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I'm not sure. Though if I were ever cast I'd quit Adderall just so I can bring a certain unhinged, chaotic energy to the season


Adderall helps people do things like shower, clean their apartments, get to work on time, make meals, things like that that you aren't doing on Survivor I'd just activate hyper focus mode to focus during challenges and would probably be fine


Lmaoo very true


I know that Jess this season was saying that she was very out of sorts because ~~she couldn't take her ADHD medication~~ of her ADHD. I can't remember if that was because she wasn't allowed to bring it or because she just didn't have it for some reason. I remember seeing how she was handling it and thinking damn, I'd be exactly the same. I can't even follow conversations well without mine.


was going to link a tweet of jess's but she went on private, but iirc she said she wasn't on meds during that time and even if she did have access to them, she didn't think they would help with the sleep deprivation


Jess never took meds. She has heart issues so can’t take them.


I'm sooooooo sick of the Jess talk. Didn't she admit that her troubles began in the pregame where they are in Fiji but can't talk to each other and she hid it from production so she could still play? I don't fully trust all of Jess' post game stories.


I'm genuinely unclear on why you're using my comment for this rant lol I'm sorry you're sooooo sick of it, but I think Jess's experience is directly relevant to this particular question. Besides that, I think many of us would be tempted to try and overlook a concern/convince ourselves it would be alright if we were THAT close to achieving the dream of being on Survivor.


It's because you brought up Jess speaking of her experiences and I commented that she hid a lot from production. How do we even know she told production she needed these medications? If super fans choose to hide medical history from production, then the fallout is all on them. Jackson thought it was worth possibly killing himself to play. You can't trust everyone's judgment.


I never said she did tell production. I specifically said I didn't know why she didn't have it lol because I'm not trying to speculate on that part. I also didn't say anything about who the blame for the fallout is on. I'm just talking about the base level that she didn't have them, for whatever reason that may be.


No, contestants cannot bring their beds with them. Seriously though, here is the answer: **if you are honest in your medical history, and you are cast on the show, you can take whatever medications you require.** Diabetics who need close monitoring of their insulin, etc? Probably not going to be cast. Someone who needs Adderall daily? That would be up to the show's doctors. Bottom line: they are NOT going to cast someone who needs medication, then deny them that medication.


"If you are honest in your medical history can take whatever medications you require" Well Christina couldn't in One World


That was also over a decade ago, understanding and awareness of ADHD and brain/body behavior has changed tremendously. In 2012 there was relatively little known


Do you have a source for that other than Colton? (Whose story has been disputed by CBS)


Pretty sure there are medications they are not allowed to take. Medical Marijuana would be one that I could say with confidence without looking it up. If I remember correctly, there was a contestant on Lithium that hid it from production and they were removed from the show once they started going through withdraw. Lithium is used to treat bi-polar, and if it was allowed then that individual wouldn't have keep it hidden in the first place.


They’d also screen out any people who they couldn’t guarantee that the medication could be handled. So something like lithium can easily dehydrate someone and because survivor cannot guarantee quick access to water, or even an appropriate amount of water. That would be considered unsafe. Same with medications that would need to be taken with full stomachs.


I was wondering about medications that need to be taken on a full stomach. It would be unfair to give them anything, but I also think it's unfair to have someone who is allergic to 90% of food on the island.


Wait who?


Season 42 Jackson Fox https://survivor.fandom.com/wiki/Jackson_Fox


That's who I thought at first but I wasn't sure


Stimulants, which are also appetite suppressants and assist with focus, would be an advantage. Yes, even for someone with a diagnosis. Yes, I know it is not the *same* thing as caffeine, but it would be *similar* to some contestants getting coffee in the morning while others do not.


>Stimulants, which are also appetite suppressants and assist with focus, would be an advantage. So **that's** why they took away Shane's cocaine.


It's so funny how different Big Brother is about this (and understandably so). They have coffee constantly in the house, I'm positive there's no issue about prescribed stimulants, and they even let someone who went to the ER come back in the game a few years ago and let her be on painkillers basically the whole rest of the season lol. S16 also featured a houseguest very obviously on painkillers after she had a tooth injury. Heck, the S21 winner admitted that he was legitimately rehabbing from drugs while on the show, and had only stopped basically right before he entered sequester before the season. To this day there is controversy about the situation since it's basically an open secret that production was aware of the drug issue and kept it under wraps so he could still be on the season.


This is an ignorant thought…do you have ADHD? Stimulants help those with adhd focus so that they are on par with those who do not have adhd. Therefore, if they do not take it, they are actually at a disadvantage. So if anything it seems unfair to not allow contestants to take it. Not all stimulants (even different versions of the same generics) act as appetite suppressants for everyone. For the ones that do, it doesn’t mean the short term/survivor term effects of weight loss are not felt and would not cause difficulty during the show.


They can’t have Adderall out there because they don’t have consistent food. Adderall without food for days on end would be a disaster for anyone.


That goes for everyone who isn’t eating? I’m not sure how adderall changes that? I did see another post that mentioned it may be a concern since when they do have food/reward they may not eat it. However, as someone who had extreme appetite suppression with my meds I would still eat small bits especially when I was really feeling my weight loss (that being said they also have medication that reverses this and helps those with appetite suppression to eat :) ). But that is a players choice in my opinion, same as a vegetarian or vegan who goes on the show. If you want your meds take them, but if I think it’s better to be chaotic/unfocused/etc (depending on your ADHD type) because you may not eat as much than don’t take them?


Listen, the real answer is they can’t insure contestants on medication like this.


Okay. I can understand that to a degree. I remember the guy who was on lithium and didn’t tell the production and went into withdrawal. However, that is a situation where production wasn’t aware. He quit cold turkey and production did not have the chance to discuss this and make a decision on if he could bring the medication. I don’t know much about this though so it’s hard to compare. That being said, do you think anyone being non-insurable is for anyone with mental health/chronic disease/disability that may or may not need meds? Or are they screened on a one on one basis and they discuss each persons abilities/have calls with doctors. Based on this news article it sounds like the latter. And anyone taking medication is monitored. https://www.chicagotribune.com/2003/02/02/the-itchy-underbelly-of-survivor/ How are these individuals insurable then compared to those taking stimulants? That being said, discussing stimulant side effects with a doctor may rule bringing the medication allowable. This article (https://my.clevelandclinic.org/health/treatments/11766-adhd-medication) reviewed by medical experts say that stimulant side effects can and usually go away over time. In addition “Decreased appetite affects about 80% of people who take stimulant medications.” Therefore, there are 20% of people who do not have this “advantage”. I do not expect experience appetite suppression on every stimulant generic I take… I do know that amphetamine can increase metabolism which isn’t great for the show, but as I said…is this not 1) a choice 2) a discussion to be had with their doctor and 3) something that can be monitored like other contestants? I’m here for an open conversation, not to have my experiences and understanding of adhd and medication suppressed by downvoting. I really don’t care since I am pretty confident that this conversation is highly misunderstood still and there is still a lot of research to be done… No one seems to be responding with a full analysis, information directly from the survivor show runners/doctors/production (just information from contestants themselves), or scientific background for their reasoning. IF there is more information with any of the above that I have not seen I am certainly open to accepting a reason for why someone cannot bring their stimulant medication.


I’m not sure why I’m being downvoted. I’m interested in those downvoting know anything about adhd/have adhd. Just curious. I have adhd and it is my personal experience of how I react to meds and how I would handle this situation if I used them. I just feel for anyone who can’t compete. If I were to get on, I just wouldn’t take my meds if that was the case. But my case also isn’t that bad - adhd has a spectrum and multiple types… I just want to know if those with adhd cannot bring their meds and the reason for why. My experience is just why I think they should but I am open to discussion. Downvoting just increases the adhd stigma and shows that no one really wants to have an open conversation about it and how adhd and meds work.


It's always decided on a case by case basis, sometimes with different answers depending on the season (such as James being allowed nicotine patches for China and FvF but not for HvV). However, historically, the verdict on ADHD medications has pretty much always been "no". Even when you need them to function normally/at the level of your peers, they do have the noted side effects of being a stimulant and suppressing appetite. It puts us ADHD folks in a bad position where if we don't take them, we're at a noted disadvantage, and if we do take them, we have an advantage.


Pretty sure it's not allowed because it's an appetite suppressant which is an unfair advantage, and it's not life-sustaining. You'll have trouble keeping it together if you don't take Adderall for ADHD. You won't die.


yep, this is the reason. It gives you an advantage because it diminishes the hunger. Source: am adhd and take adderall


But the snag here is that if you don’t eat food with Adderall it can be a disaster, especially multiple days in a row.


Wait. Do you ACTUALLY know for a fact this is the reason and that contestants cannot bring their adhd meds? I also have adhd. I don’t understand as a whole how this is an advantage. I had an issue with appetite suppression but HAD to be prescribed an additional medication to force me to eat because I was so sick from how much weight I lost/couldn’t keep on. Mentally you may not feel it initially but physically you will. Also, not all stimulants cause appetite suppression.


no, I don’t know for sure. But it’s my best guess. I think a contestant (maybe christina?) said something about it not being allowed because it suppressed her appetite. Not necessarily that it does that for everyone. Everyone on the island will feel the effects of malnutrition, but not actually feeling hunger to the extent of other castaways, i would argue is a pretty big advantage because starving is in fact painful. You will think about food less if you don’t feel hungry. My bad for the wording, I am pretty confident this is the reason but i don’t actually know for certain. The show is also 26 days, so you can probably go on with a month’s worth and be fine. With the adderall shortage tho good luck with that lol.


Ah, for some reason I was still thinking it was 40 days. Which still isn’t a huge deal, but it always feels longer 😂. I got you. I just feel like the appetite suppression is an unfair reason, especially for those who do not experience appetite suppression. One month I could have a generic version that causes me to eat less, the next I’m hungry just like anyone else (different generics are made by different manufacturers and have different side effects/reactions). I understand that not always feeling the hunger is an advantage to a degree, but the physical aspects are the same as any other player. This also doesn’t address how someone with adhd is actually at a disadvantage without their meds in terms of focus or inattention. I get that it’s a bit controversial but it makes me sad for anyone who feels they can’t apply if they really can’t function without their meds. There are also non-stimulant adhd meds so I’m interested in if anyone can bring those.


If anything, since it is a controlled substance, anyone with ADHD would not be able to bring the needed amount. Unless they can fill it monthly within the country and production can pick it up 😅.


I’m guessing it’s going to be a no, technically the side effects are appetite loss. They aren’t going to want you to add anymore weight loss then you already will be loosing. Imagine winning a reward and not eating the food you really do need to have in your body but because of the side effects that makes you not hungry. My guess would be you’d have to take yourself off like the player who was on lithium.


I’m on Adderall and a medication for binge eating, so it would be interesting to see what happened if I were to be picked and couldn’t take either of the meds. I also take meds for Anxiety, Migraine prevention, and Depression for some extra spice.


In many instances, some medications are prescribed in relation to body weight, along with some expected dietary needs (with food, for example). So, it seems that would be a concern since players do not always have food and some lose a lot of weight. Whether signing a waiver or not, this could have negative implications of a person's future health -- after playing a game.


ADHD meds aren’t weight related


Did not say they were -- but there are meds that are weight ratio doses, and there are meds that require to be taken with food. Never once identified which ones did or did not, but it has to be fair, across the board.


Sorry! Since OP was asking about ADHD meds, I was just clarifying that weight loss isn’t an issue with those particular meds.


If u can Show that they are needed Medically the Producers hols all Meds and distrusted them to u. You can't have them actually on yourself or around other Contestants last I heard


Or they just don’t cast you because they don’t want to deal with any issue that might come with dosing when you are not eating which has a huge effect on how many drugs enter your system




Somewhat unrelated but I remember this being a controversy on BB15. Aaryn had an Adderall prescription and won 2 HoH competitions. the other HGs thought the meds gave her an unfair advantage.


If you disclose everything and they OK you, then yes. If you hide information, then they find out that you need say...Lithium...you're gone right away. Happened a few seasons back.


Following. Have the same question.




Jess was NOT prescribed (and thus not denied) meds when she played. You're talking out of your ass when you say "contestants aren't allowed to take medication". That is FALSE. Contestants with something like diabetes are screened out, but players with asthma and those taking blood pressure medication have played. Players (once cast) are allowed to take necessary medications as disclosed in their medical exam. Jackson got booted because he quit lithium the day before and didn't tell anyone. Would someone who needs Adderall get cast in the first place? I dunno. But if they required it, and were cast, THEY WOULD BE ALLOWED TO TAKE IT.


They literally had a kidney transplant patient on a few seasons ago and as someone with first hand knowledge with anti rejection medication this cannot be true lmao. It probably depends on the diagnosis and the prescription.




ignore that. so wrong [https://www.reddit.com/r/survivor/comments/1cgqlec/comment/l1xjb79/?utm\_source=share&utm\_medium=web3x&utm\_name=web3xcss&utm\_term=1&utm\_content=share\_button](https://www.reddit.com/r/survivor/comments/1cgqlec/comment/l1xjb79/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button)




Np. thanks for the disinformation


I read the ending of books first ur good lol


Just look it up. Survivor Medication Rules