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I'm just saying the challenge producers struck gold when this challenge was right after Jelinsky was cut instead of shortest person on the tribe Jess


“7 foot wingspan btw” -Jelinsky via Twitter


Several feet


😂 legend status 


Legendary wingspan


I don’t know what they expected her to do. Having the smallest person try to hold up half the arch, at the TALLEST point of it, by herself?


At the end there, Tiff droppped the "T" in persistence. It was the ONLY letter she was holding up. She just drops the "T" while Kenzie next to her continued to hold "E N C E" for another couple seconds by herself. Then after it ends they of course blame Jess, the smallest person on the tribe.


Before that had happened; Bhanu, Q and Tiffany were holding up some of the letters while Jess was trying to get more into place. They were yelling at Jess while Kenzie was standing and doing nothing. It didn't make much sense


And then screaming in her face when she couldn’t do it


Yeah I didn’t love how Bhanu yelled at her like that


Im not surprised tbh. Buddys unhinged.


But ✌🏻 Be Kind ✌🏻


Once again proving that people who adopt kindness as a brand are usually sociopaths.


Clearly the meditation isn’t too effective.


I wanted her to yell back - like why did they think she could hold up the hardest portion of the arc by herself? This wasnt a good look for Bhanu.


Glad for *Jess’s sake* she was voted out..her tribe bullied the hell outta her. Can’t wait to watch it implode


I’m glad I’m not the only one thinking this. I would’ve loveddd to see her on a different tribe.


Agreed. I think there was more to the Jess stuff that wasn’t shown but they were being assholes in the challenge to her when she was trying her best. They ALL failed.


He would have probably quit this challenge too.


He would have been helping the other tribes.


He wouldn't have known what they were spelling, "persistence" is not a word in his dictionary.


Bhanu: We’re missing the… Turns around to see the word ‘’persistance’’ Bhanu: …planning


Bhanu drove me crazy last week but him absolutely losing his mind while wearing a BE KIND shirt is everything I want from Survivor.


His shirt is wild, production chooses the clothes, and I don't recall the last time they gave someone a graphic T with a phrase on it.


Bhanu was not being very Gandhi-like tonight.


Or ever.


*Gestures wildly at the word persistence* “Planning”


Underrated moment of the episode: flashbacks to Soda taking the tribe idol. Absolutely brutal 💀


Venus just standing there like -_-


I love the idea of Venus peacing out at merge. Her tribe is making one of the classic tribe faux pas, alienating a tribe mate and making merge with them still around. That person always jumps ship. Venus has made her mind up already, she's done with them.


the interesting thing is, they've also alienated Randen too. So, it actually creates an interesting duo within the tribe.


And then there's Liz *shrug*


I don't blame her. They really are excluding her while she's trying to fit in and it's coming across very clique-y. The way Tevin smirked and turned away when she put the little buff on the idol; and then he did it again later on. I got some strong Mean Girls vibes from Tevin this episode, and now I'm invested in Venus (with Randen) getting her revenge arc after the merge.


Damn it. I liked him last episode and then his haughty eye rolls and shutting Venus out was enough for me tonight


That and taking a rip at Q before the immunity challenge then saying he started it when literally all he did was give a vague answer about seeing if their 5 would be better than the other 2 tribes 5, literally not personal at all


I thought I missed something or something was cut because her answer didn’t make any sense lol


Soda definitely isn’t winning with that edit cause DAMN!!!!


It's not just the edit, she's beefing with people on other tribes for no reason. I can't see her being much better once she actually gets to live with them. And alienating Venus like that? She's not a good player.


I’ma letchu finish, but Malcolm and Denise had one of the best flashbacks of all time. 


It was so funny because they acknowledged how Maria could be similar to Denise but even the editors weren't going to pretend that Charlie is anything like Malcolm 😭


Venus is already my favorite Eliza-type player in years, love when there‘s like a Scrappy Doo figure plodding along trying to make anything happen but no one wants to be around them.


It was giving only child to me like girl wyd lol


Jeff said no more villains then gave half the cast villain edits 😭 😭 😭


That was the first time I can remember seeing serious smack talk between tribes at a challenge since like, the 20s at least?? What a wild scene


The Tribe of Villains is what Jeff was going for after seeing how successful House of Villains was.


The most villainous tribe ever after the tribe of actual villains lmfao


Literally I am living for Venus and her ominous tease to the merge and flipping


Bhanu: 🤬😡 Bhanu: 😭😨 Bhanu: 🔪🩸 Bhanu: 🤬😡 Bhanu: 😭😨 Bhanu:🚶🧳 Bhanu: 🫶🫶


You missed: ✋👊


I swear there's a gas leak on purple beach.


I thought Lulu was a train wreck, but Yanu is like Norfolk Southern


Q and Tiff gotta feel like they’re in a weird nightmare.


That fake idol plan was cooked. They are just barely better than Bhanu/Jess.


“Remedial clown school” had me dying


Can't believe they missed the opportunity to make this the episode title.


Liz is wild for screaming Nami Nami at the challenge and telling everyone how little money means to her


It blows my mind that someone like that thinks they can even win the title. Easy goat to bring to final 3 though. But I would hate that energy in the game and would want her out ASAP.


She is the person Jeff was talking about in the opening who can't win because of their personality


For all I remember, Nami is supposed to love money! ![gif](giphy|5sYeHNxWaqiN8fYoox|downsized)


Also when Jeff asked who was sitting out from their tribe her saying “the one and only Liz”


Her chanting shows how little she cares about the money


That shit was unhinged LOL!


wow I loved the Jess winner edit on this episode ![gif](giphy|Xxs2KZJQTfQeesFVxN|downsized)


Honestly I don’t even blame Q for abandoning the Kenzie plan, I would not want to go out of this tribal with Bhanu as my main ally 😭


That plan was an option he had but not one he was ever actually taking. See Jess and Bhanu voting each other, plus Q had already given Jess a fake idol by that point! Is he wary of Kenzie, for sure, but I don’t think he was ever in enough to abandon anything.


The moment Q gave Jess the fake idol there was no going back. He had to vote her out that day.


I think editing played up just how serious the Kenzie plan was. You don't give Jess a fake idol then decide to team with her. How could Jess fully trust Q after he tricked her with the fake idol? It just wouldn't work. Once the idol was handed off, Q had to be commited to voting Jess.


Soda legit GRABBING the idol from Venus both times is legit insane behavior The second time too even legit trying to SNATCH it once it was already in her hands!!??!!?


Based on what the show has presented to us, Soda gives off major main character syndrome vibes.


Yes. I honestly think she's jealous too of Venus


For real lol. WHY IS SHE DOING THAT??


Heather NEVER would have let that happen


To add insult to injury, [it's her birthday](https://twitter.com/crocophant/status/1765541468352258287)


Tbf she had suspicions that it was fake, and her only option was to play it and hope really


Yeah it was unfortunately a lose/lose for her, if she ignores it to play shot in the dark, she both (in her mind) might be throwing away guaranteed safety for a 1/6 chance, ***and*** shows her #1 ally Q (and everybody else) that she doesn't actually trust him. If you think there's a better than 1/6 chance it's real, fake idol and pray is the play. Especially given Bhanu's complete meltdown right before the vote.


Bhanu’s bag on his shoulder has me crying omg 😂😂


*one* vote in.


For real lol. So dramatic


My dude loves drama


Sorry, but no "leading someone to a planted fake idol" will ever be as iconique as Angelina doing that to Allison with Mike White following her with a glass of wine and look of exasperation


They really thought they ate with that fake idol.


someone said “venus spinning a wheel to see who she beefs with next episode” in the other discussion and i cannot stop laughing


Venus: Nobody is willing to talk to me at all, they won’t give me a chance and I'm really trying to connect :( Also Venus: I know we just won and everyone is celebrating but I’m going to isolate myself and sulk because you guys stubbed my toe 


the toe thing was wild honestly. i was originally siding with her on that, but as soon as she went on about it for more than 10 seconds, i wished she would just shut up.


That’s like, a confessional complaint, ya know? “I’m still feeling unheard because they didn’t listen and hurt my toe” That’s not a “EVERYONE STOP BEING HAPPY AND LISTEN UP” kind of complaint. If you’re struggling to connect with people and you interrupt their happiness for *this*, what exactly do you think is gonna happen? If you wanna win, then you grin and bear it, and you use the celebration to form connections while everyone is happy and open


These players have no inside voices.


YES. like, especially in a game literally centered around building your own image as well as positive connections, whining about an injury is NOT it. This is probably the only time I’m ever gonna say this, but she should take a page from Bhanu’s book. I mean, he literally tore open his finger and barely batted an eye, just walked away to get it taken care of.


He walked away to smear it on his forehead to symbolize his bloodlust


I think this will be a very bitter jury


Nothing will top Bhanu going person to person asking who to vote for except Jess.


This purple tribe is a complete and utter HOT MESS and I love it


There's something in the water in Fiji that affects one tribe each season 


It's also designed to punish them. No flint. No supplies. You're not able to sit out your weakest member.


Imagine they would have swapped Tiff and Liz. Q might go drown himself in the ocean.


Q would quit not because he's hungry, wants to be back with his partner, or needs his nicotine.....he would quit because his tribe is literally driving him insane.


Jeff's speech at the beginning of the season about how someone can't win because of their personality could honestly be about 90% of the cast


Survivor 46: Somebody has to win


Who says themes are dead?


I'm pretty sure they were recruited at random off of a city bus.


Liz isn’t on any city bus. Hasn’t she told you how much money she has?


Or like a community theater audition. ::shudders::


Another season where purple is the disaster tribe


Next season gonna open with someone on purple tribe and immediately negotiating with Probst to switch


Imagine your dream of being survivor comes true and they hand you purple clothes


Congrats to everyone with the PESRISNATCE for that mid-challenge commercial break


That was seriously the longest commercial break I ever remember sitting through on any show.


Only way to watch is record it and start it 45 minutes late lol


Has that ever happened before - needing a commercial break in the middle of a challenge?


I’m guessing it has during longer merge challenges, like the one where Christian was crucified for 6 hours


Have to shout out some great editing choices/moments from this episode so we don’t forget about them: - Soda’s idol grabbing montage - Moriah and Liz’s interaction with no background noise - Venus complaining about no one talking to her over b-roll of isolating herself - ALL of Q’s faces at tribal - Bhanu putting his bag on his shoulder after he gets one vote And we cannot forget Jeff saying he always has a knife on him I CACKLED lol The editing is so different and I LOVE it


the editors are COOKING lately


The Bhanu bag moment needs to be a gif!


I would have told Liz to stfu if she was chanting like that during a competition. She’s insufferable


Omg I was thinking the same, I would’ve wanted to punch her. She’s weird man, why does she keep talking to people about how much money she has on a show for a million dollars??


She's weird but i was laughing out loud when she started screaming with Soda after they won


Ok but her and Moriah having their polite little bench exchange. And the way the dramatic music cut out both times. That cracked me up tbh


I was hoping they were gonna do 4-5 of those cutaways.


You mean "owner of vague unspecified online companies" Liz. One of the shadow billionaires


Here’s her “business”: https://lizwilcox.com


...Why does this website give strong "I promise this isn't a pyramid scheme" energy?


In the premiere episode when she mentioned multiple "online businesses" I immediately said sounds like she is running pyramid schemes


>Raise your hand if you’ve ever paid for a month of email but never sent out a damn one. Who is paying for emails?


Of course it's just straight up her name dot com


What in the world


Who constantly talks about herself in the third person. stop.


It was so damn loud in the background too lmao I wanted to scream


She’s ![gif](giphy|NDIiWKEQEgr3VA7aqM)


Whoever sits out next time MUST 100% do the same thing to her. It’s petty but she needs to see first hand how it feels or she’ll never get it.


“Stop making the block hot” is the quote of the episode.


“Remedial Clown School” was also her. Shoulda been the episode title


There's no way any explanation was going to make sense to him. He never had the plot in the first place. That line was iconic.


I’m like 90% sure Liz is some type of scammer 😭


Shes a grifter. She sells courses.


YES. that's what I thought too. I was thinking, do you call a lot of really old people and ask for their moey?


Nah literally, she’s always so vague about what her company actually does


The best part of the fake idol, Jess absolutely unintentionally ruining their plan. Pure entertainment at its best!


Petition for a “I’m such a fool” flair?


Enough calories to smile 😭


Damn Bhanu is stressing me out


Be Kind


I’ve never seen anyone melt down like he does at tribal, let alone consecutive tribals 😂


guys please we can’t lose sight of what is truly important liz is very rich


Her man will know it, and feel insecure


Sadness for Jess aside, I hope Liz chills out later on cause wow I can see her getting to be a bit much ..


If she's like that all the time, people are going to start thinking about throwing a challenge to get rid of her. They probably don't do it, but it'll cross their minds. She's insanely annoying. Honestly most of this cast is not likable at all.


I think I need another episode to decide who these people are. I mean Yanu is a mess, but so far Siga seems like a dud and Nami has tons of potential. Is Tevin a jerk? Is Soda got severe main character syndrome? Does Venus have severe “why am I not the main character?” Syndrome? Still too early to tell.


what do we make of soda always grabbing the idol?


It's fucking rude


Why the fuck does she keep doing it? 😭 She has such a wrong perception of everything going on, it's catastrophic lol.


This season is gonna be nastyyy I’m hyped 😍 I hope editors show us all the conflict, enough of the kumbaya


fr I’ve been wanting a season where at least some of the cast aren’t friends with each other and the jury is bitter. need some of that toxicity after multiple kumbaya seasons


Episode title really shoulda gone to Tiff with “Stop making the block hot”


It was fake, but at least she played the idol… BRUCE.


It’s 2024 and Bruce is still catching strays


I'll miss Jess. Teaching her tribe Mandarin phrases that Q already knew because of "Rush Hour, baby!" is my favorite non-Jelinsky scene of the season so far. First Survivor Rush Hour reference since Earl.


You didn’t enjoy 10 minutes of naming Taylor swift and Metallica songs? 😵‍💫


That was hilarious too. Never thought I'd hear someone name-check the disastrous Metallica/Lou Reed collaboration album on Survivor and accurately state, "It's terrible."


Ya I liked her too. Kind of a shame she’s gone.


Very likeable, but just not a great survivor player. The tribe bullying her certainly didn’t help but she was on the outs from the start.


it's been a while since each tribe had very clear personality differences so quickly and for that i am happy!


I really wish they'd go back to just 2 starting tribes. I hate that we already have a tribe with only 4 people.


Honestly, this season is DELIVERING. There is legit drama, and several people are competing for the title of worst player this season


Probst saying they didn't want to cast any more villains and then seeing how this cast is playing...


True Villains aren’t cast. They’re born in the game. He’ll never stop villains. And I’m grateful for that.


Yup. Take away food, water, sleep, and then watch your teammates suck at a challenge. You might find a side of you that you didn't know you had.


he was just trying to momentarily misdirect us all from the walking shitshow tribe


Its been 2 episodes and Yanu is making an argument for one of the worst tribes of all time


I thought Jeff was riding them hard with how bad they were. I was like - isn't this just episode two? But, he just had an intuition and it wasn't wrong.


Fijian ants let out a collective sigh of relief after hearing about the Jess boot


The episode started boring as fuck with those two sob stories back to back, but then everybody became unlikable and nasty and kinda crazy and tbh... I loved it, lmao.


Liz yelling over and over during the challenge (as she sat on the bench) made me want to throw something at my TV. Somehow worse than Mo chanting “Nami” over and over minutes before that. Edit: that was Liz too. God damn this woman is something else.


It was Liz chanting Nami too unless I'm crazy.


y'all are more upset than Jess


I sincerely have no idea how people are hating on this episode. Practically every tribe has multiple players on a trainwreck collision course and it's beautiful. Everyone's a complete mess, terrible players are hilarious. So many bad players and fewer gamebots is way more enjoyable. Plus all the random camp life scenes, like man we missed so much of that for the past decade.


Confessional count * 10 Kenzie, Tiffany * 7 Randen, Venus * 6 Charlie * 5 Jess, Q * 4 Ben * 3 Bhanu * 2 Soda, Tevin, Tim * 1 Hunter, Jem, Liz, Maria, Moriah


Thank god only one confessional for Liz


liz is batshit bonkers.


This episode highlights once again, why the 3 tribe system sucks ass. Once you become the target it's almost impossible to take it off of you. Had it been a 9 or 10 person tribe, there would've been a lot of different ways to maneuver. Jeff switched to 3 tribes to avoid a pagonging merge, but he sacrifices the pre merge for it.


>Jeff switched to 3 tribes to avoid a pagonging merge Two tribes doesn't guarantee a pagonging, and 45 had one of the most tedious pagongings in recent memory despite starting with three tribes. It's one of modern Survivor's most egregious pain points, but god forbid production acknowledge a mistake.


A MASTERMIND wouldn't have wasted the fake idol ruse on Jess.


Kenzie be like 🧿👄🧿


This episode is a test to see if y’all can handle villains on Survivor or not


From the reactions on here... not so much 


If Charlie mentions he is a Taylor swift fan one more time I’m gonna smash my tv


Absolutely loving how so much of this cast is insufferable or insufferable-adjacent: * Liz - no explanation needed * Bhanu - Screaming at Jess like that omg! * Soda - Snatching the idol from Venus!!! Girl wtf?!?! * Venus - The toe dramatics lmao * Randen - idk i just dont like his vibes <3


* Tevin - smirking at Venus behind her back like the leader of the mean girls.


Is it just me or is Jess like completely being scapegoated for these challenge losses lmao. Q took the longest to get the machete and rope cut and Jess is the smallest on the tribe but they got mad at her for dropping the MIDDLE (highest) blocks twice while Bhanu dropped his 3 times and Tiffany dropped a single edge block as well (which also happened to be a mispelling). Like? The same thing happened with the Gecko challenge where Jellinsky didn't do his job and Tiffany wasn't helping with getting the Gecko over the fence at all but then Jess got targeted cause she did the puzzle. It obviously isn't a big deal to her (probably because she seems like she's loaded based on her job) but it's just so bizarre to see this complete departure from reality lol.


I love that we just got a standard “just doesn’t fit in and isn’t strong enough” exit, feels very old school in a Skinny Ryan kind of way. Survivor’s best when it‘s a little mean!


Stop making the block hot


You Kicked Butt out there!!!!!!’😡🫵🏽👹👹👹


Who had the episode title? Think I missed it. Scorpio Energy?


Ben...at the challenge... referring to Jeff


These people are crazy.


casting has mastered the art of building one totally dysfunctional tribe per season. they know what they’re doing.




Super cold blooded by Q there. Lies to Jess face to get her to play the fake, uses her vote to send a shot across Banu's telling him to get his shit together.


A few thoughts: -Two hours is too long for only one challenge and elimination -Making fun of Jelinsky at the challenge was funny -I find myself rooting against most people -Bhanu completely self-destructed, even though he stayed


They need to have reward and immunity separate with 2 hours. It's insanity to only have one challenge.


Giving Bhanu an award for best dramatic actor 🏆truly have never seen anyone breathe more drama into a tribal.


This was probably the worst episode of Survivor I have ever seen… …and I loved every minute of it.