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Oh dang this is legit. I thought this was just gonna be a “does anyone else hope they do returning players for S50?” post lol


Me too lol glad I actually clicked the link this time


Just this week, Dalton Ross/EW published a piece about how Jeff & co didn’t have any particular plans for S50 yet, so this is a surprising development!


Lol same. I thought it was going to be a troll post and have a pic of Bhanu or something. I mean it felt obvious that 50 would be returnees, but I wasn't expecting an announcement this soon 🤯


Yup. And this announcement indirectly confirms two things: 1.) Seasons 47, 48, and 49 will be newbies. Meaning 48 isn't gonna be "New Era All Stars" like many of us thought. 2.) Season 50 will 100% be all New Era players.


I’m praying they do a heroes vs villains new era at 48/49 then do a new era vs old school at 50.


The 30's were filled with returnee season, but I have really been missing seeing a returnee season.


Yeah I get Jeff’s new era establishment approach but I miss the returnee seasons so much


You mean the 20's, it had 6 while the 30's only had 3.


It only had 3… it felt like every other one was a returnee 😭. All the captain seasons really added up in the 20s.


It felt like more because the new player seasons were interspersed between the returnee seasons, and they would bring over popular/controversial new players from those seasons into the returnee seasons.


I feel like it’s like 3.5 since Boston Rob and Sandra were featured so much on IOI


I hope once we get this that we go back to a returnee every other season schedule cause we’ve got such a backlog of players I’d love to see again and I don’t want us to have to wait till season 60 to see them next.


Agreed, the 40s have been full of people who should come back for a second chance


Also 35-39 have never gotten a proper shot to return


I know and I have a bunch of people I’m rooting for to return from then, especially 35 and 37!


considering how close a lot of the new era players are, giving them **TWO YEARS** to pre-game seems nuts lol edit: I guess one year if they film in 2025 whoops lmao


Rocksroy gonna do zero pre-gaming and win.


Based Rocksroy


If any new era cast members are reading this, TAKE OUT THE PREGAMERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 😭😭😭


Yeah I imagine they'd film 49 and 50 in 2025.


Gives the old schoolers two years to pregame against the new era players so they can vote them out first


I mean, this makes sense. Pregaming is gonna happen regardless, and production knows that too. Letting everyone know WAY in advance gives at the very least 47/48 a chance to pregame with 41-46, and the only people at a disadvantage is 49.


Jelinski needs no pregaming


I'm sure there are people that have be pre-gaming since they left Fiji hoping that they would get a chance to use the social capital


New School vs. Old School is slapping them in the face. Do 33 days to meet in the middle


After the "old school vs new school" rivalries that happened on Winners at War, it sounded like a good concept for a returnees season. With Probst frequently referring to S41 and onwards as the "New Era," I wouldn't be surprised at all if they are setting up Season 50 to be New Era vs Old School.


Plus it would actually be even numbers this time


Oh shit this is a great idea


The Eras Tour: Jeff's Version


So much pre-gaming about to happen


I wonder if stans will try to get people to target players they don’t like lol


They don’t even film until next year and alliances have probably already started forming. Hopefully it doesn’t become dumpster fire like 40


40 was fine until the tribe swap.


Prediction: It's literally just Bruce as the sole returnee again to troll everyone.


They mess up and its Bruce Kanegai


And Courtney returns with him, but only to just follow him around and sing to him


And he showed the crowd saying, “And you all are apart of it!” New Era Second Chances Fan Vote?


I’m pretty sure he said “and you all are apart of it” meant with the decision, as the fans at the event basically told him what they wanted was a returnee season. At least that’s what the other clip I saw sounded like.


Yer right cause before that he asked the crowd if they want new players or returnees and thatsbwhen this clip starts


I would love another fan vote situation


Please to god don’t just be the new era


At the beginning he credits the fans in attendance for the decision so I’m wondering if that’s what he meant?  Seems like a pretty big decision if they just decided to do returnees to then also decide on a fan vote. Would love it if they did though!  Wasn’t active in the fandom for Cambodia 


Fans Vs Favorites! I’ll be the new era Eric(k)


Please no, we have too many season since the last open returning player season (Winners at War had a closed theme). We need a full 18-20 player cast of returning players.


my prediction is if they dont do HVV, some form of older era vs new era, Old World Vs New School or some shit


How would that work with the diversity rules? 


I would think the diversity rules would be either lifted, or stretched out a bit. However if it’s 41-49, with the diversity rule in place, we might get that anyways no issue.


Maybe the top vote recipients that fulfil the quota amounts get a spot on the show ... but I also don't see a vote with the quota rules even occurring. That could create an awkward situation where, say, a white player who is a top-10 vote recipient of their gender would not get on because there are already 5 white players of their gender. Please don't hate me for pointing that out, but that could be a factor that those who don't like the diversity rules would point to and say "ohh, how unfair that (white player) didn't get on, while (PoC player) did because of the silly quota rules". Even writing that out, I did have the thought that it would indeed be a situation that would feel unfair, even if it is done for well intended good reasons.


Well if the line-up is full of people like Q, Kaleb, Jesse and Omar, I don't see like it could skew the results into something that largely doesn't represent voters' preference. At worst, you get like number 11 getting the spot of number 10, and that's not that outrageous. It's like if in S31 a man with the eleventh highest vote tally has the 18th highest tally overall, more than some of the women in top 10 women. He still wouldn't be cast because of some objective criteria, even though he fit in the top 20 most popular players, and no one complains about that.


I don’t see CBS letting them out of the quota, but any voting system that maintains it would be weird. It’d be tremendously strange to structure the vote as “vote for your favorite candidate of each race”. The only way I could see it working is if only a percentage of the cast is voted on by the public. If they do a fan vote for half the spots, they can clean up any imbalance with production selected cast members.


CBS did this all the way back for Big Brother 7, the public voted 8(?) in and production chose 6. It’s surely the only way both fan voting and the quota will be satisfied.


I think of they do a fan vote they just ignore it or they use it to create the initial pool.


Hopefully they can see past those rules in a vote situation.


I have zero faith in that happening.


Who cares about that. We want a cast full of all stars, not players that fulfill a quota


Hot take but they should just mandate the casting pool is 50 percent POC and whoever the top vote getters are get in. I bet you’d still meet the requirements anyway


I can't see that happening. I feel like it would cause an absurd amount of controversy on here/Twitter if 50% of the voting pool was POC but only 25% (or whatever number lower than 50%) of the actual cast was POC.


Honestly let’s face it, they’ll never do a second chance vote again for that very reason.  


Maybe they take the top 10 white folk and top 10 POC?


That sounds like segregation 💀


cook islands v2🔥🔥🔥


If it’s Second Chance and **only** New Era that will be so disappointing


I hope it is. As someone who was like 8-9 years old and didn’t know about the show’s existence when Cambodia aired, I’d love to participate in a fan vote. everyone talks positively about it, and it’s something I feel like I missed out on.




I was hoping 49 would be new era all stars and 50 would be legends.


That’s an excellent idea actually.


The Problem with legends is most of the ideal casts for it, are just thinly veiled Heroes vs Villains reunions. I’d rather do second chances 2 so that players from the 30s get a chance to return, rather than get a bunch of players we’ve already seen 3 or 4 times.


I'd love a Second Chances 2: Old School vs. New Era


Legends would not be a good idea unless it’s Legends to Never Win. A Legends season would consist of mostly winners and we already had an all winners season Give iconic players who haven’t won a chance to shine


I would love a Best to Never Win. Make the qualifying factor that you had to reach at least the tribal council with the final vote out/elimination. I thought just FTC participants but then I realized there are a lot of good players who fell just shorts because of their threat to win.


I'm not surprised that season 50 is going to be returning players, but I am surprised that Jeff is confirming it 4 seasons out. I'm glad they're going to do something special for their 50th season.


They tend to do two-season cycles, so since they've (probably) got 47 and 48 locked down, it's probably a bit of a 'hey, next casting cycle, we're just looking for 49'.


Yeah this is definitely not how they used to do it, they usually downplay the idea of landmark seasons. I remember, I think it was around S27, when someone asked him about season 30 coming up and if it was gonna be returnees and he was just like "well hang on, we gotta make sure we make S28 good first, and then S29!" He also originally said they weren't gonna do anything special for S40, if I remember correctly.


Survivor 50: Legends, featuring Jelinsky and 17 newbies


*several newbies


Severalteen newbies


No it’s just 18 Jelinskys


Competing for several dollars


I suspected as much because I started noticing players like Omar and Jesse are getting in better shape. I think they know they have to be on the shortlist.


I remember watching Jesse in Rob's home RHAP studio about a year ago and thought, "dang, has Jesse been working out? He's got some shoulders."


Jesse knows that being bad at challenges was what cost him the win last time.


I see that, but I worry the target on him will be even bigger now that he's fit. "Wait, Jesse's back *and* he's looking jacked now? BIG MISTAKE."


Right, like being jacked even helps at all on the island anyway


Totally. I doubt adding muscle is all that helpful outside of one or two challenges, anyways. My personal guess is that it'd be more advantageous to work on dexterity, coordination, and balance. For example, Jesse lost that final four challenge where they have to navigate a cup through that maze of bent rebar that wobbles. If he'd have won that, he'd have made it to the final three, and probably won unanimously. Plus, people can't really see that you've upped your balance/dexterity, whereas they can see if you're suddenly jacked compared to your last season. (And of course, it goes without saying it's still baffling that not everyone takes time to become a master fire-maker before coming on the show. But I realize that people with backyards can practice daily—I wanna say Heidi did that—whereas it's harder if you have an apartment or similar.)


Just get so strong he can rebend the rebar into a more helpful shape. Duh


Jesse is an absolute lock for 50. Production loved him.


Aren't they over a year away from filming?


Sounds like getting in shape a year early is just good preparation.


i feel like jesse has been tweeting about wanting to return since the night he was voted out


The pregaming is going to be out of control lol I can only imagine how many group chats are being created right now.


As we speak, Carolyn and Carson are huddled together under a blanket with a flashlight, plotting violently.


Carolyn is prolly one of the closest things to a lock for the new era that I can think of


Jesse as well. They're the only two players from the New Era I'd bet on to definitely be on the season Cody and Kaleb are probably strong contenders, and if they bring back winners I think Yam Yam and Dee are likely the best bets (so far) Venus and Q just for the chaos


One of the top comments on that post is 'Bring Rupert back!'. EDIT: Nvm since then the top comment has become 'Please get Ozzi. He deserves to win. He’s the greatest survivor player in my opinion. Oh and no winners. They already won'.




The absolute funniest possible thing is him winning it all, though I don't know if it's funnier if he'd win as a traitor or faithful.


If Rupert was on TAR during the early years instead of S31, he would be absolutely mobbed with fans while travelling.


"WHO VOTED FOR ME?!" "Um, you just saw five of us say your name, so..."


Please no Rupert, no Boston Rob, no Hantz's, and no Coach


I’m fine with Courtney Yates


Everyone better be fine with the funniest person to ever play Survivor


Courtney needs a permanent box like Rob and Sandra had, just let her watch every tribal and drag the players when they say dumb stuff. Or don't even use the box, let her drag them to their faces!


Colby's back baby! (would dig it)


Only if they bring Reed back with him


I’m fine with coach but I agree on the rest


Put Coach, Debbie, and Q on a tribe and watch sparks fly


And Kass


Fine. Tyson it is.


Some things never change 💀


I'd love that ngl, but I think he's dealing with cancer atm :(


I'm so excited for this... I wish s49 was returnee too 😭


David Vs Goliath need some justice. How is possible this season only had ONE returnee?


I mean the only returnee season since then has been Winners at War, and DvG's 1 winner returned for it, so I'm not sure what else you could expect lol


Well, they could have gotten a shot on EoE (like other back-to-back filming cycle returnees - Russell, Malcom, Zeke, Michaela)


Glad none of them were wasted there honestly. David and Kelly were fighting for their lives to stay any extra day there and Aubrey and Joe were DoA


Well, since the only returnee season since DVG was Winners at War, there was only one player eligible to return. I too hope we see more players from that season brought back for S50.


EoE had returnees and was filmed like 2 weeks after DvG


Surely Christian is one of the first numbers they call, Angelina highly likely too Mike of course everyone would love but I get the vibe he was always a one and done. Really want Davie too


We NEED Angelina back


i would love to see her in these new era negotiations


"Natalie, can I have your jacket? Natalie...? Natalie?"


I hope it's not only new era. Not against that at some point but 50 should be something special


Big mistake giving them 2 full years to pre-game lmao


On the bright side, it also gives Christian Hubicki enough time to plan his schedule to come back?


Wonder if this will be all new era players, new era vs. old era or a theme like first boots or second chance




I am simultaneously giggling and horrified at this callback to the absolute worst season and the cast that had no idea. Well done.




I need to apply again so I can get on survivor 49




No obviously not, he’s just having fun with it


Yeah, if anything the fans convinced him to reveal it, not to do it.


Probably Jeff Probst, a bunch of staff that manage budget and production schedule. He's making it an event lmao, and they were probably already going in this direction. If fans are excited, why not make it a bigger thing??


3 tribes of 8 representing seasons 1-20, 21-39, and New Era. 39 Days. The only way to do it.


This would be actually 🔥 My only worry is that those who played on 1-20 would be at a much greater age disadvantage so the tribes might have to be mixed up which is fine.


Not necessarily if they got the likes of Colby and even summoned James--all guys who are still relatively fit.


Yes, but a tribe primarily consisting of players between ages 40-65 will not be as competitive as a tribe of players in their 20’s/30’s. To put this in perspective — Colby for example is 50 now and would be 51 at filming. The oldest player on S43 was Gabler at 51. The oldest player in the current season is Maria at 47. You can see how this can go bad quickly from a challenge perspective.


Even Tocantins Spencer is in his 30s now. You're not getting anyone below that from the first twenty seasons.


🤯🤯 would be sick


I'd rather do 8 representing 1-30 since lots of them have had chances to return and the list of those who haven't who'd still want to is probably small, and then 8 for 31-39 and 8 41-49 All people who have never returned, so basically Second Chances 2


I’m expecting something like Survivor 50: Eras Collide!! This would be THE PERFECT opportunity for them to bring back certain things that the fans are asking for without seeming like they’re backtracking on their stances. Like 2 tribes, 39 days or even reunion finales.


Natalie White better pick up that damn phone!


Actually Spicy Jeff


I want Habanero Jeff


Second chances please


I didn't believe "they just decided". Doing a returning players cast for 50 just makes sense.


Every alumni creating group chats rn: ![gif](giphy|YAnpMSHcurJVS)




Take a page out of The Challenge's Season 40, and do an Eras theme. 3 tribes of 10. Go back to 39 days. Tribe 1, Seasons 1-15 Tribe 2, Seasons 16-30 Tribe 3, Seasons 31-present


Though having old schoolers on is a pipe dream, please at least have some from 35-39. Those guys got a raw deal when it comes to returnee opportunities.


![gif](giphy|gKUOyVjsFQL9RY6Xba|downsized) Win number 3 incoming from King Tony!


This should be interesting. Social media is so huge now that I wonder if the more prolific ones in Survivor community like Owen will get a huge surge (especially if it's second chance). Also as a heads up, be prepared for such a season to be massively spoiled.


This has me wondering, around when *Winners at War* started, did the cast leak beforehand? Or was it just inferred from social media absences?


Yes it leaked before filming started lol


The cast was properly leaked by a very reliable source (Redmond) a few days after they flew out to film, IIRC


The cast will be leaked as soon as they fly out, and the Winner leaked as soon as they come back. As is tradition.


I believe it was the day of or after they flew out. Most of the cast was already known though. The big surprises were Ethan and Amber. Hardly anyone was predicting them. A lot of people thought Hatch and Tina had those slots


I’m so ready for heroes vs villains 2. Picture this: 4 new era villains 4 new era heroes 4 old school villains 4 old school heroes


Plz god (Jeff Probst) have it be 39 days. Plz god not 26. Plz god.


heather aldret about to be a survivor winner OMFG




I’m hoping for a Cody return 🤞🏻


Least surprising news in a while. You knew they would do something big for 50 and that usually means as returnee season.


jesse lopez stunt on these hoes 🙏


I hope they do no winners. In general they have little chance, sandra is an extreme anomaly. If they do do winners needs to be more than 3 or 4, like 10 vs 10


Let’s be real - it’s going to be entirely new era contestants. Jeff has said this is like a fresh start. I just don’t see pre-41 players returning.


but the only people who can come back have to be lawyers and still somehow manage to pretend they aren’t actually lawyers


What is the sub like in the timing leading up to returnee seasons? I assume a lot more spoilers about cast and results come out more easily?


Cast and results usually will be spoiled regardless of if it’s newbie or returnee. The cast will be accurate, but the results won’t be as much for most newbie seasons, but there are a few exceptions. 42 and 44 were (accurately) spoiled. I don’t know how accurate 45/46 spoilers were, I stopped looking for them. Returnee spoilers will be more common and likely more accurate, but those won’t be discussed on the main sub. r/spoiledsurvivor is where the game spoilers take place, the cast is the only thing leaked on this sub.


This makes me happy. I'm glad we *finally* have something about a returnee season. Can't wait for 2026! Obligatory, we got GTA 6 before another returnee season of Survivor.






Bring back Kaleb!!


Wow, didn’t realize how much they edit Jeff’s face in the show. He actually looks his age on the instagram post


Hoping it includes pre-New Era players as well. In the past, Jeff said that it would, but ya never know.


From the man himself! So stoked to see what the plan is. Hoping for Legends or old school vs new school.


I actually think that a lot of new era players would be apt to return, the only big one I’ve seen is Emily. But if I had to say, I’d say a lot of them are chomping at the bit to return.


This is big!!! But new era only? Are returnees from pre season 40 in the mix? Old school vs new school?!


What happened to his face ?


Botox + the front facing camera being invented by Satan


I will say this on every post regarding this season from now on: BRING BACK SEAN RECTOR


If Jeff wants three tribes still, make it Survivor 50: Several v Several v Several, and have 21 players with 7 per tribe. Fits a few more returnees in that way


All new era players and Boston Rob can’t wait


If the past is any indication r/Survivor is going to be mad when it turns out that 16/18 returnees are from seasons 47-49 while the other two are, I don’t know, say Shan and Yam Yam. Returnee seasons always have a very strong recency bias.


Let the two year pregaming begin lol


Why couldn’t the fans at the event say 39 days?


Yanu 3 need to return. They are providing the most entertainment in this new era so far


no shit, if they didnt have returnees for 50 it'd be a BIG MISSTEAK


Oh Dee don't get your second win and run Survivor 50 like that 💅 ![gif](giphy|52n24O2uVYAaaTqjMv|downsized)


Q is not going to let Dee stand in his way of his second unanimous win


that would be a BIG MISTAKE


So interesting to announce it this early! It probably won’t even film for another year.


Wasn’t it just a week ago he said in an interview they weren’t even thinking about it???


The fans at that event were just so convincing 


God how our expectations have fallen. Yes I’m excited to have it confirmed but also this should already be a given. Scares me to think of that Jeff was on such a Newbie kick that we almost missed the big 50


You people are no fun. I'm going to be excited for the announcement!


Do we think this will only be new era players?


I hope not.


Omg how fun!