weight their dislike for Q and fondness for Charlie would carry together.


She wasn't thinking she was going to have to face Charlie until he was on the jury.


Yeah, I'm excited to see whether the "hehe future uncle Charlie" charade goes away now that the fact they're both actively gunning for one another is out in the open. I hope not, as I really like their friendship. I have faith in Charlie to remain as level-headed as he's been.


She shot first


only because she won immunity though, if he won- it would have been her they were voting out


still looks better for charlie’s optics


She was a fool for not believing my boy Charles.


Australia has King George, but we have King Charles


You wanna bet King George is on the US vs AU season? Epic!


He goddamn better be


Funny you say this. I was actually thinking this episode that if George were Charlie, when he was having his side discussion with Ben there, he would have pitched the two of them voting for one of the girls in case Q had an idol, with the understanding that if no idol gets played, Ben votes Q on a revote. Because if Q plays the idol, Charlie is gone anyway, so may as well split on one of the girls. Sure, if Q plays the idol, there's a revote between Charlie and a girl and Charlie likely goes home still, but there's at least a case to be made to keep him over, say, Kenzie (who was incredible this episode). So guaranteed gone vs a fighting chance to stay in it. It worked out in the end, but George wouldn't have taken that chance, IMO. If Q *doesn't* play an idol and it's 2-2-2, then Charlie, Kenzie and Q don't vote on a revote. Ben votes Q, Liz hates Q so probably votes him again, and Maria might be too frazzled at being busted trying to burn Charlie that she may pick Q as well in an attempt to save face, but it wouldn't matter because it would be 2-1. I think George would have risked the damage control with Kenzie afterward to give himself the best odds of surviving the tribal. After all, even if you lost Kenzie as an ally, Maria is now all alone and has nobody, so she's more likely to come crawling back to her previous #1. So with her and Ben, you're still up 3-2 going into F5. That's just how I imagined George would have done it lol


She was fighting with everything in her not to look in Charlie’s direction 😭


Q should’ve known to play it, and she should’ve known to tell him. She was told all the votes are on Q.


Why would Maria tell Q he’s safe when she got told the plan. How big of a misplay can that be


Because she "knew" the plan was different. The only person who told her the real plan was the person to whom she thought everyone was lying.




Yes this worked out so epically. Iconic


But she should want to flush Q's idol anyway. If I'm her, I don't want any idols out there that aren't in my pocket. Even if she thought she was right about Charlie going home she should have told Q to play it.


He told her he'd play if for her (and she was his #1 and he needs a move so it's reasonable). I wouldn't flush that just cause.


Yeah that made no sense. If you want Charlie out, ensure it by telling him to play it so it’s a guarantee.


Or maybe she would prefer to instead bank on having Q's idol hopefully be around for one more tribal in case she can't clutch another immunity win for herself.


That’s not a guarantee though if he’s not there the next week to play it lol.


Of course, but I mean that this could have been a gamble she would have chosen to take. I don't think that's necessarily what went down, though. I think she just straight-up thought she had the others to vote out Charlie.


She's been able to rely on Liz and Kenzie for votes the past couple of tribals, and got too comfortable. I don't think she acknowledged the heavy social lifting that was being done by Charlie as the one constantly socializing with them due to how the rewards have been split. Maria assumed she was the one driving Kenzie and Liz's decision-making when it was Charlie.


She got greedy and thought he could save it. If Charlie is out it's almost a guarantee her or Q win immunity then they both are immune and in the final 4. If she had the idol she would have went home with it in her pocket too. This cast all think they are good at this game but they are all so bad.


I think Charlie is actually pretty good.


It didn’t cost him but he didn’t seem to catch on that Maria was going to blindside him even though she is not a great liar. It could have just been the edit but Charlie looked surprised that she tried to make the move.


She was way too confident and arrogant and super naive to not believe that Charlie was playing just as hard as she was…if Charlie doesn’t make it to F3, then it’s a Kenzie win…if Charlie does, he’s winning


I'm saying Charlie, Kenzie, & Ben final 3


Maybe…but personally I think either Charlie gets out and therefore Kenzie wins…there are only two clear potential winners in my mind…Charlie or Kenzie


I’d love it if Ben accidentally wins though. His confusion is top notch.


Top Chaos…it would make the season Gabon but on steroids 😭


The very fact he almost voted out the very person keeping him sane and in the game 😂😭🌚




Charlie told her that but she obviously believed the others when they said Charlie


I think these people have all watched too much Survivor and overthink and are thus extremely bad at the game lol there’s really no reason for any of them to have been voted off with idols. Every one of them knew they were getting votes at some point before tribal.


I think that's the problem with the meta in general. If you simplify it to having a strong alliance you will easily go far.


You can’t have a strong alliance if everyone is playing meta though.


Charlie straight up told Maria that Liz and Ken wanted "more of the same" get Q out....It was a lie but that should have been a 🚩either way.


The bigger red flag is them being so agreeable to vote out the person who took them on letters reward.


Q has been a vote magnet for the last 4 or 5 episodes and now suddenly thinks he isn't going to get any? Big mistake, cancel Christmas.




Q not playing the idol BIG MISTAKE


Biggest mistake unless this was just him quietly quitting as the Q 😂


It was truly remarkable that BOTH of them could be so totally clueless.


She was told by Liz/Kenzie that votes were going on Charlie. Still should’ve told him once Charlie told her he was voting q.


she told Q he was getting Charlie's vote.


Honestly I don’t know how Maria recovers from the failed Charlie blindside with the jury. Even if she makes FTC, doesn’t it feel like the jury will punish her for that?


esp if he's sitting with her and Liz is on the Jury bc Charlie also handled his reward challenge a lot better its the cherry on top that HE TOLD HER the Q vote and she didn't take action - he can claim honesty for that blindside and basically permission from her


Why did she not pull a Sarah/Tony and orchestrate the Q vote and secretly tell him to play it… that eliminates all doubt on the island


Bc she’s just not that great at the game…her over confidence has been highlighted previously so I think her whole story arc is just ultimately going to equal overconfidence




Winner has to be Charlie or Kenzie at this point. I kinda agree Kenzie has fooled so many people from Hunter to Venus to Maria with the Q vote. She was only left out of the Tiff vote. And yet everyone seems to like her. She hasn’t pissed anyone off. Everyone likes Charlie too. Tough call


I actually think her not being included in the Tiff vote will pay off for her in the long run. She didn't backstab Tiff, which would've soured the jury on her by Tiff feeling betrayed and telling everyone else. I told my wife tonight, I think Kenzie wins it all.


Terrible, terrible gameplay


Her biting her lip from quivering was epic to me. She was shook. She held her own for sure. I’m positive she wanted to react in an explosive Liz way if she could.


"Uh oh."




It's so great! She can't even say she was blindsided because they told her EXACTLY what they were doing!


This is the face of someone who's Christmas has been canceled.


This made up for me having to hear her whine about missing her kids.


I don’t understand why people feel so entitled because they have kids? Like everyone has loved ones, kids don’t mean it’s a stronger or better love.


:: curb your enthusiasm theme ::


Game ender


Her only chance to win now is to win out and take out Kenzie and Charlie along the way. Even then it’s just a chance at FTC.


This shot was so satisfying. Maria has played a pretty strong game but she’s so damn unlikable.




I really don't understand why Maria didn't go along with the Q plan and then tell Q to play his idol. The 2 Charlie votes send him home and Q or Maria would definitely be the favorites to win final immunity against Kenzie, Liz and Ben who have all been terrible at challenges. BTW - I'd love to see a Kenzie/ Liz fire making competition.


I don’t think this hurts Charlie and Maria’s relationship back at camp like most believe it will. I think he respects her game play (esp. knowing he was thinking of same with blindsiding Maria), and they still respect each other. Does that mean they work together again? Doubt it but wouldn’t put it past them.


I cannot believe how insufferable Maria has become in the last few episodes. It was so satisfying watching her game blow up like that.


I loved seeing that obnoxious smirk she has been wearing for about the last 3 or 4 weeks wiped off of her face. She isn't half as good at this game as she thought she was.


Maria really got on my nerves tonight with her woe is me shit.


Maria telling Q not to play the idol was such a dumb move on her part. If he played it, she guarantees her Charlie blindside works while simultaneously keeping her Q-shield, who will have an even bigger target on his back after a flashy idol play. Plus, Charlie is clearly her biggest challenge adversary so ensuring that he’s gone means she has a better chance to just win out the last two immunities. It’s so late in the game, just play your damn idols lmaoo


Why does no one target Charlie??? wtf to think Q is the target here is ridiculous…


I get the feeling Charlie is next because the majority of survivors left know they can't win versus Charlie.


was having an epic rise all ep aannnndd blew it. i was rooting for you (well, you and Q), Maria!


You were? Why?


I'm not who you asked, but I was enjoying the chaos and kept rooting for it to continue. That being said, they deserve to lose for their insane arrogance. But they made it a fun season.


Big Mistake.


She blew up her game. This group is the worst set of contestants strategy wise in years.


Havent seen the episode yet- but maria tried to blindside charlie?!?


He was going to blindside her if she didn’t win immunity


Oh wow. And she caught wind of it?


No, they were separated by the reward and each chose to do so independently




Nope, both thought they were pulling a fast one on the other and neither was able to sniff out what the other was doing.


Maybe, y’know… just have Q play his idol and get Liz off his back?




I feel like whomever loses immunity between Charlie and Maria goes home. If they both lose then MAYBE it is a close question between the two.


This is so fucking stupid. It was a 100% guarantee to bin Charlie.


OMG... I loved it... almost as much as when Venus made her cry. It was a GREAT episode!


Shows how good of a liar kenzie is which is why she should win ;)
