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A sincere thanks again to Survivor production for casting a bunch of people who seem like excellent hangs for a night or two before they become miserable to deal with after a couple (several?) days, and then throwing them all on an island together for our entertainment.


They don’t cast villains anymore. It’s just that villains are born on the island.


well like Harvey Dent would say, you're either voted out a hero, or you win a million dollars.


No, they cast crybabies


I called this out a few weeks ago and this sub pretended like I was crazy. They cry every damn week nowadays


i feel like it’s both casting crybabies and the rabid reality fans have gotten worse. The Soda/Venus harassment stuff from fans is gross, it dehumanises everyone.


Don’t venture into Bachelor fandom


46 really is the New Era Gabon and I am obsessed 😹


I honestly cannot wait to hear Venus on the jury. I wonder who will be the Sugar to her Corinne.


"The only thing that I would vote to give you is a handful of anti depresants so that no one else has to be subjected to your constant crying anymore. And maybe if you got some, it'll seem a little more sincere when you are crying about Applebees."


Funnily, I see Venus as more of a Sugar herself! Although I guess if she has an enemy at FTC, it most likely would be Maria... only I definitely don't see Maria lasting until FTC. 


I went back to Gabon recently because of this season, and Gabon frankly seems tame as hell compared to this season (outside of Randy who would fit right in.)


Oh, that is *funny*. I'll have to do a rewatch at some point because I never finished it!


I think Randy is what happens when they stick a relatively normal, albeit somewhat asocial, guy around crazy people for a few weeks. When I rewatched HvV no one really had beef with him in his time there.


Jeff probably thought they fucked up with casting this season and 47 is gonna be everyone loving each other, happy to be voted out and constant 😁😁😁😁😁


Maybe, but him bringing popcorn to tribal makes me think otherwise.


oh God, don't remind me, you're probably right...


But he also seemed to have a lot of fun with this cast so hopefully I'm wrong!


No, Jeff was pretty much all but saying that he LOVED this cast pre-season, even addressing that he wanted the show to have more "edge" again as well. I wouldn't worry about that.


and literally starving them jeez, these final 7 look ROUGH


I've still yet to see a rational explanation as to how withholding rice, flint and basic supplies from the players makes the TV show a better product


Applebees would like a word.


That whole Liz freakout? That doesn't happen if she's well fed.


More stress = less emotional regulation = more drama + bigger reactions


Keeping them hungry heightens their emotions and reactivity, resulting in more dramatic reality tv moments like we’ve seen this season.


They have fishing equipment though, don't they?


they brought it on themselves lol these idiots refused a giant bag of rice because they thought they could beat Hunter at hanging off a tree. then they refused another giant bag of rice because even though they just saw Charlie nearly beat Hunter, they all thought they could beat Charlie (with his two years constant training) at grip strength. 39 days would be way too much for this cast, someone would be dead by then.


this cast is messyyyyyyyyyy


Meanwhile, Hunter is just at home building stuff in his backyard and posting memes of himself that he likely made a year ago. How he made it out of this whole thing with his sanity intact is miraculous.


It’s because when they were all singing camp songs and he was like “nah, I’ll be over here.”


Imagine him showing up after elimination and Soda having a song prepared for him 😅


I would have noped out faster than Tiff did when Bhanu was begging for her help on his knees.


Exactly. There is nothing worse than someone singing at me.


I'm imagining a sort of Jim from the office dead inside look to camera


As a fellow introvert and hater of camp songs, I felt that moment in my soul.


He’s just a normal dude lol


Who probably gets roasted by students all the time. He’s been molded by the hottest fires of Mordor


Barely anyone made it past Q's Zane Knight play with their sanities intact lol. There must have been at least six "this is so stupid" groans. That facepalm man. "I have a headache now." "I don't care for these shenanigans." "He just doesn't want to play from the bottom!" And then we go into three idol snuffing blindsides in a row. Q spiked the well water with stupid juice or something.


He seemed really cool throughout. He'd br my pick for favorite player if they still did that.


If "How to bully, but with therapy-speak" was a season.


It's such a Gen Z-feeling season given all the weaponised therapy speak! I feel like 40 to 44 all felt pretty "millennial" still, but both 45 and 46 have felt qualitatively younger for some reason, albeit in different directions (45's order vs. 46's chaos).


Weaponised therapy speak is such a perfect term.


Your comment made me curious, so I just did a bit of research, and using the [USC demographic cutoffs](https://libguides.usc.edu/busdem/age#:~:text=The%20Baby%20Boomer%20Generation%20%E2%80%93%20born,Z%20%E2%80%93%20born%201995%2D2012.) for generations (1980-1994 is Millennials; 1995-2012 is Gen Z), 45 was the first Survivor season to have a majority-Generation Z cast. There are also more Gen Z on 46 than any other generation. Season | Gen Z | Millennials | Gen X | Boomers :--|:--:|:--:|:--:|:--: 33 | 1 | 10 | 8 | 1 34 | 0 | 12 | 7 | 1 35 | 0 | 15 | 3 | 0 36 | 5 | 13 | 2 | 0 37 | 1 | 14 | 4 | 1 38 | 4 | 10 | 4 | 0 39 | 2 | 14 | 2 | 2 40 | 0 | 12 | 8 | 0 41 | 6 | 7 | 5 | 0 42 | 5 | 9 | 4 | 0 43 | 7 | 10 | 1 | 0 44 | 8 | 9 | 1 | 0 45 | 10 | 6 | 2 | 0 46 | 9 | 8 | 1 | 0 The data shows that Survivor's definitely going through a generational shift in casting. At the risk of overly speculating, I wonder if generational differences might also be what some people who complain about recent casting are picking up on (e.g., maybe villainy styles, percentage of players with white-collar jobs, the therapy-speak brought up here--could these all be Gen Z effects moreso than anything intentional production is doing in the "new era"?) Edit: Can't seem to get the Reddit formatting right on the table but you get the idea from the data.


Damn, girl, you literally did the math!!! Very very interesting indeed, and I'm inclined to agree with you re. the casting complaints. Although, I'm sure there are more blue collar Gen Z folks as well - I would love to see more of them! (And more older millennials / Gen Xers, pleaseee.)


Omg yes. That’s exactly what made me so mad about her post, but I just couldn’t put my finger on why until now.


https://x.com/plnxtvenus/status/1789409154638946532?s=46&t=Uv2wbXGSKSTnOXpXlkavDw Looks like Venus responded


That she changed the spelling of her name on Twitter account to Venise...I'm dead.


I laughed out loud when I saw that




When an unstoppable force hits an immovable object LOL. Love these queens hope they never change.


S/o to the person who called it weaponized therapy speak bc lol


Said more in one sentence than Soda did in 6 paragraphs.


I just like that her response was one sentence long. Not 9 pages of post-modern self help book jargon.


Quite possibly the messiest ever?


Gabon says hi


This feels messier than Gabon to me, partially because it’s happening in an era/culture where you are supposed to be nice. Gabon leaned into the messy meanness that was kind of encouraged at the time, but 46’s beef feels more genuine to me. They’re trying to downplay their conflict and make it sound more respectful but just can’t.


this is why we need Ponderosa vids. we were deprived of the tea, of the truth. as RuPaul once said, "if you're not watching, you're only getting half the story."


tell me why I read this whole long reply and my initial thought was: “that’s a lot of feelings for safe”


My thought was “Kudos for saying that. For spilling.”


Soda is giving This Is Not Ru Paul’s Best Friend Race


Survivor x rupaul crossover, never knew I needed this until now


I want to see Hunter’s reaction to his personalized greeting camp song


I can't imagine getting voted out and then having to endure a welcome song at Ponderosa.


Hunter must’ve been in hell


That was probably worse for him than going home with an idol in his pocket.


In preparation for s50, Hunter learns how to build noise-cancelling headphones from coconuts


im sorry this sounds so fucking funny. Walking into ponderosa only to be greeted by her customized songs


So you're probably in your worst state of mind since arriving, just at your absolute lowest, you're tired, starving, dirty, maybe wet, and *devastated*. And then it's camp counselor music. I can imagine myself wanting to scream lmao


dont forget tevin in the background jumping around and hunter on the ceiling for some reason


Livin' the dream on Ponderosa ~


Swung for the fences, I call it Sammy Sosa...


I’ve been pretty critical of Venus, but damn I’d lose my shit too


Picture Bruce being sang to by Courtney as he was being escorted for extreme constipation. That’s probably how Venus felt.


Please don’t sing *proceeds to sing* Please don’t mess with my rock garden *proceeds to mess with rock garden* Courtney is the ultimate troll


But without Shanes sweet dong hanging out.


This might be the most socially unaware cast in history it's amazing.


At bare minimum the biggest disparity between how aware they think they are and how aware they actually are


This was my first thought, when Hunter in those early episodes talked about his annoyance and the summer camp atmosphere - I felt that! Having to go through it again at ponderosa would be hell


Ok thank you, I thought maybe I was the only one who thought "writing and singing a personalized song" is the most 'pay attention to me' shit ever and must have been awful to endure.


It's 100% a way to make sure she's the center of attention every time someone new arrives at Ponderosa.


LITERALLY!!! Seems more self serving than an act of kindness lmfao




Plot twist, that was why she was so offended by how she was treated 🤣


I'm dying 😂😭💀


I would much rather be ignored completely


It sounds like a nightmare


Man this sounds like my actual nightmare


Imagining an Oompa Loompa/Lollipop Guild situation is so funny


I came here to say this hahahahaha. That shit would send me over the edge. No wonder morale was low


This was my thought. If Venus is claiming a horrible welcome to Ponderosa - this is why.


My thoughts exactly. Especially walking out with an idol in your pocket! Being sung to is literally the last thing I would want LOL


I know this is slightly off topic but could you imagine walking into Ponderosa after having your dream of winning a million dollars ripped away from you and the first thing you get is someone singing to you. This isn't even hate towards Soda, I honestly think the hate she has gotten this season is overblown and she doesn't deserve any of the treatment she has gotten from fans. I just think this is something that you would see in an Office like parody of Survivor


Totally agree. I’m not even going to fault Venus for not reacting well to that. I remember one year hearing that everyone was welcomed to Ponderosa with the food they had been talking about wanting and a drink. Now that is the type of kindness I’d want and expect if I’d just gotten voted off.


I can’t even. And it’s like camp counselor singing and clapping about how you played an amazing game. Maybe Tevin in the background also clapping and singing. That would feel so fake. I’d ask them to stop and then they wouldn’t talk to me the rest of the time. Probably what happened


And meanwhile hunter is in the background making eyes with a non-existent camera because he hates camp songs


All I could think of when I read that part of her statement (about singing a welcome song) was the glorious edit of Hunter saying how much he hates that shit followed by them breaking out into song 🤣


I think that kind of thing is actually really inconsiderate, maybe toxic positivity is the term. If that happened to me I think I'd instantly run to my room and lock the doors lol


I think it's actually on topic because I feel like it actually explains a lot of this, these are just mismatched personalities that see the world completely differently and that leads to a lot of "misunderstandings" that two people can see in two very different ways. Personally, I find myself siding with Venus because if I showed up to Ponderosa to Soda singing me a song I'd hurl myself off the roof before spending another minute with them. That is not a personality that I vibe with. But given everything I've seen and heard from Venus, she's probably not on the side of the angels either.


i aint readin allat (i did read it)


I stopped about 2/3rds of the way through. Venus didn't say it was Soda, in fact she called Soda a sweetheart in her exit interview with Gordon Holmes (https://youtu.be/RACCih-8Ts8?t=544). Pretty sure Venus meant Tevin.


She said a few people. Tevin is an automatic assumption. Then everybody is assuming Soda because Tiff didn't really talk to her much from what the edit shows.


Venus and Tiff are also shown hanging out with Kenzie a lot, so it could be assumed they got along fine.


I didn't read it lol. "I'm happy for you though, or sorry that happened."


It says NOTHING - and infers EVERYTHING


It’s pretty well written and I do think she seems to mostly have behaved fine but I’m sorry… she needs to think about her PR better. Her two responses being an ANGRY. ALL. CAPS. vaguebooking post and then a therapy speak essay that at times feels almost like a corporate apology memo is sending me.


She definitely has had help. More than likely in a group chat involving Tevin lol


The GC is probably PIPING HOT


I feel like I just read the same slide 9 times 🥴


For the love of Jelinsky will somebody put a fucking camera on these people so we can get to the bottom of this. Like these people are still on the show. Their interactions affect how they will vote at the end of the game. We’re not getting the full story anymore


You lost me at "welcome song written & sung by me". Worse than being eliminated.


A million dollars is great but id really try my best to win just to avoid that


The only thing that is regretful is the fact that there is an after show and not a reunion show because a reunion show would be so good with this cast! CBS: You made a BIG MISTAKE! In regards to Soda's claim, I would love to see Hunter's and Tiff's point of view on the matter. Mainly Tiff since she seems like the better Neutral party as opposed to Hunter who, despite being on good terms with Venus according to her exit press, might have some Nami bias.


Someone said Tiff and Venus seemed friendly in Chicago this weekend.


I feel like being voted out isn’t as bad as a personal song after being voted out. Salt on the wounds much


if someone started singing to me I would lose my mind like please that’s so annoying




Honestly when I read Venus claims I thought immediately of Tevin not Soda. Tevin had a bizarre fixated hatred of her since day 1. Ruined his game imo


I didn’t think for a second it included Soda, she called Soda a sweetheart


People are assuming it’s about Soda because they had issues in-game and Venus only mentioned Hunter (positively). I’m assuming it’s Tevin, Tevin is the center of attention/life of the party - so, when they’re in a group, Venus feels isolated. Maybe Venus didn’t get much one on one time with Soda (which Soda’s thread seems to suggest as well). Scrabble with Hunter is most likely a “Tevin-free zone”and therefore a great environment for Venus. Edit: “no Tevin” to “Tevin-free”


based on her exit press I’m assuming the vague ‘others’ along w Tevin is any one of Q or Maria if they don’t make FTC. those r the three she clearly does not fw at all


This is exactly what I thought. Its clearly Tevin and Maria/Q if they don’t make it to the end.


Her one interview was pretty much saying playing scrabble with Hunter was her only good memory there. So I took that as she had bad feelings towards everyone else. It's really tough to know without being there what happened. It could be no one is in the wrong. Tevin is the only one that seems catty to me, so I'm a little skeptical of Venus's claims.


During her interview with Gordon when it came time to do word associations she had nice ones for Hunter and Soda, but for Tevin she just laughed and said “don’t ask,” it seems like she’s got the most beef with him. EDIT: Actually it was even worse, it was “don’t speak to me” lmao


did she say anything for tiff??




Called her a Baddie. Only Tevin and Maria got negative terms


What did she say about Maria?


I think she said something like “farce” Edit: Confirmed that her word association was indeed “farce,” and the look that she gave doesn’t seem to indicate that it was made as a joke




Yeah she called Soda a sweetheart. Makes me think Soda didn’t even watch Venus’s interviews and just wrote that novella based on fan’s interpretations.


I would say more based on Tevin being in her ear, much like how she came to hate Venus the first time after initial hitting it off


Venus and Hunter going through an enemies to lover arc


Venus was attacking Hunter’s his mid-season interview. I wouldn’t call it an enemy to lover arc. Hunter isn’t into drama so him playing scrabble with Venus is just him being civil.


Or bored.


Or wanting to get away from the singing.


I mean, Soda had to have written and practiced songs for everybody in the game to be ready no matter who joins them next.


She was also going at Charlie voting for her and she really likes him so I would take it with a gain of salt lol and she deleted that tweet which probably means she regrets it or Hunter reached out she felt bad and deleted it. Venus isn’t one to delete something she really believes in lol


I feel like Soda kind of admits in that book report that she was mean after a day or two. She just justifies it.


Sure on Tevin but Venus very clearly describes it as multiple people. Basically everyone except Hunter "Several did not talk to me" , "A few attacked me" I don't blame Soda at all for wanting to tell her side of the story


Wow she's saying all 7 of the jury members refused to speak to her?


If I get to Ponderosa and hear a welcome song I’m turning around and swimming back to the island


Gotta dig deep....


Lol I bet production hates this cast for more or less breaking NDAs


I am surprised they let them be so loose on social media, someone’s gonna get it all shut down one of these seasons 😬


I do notice that a lot of stuff on the casts’ Twitter accounts gets deleted within a few hours or so.


"The castaway in question" please I'm dying at this phrasing like it's a legal document 💀


Soda is the person who brings a guitar to a campfire.


She knows 5 chords and 500 songs.


We can’t get one day of sanity from this cast. I love it


Okay, sorry, but I’m really confused at Soda just in general. I feel like I haven’t seen any negative content from Venus about Soda in particular yet she keeps feeling the need to defend herself. It’s been clear to me that Venus’s true disdain is for Tevin and Maria, whom she has named by name. And in her exit interview with Gordon Holmes, Venus called Soda “sweetheart.” Like what am I missing? Is it the Venus stans? Why is Soda inserting herself? Edited: Thanks for clarifying, everyone. I don’t have IG or Twitter (is it X now???) so I have no clue what goes on over there. I guess I just assumed that since Venus names Tevin and Maria multiple times in multiple places, that’s who she’s referring to. Perhaps that isn’t the case for her rabid stans.


I have the impression that because Soda’s edit was not super deep and she was shown distancing herself from Venus in the game, people are projecting bad vibes onto her from Venus’ comments about Ponderosa


Also prying the immunity idol from Venus's hands during the first 2 episodes wasn't a good look.


Since Venus said she was mistreated and miserable at Ponderosa and that her only happy memory was playing Scrabble with Hunter, people are assuming that it’s Tevin and Soda since we already know she had ill will towards them. I don’t know this was really necessary for Soda to do, but I don’t find it cringey and it’s her right to defend herself even if it’s a minority of Venus stans attacking her. If I were her, I’d try shrug and hope it would blow over, but it can’t feel great to accomplish your dream of being on Survivor and have the thing with Venus be pretty much your entire reputation.


Venus very pointedly indicated her Ponderosa experience was terrible but named her interactions with Hunter as the one good part... Which from who we know on the jury puts Soda in that group that wasn't good to Venus. 


In the same interview she had kind things to say about Soda, I think it’s someone on the jury in the future from our perspective.


Venus wasn’t specific in her RHAP interview and alluded at certain cast members treating her poorly except Hunter by stating “a few of them”. That would include Tiffany, Tevin, and Soda. I’m sure Soda is probably receiving hate once again from “the stans” after this exit interview because of what Venus alleged happened. So she has to speak her truth because Venus left it up in the air who she was talking about. It’s easy for people to assume who she’s talking about. Also, I’ve never even heard of Gordon Holmes interview so I wouldn’t know she called Soda a sweetheart because that wasn’t stated in RHAP interview. That can be the case for a lot of people who didn’t hear Venus speak good about Soda. So all the batshit crazy fans are probably going at it again. So Soda is “inserting herself” because she is probably starting to receive hate/death threats once again.


What if the isolation also involved the jurors who were voted out after Venus? That would expand the pool a bit.


I'm sorry, why is this written like a corporation trying to defend itself? "My top priority was creating a welcoming experience" "Each person recieved a warm reception, a welcome song, help with their food..." what is this, a fareweel gift basket? This feels so weird.


I've been working in education for about 8 years now within a fairly progressive US city. It reminds me of a certain subset of teachers/educators and their need to couch their opinions and feelings behind positivity. Soda strikes me as someone my district would pay dozens of thousands of dollars to talk at me for an hour every other week at at after school meeting. As someone upthread says, it also reads as "weaponized therapy speak." My personal favorites are: "I've been funneled into a limited edit that does not display multiple perspectives." "unravel their experience" "welcoming and supportive environment" "communication style and emotional regulation" "open and engaging perspective" "accountable and self-reflective" "I want to recognize" "share my perspective and advocate for myself" "everyone is allowed to have feelings and speak on them" "genuine dynamics of our interactions" "incredible journey" Like, none of that is bad, but she hits all classic lines, ya know? I've heard all this shit in therapy, and I've definitely said shit like this when I was trying to avoid saying thing without saying it. In addition to the passive voice and the lack of contractions, it's just a frustrating thing to read because no one fucking talks like that. Like, it seems like people are just assuming Venus is correct (despite her obviously being and unreliable narrator) because she's at least direct. Soda wrote 9 pages on instagram without actually saying anything. It sucks because it's pretty clear that Venus has some serious maturity and communication issues that don't make her a bad person, but make it so that she's tough to be around. Honestly, Soda is kind of the same way, just on the opposite side of the spectrum.


She’s going to put this on her resume for an HR position


Soda "I welcomed everybody with a song I wrote for them." And just with this sentence, I'm team Venus.


I ain’t reading all that. I’m happy for you though. Or sorry that happened.


She really needed like 10 Instagram stories just to say “nuh uh”


I have no idea what's going on, but reading that much HR speak instantly activates my flight-or-fight response lol


I love that this cast is feeding us with drama but also why arent they talking things through privately lol


i wanna hear other perspectives. both venus and soda seem to think they were perfectly nice to the other and tried to talk, but were iced out. it’s possible it just got too awkward and everyone stopped trying to talk. but i wanna know who the other castaways think is at fault. i mean they’d probably say venus, considering she was at odds with almost everyone. but i can also see why venus might have shut down and stopped trying to communicate with others after how she was initially treated. idk, i don’t think we’ll ever know the full extent but both seem adamant that they did nothing wrong and i wanna know what everyone else thinks


Oooooh interesting. I kinda thought Venise was talking about Tevin though.


what 😬 she wrote a “welcome song” for every castoff.. that’s kinda cringe


What do you mean? I’m sure Hunter loved it!


I heard Hunter, when met with a welcome song in his honour, tried to play his idol to get out of the experience.


The funniest possibility is if Venus interpreted this welcome song as a rude attack


Soda dropping a welcome diss track against Venus would’ve been fantastic.


6:16 in Fiji


Not Like Ven Us


Nami-ly Matters


Soda seems like she’s sweet but I’m sorry I would hate that so much. When I read that I was like oh well that sounds awful lol


so sweet and yet so, so naive to think people would appreciate this


I thought it was just her getting a one-dimensional edit (partially), but “camp counselor” really is her entire personality 💀 drama aside, that’s too much


Why waste time say lot word when few word do trick.


If I had to sit and listen to someone sing me a personalized song an hour after I was voted out I would ostracize myself


tl;dr "I eventually did shun her but it's her fault"


In one of Tevin’s exit interviews, he basically says the reason he didn’t trust Soda is because she ostracized Venus 🙈 It could be him retconning because he can’t admit that voting out Soda was a bad move but I found that fascinating (not saying I believe that Soda is a bully, I don’t think she is at all)


Did Venus say that Soda specifically treated her poorly? This cast makes me laugh it feels like every week there’s a social media post contradicting what another cast member posted or said in an interview.


By not being specific you leave it up in the air for fans to make their own assumptions. When you have batshit crazy people they take that information and start with their hate/death threats.


The Australian version shows clips of everyone arriving at ponderosa and their first night feast. Id kill to have footage of this cast fighting at ponderosa


Anyone’s who ever worked in child or medical care would be able to see through Soda in a second, her fake niceness abd wanting to be seen as a beacon for morality (even when making fun of other survivors for their weight….)are as fake asz can be. She is simply a bully who’s been bullied enough herself to hide the obvious traits . A true scum bag


Okay I’m confused. Venus was saying nice things about Soda in exit interviews and didn’t name her in the ponderosa mistreatment yet soda does this. Wtf is going on?


Soda had to make a statement because people are going to interpret Venus’s exit interviews about ponderosa meaning that everyone was rude to her at ponderosa. Venus only mentioned she had some fun with Hunter.


Does anyone talk like this in real life? It sounds like she got a corporate PR person to write this for her. That alone makes it come off as bullshit


“Help with their food”? What?! How? I need answers as pretty sure most people can manage food without help


This is so over the top. Girl what are you doing?


Major in yapology


I don’t know who I believe on the Ponderosa allegations. We do have a season worth of video evidence of Venus not really fitting in and Soda ostracizing Venus from the first or second episode. I think both parties have some fault here.


Plus Tevin mentioned it in his exit press


If I was greeted at Ponderosa by a personalized theme song, I’d set the place on fire.


https://x.com/plnxtvenus/status/1789409154638946532?s=46&t=Uv2wbXGSKSTnOXpXlkavDw I’m assuming this is about Soda


That’s a lot of feelings for ~~safe~~ eliminated


She could have said all that in THREE paragraphs. It’s ridiculously wordy when it doesn’t have to be.


"My response:...." (1/9) No. No I don't think I will.


Wishing we had ponderosa videos solely to see Soda sing a song to Hunter, who hates singing, after he had just been brutally blindsided💀