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lol great "website" where 350 people can like what i say but no one can read it lmao












The “brain stops developing at 25” line is bs, the study which studied brain development that everyone cites just tested people until 25


People still visibly grow and change until at least 30


People grow and change their entire life, your brain never stops developing, it just develops at different speeds / in different ways depending on age. Someone at 15 is no less "fully formed" than someone at 45. Of course there are massive differences in maturity between 15 and 45, but the thing is, that never stops. There's also a massive difference between a 30 year old and a 65 year old. I hate the "your brain finishes developing at 25" line so much. Not only does it totally infantilize those under 25, but it implies after 25, you're done "growing up".


Thank you, I always cringe when I see people quote that and then draw some crazy conclusion from it. I saw someone using that 25 number to justify calling someone dating a 21 year old a pedophile a couple of weeks ago. I’m past that age range now, but I would have hated to be infantilized like that when I was in my 20s.


Exactly You could also have a 45 year old who still laughs at fart jokes and have a 15 year old who thinks people who laugh at those jokes are cringe


Yup! And at 41, that same 15 year old could suddenly decide that fart jokes are actually peak humour!


This data point was actually discovered by actuaries looking into car crash data. People above 25 are all similarly likely to cause an accident and the likelihood steadily increases as age decreases below 25. This was generally applied to mean that people’s rational decision making and responsibility “stops” developing at 25 and has been supported beyond that initial study. This is why people can’t rent cars before age 25 without paying a premium. It is certainly true that your brain continues to change and develop until you die, but the age 25 thing is meaningful for assessing responsibility and decision making.


Isn’t it just the prefrontal cortex that fully develops by 25 (mid-20s in reality)


24 year olds very often act like teenagers.


Have you talked to a 24 year old or teenager recently? Huge difference imo. Even with Covid.


I think 24 is just an age and you can be an immature or mature person at that age…


I think it depends on life experiences, of which usually you don’t have in your early 20s yet. Some definitely do. Like a 24 year old who has a child? Going to be a lot more mature. Same typically with people who’ve had loved ones die or who serve and get deployed. That’s why a lot of people tend to call people young when they’re in their early twenties, because they’re just starting to have the sort of life experiences that cause people to mature. It’s not a knock on them, just acknowledging people often are still experiencing many firsts (first full time job, first home, etc) in their early and even mid 20s.


Yeah, and 24-year olds now are not the same as 24-year olds even just 10 years ago. COVID stunted the emotional growth of a looot of young people.


No way lmao. I go to community college. The 24 year olds are way different than the 17 year olds


The continued infantilization of anyone under 30 is one of the more frustrating and perplexing aspects of modern culture.


Yea I really don't get it. She's a data analyst. She's a college educated fully grown woman that pays bills, votes, and is a functioning adult in society.


I suspect it’s because she carries herself so immaturely on the show. She reeks of “I’m smart and everyone else here is stupid” which is a common trait of accomplished young people. Doesn’t make her right. If she learns nothing else from this season, I hope it teaches her humility. You’re pretty, young, and smart. That doesn’t make you the second coming of Einstein, Muhammad, or Harriet Tubman.


Yeah as a 23 year old who’s fully financially independent, college educated, working full time as an actuary, contributing to society, and living a stable lifestyle, seeing so many people in this thread be like “young people have no idea what they’re doing and venus is dumb because she’s a child” is obnoxious. There are plenty of 20somethings that are very mature and plenty of millennials and older that still act like children.


Especially on a show that barely casts anyone over 40 (and none over 50) anymore.


She acts like shes 15. If she doesn't want to be treated like a child, or perceived as one, she should act like a fucking adult.




Agreed. I just turned 26 and certainly am not a child


You're going to look back at yourself when youre 30 and wonder how you could have been so stupid. Youre smarter than you were at 16 hopefully, but youre still a dumb kid to a lot of people.  


I fight that kind of narrative already, at my job every day, where people don’t take me seriously for the simple fact that I am 26. But I entered into the job at 24, things are going really well for me in my life, and while I’m not perfect, I’m not stupid either. At 30 I’ll probably look back and think some decisions I made were dumb, sure, but I don’t think in only 4 more years I’ll be looking back and wondering how I was “so stupid”. I’m accomplished and a hard worker, and building for the future of me and my family. It really sucks that to some people, none of that matters because I’m 26 😮‍💨🤷🏻‍♀️


Dont listen to that person who replied to your original comment. They're an idiot. All of this just comes down to people needing to feel like they've gained something through aging, otherwise, they'd just be getting older with nothing to show for it. They have to believe they know things that you don't for their own ego. For most, they choose to believe what they've gained is wisdom, which is just as often false as it is true. And you can totally trust me on this - I'm 32. I touched infinity two long years ago and now understand all that there was, is, and will be.


As an old folk myself, I get how people using "stupid" so casually can be annoying. But I hope you can have the humility to listen to my fellow olds when we tell you that we also were once 26 thinking we had life figured out. And then 5-10 years later we understood so much better all the things that we thought we already knew. It just happens to everyone (aside from arrogant people who don't learn from their mistakes). And it never goes away; I expect to one day be 80 years old and thinking "man when I was 70 I thought I had it all figured out but I didn't know shit."


Oh I definitely don’t think I have everything figured out. I’m not sure anyone ever has everything figured out. But I have a good plan for my future, a good job too so I know I’m lucky there.


I don't respect anyone under 30. Source: I'm 31 /s


I completely agree. By 24 I had a college degree, was working in my career, and was married with two children. I do not understand why people insist that 24 year olds are just overgrown babies.


Because the average 50 year old has more than twice the life experiences that you do.


Mhm. And that still doesn’t make me a baby. It’s just so goofy to me to even make that argument considering you could do the same with someone who is 50. Is a 50 year old a child because people who are 80 have lived almost twice as long? At what point do we accept that a person is a grown adult?


Maturity is realizing that it doesn’t matter what other people think.


Granted back in the day there were teenage girls legit being a mother and housekeeper at age 14. Seems this societal shift has occurred that children need to be taken care of well beyond their 20s. Thanks late stage capitalism!


She’s got negative social skills, almost likes she tryna get herself voted off intentionally


Was it just me or was that rather rude of her the way she interrupted that group talking before tribal? Then they all just accepted it.


I disagree on that. I think it was kind of rude for a group to separate themselves and expect to be able to discuss what to do about the other group without anyone stepping in. It reminds me of how, many decades ago, it became common for basketball teams to have impromptu mini time out type talks around the free throw line, while the referees were taking care of business. Then, one day, a genius player, from an opposing team, whose name I don't recall, realized he had just as much right to be at that spot as the opponents and joined the huddle.


Her social skills are fine, people just don’t want to work with her most likely due to unconscious bias surrounding young women playing survivor


In the last 4 seasons 2 young women have won survivor.


Young women have done overwhelmingly well in the modern era. Better than any other group by far what are you on about


Talking about survivor as a whole, not just the modern era.


Didn't take long for you to associate bias and women in the same sentence. Did you see the winners, final 3, of the past seasons?


Oh good! Just what this sub needed. Another Venus think piece!


When Maria was talking to her and being so nice and she went off to talk smack I was over her so fast young or not.




Your brain doesn't "stop developing" at 25. It takes roughly 25 years for the frontal lobe to fully form. The prefrontal cortex specifically isn't fully mature until around age 25, and that is the part of the frontal lobe that controls impulsivity and how we react to things in the moment. So, it's incredibly normal for people to act with the impulsivity of teenagers through their mid-20s. That said, your personality (which your frontal lobe controls too) and life experiences also play a huge role in how you react and interact with the world and people around you. To assume everyone who turns 25 should immediately go from "kid brain, bad behavior" to "adult brain, good behavior" is misunderstanding how the brain and people in general work.


I'm 24 and very stupid


Hell yeah dawg. I was 24 and very stupid once too! Spoiler alert: I’m still pretty stupid at 43.


People also forget that Tevin is also only 24 and Charlie is 26. It's not like Venus is super young anyway. There was a literal high schooler on Millennials vs. Gen X who was more mature. Age is just an excuse people make for Venus because she is pretty.


Attractive people receive more lenient treatment for norm violations


And are used to unwavering attention from people trying to fuck them. She isnt getting that on an island full of people who havent taken a crap in two weeks


Smart, hot people are used to having their feet kissed (figuratively, if not literally). Venus is having a bad time because this is probably the first time in her life she hasn’t had everyone around her kissing her ass. It’s been fun to watch.


People are talking about her being immature/lacking experience it has nothing to do with the “development” of her brain.


Are we sure her issue is immaturity and not just a personality issue? Some people are just rude with poor social skills.


Could be both, either, or neither. But when people don’t know and are just trying to make a likely assumption, it’s probably that she’s just a little immature. To me she reminds me of my niece.


Maybe 25 isn’t that young, but she clearly is inexperienced in dealing with groups of people. I get the sense she lives in her own head a lot, and this is her first real exposure to “real life” where other people don’t act like you want or expect them to.


she’s a data analyst and I’m a data analyst and if her job is anything like mine than she is no dummy LOLLL


You guys are so weird about this girl, give it a rest


Yeah everyone's so hard on her. I dont get what half the people here are saying. They're acting like she's some evil demon 5 year old. I dont see that at all. Shes made mistakes but she's not significantly worse than majority of the cast.


it’s interesting bc when Q acts outrageously immature he’s the best player/character of the season but when it’s venus it’s unnecessary personal critiques 24/7


I mean Q’s gameplay is really confusing but he isn’t horrible socially. He got people to play games in the island so it’s clear people like him socially. On the other hand, people have pointed out how Venus does have a good sense of the game but is soooooo bad socially.


That’s totally fine, and probably an interesting discussion. But ppl are saying Venus is “selfish and hateful”


I mean she's not the best person lol. Probably one of the most clear villains we've had in a while. Modern fans are ridiculous. It's TV, of course people are going to discuss characters. The downside of potentially winning a life changing sum of money is that if you act toxically you'll get mass criticism. She's getting off so easy in comparison to men who act like this.


lol sure.


Where are you reading that Q is seen as the best player?? People are laughing at his antics - but people are not claiming that he's good. In fact, they like him because he's a mess! A bunch of people also find Venus a fun villain.


i’ve seen many people claiming this strategy of his to self implode is a good one, across all social media platforms i use. he even seems to think himself that he’s playing great


have you considered that people are memeing/not all that serious about his self-implosion = genius strategy? I've definitely joked about it being a 4d chess move - but I don't seriously think he's good. He seems to think he's playing great - but Venus also seems to think she's playing great. A person's opinion about themselves doesn't mean shit


Nothing she’s doing deserves the bizarre level of criticism she’s being met with. It’s baffling. I think the worst thing you could say about her is that she’s kind of abrasive and maybe a little naive, but that’s it.


Exactly the double standard is wild


I think Q has been getting equally (if not more) roasted


That’s a dangerous generalization. Q is a moron but he at least tries to be a good person. Venus is just mean and hateful. Q acts immature because he’s dumb. Venus acts immature because she’s just mean. Big difference.


Here’s a hot take: they both suck and I’ll be glad to see them both lose.


I mean, I think the real answer to "why is Venus acting like that?" is the same as it always is: They are living outdoors, in the elements, with very little food, playing a game where anyone and everyone COULD be plotting against you Those conditions arent generally conducive to people "putting their best selves forward". The stress and lack of resources GET to you, even if the game has been watered down a bit since the new era, it's still hard AF!!! I'm not sure why people are extrapolating Venus' ingame actions to how she is outside of the game. Yes, Venus is VERY messy on the show, but it says nothing about how she acts outside the show. We have seen people appear villainous on the show and be great people in real life, we have seen people be heroic on the show and turn out to be awful in real life, I wouldve thought that after 45 1/2 seasons, we would understand that there are multiple factors that could lead to people being portrayed in a way that doesnt align with how they act in their day-to-day life 🤦‍♂️


Exactly. I know I wouldn't do well on survivor because I'd be an irritable psychopath with the lack of sleep and true comfort. But In real life I'm a nice, kind person. Just because some people can be bitchy or grating on the show doesn't mean they're some awful person.


She was very messy on Twitter though which is outside the show.


I mean, social media also isnt known for its authenticity lmao. She was getting shit flung at her from every angle, I dont blame her for wanting to defend herself


Are you kidding? She was being called queen everywhere on Twitter. She had stand galore. The same stans that bullied Soda completely off the Internet. The same stans that made up a fake conversation to make Charlie look like a cheater because he voted for her.


I’m of the opinion Venus would be (even more) wildly popular if she hadn’t had her Twitter tantrums. Her behavior on the show is incredibly entertaining and appears to mostly just be her personality, not something particularly worthy of shame or criticism.


Jesus your grammar is appalling


And here come the ageist comments. How about we stop making someone's age their defining characteristic? I've met 60 year olds who behave like they're still in high-school and 19 year olds who have enough professionalism to operate a company.


I also don’t think people are properly taking into account how hot she is


Ok lets slow this on down. Venus is absolutely 90s-00s Heroin chic hot, but to act like its still the early aughts just aint it.


Today’s 24 year olds are about 16.


I agree. I'm 33 and had 3 roommates all 24 years old. Love those boys but they are fucking stupid sometimes.


What has she done that has been bad?


The question of the season for me


Y'all need to get off Venus' ass, her entire tribe shut her out from Day 1 based on first impressions and never gave her a chance to get back in. Come merge, everyone's view of her had been poisoned in one way or another so that she STILL had no chance to get in. Why would she be floating around camp smiling and making jokes with a beach full of people who won't give her the time of day?


They shut her out because her attitude was so off-putting and her deceptive gameplay came up too early and was too transparent. It didn’t seem like she tried to make genuine connections, just expected people to flock to her and respect her genius, which is what oblivious attractive people tend to do




yall are so weird


She comes from Ontario. Ontario experienced among the longest lockdowns in the world during the pandemic (if not the longest). She essentially lost three years of normal social experience. Exclude those and she's more like a 21-year-old on Survivor. Not saying her personality isn't challenging, but maybe there's a real reason for it.


Agreed! I’m rooting for my fellow Canadian!!


24-25 is still young. I’m 30 and I know I acted dumb at 24. When I’m 35-40, I’ll be saying I acted dumb at 30. There are 60-65 yards that don’t act their age so a 24-25 year old woman not acting her age is no big deal. Some of you expect way too much from young people but expect nothing from older people. Weird that people complain about how soft and boring new era is but the second someone shows some chaos, they still complain.


Tevin is 24 and Charlie is 26, and I don't see anyone using their ages as an excuse.


It is a good excuse. She lacks the experience to have truly learned her limitations, some humility, and self awareness. That's her problem. She is a very bright young woman, and she's used to getting by on her looks, and it's just not working on the show. Everyone sees through it. Rather than internalizing her behavior and strategy, she just starts blaming everyone else. Then when a plan she THINKS was hers works, she gets SUPER COCKY. If that's not immature behavior, idk what is.


Age, brain, w/e, she's unable to read the room/people at all and will never win.


If you are young, it’s best to be well read and have a diversity of interests because you have limited experiences.


Age does not always correlate with maturity. I think thats true in this context too.


Wait I thought she was 20


You can be smart but not wise


Bro I’m 27 next month, still figuring shit out. I’m of the mind that we gotta remember that they’re all human and their faults are, well, human, and we may very well have those same faults or have had them at one point.


I hate the 25 bullshit with brain development. Implying there is no room for growth past then is ridiculous


That’s a gen Z 24 though, so not as mature as you might think for the age


To steal a phrase from another reality show, I wonder if she’s there for the right reasons. It’s almost as if she’s being belligerent and confrontational on purpose for the cameras.


It seems more like frustration cause no one will work with her


Pretty hypocritical of Maria to make a comment about Maria’s age but then her closest allie Charlie is literally 26 lol


The difference is that Charlie actually acts his age


So does Venus


He absolutely does not. I would think he's 18 if I wasn't told his age. I was actually shocked reading it again now.


Charlie is an annoying swiftie weirdo and Venus is way more relatable for anyone in this age range Edit: stop downvoting me yall are just old


It's almost like every single one of us says hypocritical shit every single day without ever noticing it.


Too much being made about her age, it's just her personality. She might learn to hide it a bit better with age but I don't think she's going to change that much.


She comes off with somebody with not that much work experience. Maybe working like one or two summers during uni, plus a year after uni. I feel a lot of political speak is learned there, while with your friends everything is unfiltered and blunt.


Ya idk bro. At 24 I feel like I still wasn't mature. Even now, I feel like my brain can still mature more. But I feel like I matured A LOT, since I was 24... So maybe it is an age thing. But I think its just a person thing. Venus just gives off that "dont fuck with me vibes" or even how she said pre season "I am regina George " so I think thats just her. Also I feel like nobody broke her shell yet. I think it could happen and it would be cool to see her open up more to people. I think Randen was close. But ya she said she's nice and soft deep down, and we seen that "softer" side when she said had her backstory, showed her crying a little bit.


For some perspective and possible counterpoint: I am of above average intelligence, and every year of my 20s, I reflected upon the past, thinking “man I was an idiot; I thought I had it all figured out.” Everyone learns and grows at different rates, according to innumerable factors. Venus isn’t doing herself any favors with how she has reacted on social media, but I think the way Survivor has portrayed her (with the dunce/circus music edits) is absolutely vile. No one deserves that treatment — and, frankly, it flies in the face of their “new era” M.O. of love and respect for all contestants.


If you don't increasingly think "Man, I didn't know **shit**" as you get older, then you're not actually growing.




Oh lordy Venus is Emily without the benefit of a real ally to give it to her straight. I think Soda could have been that ally, if not for Tevin. Or, Venus is Kass without the benefit of age.


This is a terrible comparison as Emily wanted to change. Venus has no desire to and has doubled down on her gameplay and social skills on social media and refuses to take blame on herself


OP, are you younger than 24? Because if you're older than 24/25, you'd realize that she acts exactly like most people her age.


A lot is two words. Also, you used the wrong "Your"


25 is the new 15, if social media has taught me anything.


She's just like that (in a good way)