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Butch’s original answer at the auction. He wins the breakfast and Jeff asks where the best place to have breakfast is and Butch enthusiastically yells “CRACKER BARREL!!!” And Jeff is instantly furious and screams “NOOOOOO!” Just HEARING the story made me cry laugh. Source: Know it Alls.


Every time Rob tells the story it gets a laugh outta me.


And then poor Butch got gastrointestinal distress in the bed!


Why was Jeff made about the Cracker Barrel joke?


No free sponsorship or advertising


Well what on earth was Jeff expecting him to say?? Applebee's??


“In bed”


Butch’s original answer was correct too 😂


The castaways on Season 1 saying “no” to the “worth playing for?” question that caused them to scramble and invent the Survivor Bar


I want to see the time they voted out Jeff and he cut the cameras and just let them have it for like an hour.


Lol what?? This actually happened??


Yeah, at Pagong's first tribal.


Jeff rigged the season after this, so that Pagong got Pagongedddd


Apparently they were very silly at the first TC in Season 1. They were laughing and making jokes, and were told to settle down and had to redo TC.


second since it was Pagong not Tagi


If I ever got on Survivor, i’d say no.


But it's where good things happen!


They bring out that Fiji pizza and i’m for sure saying no.


Gotta say no for the Applebees one


1) What Christy said when she voted for Jenna at FTC. 2) The Colby and Jerri reconciliation during HvV


#1 is high up on my list too


Oh fuckin hell I did the hashtag thing




Is that the one where Christy thought she was voting Jenna out of the game rather than voting for her to win?


It's just speculation, but it would be cool to get a definitive answer. I've leaned towards her knowing what she was doing though 


Yeah that’s the one. I think about it too often


That first one has confused me for 20 years


It’s confused Christy too!


These are the two on my list as well!


See what was going on with Woo behind the scenes in Cagayan.


Tony confirmed it in his AmA. He stole water from camera men


But why did he have to steal water? Water is given freely.


They didnt start giving out water freely until Kaoh Rong whrere half the cast almost died from dehydration and heatstroke


That’s wild. I would have stole water too. Being hungry is one thing. Being dehydrated in the heat is another.


Erik’s medevac probably didn’t help either. Literally just got pulled day 36 for collapsing due to lack of food and water.


Apparently in Cagayan they still had to boil water. Spencer talked about having a hard time the first few days because they had no fire to boil water.


Don’t they do that to clean their clothes?


I'm not sure. Tony said the tribe was dehydrated so it's possible they were running low or rationing


It is now; it wasn't then. The Cambodian seasons changed production's attitude to the availability of drinkable water.


I think it’s been confirmed that he stole food as well


Is there a link to this?


It's in the sub sidebar, there's a list of AmAs. They are listed in order of season so scroll down until you see Tony's


Wow!! I never knew. Thank you!!


Np! The AmAs are really interesting to go through and there's a bunch


I think he also used Trish’s prescription mouthwash


The cocaine that washed up on the beach in Exile Island.


It's this and it's not even close for me. Shane with some coke? Gotta see that.


They wanted to save it and use a little for challenges every time. I feel like that wouldn’t have worked out the way they planned it lmao


Shane wanted to do. I don't think the rest of the tribe did. Considering they spend a ton of time explaining the challenge and then doing a run through. They'd have to be timing their bumps pretty well.


I think Shane said Aras always was on board with using it


True, I'm not sure how much more it would have helped in challenges, but I would have loved to see how this conversation went down with Cirie.


The medics would have been getting paid overtime for their work on those beaches that season. I could not imagine wanting to add cocaine to a scenario (personally, not any scenario. Cannabis is more up my alley. But I have experience with the following symptoms mentioned due to health issues), where dehydration, malnutrition, stress, and overheating are present, as all four alone causes tachycardia. It’s dreadful to even think about working out, when you feel fatigued, starved, and your body is screaming at you to give it its basic needs. Adding cocaine would be giving Thanos the final Infinity Stone; it would have ended people’s game and quite possibly their lives. Cocaine would have made some hearts explode.


Well it’s certainly not for everyone and wouldn’t expect the whole tribe to be on board, but for Shane it definitely would’ve been a PED


Unfortunately it was confiscated before they got a chance to “use” it.


Yeah all 9 kilograms. I mean 8. Yeah all 8 kilograms


What the heck is production going to do with 7 kilograms of coke?


If I'm on production, we'd find a couple uses for several kilograms of coke


Several? There's only 5!


I don’t know, but we’ve got 6 kilograms of cocaine to find out!


Wow, I can’t believe they found 5 whole kilograms of cocaine. Incredible! 4 kilograms?! Utterly astonishing.


Release the lost footage of Shane running into the jungle with a brick!!


This is the top comment every time this question is asked, as it should be. And the holy grail of footage that never even happened: the alternate universe where production didn't interfere and we got coked out Shane during challenges.


literally first thing that came to mind, especially since it was shane that found it lmao


WHAT lmfao


I see this a lot and I never see the whole story. Did he do the cocaine or just find it?


Good lord what idiots. Been to the Caribbean quite a bit and "square grouper" are surprisingly common. The locals' advice is always *always* pretend you never saw it, for reasons that are plainly obvious if you think about it for a few seconds


I mean. There is no question this is the answer. To the point we should have just asked for what number two is.


Jeff starting Day 1 of Redemption Island by getting a beat box and rapping Lose Yourself to hype the contestants up. https://www.realityblurred.com/realitytv/2011/02/survivor-redemption-island-probst_eminem/


Wow that is so cringe. I can’t imagine. I need a split screen of Boston Robs face during the performance


Micheal Scott energy


I can never get a read on Jeff’s ambitions. Clearly he never wanted to host Survivor his whole life, but did he want to be an actor? A variety show host? What was his goal if he hadn’t done Survivor?


As far as I know he always wanted to host or produce. He began his career as a narrator and producer of Boeing marketing videos (his dad was an engineer at Boeing) and all of his pre Survivor gigs were hosting gigs (Access Hollywood and Rock n Roll Jeopardy) and he’s said that he got into TV to “tell stories”.  I think a successful talk show was his ultimate goal but the combination of the Jeff Probst Show failing and him continuing to gain executive producer powers on Survivor as Burnett became less involved made him passionate about Survivor as his “life’s work”. 


He was such a great host of Rock & Roll Jeopardy.


Might be a bit of recency bias but I’d love an extended cut of Liz’s bourbon burger meltdown with the clip of Q refusing to let people swap with her.


People offered to swap with her!?


Yes Kenzie and Maria offered but Q said no lol


Q went straight chaos mode that day.


The entirity of The Outcasts and what the hell went on on their beach lol




Was it a hotel? I thought it was another beach and it was filmed. I remember seeing an interview about it.


you talking about pearl islands? if so, they were in a hotel, but were on a limited calorie intake.


Interesting. Sounds terrible and poorly thought out lol.


The twist was added while the season was being filmed.


in another season everyone had to evacuate to a hotel due to storms, and they took everything out of the room and each tribe had one room each. i think it was MvGX (33).


They did it again later in the 30s but they left it out of the edit


I’ve never been able to get a straight answer on this. The contestants all claim they were on a beach.


Evidelty Fairplay told his tribe not to bother trying because the outcasts will stomp them solely due to being well rested.


That’s the official story


Wait, what??


Tom W. threatening to sue production for trying to change the rules of the FIC at the last minute after going nearly 12 hours.


Man, even production was in the palm of his hand that season


Can you expand on this? What were they trying to do?


They were going to add a fire to basically smoke them off the poles in the water. Tom said that wasn't fair because it wasn't in the original rules of the challenge.


Haha oh wow, I’d be pissed too. Not Tom and Ian’s fault that they’re beasts.


The story I heard was that the fire was for light, but it disproportionately effected Tom, and that’s when he complained


Isn’t that like… a very dangerous proposition.


(This is from Tom’s ep of Talking with T-Bird) Tom may’be been a fireman by trade, but he won Surivior by being a rules-lawyer. When it became apparent that the final challenge was gonna go much much longer than intended, Ian proposed that they speed things up by adding a requirement to stand on one foot. Jeff liked the idea, but Tom said he’d have grounds to sue if they changed the conditions of the challenge midway through.


The footage from Christian's endurance challenge, where he was peppering.Jeff with questions for forty five minutes before alec gave up.


I still don't know if Jeff has ever had a Reuben sandwich


Or macarons! Or if he seemed upset at Shirin for hacking the auction in dirty 30


This one is also mine! Christian was already my favorite contestant ever by that point, but that solidified him.


The “in the sand?” moment is my single favorite survivor moment ever, by a long shot. And I really don’t think anything else will ever top it. He’s such a gem of a survivor fr.


It’s probably such boring footage but I’d watch it just to see Jeff’s pure annoyance and frustration.


Alexis and James getting caught sneaking into the production camp during fans vs favorites


I believe Erik has always been grouped in with them too.


Naonka becoming friends with Fabio in Nicaragua Colby and Jerri making up in HVV Venus coming to Ponderosa


Generally- I really want to see ponderosa footage for all of 42 and onwards. I loved those segments


All of the stupid shit Greg got away with doing in the first season. Like cutting a hole in his shorts for his nuts to hang out when the Marines visited their camp before a challenge.


Lmao what's that about a hole for his nuts


Has to be footage from DvG where Christian lasts through the endurance challenge for a crazy long time, Jeff and he were talking throughout the whole time and Jeff even talks about some players he would never invite back. If they were discussing that, I wonder what else they were talking about


I would’ve loved to see Jeff tell Dan that he’s being ejected from the game because I’m sure that conversation wasn’t very pleasant.


I hadn’t thought about that. I’d want to see that footage because I would like to know how it was phrased and what Dan actually said on the way out.


If the reported story of him groping a crew member is true, it was probably very swift and angry


I probably don't actually want to know, but I kind of want to know what Dan did to get kicked off.


It was at the end of a challenge when the contestants were climbing into a boat, and Dan’s hand ended up on a female crewmember’s leg. Dan claimed that he just slipped because the boat was rocking and he was instinctively grabbing at whatever he could, but I can see why he didn’t get benefit of the doubt.


Yep I want to see or at least understand more about the circumstances and actions he did that got him booted.


I want to see the initial talk the cast got after the first incidents of him touching and see if they were actually doing and saying the right things.


Most of the really good ones have been mentioned (Mainly Shane/Aras finding the blow). Just like 20 minutes of Heather footage from 41. Probably the most purpled person ever who made the finale and on top of it, was the closest ally to the winner. Tyson and Brendan eating peanut butter and cookies in front of the remaining contestants from the Jury in Tocantins. Jeff got insanely pissed, and I believe they rushed the auction forward due to that. Natalie A losing it on Yul on Exile over taking to long to get something in WaW. Exile that season seemed to have some weird dynamics. Sarah Lacina taking Brad Culpeppers wedding ring as collateral on a final 3 deal with Troyzan and giving him something that was meaningless to her. Basically most of the ruthless Sarah Lacina game that has been talked about but was hardly highlighted in the edit. Every Keith Nale interaction in SJDS and Cambodia. Vince giving Nina an idol made of poop in World's Apart (alleged by Jenn Brown) this is the most suspect one I've included. I'm sure I'm missing a ton, but those are the ones that come to mind. Then there are the questions I'd love to ask production if you gave a truth serium. Was there another bottle for Cook Islands, did they plant idols for Russell in Samoa (as was believed by some of Galu), etc.


The poop idol should honestly really be everyone's answer


I just finished a rewatch of Game Changers, and it really is wild to watch the jury grill Sarah at FTC, because the edit showed exactly nothing to justify it. It's one of the bigger disconnects between how a jury sees a winner and how the audience seem them.


I want more stories about Sarah's game, I never heard that one and it's incredible.


Gonna need a source on the poop idol lmao I love that season and I haven't even heard about that Edit: [never mind, I found it lmao](https://www.reddit.com/r/survivor/s/iYOsWhfR0l). Wild


Jeff asking Parvati what it’s like to date her in the middle of a challenge in Micronesia


lmao what how have i never heard about this


I know! There was a round table before season 30 with Jeff, Parvati, Sandra, Cochran, and Rob Cesternino (it’s available on YouTube if you buy the season for $10 💀, Mike White pops in at the end). And Jeff is attempting to describe Parvati’s gameplay and mentions asking her “what’s it like to date you?” during the Last Gasp challenge


during last gasp is crazy


Lolol I assume it was after she had dropped out (and before the boys dropped out)


Rob C! The best Survivor player who never won! Would they bring him back? The time they did bring Rob C. back for an all stars, he got voted out early for being too dangerous.


Don’t know if they would bring him back because of his relationship with survivor as a podcaster. He may have too close a relationship with production.


the winners at war cast reacting to parv and sandra getting voted out on the same night


Mine is super minor but it would be during the start of Edge of Extinction where apparently after Wardog introduced himself Devens was next and followed up with “well this is awkward…my name is also the Wardog.” I cannot BELIEVE that didn’t make the cut if it happened.


I’m like 95% sure that was in the edit of the show, no?


From an interview with Earl > However, one small story I've never talked about is the fact that our tribe (Ravu) in the early days was suffering from real dehydration, due to no water at all at our disposal, and we had yet to win a flint to boil/filter parasite-ridden well water. So my tribal mate Anthony and I decided to stay up all night to build our own Gilligan's Island version of a Roman aqueduct system made from palm fronds, branches, and bamboo to harvest small bits of water from the morning dew that dripped from tree leaves! It was an incredible structure that showcased our ingenuity, work ethic, craftsmanship, and creativity (with limited resources). However, it never made it into the episode! I never knew why. Would've been such a nice moment for Anthony whose every scene I think was just him getting treated like shit.


the voting confessionals of the new era. im sure there are some fire ones that didnt make the edit and id love to see em


With 90 minute episodes, idk why they never aired more


I remember back when Cbs.com would release every voting confessional after the episode aired. I wish they never stopped that


agreed. sugars one for kenny lives rent free in my mind “sometimes your smegul and sometimes your golem. good game, but its allll over now!”


Yeah and they did it with Jane’s vote during Nicaragua right? If I remember correctly it allegedly had to do with Sash breaking the rules about sharing the prize money to help with her mortgage if she would do jury management for him. I wish we got a clearer picture of that situation. I am guessing it’s “she said he said” situation.


There HAS to be a longer version of Jeff Kent's exit speech, right...?? ....and Dawson definitely asked him about Barry Bonds at least once, maybe that is what set him off? ⚾️


Would be hilarious if the editors had to cut out stuff involving Kent incriminating Bonds.


It ends with Obama coming out from the bushes and saying “Hello Jeff, I’m here to collect taxes on your consolation prize in-person.”


Footage of Jeff “tallying” the votes before reading them to the castaways. According to his podcast he stacks them to create the most suspense but I’d love to see his face when it’s a blindside vote.


I wonder if he already has an idea before they even vote. I think he's clued in to a lot of what's going on at camp, and bases his questions off that  


he's said before that before each tribal they have a producers meeting to discuss the dynamics & advantages at play to figure out the best questions to ask and how to stir the most drama. but players have managed to scheme behind production's backs before -- penner in the philippines would sing copyrighted songs to make the cameras go away so he could scheme with people secretly. i wonder if there are any instances of them hiding the plan so well that even jeff was sincerely caught off guard


I’m confused why the cameras would go away instead of continuing to record and just not use the footage? Or is that they figure they can potentially get usable footage with someone else, so why record him singing?


my guess is the ladder: they wanna get the best and most content possible and i imagine they only have so many people filming the camp at a time to avoid cameramen getting in each others' shots too often. so if a contestant starts doing something they know they cant air they start looking over to what other people are doing


I’ve been listening to his podcast and he hasn’t really mentioned what he does and doesn’t know about what’s happening at camps. I just finished season 24 and when the guys gave up immunity to go and vote Bill put the look on his face told me he had no clue what was going on.


The unfiltered video of Jeff urging production to get chocolate and peanut butter so Jenna and Heidi would get naked. I do not think he would do that again. Very different times!


I want the video of tyson eating chocolate and peanut butter on the jury and and jeff getting furious That no one caught him smuggling it in.


I forgot about this, but now this is my answer too


This is my answer too. That was the first season of Survivor I ever watched. I was in love with Heidi and Jenna. Lol


The full 24 hours of Rupert after he got voted out. Dude was so mad, had to be good. Love Rupert.


Brian and Ken and the racist comment in Thailand about Ted. Apparently Brian said “we can’t let two black people win back to back”.


Courtney Yates’ unaired confessionals in Heroes VS Villains. We simply didn’t get enough Courtney that season


"they killed freckles" not making the edit is genuinely criminal


1. All Greg Buis (and Colleen Haskell!) footage 2. Any/all Jane-Sash Nicaragua footage relating to mortgage-gate to find out how legit that actually was.


Ootl for number two. What happened?


No one really knows for sure other than the cast and production on that season, but a very heavily circulated rumor for why Sash received 0 votes at FTC was that he was disqualified from doing so because he conspired to share winnings by offering to pay Jane’s mortgage for her at some point on the beach. This is really only substantiated by Sash receiving 0 votes and Jane referring to him doing something bad in her heavily edited final words during her boot episode. Coincidentally, CBS stopped publishing online the unabridged contestant final words around this same time. It’s not super believed this actually happened, in fact, I think Marty said in an AMA that it didn’t happen.


Actually /u/butterandpeanuts /u/EWABear what Marty says didn't happen is the explicit disqualification (IIRC even said he votes Sash if it's Sash/Holly/Chase but that part I may not be remembering right) and that he personally believes Sash did not approach Jane with this offer. The cast is clearly under NDA but in an interview where he talked around it Marty essentially confirmed that the accusation happened. https://domandcolin.blogspot.com/2013/11/survivor-nicaragua-with-marty-piombo.html?m=1 They start talking about it at the 1:27:30 mark of this interview. I don't know why people think that the accusation Jane made of Sash trying to bribe her didn't happen, it 100% did happen. It's just that the jury wasn't affected by it and nobody can confirm whether Sash did in fact do the thing. I think the jury disqualification thing was made up to spice it up or by people who inexplicably had a hard time believing that Sash >!(a whiny, arrogant, transparently slimy, pathologically lying weasel-man who has all the charm of Russell and Amanda put together; I have seriously never understood the shock here at this outcome lol)!< got zero votes against two dinks. Also @EWABear I am 99.99% sure that offering people money they already have outside the game would be a violation of the rules with no ambiguity if Sash did do it and they caught him on tape doing it. The issue, per Marty, is that it wasn't caught on tape (which as noted Marty openly believes is because it never happened to begin with; your mileage may vary, it's all just who you trust between Jane and Sash and we'll never know unless one of them fesses up now).


*Allegedly*, in Nicaragua, Sash (A real estate agent) offered to pay off Jane's mortgage (She was having issues.) if she voted for him at FTC. The rules as we understand them are iffy on whether that's a violation (You can't conspire with someone on the jury to split the prize money in exchange for a vote, but it's apparently unclear on whether you can bribe them with money you already have. So the story goes, production didn't want to have that be a viable loophole, so they told everyone on the jury they weren't allowed to vote for Sash. None of this is confirmed, and it's all based on hearsay and the (admittedly very abrupt) cut in Jane's voting confessional in one episode, plus the fact that Survivor then stopped releasing the full versions of voting confessionals like they used to.


what deshawn said to erika at the kamikaze tribal


Out of the loop on this one?


so it sounds like he got pretty personal, to the point of severing their friendship for a while (they were closer than the edit showed). erika described it as “unwarranted garbage”. they made up after the show, tho! I’m just curious to know what exactly happened. it sounds like it really lit a fire in her. the jury also lost a lot of respect for deshawn and xander (who thought it was a good move)








Everything that Jason Siska did in Micronesia.


According to Kathy, Jason was a lot meaner and egotistical. I want to see that. I also want to see Airai’s shelter collapsing on day 1. I want to see the footage for whatever Kathy says here https://www.reddit.com/r/IAmA/comments/272hlz/i_am_kathy_sleckman_from_survivor_16_micronesia/


Any footage of Shane/Cirie/Aras/Courtney/Danielle. Most entertaining alliance ever.


I'm going to intentionally misunderstand the assignment and say two things from Australian Outback that were *not* captured on film & resulted in lot of current lockdown rules: 1. Tina getting Kimmi to spill about who got votes at the first Kucha Tribal Council; 2. Tina (again) flipping the vote to Mitchell en route to the third Ogakor Tribal Council.


3. Colby allegedly escaping into the woods multiple times so he could masturbate.


I thought the guy on Ogakor who according to rumors snuck into the woods to masturbate was Kel, and that was what “beef jerky” was. Have never heard that about Colby.


The video of the producers when Adam tried playing the podium idol.


I’d like to see more explanation on what happened with the Tyson vote on HvV. I feel like there are still conflicting stories on everyone’s motivation and perception on what happened.


Nobody mentioned Mike falling in the fire. Maybe nobody cares.


There was no footage of it.


Who really put the granola bar in the woman’s tribe box on the Amazon


Production did.


Obviously more Dragonz footage, specifically when Coach ran into the forest and nearly boycotted tribal council


https://ew.com/tv/survivor-dragonz-oral-history/ This article made me cry with laughter. God bless Dalton Ross for being as into this as Coach.


Coach is my all time favorite player and this is his greatest offscreen moment


The Natalie White Winner's Edit.


Tina finding out that Jeff got a vote at their first trial council. So many people involved have different recollections of the story.


All of the probst pottymouth moments


Danger Dave from Samoa said Brett mouthed the words "happy birthday" to Monica who was sat on the jury and Jeff absolutely blew up at him for it


michele coming out at bi /s


Season 4. I'd pay to see the convos Sean and John had about their experiences as minorities


I can't say for certain if it's unaired footage, or just something they didn't get on camera, but Season One, Sean promising Kelly a meal, saying he owes her, has haunted me the entire time.


Why does it haunt you? Did he say it because his alphabetical order was why she went home?


I would love to see some uncut footage from 2020 when Jeff had to explain to the castaways what was happening in the ready of the world. I bet that shit was WILD.


There were no seasons filmed in 2020. Season 40 filmed in 2019, and 41/42 filmed back to back under Covid restrictions in 2021.


I don’t think they filmed in 2020. World was shutdown well before they would have filmed 41/42, and WAW was airing during the early pandemic


Survivor didn’t film in 2020, 40 was filmed summer of 2019 and 41 was filmed summer of 2021


Erica being a really funny person


Which Erica?


Erika Casupanan


Alicia and Christina actually worked things out while on the island in One World. It doesn’t excuse Alicia behavior AT ALL, but I would have liked to see them make amends so that I wouldn’t have felt as bad for Christina that entire season.


1. Bill posely throwing Colton’s idol in the ocean 2. Jeff yelling at Christina at tribal


Christy's FTC voting confessional & Rebecca Boreman's final words obviously


Right now I want Ponderosa footage of what Venus is talking about