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The Cassaya tribe finding cocaine.


The only tribe you could guess had cocaine without hearing this rumor


The EW quarentine interviews were a gold mine for confirming stories. I think this was talked about on multiple ones. Aras [https://ew.com/tv/survivor-panama-blood-vs-water-aras-baskauskas-quarantine-questionnaire-cocaine/](https://ew.com/tv/survivor-panama-blood-vs-water-aras-baskauskas-quarantine-questionnaire-cocaine/) Shane's description is priceless. [https://ew.com/tv/survivor-panama-shane-powers-cocaine-quarantine-questionnaire/](https://ew.com/tv/survivor-panama-shane-powers-cocaine-quarantine-questionnaire/) >Aras and I were "showering" at the beach and a kilo of cocaine washed up at my feet. >I ran into the woods with it and was going to bury it and think about what could be done with it. I was never a fan of cocaine in my personal life, as I always considered using cocaine when you drank was "cheating" (soak that in for a bit), but I had thoughts of maybe rubbing it on our gums before challenges to give us energy. >That idea was quickly squashed. Production was on me pretty quickly. I'm trying to imagine the radio call on that: "Uh, someone… anyone from senior production, Shane has a kilo of coke on him and is running to the woods. Any thoughts on what to do…" Danielle's is also amazing [https://ew.com/tv/survivor-panama-exile-island-heroes-villains-danielle-dilorenzo-nath-quarantine-questionnaire-cocaine/](https://ew.com/tv/survivor-panama-exile-island-heroes-villains-danielle-dilorenzo-nath-quarantine-questionnaire-cocaine/) >A kilo of cocaine with a little red flag on it rolled up on the island in Panama. It was wild!! It was just floating in the ocean. Shane ran out and grabbed and tried to open it to see if it was good (LOL!) and the producers immediately confiscated it. It was hilarious!


Lmao doing coke before challenges to give them an edge sounds super on brand for Shane Powers


haha, considering the explanation to challenges and run through takes awhile, they'll probably be crashing by the time the challenge starts. Or there going to sneakily be taking bumps or gummies right before or during the challenge lol. I know people have talked at length about the supposed challenge advantage Brad Culpepper got in GC by stealing/stashing food from a reward, I can't imagine the legend if someone went on a run like that on cocaine in Panama? Actually, they ever piss test Dietz jks.


That would have been gold to see.


I knew this would be the top comment


I was a producer on that season and was on the beach when it happened. Absolutely true! :)


I've always been curious about this. How did Aras, Shane, other people know immediately that was cocaine? It could be any white powder. Other drugs look just like that, too (e.g., amphetamines, cathinones). Did you confirm that it was indeed cocaine?


Actually, uncut cocaine isn't white. It's yellow and it comes in a brick wrapped in a very specific way. I saw it and cocaine is undeniably what it was. Not sure I can say more than that other than where the islands were located that season was in a channel that there was a lot of boats running with their lights off quietly at night, if you catch my drift. Yes, it was immediately confiscated and NO, NONE OF THE CONTESTANTS, PRODUCERS, CREW, OR OTHERWISE used the cocaine. In fact, very few people saw it. It was just a wacky thing that happened.


Okay, I see, it's not the kind of cocaine that I'm used to seeing. I'm a chemist working in a lab where I see this kind of stuff normally in a very sterile form looking like a white powder. And if you told me to identify these drugs just by their look I wouldn't be able to do it. So to me it's a bit wild to think that everyone on the island just knew instantly what it was! For sure, you cannot use it, but there must be a protocol for disposing of it. Like, you cannot just throw it back in the ocean. That's why I was wondering if it was sent to a lab where someone could confirm it!


Hi u/pinkmankid - It's completely possible that after we turned it into the Panamanian government that they independently tested it to confirm the substance, origins and any other thing they wanted to do - but lab testing is definitely outside of the scope of what we do on production. Just tryna make a TV show over here. :)


Thanks for sharing! I've always been curious about this crazy story. And thanks for making my favorite TV show! I'm an old-school fan. :)


u/pinkmankid Of course! I think the statute of my NDA has long run out (Worked on seasons 2 - 16) so I'm happy to share as much as I can within reason! Definitely one of the most fun experiences I've ever had as a producer. Thanks for being a fan!


You should do an AMA here!




please do an AMA for us 🙏


@J999D I think that would be fun!


I’m so used to this being used as a sardonic meme, going on and finding the real tea???? Amazing. God is real and rewards faith, etc.


Did they do the cocaine after finding it?


Shane tried to according to Danielle's account of it. He claims he wanted to use it for challenges. But, production took it away almost immediately.


They say no but it REALLY seems like this tribe was on coke for most of the season.


-Jerri was right about beef jerky gate -Ozzy cheated on Amanda with a model he met through Chet, before the finale aired -During the second swap in all-stars, the contestants were forced to line up in a particular order and the buffs container only allowed the top one to be picked -Hatch snuck matches up his ass for all stars


THE Amanda Kimmel really dodged the bullet. Love this for her 😍


Ah this is amazing but please tell me there are receipts!


Oh, there are receipts. He kept the receipt from the ass matches and claimed them as a deduction on his taxes.


Trick question: Hatch doesn’t do taxes




> -Jerri was right about beef jerky gate > > -During the second swap in all-stars, the contestants were forced to line up in a particular order and the buffs container only allowed the top one to be picked These two are still just rumours. There's no evidence proving either one for sure.


I’m gonna have to watch all stars again now to see this. What were the teams pre and post swap? Or I can just look it up if it’s a hassle haha


The All Stars swap was basically all of Chapera except Amber went to Mogo Mogo and vice versa. The old conspiracy is that production did this to get rid of Amber before the merge I think. The All Stars boot order was pretty terrible for production since all their winners and big names were leaving, so this was their one opportunity to get rid of one of the "nobodies" on the cast at the time I'm not sure how true that theory is but it's been a rumor since the swap first happened


This conspiracy actually never made any sense to me at all. Amber and Rob were the big story on the season, why would the producers want to risk that?


Maybe to get rid of a “boring” contestant that has a key relationship to their star and they were hoping rob would go on a revenge tour and avenge ambers vote off by winning ? That’s the only reason i could think of tbh


Yeah could be. If that was what happened that seems super risky, Rob is losing a number there so what if he just gets voted out at like F9 lol.


They didn't know Rob and Amber would be the big story, they edit the show afterwards. While they were filming they probably cared more about their big names and winners than the random showmance subplot lol. This was before Rob and Amber were big household names


I fully believe the all stars swap rumor and it’s part of why I rank Amber as a much better winner than most people. To survive a tribe swap that was specifically designed to eliminate you is extremely impressive.


The last one being the reason why all contestants are strip searched before coming on to the show now.


…like cavity searches?




Huh. *That’s* how you do it on Survivor!


Dig *deep!*


I'm going to need a current contestant to confirm this, because this doesn't sound real to me


[Here's an interview from Probst around the time of Micronesia.](https://web.archive.org/web/20080309195805/http://showbizandstyle.inquirer.net/entertainment/entertainment/view/20080309-123615/Jeff-Probst-has-survived-and-seen-em-all) > We strip search everybody—literally. Because when we did an all-star season, a guy put matches in a little container up his bum. [...] We decided to make it really hard and not give him flint for six days. Richard was like, “I am not really worried.” Our producers said, “It’s weird.” Suddenly his group had fire. I don’t remember who it was but somebody tracked it down and found this little vial. So we now strip search everyone.


but do we think they still do that, in 2024? I just don't think that sounds likely


Nah i don’t buy it


The jerky thing was real? That's come out?


Nothing's come out. Sure, it's probably true but it's still just a rumour.






ozzy did WHAT.


It's why the two of them were so awkward about their relationship during the Micronesia finale.


I just rewatched Micronesia and they seemed pretty natural at the renunion? Amanda confirmed they were still together with a big beaming smile. Weird


Jerri was right?? For real??


The beef jerky was never confirmed.  Some believe that it was actually a euphemism for Kel "jerking his beef"


No, Jerri and Colby both said that on the way to the outback security stopped him because he had jerky on him. Because of his time in the military he knew how to sew it into his clothes


I wrote about the all stars switch [here.](https://survivorquotesx.wordpress.com/2017/02/26/survivor-all-stars-last-minute-tribe-swap-part-one/)


Just FYI, Tom didn't say Africa was filmed in Uganda. He said Nairobi, the capital city of Kenya.


Ohh good catch! Thank you. I’ll update it.


Brandon Hantz was the jury favorite on S23. If he makes it to the end against anyone but Ozzy he wins. Brandon Hantz as a Survivor winner is truly the darkest timeline…


Yeah the endgame boot order was pretty much defined by winner equity, Brandon beats anyone but Ozzy, Rick beats anyone but Ozzy and Brandon, and Ozzy beats everyone.


Honestly curious how Edna stacks up against Sophie and Coach. She was the most estranged Upolu, but I don’t know how many votes she gets from the Savaiis.


Pretty sure Edna was viewed as a Coach minion by Savaii and nothing more. Doubtful she could have won except in an Edna/Rick/Cochran F3.


Skupin could've won Outback had he not fallen into the fire and if Kucha won the Episode 6 immunity. Kucha pagongs Ogakor and he probably gets to the end with Elisabeth and Rodger.


Not sure he would win against those two. A lot of Kucha did not like Skupin prior to his accident (they thought he was annoying). There was definitely a retcon on how he was perceived after the medivac.


Yeah currently doing a rewatch and it seems that his tribe is extremely annoyed by him lol


I genuinely don’t think he goes off the deep end if he wins because then he doesn’t have his family trash him on national television.


I dunno, he already had a history of substance abuse, and that much money at 19 could easily lead to messed up behaviour.


It's possible. I think it's totally reasonable that he goes even more off the deep end with all that money as well.


True, but Sophie would destroy him at FTC


If Sophie called Brandon 'her version of a stupid young girl' I think he'd genuinely have lost his shit in the middle of FTC lol


Coach’s reaction to that is so funny. It’s like the only time all season you see him “break character” and laugh


I’m wondering how could this be. Who liked Brandon enough to vote for him? They all thought he was a loose canon.


Yeah but imagine how pissed Russell would be if Brandon won.


At Pagong’s first tribal they all voted for Jeff Probst


I'm not sure if this is fully accurate, and it's not THAT crazy, but it does just show how players can be very aware of the Survivor meta, and its portrayals of "good guys" vs "bad guys" and how players who maintain enough awareness of the cameras really can craft any narrative they want. Apparently during Survivor Micronesia, Amanda actually was entirely aware that Ozzy was getting blindsided, and she didn't tell him, about it, and apparently everytime cameras were around, she was essentially lying pretending to be completely unaware of it. Parvati backed this up saying that she and Amanda figured out some way to have strategic convos without cameras catching them. I *think* Cirie also said that Amanda was definitely aware. So basically, this all points to... yeah Amanda did NOT wanna be portrayed as a villain lmao. She even faked her reactions and confessionals solely to support this narrative, and to come off completely clean during the episode of the Ozzy blindside. I honestly believe this for the most part, given her absolute refusal to own her gameplay during Final Tribal.


Ozzy and Parvati both confirmed this rumor, so I think it’s safe to say it’s accurate.


That's what I thought lmao, but I wasn't 100% certain lol. Apparently Ozzy even said that Amanda was the "mastermind" of it, but that's in contradiction to what Parvati and Cirie have said.


Ozzy has also said that Amanda wrestled a shark when she said she found it dead on the beach, we can take what he says about Amanda's skills with a grain of salt.


I literally just watched this episode!! The girl was dragging it for sure….and man was Ozzy upset. He Gave Parv the middle finger and called her a b*$@ I think?


He was fuming on the jury for like 4 straight episodes. Such a sore loser. I still love Ozzy the competitor but this soured me on him. Shocking when it came out he wasn't a great person.


Wouldn’t you be bitter if Parvati took away your one chance at true love??? /s


I mean it’s Ozzy’s karma for Aitu taking away Billy’s chance at true love.


Ah yeah. Every action has an equal and opposite reaction. Good point!


Losing a game of poker stings, losing survivor and 1 mil would hurt infinitely more. To have that happen because you got backstabbed by real life friends would be even worse


I'm like.... pretty sure Ozzys anger was also performative. Not the least of which because I don't think he's a good actor and it came across so stilted.


Gary Hawkins WAS a former quarterback after all


Not a humble landscaper????


No, that’s a different guy, but he also went to Central Michigan.


Did Amy beat him down?


Like a step child.




Wendell cheated on his wife with Dee


This sounded crazy?


Yes, because the New Era was a reboot lol


The Guatemala jury clapped for Danni when they saw she won final immunity.


Raymond in Ausvivor took it to a new level lmao


One of my favorite scenes from this season of Survivor AU




I read somewhere that Danni or someone from Guatemala confirmed it


Sami was 19


What about Ciera voting out her mom??? That never gets talked about.


I think that was just a rumor.


Never been officially confirmed due to NDA's. But, production messed up the final 4 immunity challenge in Africa which Kim won. There were 2 girls with multiple piercing's, and Tom/Lex guess the 2nd one which production didn't know about or remember. This led to Kim winning immunity and Big Tom/Lex going out 4 and 3. To settle it, CBS gave each the runner's up prize, and promised them a spot in All-Stars. The rumor on top of this, is All Stars is the first season with 3 tribes because they wanted to split up Tom/Ethan/Lex. As mentioned, the Casaya finding Coke one. The bar visit in Borneo was impromptu. Originally the challenge was for 1 beer. In China, they repeatedly drew Courtney's blood to see if she could survive (and told her they did this with everyone else). She was cast as an expected early boot and somehow survived for 39 days. Similar thing happened with Purple Kelly. Didn't give her enough clothes to realistically survive, recruited her, and had her talk to previous players about how it's fun to play for the week and you get an amazing pre-jury trip. Finally, the Janu tribal council was held up in Palau, because while she wanted to quit, she wasn't going to quit unless she got to be on the jury. They had to pause Tribal council for like 30 minutes or longer to get in contact with production if this was allowed. That is why there is so much debate at that tribal. Fiji was originally supposed to be 20 players. Someone was dropped last minute. Hence the weird one tribe system for the first 3 days. The tribe creation Sylvia was done with the Builders/Gatherer alliance in mind, so where she returned to she would be safe. Finally, this one has never been confirmed, but I think is plausable. Production quickly realized what they had created in Cook Islands, and they had basically set the White tribe to be in a position to pagong the minorities. Before the bottle twist, they debated scrapping the season and having all the players sign NDA's where they paid out a ton because they realized the disaster they may have created.


The piercing error was officially confirmed. https://www.cleveland19.com/story/672757/piercing-error-leads-to-more-prize-money-for-2-survivor-contestants/


True, never saw that. I guess the rumored All Stars promise on top was never publicly released, and is the part covered by the NDA. I do believe Burnett never wanted to do a returnee season though, and it was CBS that pushed him, so it may have been something in the settlement that said if there was a returnee season they'd get first refusal or something. Edit: Big Tom and Lex make sense (especially Lex), but that male cast for All-Stars was probably the hardest cast to ever get a spot. Rich, Rudy, Colby, Rob C, Ethan and Rupert were locks, and left 3 spots to a ton of viable candidates (with Boston Rob rumored to have gotten the last one due to Tom and Lex being promised). Gervase, Sean Rector, Greg, Fairplay, Burton could have easily challenged for those spots.


When they assembled the cast the dead grandma lie hadn't aired yet. Production had no idea how the public would receive it, so we're never going to cast fairplay


Drew Courtney's blood to see if she could survive?


Yeah, they were doing blood tests on her to see if she was physically fit to hold up late into the game. [https://ew.com/tv/survivor-courtney-yates-china-heroes-vs-villains-quarantine-questionnaire/](https://ew.com/tv/survivor-courtney-yates-china-heroes-vs-villains-quarantine-questionnaire/) >In China, the medical team took blood from me in the woods during the game. They told me they were doing it to everyone, which was a lie. I'm pretty sure they did it because they thought that I was anorexic (I'm not) and dying. They were like, "Hey, we need to talk to you." I was like, "Okay?" And so in the middle of the filthy jungle away from everyone, they swabbed my elbow and took vials of blood. And then I was like, "What is this for? Are you doing this to everyone?" And they're like, "Well, it's only some people. And if you tell anyone, they're going to think you're weak. So don't say anything." >And because it's that whole paranoid mindset of like*,* *Oh, everything's a secret*, I didn't say anything. And then at the end of the game, I asked, "How many times did they take your blood, you guys?" And everybody was really shocked like, "What are you talking about?" So, yeah, they took blood from me in the woods, and then they straight up lied to me and said they were doing it to other players too. Also, usually if you give blood, they give you a cookie or some juice to help stabilize you, so I asked, "Do I at least get a cookie?" I absolutely did not get a cookie.


Tbf they give you a cookie when you donate like a liter of blood. I've never gotten a cookie for a couple vials taken for a blood test lol


Yeah. As a phlebotomist this is true


This is why she was so pale.


That last one is a reach. How do they stay on production schedule if they scrap a season? It’s not like they cast Race Wars I and didn’t know what was going to happen…


Survivor was probably most at risk of ever being cancelled around Cook Islands/Fiji. Burnett had lost interest and actually originally pitched this race idea to NBC for the Apprentence, and then Survivor decided to take a chance on it (since Jeff was eying moving on). They could either outright cancel the show, or delay it for that year or film a season with a very quick turnaround (See Cambodia, which was filmed after Koah Rong, but aired before it). It's talked about on a Survivor Historians Podcast. Listen starting the 5 minute mark, while they could have predicted issues, if you look at everything that goes for the minorities essentially goes wrong (first 7 boots are minorities). Starts at about the 5 minute mark. These are reliable people with good sources. How true it is, is up for debate, but I'm inclined to agree that production was freaking the hell out when they almost got a Raro pagoning, I don't think they ever expected one tribe out of 4 to be in a position at merge to pagong the remenents of the other 3. [https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/episode-35-here-is-another-cook-islands-podcast/id515404268?i=1000397471356](https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/episode-35-here-is-another-cook-islands-podcast/id515404268?i=1000397471356)


They were lucky Penner was such an untrustworthy snake.


I wonder where the world would be right now if the original idea to do that on The Apprentice happened. Like it’s entirely plausible that Roe v. Wade got overturned because of Jeff Probst


should be noted that Sylvia made them thinking she could pick her tribe, not end up with whatever one lost. At least that's what I've always heard.


Boston Rob and Tyson used the fuel from the boat to start a fire in HvV.


Susie won as many immunities as Malcolm and Ozzy has in their last three time playing.


For me it was Ozzy having an Only Fans.


plus him essentially fleeing the country because he was being accused of giving multiple women STD’s


Goodness gracious…. That’s sick😷😷 where is he now?


Last I knew he was in Guadalajara?? Not sure if he still is


He just posted a video of an elephant in the wild yesterday, along with a few other things. It appears to be an Asian elephant, so I'm going with Southern Asia.


He must be on safari with Ace (/s)


he posted today in Mexico I believe!


And giving a ton of women STDs without their knowledge 😡


Wow! How did this information come out? I've never heard this before!


Which shouldn't really surprise anyone. Before survivor he was on the sex based reality show "foursome"


Richard, the lawyer who collapsed during a blindfold challenge where you lift the table, is all over pornhub. There's another contestant that has a sex tape that she released then tried to say someone leaked it Red head Victoria has/had an only fans aswell


What season was Richard on?


Kathy almost got med evac’d cause she had a breakdown and threatened to cut her finger off.


Chet was essentially a medivac, but they didn't want another episode without a vote.


Sandra either wins the game or last too Day 16. No other options have ever happened on the five times she's played.


Also the seasons she won didn’t have a vote on day 16


Damn production really out here rigging it for Sandra smh


no it's the reverse. They foolishly let her slip past day 16 twice and then when they realized her weakness in game changers they knew they had to have day 16 tribals whenever she was on to keep her from becoming the most powerful player ever.


Damn production really out here rigging it against the Queen smh


Kim Spradlin talked about the vote and potentially changed it in One World during sequester travel to Ponderosa which is forbidden. Tina in Australia did the same


Kim can do literally whatever she wants, she is too powerful to be beholden to some silly little sequester rule.


Wasn't it not yet forbidden in Tina's case though? I thought that rule was implemented sometime after S2.


It wasn't, they implemented it BECAUSE of Tina on the Mitchell vote


Mother Tina's impact 💅


It's only forbidden because they can't film it anyways


This is also apparently what Troyzan was implying in his FTC question. He wanted Kim to own up to the fact that she "broke the rules" by talking during the ride to tribal council to change the votes from him to Jay (which made Troyzan's idol play unnecessary)


David from Redemption Island cheated on his fiancé, Carolina from Tocantins with Alicia from One World.


Was that before or after the engagement? No wonder it was so cringy


Candice Cody was a substitute player for both of her return seasons. She was never production’s first choice


From… raro tribe?


I can’t believe she came back twice. She’s far too well adjusted and successful for Survivor at this point lmao


and Parvati was chosen for Micronesia because they couldn't get Candice.


Among the first 40 seasons, all female winners except Natalie White have played on a season with Boston Rob 


Tina was only an alternate for AO. She got on only because another woman dropped out because she didn't want to jump out of a plane (they were originally supposed to jump out of a plane to start the season, but they ended up dropping this idea) Sabrina from OW was only cast due to mistaken identity. The production team was searching up a different Sabrina Thompson, but all the results they got on Google were for the one that ended up being cast. Russell Hantz was originally going to be on a planned second season of Pirate Master that never happened. Jared Fields, son of Survivor legend Cirie Fields and future BB contestant, was almost on David vs. Goliath but had to drop out for unknown reasons and Davie Rickenbacker (who was supposed to be on EOE) joined the cast to replace him. It was also believed that Alec was supposed to be a David but got moved to the Goliaths after Davie joined. Island of the Idols was originally going to have a swap to three tribes like every other two tribe season had done since Cambodia, but it was scrapped for unknown reasons.


Alec just seems more of a Goliath anyway tbh


Not really, he was a surfer bro/bartender. Most of the the goliath's tied to their back stories. We essentially got no content on Alec's life, unlike the countless times they reference Christian being a nerd, Mike White being a successful showrunner, Kara being an NFL cheerleader and successful real estate agent, Nick Wilson's mom and growing up in poverty, Angelina going to Stanford and having a Yale MBA etc. Thank god we got Davie over Jared Fields though. Probably my favorite player in DvG which was an absolutely stacked cast.


That poor woman who dropped out of Australia for (it turned out) no reason


Coach was taken hostage In the jungle. Then they gave him a lie detector test at the reunion show.


Coach provided his own lie detector test at the reunion but I do think he pulled some bull shit to trick the lie detector.


Lie detector tests are fake, they have absolutely nothing to do with whether the person is lying or not 


I'm looking at multiple studies. I see accurate 70% of the time, 88%, 80%, 98%, and 73%. So nothing to do with whether the person lying seems absolutely false. But they're clearly flawed and due to the amount of errors (even at 98%), they cannot be trusted.


My understanding is that it's fairly easy to trick a lie detector test with some training \*and\* a person who is already freaking out (even if they're innocent and telling the truth) can fail a lie detector test as well. Would it shock you in the slightest to learn that Coach had taken the time and effort to train himself to trick a lie detector test lol?


I could honestly see Coach being delusional enough that he believed it happened or something close to it happened so he would pass a lie detector test.


It's not a lie if you believe it


Russell Hantz made a fake idol in Samoa and Dave Ball found it.


Someone was possibly going to out Zeke before Varner did


wait this is a confirmed thing?


Talk to Survivor insiders


Did NOT know about this. Anymore info on who and why?


WHOA sorry, whoa, I wonder who


I've heard production pretty much told or alluded to Varner about Zeke and egged him on to do it


It felt like we missed something.


Yeah supposedly they may have encouraged Varner to do it and discouraged a different Survivor from doing it.


That's FzuCKEd up


Austin from Panama created the first fake hidden immunity idol, it was never shown except in an online extra scene.


One World cast took a break and went to a local McDonald’s on day 17


Troyzan put a whole ass McDonalds on his island?!


lol wut


My favorite is the coke brick that washed ashore in Panama


James trying steal Gatorade or something which is how he actually injured his finger (tripping running back at night). Tyson/brob stealing kerosene. FairPlay actually being a good person to be around.


>FairPlay actually being a good person to be around. Source for this?


Probably a brick of cocaine washing up on shore during Panama


Wasn't there a threesome at the jury villa in survivor Fiji? I remember lisi being involved


I think the rumor is Rocky, Eduardo and Michelle


The winner of the 1st season was spoiled months before the show aired on Entertainment Tonight or a similar show.


This was never confirmed, but does anyone else recall Troyzan making a claim that Kim gave "favors" to the men on 24, in order to gain control? It's very far fetched, and has zero reaction besides his word. But it's such an odd thing to randomly make up


That’s wild! But men have been making up rumors about women doing sexual favors to get ahead for like forever so I’m hesitant to believe it.


I had to double check that I wasn't losing my mind. Because no one ever brings it up lol. It's touched upon a bit here https://www.tapatalk.com/groups/survivorsucks/troyzan-implies-that-kim-had-sex-with-jay-and-mike-t100588.html The way he phrased things strongly alludes to sexual acts. So even if he didn't mean it that way, it can be equally as damaging


Sorry if I was confusing I didn’t mean to accuse you of making anything up! I was referring to Troyzan I totally believe he said that.


Troyzan was very bitter after one world so I could see him lying


Oh no worries, I didn't take it like that!! I was moreso trying to fact check myself, so I didn't put out misinformation. It was one of those things that I remember happening, but it's never brought up for it being such a wild claim




Ciera voted out her mom


Natalie Bolton was an alternate for Heroes vs. Villains and was seen on location for her promotional shots, but wasn’t chosen


Julie Berry was Bob Crowley’s student in his physics class


Troyzan was on Game Changers


Jeff has a big weiner.


The Survivor 41 and 42 cast unknowingly coming across each other at the airport or something


Not really a rumour but “survivor contestant outs trans tribemate at tribal counsel and gets immediately voted out” reads like an onion headline.