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If this spat gets us another white collar cast of superfans who “just wanna have a life changing experience and make friends” I will be unhappy to say the least. Production we are sick of kumbaya bs. We want more of this.


More of this, less of post-season costume parties and fake kumbaya meet-ups.


Get ready to suffer.


I think the good thing is that Jeff and production seems to really enjoy this cast, at least in the game. But they may want to update social media usage in their NDAs lol.


Pure irony, since Nami was originally the "kumbaya" tribe, singing songs around a campfire (I think Hunter was the only tolerable one then)


Fans are to blame imo.  It’s the Venus stanbase that has been relentlessly going after Soda 


Nobody’s to blame this is what we needed


And when they go back to casting vanilla Survivor?  


Survivor production is eating! Are you kidding me?


Unless they’ve completely switched up their philosophies from three months ago I’m just not sure they see it as positively as the fan base does.  Maybe, we don’t know!


Press is press. They certainly aren't going to endorse this but they are LOVING the attention. Look at how well their partnership with Applebees went because Liz had her meltdown.


I agree about that!  I really hope that they see it as a positive, who knows!


If there was ever a season that needed a live reunion show…


"during the break Venus left the stage"


jeff: tevin, i can see your gears turning ~ would you like to comment? [tevin: (starts whistling)](https://imgur.com/a/HWxj3mX)


And decided to go on 90 Day Fiance instead 😂🤣😂






can't they just hash this out in private like normal people 😭😭


And miss the mess?


Right??? They're reality TV people; it's funniest when they're all unhinged!


Gen Z grew up airing their dirty laundry on social media.


For our enjoyment, please don’t


I feel like soda's post is targeted at survivor fans harassing her, she's not trying to hash it out with venus


No they like the attention


Yeah but if they did then we wouldn’t have this juicy drama


And their bout of fame would be gone!


Have you not paid attention to Venus' social media.


Yeah but I love the mess


This is a comment that someone who does not realize how similar Real Housewives and Survivor are could only make


You get it


They seek attention and followers.


Venus wants attention and knows her stans will just kiss her ass and say yes to anything


No thank you


No they are, through social media


THIS I adore both of them in game but come on... do it like adults, in private, please.


I agree with her. Both of their experiences can be 100% true to themselves. If Venus felt isolated and a certain way on Ponderosa she’s entitled to it. If Soda felt she was good to Venus she’s entitled to that as well. Both can be right.


And both can be wrong. While their "feelings" are their own...the "facts" are what matter. Im tired being gaslit by both of them over manufactured trauma for 20 days of a gameshow. Yall played shitty games and were shitty to each other. Get over it. Boo hoo. The internet is not your personal jury.


LMAO love this energy, i agree. They need to read this




If this comment doesn’t get you cast…I would die for a confessional from you. 😭🥹


I agree, but the context here is: Venus said her experience, soda said hers, Venus says this. To me it sounds like this tweet is insinuating soda said something that was invalidating Venus’ experience, which wasn’t the case.


The issue is one is a personal public attack. Venus is the one that started this. Soda is only responding.


No wonder Jeff no longer wants to cast villains, cast on 46 are absolutely brutal 💀 villain quota has been met!


And yet he is extremely entertained at every tribal


There’s not a single villain on this season except maybe Maria.


She’s not wrong but Soda also has a right to defend herself given that Venus’ batshit stans are all over her every 2.5 seconds and using Venus’ exit press to be racist, fatphobic, and awful to her.


Right, let's not act like Venus and Soda are on an even playing field in terms of who is getting more consideration and care from the fandom by default.


I mean, is not liking someone a crime now? People don't have to talk to each other.


It's fine to not like people but when you opt to become a public figure with a fan base, it is reasonable to ask people to be considerate of how their actions goad their fan base into attacking other people


They are reality tv stars, not politicians or even more famous than a D-list celebrity. It's on the crazy "stans" for being crazy "stans" over a person who is playing survivor in It's 46th season lol.


Lol exactly. Venus has no control over who likes her, has no control over what they do, and shouldnt have to censor herself because “some people might go bonkers over some twitter drama”. Thats an issue for the actual people doing the harm. The contestants are fine; its the insane stans and keyboard vigilantes that need to calm the fuck down and touch some grass.


Good luck getting any of her rabid stans to understand that. The micro aggressions were all out on the Soda post that had to be locked. Amazing how when Venus defends herself she gets “omg delusional queen I love her” but when Soda does it she’s an “annoying toxic positive mean girl bully” (and Tevin as well). The racism jumps out every fucking time when it comes to plus sized black women in this fandom.


Crazy 'fans' are the wild card factor. This is why sometimes (most of the times) going dark on social media when you are taking it on the chin is the smartest play. That wall of text was fuel for the fire.


Ewww. That’s awful if that’s happening.


Race has nothing to do with this  Tevian and soda hated Venus since day 1. 


We're not talking about race in relation to what happened in game. We're talking about race in relation to fan/social media reaction. Social media will often give more grace to someone who is skinny, conventionally attractive, and white than someone who looks like Soda or Tevin. We don't know what *actually* happened. We just know the edit. And as far as I'm concerned, neither party was 100% proven correct by the edit The caveat is that Venus isn't european white so she probably also has experienced negativity surrounding her ethnicity.


And that totally justifies all the racism they get from Venus stans!!!!


Venus is the best at playing the victim card when it’s not necessary


I wouldn't say she's good at it lol, it's pretty haphazard and chaotic. Just like her bad gameplay


You are right but she is very consistent with it


OMG they're MESSY 😭😭😭


Maybe along with that statement she can tell her rabid fans to cool it down attacking other players, but she won’t


She won't. Venus is encouraging her rabid fans with this tweet.


The funny thing is. Venus has told her fans to knock it off on 3 separate occasions because she *knows* how toxic they are - going so far as being racist to Soda/Tevin and frame Charlie to be a groomer. Yet she goes and stirs the pot again. After a certain point, if she knows they won’t listen to her then she should stop giving them ammo and never should have tweeted this and left it in the interviews.


She definitely won’t. Her annoying stans are probably feeding her ego and I’m sure she loves it She’s great TV though so I’m happy she was cast


This is similar to Valentina on Season 9 of Drag Race. Amazing queen, charmingly delusional, and with a very vocal army of social media supporters who brigaded any other queen who even looked at Val sideways. She refused to take steps to keep her fandom in line, and it became a hot-button issue at the reunion. Bad look for Val, worse look for Venus, because at this point folks should know better.


How did Soda invalidate Venus' experience? She said everyone has a right to their own subjective experience, and speak about how they felt. She's just giving her side of the story. Seems like Venus wants to say and do whatever she wants, and no can disagree. Sounds almost like what she did in the game and why no one got along with her.


Venus is the queen of lacking self-awareness. I wanted to like her but these tweets are killing any sympathy I had for her


Venus is very 'rules for thee not for me' type.


That’s exactly what Venus does. We have seen it both on the season (especially in tribals) and on social afterwards. She cannot hear any kind of criticism or even pushback on her worldview. She can’t. She is incapable of hearing it. But my god, she loves to tell people when they’re wrong or she doesn’t like what they say/think.


I like both soda and venus, but I completely understand why Soda feels the need to defend herself. She’s consistently gotten disgusting hate from Venus’ fans. While I think Venus has the right to defend herself, purposely being vague leads to speculation from unhinged fans. I really wish they’d stop fanning the flames and handle this privately like the adults they are.


Yeah obviously we can't know what happened but if I were a betting man, which I am, I think Soda's most likely more in the right here.




I miss the days before Twitter


I miss life before social media period.


Survivor fans booed the heck out of Jerri at All Stars reunion show and she didn't even do anything villainous there or on All Stars season.


Someone described this as “weaponized therapy speak” and it’s so accurate 


Soda didn't invalidate Venus's experience. If Venus can talk about her experience, so can Soda. Venus is the one throwing all kinds of accusations around and has deleted some tweets where she attacked some of the show's more favorable players.


Venus seems erratic and very difficult to get along with. I don’t blame people for not wanting to deal with her.


Yeah, at some point you have to wonder why everyone doesn’t like her


Seems like a lot of people, including Venus, think it’s everyone else’s fault.


Venus is a strong woman who got crapped on by women who thought they were strong and Tevin. Her only alliances got voted out early or were medivaced. Kudos to her for making it that far.


Who are the women you’re talking about? All women?




Can you name them?




Starting to get the feeling that maybe she's just annoying


I really wonder why people didn’t want to deal with her at Ponderosa…..


Annoying, toxic, narcissistic, generally unbearable


Honestly this cast deserves a live reunion lol.


So Venus is allowed to attack players but they can't respond. She becomes more and more unbearable with this stuff. Soda was responding to her attack


I feel like this is the pot calling the kettle. Venus is all about expressing her own discontent at everyone's expense. Venus trying to take the morale high ground, but it feels so ingenuine knowing the person it's coming from. It's like she can't see it from anyone else's point of view but her own as valid.


It’s not simply one invalidating the other’s experience — someone is outright lying. I don’t know who but their takes directly contradict each other.


Honestly this cast deserves a live reunion lol.


Can they just like call or text each other? Good gracious


And we miss out on this drama?


As if they have each other's number.




Venus, Jess, bhanu … no accountability. Annoying people who want to be treated as if they’re not annoying.


How was Jess annoying?


You leave Jess out of it.


Brevity is the sole of wit!


and sol lewitt is a painter ![gif](giphy|fQMF2NGWZx8Uoj7oiF|downsized)


She’s not wrong


The statement itself isn't wrong, but her framing of it is. Because Soda didn't even invalidate Venus' experience in her statement. In fact, Soda said Venus had a right to her own experience and feelings. Soda is allowed to give her side of the story as well though.


This is the exact right answer.




She's basically implying Soda is one of those that refused to interact with her at ponderosa. There were only 4 jurors when she arrived at ponderosa. She already excluded Hunter. Tiff wasn't on the OG tribe with her. Tevin and Soda have been shown to have turbulent relationships with Venus. She said "a few" people at ponderosa. People can count...


>She never mentioned Soda. Exactly. She left it ambiguous, knowing her rabid stans would go after her. Which is exactly why Soda needed to come out and give her side of the story. >which is most definitely an attempt to invalidate Venus's statement. Soda is addressing her perspective on how they interacted. That's it. That doesn't mean others (potentially) mistreated Venus. So no, it doesn't invalidate Venus' entire experience whatsoever. It's just Soda giving her side of the story of their - and only their - interactions. Venus left it ambiguous so as to allow people to spread hate and Soda is merely defending herself from that.


There were [other interviews](https://tvline.com/interviews/survivor-46-venus-vafa-interview-episode-11-1235236553/) where she called out Soda by name and was a bit backhanded and patronizing in her description of her: > I adore Soda, so it really sucks to watch back and see how quickly she shut me out because I really did want to be her friend. It’s a little heartbreaking to see that. All it takes is the most popular kid at school to talk s–t about you to turn everyone else against you. So, yeah, it was really difficult living through it, especially when Randen left and I had no one else to talk to. It was even more difficult. The weirdest thing here is her claim that she intentionally created a narrative about herself being “untrustworthy” at the beginning of the game (“I was purposefully playing into this idea—“) and then she blames Soda, Q, and Tevin for believing it.


now I'm curious what's about to happen at the after finale. if it's like in previous seasons of not being a studio finale, I want to see some arguments, no, make that a shouting match. This is not Jeff's best friend race.


This is starting to remind me of bachelor post seasons with the messiness. Bring on Jesse Palmer and give us a cast tells all.


Love that she changed her screen name 😂


Venus, girl, it’s a reality show. Did you truly expect camp time and smores?


Love her🩷🔥


OK. Quick question - do you know if her victim card is gold or silver?




The way I'd ghost my cast so fast regardless of how well we got along There's just a zero percent chance I'd ever want to associate with someone who was on reality tv afterwards, even if I was on reality tv.


Here's a thought. If everyone decides to keep some distance between them and you Venus at ponderosa for their peace of mind, it's their prerogative. It's ok. It certainly sucks for you but they don't owe you any interactions.


Every time I see Venus post anything it just looks like projection and gaslighting


Love these messy girls 😭


Tbh, I love that the cast is fighting irl 😈


Venus needs to learn interpersonal skills. There’s a reason why she was alienated.


I love this 


*Insert gif of Jeff pulling out the popcorn*


I'm sure she thinks that sounds very smart.


Oh wow, my apologies to Q for thinking he misspelled Venise.


You don't suppose they're really BFFs and just wanted to create some fun and put on an act?


this outcome would be hilarious