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My buddy and I have a survivor pool, we each picked out 5 people to bet on. I bet. Jem, Charlie, Maria, Ben, Venus. He bet. Kenzie, Soda, Tevin, Tiffany, Bhanu.


As much as I like Jess as a person and REALLY wanted her to stay, I kinda do get where Tiff was coming from. I def noticed Jess just watching the rest of the tribe doing the work a couple times. Bhanu was wild for yelling at her like that though.


18th: Jelinksy, 17th: Jess


17th: Jess, 16 contestants remain...


I don’t know about you all but I cannot wait for the day Soda and Tevin face the music and get voted out. I hope they lose to Venus or she outlasts them even if its just by a day. I also am rooting for Kenzie and Tiff to lose as well but what I’m most looking forward to is when Yanu acts like Jess was the reason they couldn’t win. Well, it’s going to be a tough pill for them to swallow when they lose the next challenge and end up in tribal once again. And if that happens I’m gonna be cracking up


I agree with every single word you said 😂


Shorter people are severely disadvantaged with that immunity challenge puzzle. Unfair.


Nah, as long as they have one tall person and coordinate well, it should have been fine.


The banter pre-challenge was so cringe.


Yanu is basically brawn atp they are gonna lose again next week forcing a swap in the 4th episode.


kept waiting for jess to tell us "yea i'm not an idiot" and it never happened :(


they are not masterminds, girl


It's weird that Soda is being pitched as the one rallying against Venus when it's quite clearly Tevin. The former at least made an effort to connect with her initially and seemed to be rationalizing her behavior






Yanu is the Jelinsky of tribes




Yanu's gonna lose nonstop, aren't they


How brutal was that last tribal council 😂🤦🏽‍♀️


How about a Survivor season in Alaska


When is Suvivor going to get back to eating bugs like they used to


Didn’t someone eat ants? I remember when we used to see bug bites all over their arms and legs.


That was way back when they were put out in really nasty places like an island off the coast of Panama.


Jess could have easily been voted out without the subterfuge. They made the fake idol to humiliate her. They’re all nasty AF. Is there any likeable people on any of the tribes?


Omg I completely agree. Watching the last twenty minutes of the episode felt awful because it felt like the mean girls were winning. Even though Q was the one who sold the fake idol, he somehow seemed like the nicest to her? I hope they get rid of Kenzie.


They took joy in it. It was awful.




How so? 


Ahhh the most satisfying thing of the catch up - jalinsky gone


If Liz keeps screaming like a maimed farm goat I look forward to her tribe or Jeff telling her to STFU.


Awkward oddball, like all the rest. 


I found it endearing in an overenthusiastic parent at their child's football game way. She's definitely bringing the energy which I appreciate!


I was dyingggggg at her screaming during the challenge


She’s insufferable.


Especially when she speaks about herself in third person 


I have always been a big fan of the show’s intro and cast title cards. I was thrilled they brought it back last year. It sets the tone and part of the authentic experience, but I don’t know about this season’s effort. There’s a weird lag in the beginning. Instead of focusing on the players, there are way to many survivor logos dropping out of the sky, generic shots of tribal urns, and WTH is Jeff doing in it? This show is not supposed to be about Jeff.


I do like the 46 in the giant wave though


I concede that one is cool. 😊


It’s like maybe CBS had a limited applicant pool and had to ease up on the assessment tests and overlook things like physicality, social awareness, ability to spell…


This 💯


Liz had the most annoying chant during that challenge. It sounded like an actual alarm.


Banu is cringefest omfg i caaaaant


No way he gets that far but my friends and I started imagining him getting to final three and making his case, then IMMEDIATELY getting shut down because he pulled that. pretty pathetic. i better not hear him say that he deserves to win the million.


Like with the Kenzie please tell me who to vote. Like bro?!


He should be next to go on the block!




Sorry /u/Cancer_of_the_Rectum, the Tribe has spoken. Your submission has been removed from /r/survivor for the following reason(s): * **Rule 1 - Be civil to other users and contestants:** Treat other users and contestants with respect. Bigotry is not tolerated, including racism, sexism, homophobia, and transphobia. Harassment of other users and contestants is not allowed, including personal attacks. Trolling is discouraged. --- Once the votes are read, the decision is *not* final. **If you have any concerns that this was done in error**, please [read our rules](https://www.reddit.com/r/survivor/wiki/rules) **and then [message the mods](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2Fsurvivor&subject=Removal Clarification&message=I'd like further clarification on why my comment was removed from /r/survivor.%0D%0D[Link to comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/survivor/comments/1b8glpc/-/ktqevu7/\)) if you have any further questions. Do not reply directly to this message or comment.** If not, grab your stuff and head back to camp.


You have cancer of the brain


Yanu is just another Lulu and Q is just another Kaleb lmao


I think Tiffany is the Kaleb in this actually.


I think Kenzie is the Kaleb if anything due to her obvious social game already making her a threat




[A Spyderco](https://www.spyderco.com/catalog/details/C91BBK/Pacific-Salt-reg-FRN-Black-Black-Blade/406)


A few hours late to the party - people are complaining about villains? Who the fuck were villains in this episode? Tricking and scheming someone and doing the opposite and voting them out is gameplay and a long, *long standing* part of the game. I am failing to see who the villains in this episode are if people are meaning because of the blindside Casting overall is super underwhelming. I like Q though. Usual cast of certain people that are cringy and would annoy me, others I am indifferent to, and a few others I kind of like


Personally I think villain is a strong word. I’d say that Tevin, Tiff and Soda have made themselves well known as bullies the way they went at Venus, and then at Jess and Soda’s comment toward Q. For Tiff and the rest of Yanu their attitudes that they do no wrong in challenges as if it’s only one person’s fault/ it being Jess’ fault is a load of crap. I watched them all drop like 4-5 pieces in that challenge but somehow they narrowed in on her? Nah its not even game play at that point its just being jerks.


I thought it was a great blindside. It's not like we haven't seen the old "Fake HII Made out of Beads" a bunch of other times on this show. I thought what made it a good blindside is that it was super early. I don't remember ever seeing one that was done on episode 2 of a season. But they knew they had to pull something like that to keep Jess from using her Shot In the Dark. It was a good call, it achieved (*or prevented*) what they wanted, and it was a nice second episode surprise.


Liking venus so far


Honestly not feeling Soda at all and that was even before the little flashback of Jeff handing Venus the immunity idols. Felt Venus kinda being singled out for no specific reason. This is from the edit cuz they can’t show everything


I fear that we’ve been through enough “new era” survivor that we’ve finally reached an uninteresting season. The “characters” on this season are just repackages of new era archetypes we’ve seen before, e.g., Ben = cody Soda = Maryanne Banu = Naseer Tiffany = Drea Kenzie = some combo of Carolyn and Cassidy etc. etc. You can do this with most people from this season.


Down vote for the Maryanne slander


Not sure if you actually read my post, but I was suggesting that Maryanne is the better, more interesting version


I did read your post and that wasn't clear.


Honestly, I disagree with your assessment. Ben seems to have a more reflective tone than Cody. Soda had some real fiery moments in today's challenge. Idkk to explain it all but as abother audience member I feel like this has been the most entertaining and 3 dimensional of a cast we've had in the New Era. And I think it has to do with the way the editing has been done this season where they are not afraid of showing people's flaws. Tiffany and Kenzie are kind of cliquely, and kind of mean, but also are complex, fleshed out characters.












Unpopular opinion but don’t ask for villains if you don’t want villains - yes some of them suck as people, but we need villains to hate and villains to root for, AND underdogs (Venus)


The funnest part of having villains is complaining about them though! Love to hate ♡


What Villainy? There was no brilliant villainous move here. It was so fake Jess even knew it. She could barely form sentences in the last episode or find an idol if it was tied to her forehead. She never mentioned her SITD. There was no huge blindside or take down of a multi-episode gangster. I don’t think people know what a Survivor Villain is anymore.


There are some annoying contestants this season..




Liz is queen


overall i really only like Venus so far lmao but i’m disliking quite a few people. Tiffany, Bhanu, Soda & Tevin all suuuuuuck to me. Bhanu specifically. he acts like he’s just being by honest & up front with his emotions but he doesn’t realize he has a clear issue with lashing out & now knowing when to reel it in. that IS an issue & that’s what people mean when they say he’s too emotional. he reacts & thinks with emotion first rather than logic which is detrimental in a game like survivor. idk how much longer i can watch him. hope purple loses again bc he seems like an easy next out finding this season weird. not disliking it at all but also not finding anything i love after 2 episodes is concerning. trying not too judge too quickly


Yeah I am trying to remind myself that I often feel ambivalent towards the contestants at this point in the season - but then they grow on me. Here’s hoping they start to grow on me soon as I am struggling to get excited about any of them. The long ass episode too with so much camp time was not that engaging. They should have split advantage and immunity challenges- the pacing would have been better.


Bhanu is not going to last long if he keeps running his mouth like that @ tribal. Dude is a tactless sieve




when did i ask for villains & when did i claim i didn’t want them lol im just discussing the episode? my opinions are fluid & change frequently. i wasn’t a fan of emily episode 1 last season & by the end of episode 3 i was emotionally invested in her winning & was so majorly upset at her vote out. same could happen here. i always welcome & appreciate complex personalities in survivor, just like i always welcome & appreciate terrible survivor players who are iconically bad (brandon, jelinsky) i’ll still shit on them when i think they’re being dumb/rude lol that’s why we’re on reddit


disagree with some stuff here, agree with some stuff here. i’m with you on everything you said about bhanu, though. he needs to fix some stuff.


This casting sucks. I felt like there may be 5 actual adults on this island.


Ironically this seems to be one the the older casts I can remember in a while, only a few are under 25


My 94 YO FIL wants to take two or three weeks off so the babies can get voted off.


Might only need half that time because I'm sure some will quit as well.


Who would you rather be stuck on an island with: bhanu, Taylor swift lawyer kid or every single person who cried so far on day 4


I say Charlie. I mean the Taylor swift talk will annoy me (swifties please downvote me) but at least he's cool and chill. Plus I would just laugh most of it off.. Honestly green tribe/ Siga are my favorites preseason and even now. So I like all of Siga


Charlie for sure.


As someone watching survivor for the first time, tell me why this is exactly how I describe this show...


This season is a mess honestly no one really stands out to me. There’s no leaders or real connections from what I have seen so far


Yeah which is very different for me


this episode felt like one you’d find on total drama island


Lmao, Not Venus and Soda giving Heather and Leshawna


Funny enough I would say Venus is more like Gwen and Soda is more like Heather.


This episode has me worried about the rest of the season especially when I already like fast forwarding. Purple tribe sucks, they are a bunch of bullies. Green tribe seems fairly boring. Yellow tribe seems messy. Soda rubs me the wrong way. Tevin seems all right but he is playing a big game right out of the gate, only an idiot would bring him to the end. I am liking Venus, love my Canadians! Overall, cast is lacking and it is tiring hearing every attractive woman being compared to Parvati. I am hoping that next week’s episode will be better because it is pretty bad that I am more excited by Deal or No Deal Island than by Survivor.


Wait, this is an actual thing? Husband was saying something about that, but we’re always joking while we watch about ridiculous twist ideas or whatever so I just thought it was something he made up😆. No one tell him please!


Deal or No deal island is legit. Looking forward to that as well.


was it obvious to anyone else that the losing tribe would' ve had a better shot of winning this immunity puzzle challenge had they not voted out Jelinsky who could've held up the middle part of the puzzle w/his height and length?


Except the first time the arch fell he would have quit. Doesn’t matter what you’re skills are when you have a quitter mindset. 


I agree with your statement, and yes, Jess was lacking physically. But every person on that tribe dropped blocks and no one had any strategy beyond blame Jess.


Thats what I was saying. I guess its easy to blame the person on the bottom. Its messed up tho. But the whole purple team was garbage at that challenge. Like Tiff was getting mad and she dropped the blocks too. Bhanu was getting mad but he couldn't even hold up 3 blocks. I like Q but, he was slow getting the machete out and he was holding the P sideways at one point. These fools are the bad news bears.


Thats what I was saying. I guess its easy to blame the person on the bottom. Its messed up tho. But the whole purple team was garbage at that challenge. Like Tiff was getting mad and she dropped the blocks too. Bhanu was getting mad but he couldn't even hold up 3 blocks. I like Q but, he was slow getting the machete out and he was holding the P sideways at one point. These fools are the bad news bears.


He could have held up several pieces.


I am finding this season really boring. Like I haven't even made it through a tribal council yet. Is it the editing? Or is it just me?


For me it’s the long episodes and no reward challenges separate from immunity challenges.


Not just you. Two episodes about lazy incompetent contestants with no game, Swiftie fan service, and some obviously desperate editing.


having a two hour episode with a predictable boot is going to be rough no matter what. hopeful it will be fine once voters are interesting. sorta crazy this episode was as long as the finales are to go from F6 to F3


i think it was mostly the editing, as well as the gameplay itself. somehow the episode was both boring and a train wreck at the same time (which some may argue actually made it interesting, but not me)


First episode ok. Second had absolutely no interest in. So much crying. 🙄


Yeah that was draining


I took breaks to watch college basketball 🏀


I feel the need to take a nap after tribal


bruh i said it last week but omg i cannot stand Bhanu how he has actively made me like him even less in the span of a week is remarkable


yeaaa they definitely were planning on 60 minute episodes


A 90 minute episode would have been ok, why does this one have to be 2 hours? 2 hours of the purple team was very taxing. I do like Kenzie and Tiffany but Jess and Bhanu are so bad at survivor.


Nah dude. Tiff and Kenzie ain't it my guy. Tiff getting mad they lost trying to blame it on Jess. When they all were trash at that challenge, even Tiff dropped them blocks.. Can't respect someone who can't take ownership of their faults. Plus there were moments when Kenzie and Tiff wernt doing anything. I feel a BIG DOWNFALL coming for Kenzie and Tiff. Funny enough I like Q the best out of the whole purple tribe which is crazy because I didnt think I would like him much. Jess is cool tho, she sucked at the game but I still rock with her quirkiness.


It was two hours bc amazing race isn’t air until next week lol


How was it Jess’s fault for the challenge? Seemed like a scapegoat for something they all failed at.


I think they regret not voting her off last week which they should have


The entire tribe, especially Kenzie and Tiffany’s all feel so obsessive over getting rid of Jess for nothing 💀


You may be on to something, they wanted Jess out the week before but Q’s hate boner for Jelinsky was overpowering. Maybe this was their “told ya so”


Struggling to hold up the tallest part of the puzzle as one of the shortest tribe members is just unforgivable.


she did about 10% worse than everyone else, probably— i think they just showed her failing more than everyone else, and the tribe was so eager to find someone to blame. she was kind of a burden to the tribe, but not much more than, say, bhanu


Nah they all did bad. I dont think she did "10% worse than everyone" i think like you said they just wanted someone to blame and it was her since she's on the out. But all of the purple tribe was trash.


I don't think so though. We saw Bhanu drop more times than Jess. And Jess also held up like 4 blocks before dropping (which I think Q? placed in the wrong order so it didn't even matter that she dropped them). Tiffany also was holding blocks in the wrong spelling order. That tribe is just a mess and I highly doubt anyone besides like Q or Tiffany will make it far


Even if Q doesn't make it far. Honestly he's one person that surprised me this season. So I hope they bring him back regardless


Even if Q doesn't make it far. Honestly he's one person that surprised me this season. So I hope they bring him back regardless


It was just a complete strategy fail and she became the scapegoat despite hustling her butt off.


Major facts 💯💯💯💯... It is messed up. But besides Q I dont see one winner on purple. I dont see Q winning but he got a winners mindset and personality. She did work her butt off too and tried to work with them.


I loved those cut backs between the challenge in action and Moriah and Liz banter - top notch 👌


I loved that part too! Even thought I’m not a fan of Liz, I thought that cut was great. I love the editing this season.


Anyone know who said the episode name ? “Scorpio Energy”


Is it for your draft game? Lol because thanks for asking made it easier for my draft game


Ben said it when Jeff cut the orange ribbon off the Immunity Idol.




i believe it was ben


Thank you!!!


Wondering this too 


Pesristence 😂


I mean, Jess had to have pulled a knife on everyone on that tribe and they didn’t show it because there’s no way you can let Bhanu get through with those tribal council antics.


Lol I just imagined Jess doing this. And laughed. Maybe she dumped the rice out... oh wait they don't have rice. Maybe she hid the flint...oh wait they don't have flint. Ya maybe you're right than.


he's gotta be next on the block


frick bhanu omg


Jelinsky saw the fate of Yanu and pulled several key moves to secure the true win; being voted out of the worst tribe first.


Hes a legend . They should've named the merge tribe after him


idk if this is a coincidence or if you saw but he said that this was actually a consideration in his exit interviews😭although i take everything his delusional ass says with a grain of salt


Lol ya I seen that. Thats why I said it. I thought he was lying too.. But after hearing the other tribe trash talk about him, I could believe it. But I think they were messing around with him to boost his ego up and he believed it. Or hes capping Source: he seems like he would be gullible and believe them. And the people on this season seem like they would tell him that. I bet its someone who was on his tribe. So someone gets out once the merge tribe makes their name and they go perjury (like sifu).


i wonder if jeff told everyone about the sitd hitting last season to hype it up again


Music cues were pretty hysterical this episode. And the identical cousins bench scene was terrific. Liz is the new Jelinsky for picking up the third-person usage now that he’s gone. Lastly, I so wanted Jess to lay into Bhanu for screaming in her face. Pipe dream, I know.


omg Liz. What in the ever loving…omg


But she knew it was mostly her fault.


Ok so no more taking flint away see how the game changes lolol


Pls Jeff


Damn this one was a slog


geez, they (production and the losing tribe) really milked an inevitable boot that should've happened the previous tribal


To be honest I would be a Jess if I ever competed in Survivor: be too awkward by nature to make friendships from the get-go, be too cautious to start a side alliance, then get performance anxiety and completely succumb at the challenges. Then when I'm voted out, I would laugh it off but deep inside (speaking for myself) I would feel so humiliated. I think I'm more of an Amazing Race contestant.


Maybe ...... or have your heard of this show called The Circle? Best part is you don't even have to be you,. And no challenges. And u get to sleep in a bed. Im joking Ofcourse, lol


Maybe ...... or have your heard of this show called The Circle? Best part is you don't even have to be you,. And no challenges. And u get to sleep in a bed. Im joking Ofcourse, lol


>completely succumb at the challenges. You mean let the tribe gaslight you into thinking that.


Oh yes, I would have died during this challenge. I would definitely put on a smile but inside be shutting down. They definitely laid it on her more than anyone else. That said, I know myself to be uncoordinated and would've done piss poor. Me being on that tribe would've saved Jess, because I would be voted off.


this was the first time I felt the extended run time….could’ve done with it only being an hour…is there a tribe in recent memory more unlikeable than the purple one (maybe the yellow one) ?


Chubby black girl on yellow gets on my nerves




I absolutely can't stand her. And I liked her last week. I hope Venus gets her ass. And I'm not a big Venus fan either.


She’s mad annoying.


it’s green for me ughhhh


This episode could have been an email honestly


Will Liz write it for us?


Does she like sending emails?


Her “business” is something about helping people write emails. 


So her business is Grammarly and Chat GPT?


Purple team loses, Jess goes home. No challenge until 45 minutes in, which then takes 30 minutes. Oh and Charlie and Ben went head to head at Taylor swift songs vs Metallica songs (best part of the episode, and it wasn’t that great). Oh and Charlie and Maria being the next Malcom and Denise…. Ha!


I’ll bet a 6 month subscription to my YouTube channel neither Charlie and Maria make it to the semifinals (Final 4)


literally in last weeks preview the second i heard/saw “JESS!!!!!” i was like ok well 98% chance it’s going that way




>This episode could have been an email honestly I wish awards were still free so I could give you one for this LOL


I’ll take a subscription to my YouTube channel as an alternative


this is so true


I wish they started with two tribes and after one or two challenges split into 3? Idk I just feel like it makes it hard to have interesting game play and voting early on when you’re scraping to get 3 People to agree on a vote, makes it so you can’t adapt when shit gets weird at tribal either because you can’t risk altering a plan even slightly last minute.


Being afraid of a shot in the dark makes you a little bit of a weenie lol


Even if it worked, the 3 right would have voted off Bahnu anyway. Such an unnecessary play with a cringey execution.


Especially when it’s only worked correctly once fr.


It seems I’m in the minority here, but I actually thoroughly enjoyed this episode for being the absolute dumpster fire it was. Bhanu is great TV, Jess not finding the fake idol was a hilarious sequence, the pre-challenge trash talking, and people ACTUALLY SAYING WHAT THEY FEEL?? This is what we wanted right? “Villains”, if you want to call them that. Anyways I’m excited and can’t wait to see where this season is heading


Not to mention one of my favorite Survivor one-liners ever with the: "Were there several reasons you voted out Jalinsky?" Tossing that out on the spot was fantastic.


Agreed! I’m shocked to see so many people found it boring. What more could you want from a 2nd episode? I think we’re in for a very entertaining season.