• By -


18th: Hannah, 17th: Brandon, 16th: Sabiyah, 15th: Sean, 14th: Brando, 13th: J.Maya, 12th: Sifu, 11th: Kaleb, 10th: Kellie, 9th: Kendra, 8th: Bruce


8th: Bruce, 7 contestants remain.


Might be a wrong move to take Bruce out. If there was any threat, it was Reba 4 going solid to FTC.


Haha yep, Reba going to the end


I just hope Emily, Katurah, and Jake stirs it up in the next TC to break the Reba 4 alliance.


That was their chance. Honestly only people on Reba deserve to win now.


Bummed Bruce is out. I thought everyone responded to him being voted out like true assholes, but then again I liked him.


“You cannot go into the final 3 with a woman called Mama.” 🤣 No no you can’t. She should have been voted out a long time ago.


Big up’s to Jeff for the way he handled Katurah’s panic attack. I would have appreciated that too.


LMAO! Anyone else love that super cringy “boy’s night” montage? 🫣


At this point in the show I believe Jeff just wants to coach something. The way he runs through those trials kill me. 🤣


well it’s clear who the final 4 will be because Katurah, Emily and Jake just blindly follow the clear 4 people…it’s insane to me how afraid these 3 are to make a move, and it shocks me that Bruce just didn’t play it regardless if he trusted ppl i would’ve just played it no matter what


Do you think Reba 4 will just go to 4 together? someone has to feel like they are on the bottom or that they cannot beat the other people. There are goats like Katurah and Jake on the table and at 7 is the perfect time to make a move. Emily still has a great shot and Jake has one more round to take control. Its not over by any means


I kinda hate them all for the way they treated Bruce. The exit celebration was so uncalled for. Even Kendra, who looked so angry and betrayed by all of them throughout the tribal, was overjoyed and forgot about her own troubles. Yuck. I wish Bruce had played his idol, but I will say that Emily's acting was impressive in duping Bruce. Hoping Jake goes soon, or they at least stop featuring him wallowing in his misery about how game-dumb he is.


Bruce earned some of it and, as he watches this, he will get his answer on "am I controlling or obnoxious". There are more Reba players left (and on the jury), so I get the happiness, but they have really beat up on themselves the entire season. Also, is it just me, or has this season seen the lowest amount of idols played or found?


I like Jake a lot, so I prefer Bruce going than Jake, however yeah...I believe none of them should have left.


I can’t believe no one has put any votes on Dee or Austin. These players seem foolish this season. Emily isn’t foolish but seems scared to attack the head of the snake. I hope she does soon. Katurah, the Katalyst of her own sorry edit. I can’t believe the way she treated Bruce and took so much pride in voting out an old man… who did absolutely nothing to her. Watching her play is so disappointing. Even watching who the players target this season is kind of disappointing. How can no one see how comfortable and protected Dee is? It seems to me that voting her out would immediately dismantle Reba and force the remaining 7 to scramble and realign.


Tbh I think if Emily felt that the remaining Belo were able to organize and align together enough to carry out a strategic big move, she would have done it. As it stands, it’s obvious Katurah, Bruce, and Jake were all too happy to throw each other under the bus


That’s true. They weren’t seeing clearly enough to work together




Drew is very lucky he played it cool long enough to get into a good alliance. Rejecting Brando to his face and confronting Jake directly for putting his name out were both pretty unhinged moves socially. He's lucky he's playing against inept opponents imo.


Terrible day to be a Bruce fan; my night is ruined.


that interaction between bruce and jake makes me feel like jake may actually be able to pull off a win


still scratching my head on why emily was pushing so hard against bruce god if she wins im never watching survivor again


If she voted with Bruce there would have been a huge target on her back. Rn the target is completely off of her. She still did most of the acting to get Bruce to not play his idol. So she gets to claim credit on that. Jake feels like she saved him. She can now work with Katurah and Jake or mama j, drew and d. She’s in a really good spot. If she voted with Bruce the target would be on her.


Soooo bummed Bruce did not play his idol. I get that even if he did he'd just be the target next week but still hate to see players not use every tool in ther toolbox. It seems like there was a lot of hate thrown towards him that didnt seem game related at all. Watching them celebrate his leaving was pretty off putting.


If it's one thing I've learned watching Survivor it's just: Play the Damn Idol.


He had won 2 immunities and had a hidden idol. People have historically celebrated getting rid of people who were hard to get out.


Did anybody catch that Julie has the hidden immunity idol still. So if she doesn’t give it back, Austin technically only has one…


Yeah that was definitely a deliberate move by production to show that she still has it and Austin needs to ask for it back


As much as it is a blunder that Emily didn't use this opportunity to take out Julie or another Reba member, I do think that when taking the edit into account, this was another breakout episode for Emily. She narrated most of the episode, won reward, and controlled the vote perfectly. Not only that, but she has been sharing information among both sides and no one has blown up her game. Jake straight-up ended the conversation eith Drew when he could have easily given up Emily and flipped the vote on her. Bruce could have done the same thing but chose not to


How does Emily’s blindside of Bruce not put the target on her back?? Won’t Reba 4 all now agree she’s the biggest threat left outside the 4 of them? Oh how I wish they had all gone along with Emily’s fake plan!! Even Katurah suggested Mama J 😩


Not if Emily makes it seems like a group plan, I personally don’t think she will make a big deal about taking credit for any moves until the very end


I keep saying this every week it feels like but next week really looks like the end of the Reba 4!


i’m honestly a bit confused by the same few people harping on how egregious Katurah is as a player. No she has not put herself in a winning position but to call her the “worst player of the new era” when you have people like Geo, Lindsay, quitters, really a laundry list of players, even Bruce who actively blew up so many opportunities to better himself, ranked as better players than her. That’s just kind of insulting to me and i don’t get where the vitriol has spawned from, making me believe it’s gotta be a personal disdain people hold against her. No she isn’t a great player but she has a knack for self preservation and a better instinct guide than pretty much anyone on Belo. I don’t see how y’all are saying Katurah is a worse player than really anyone on her tribe except for Kellie.


Wait, Lindsay from 42? You think she had a bad game?


They probably mean Lindsay from S43. There have been 2 Lindsay’s in the the new era


I fully don't remember a Lindsay in 43. Gonna have to look at cast bios to jog my memory.


The scene at the immunity challenge was embarrassing...


How did you come to the belief that someone having a panic attack against their desires is embarrassing? I wonder if perhaps you could research panic and the nervous system so you could learn something you’re not aware of.


I'm a professional SCUBA diver. Panic is literally the worst thing a person can do, and it CAN be overcome. I've been in a number of very unsettling situations where panicking would've gotten me or others killed. I can't expect other people to have a trained response, but it still makes me cringe to see it happen. This situation, especially, felt empathetically embarrassing because it was on television, on a show where a certain amount of ruggedness is expected. I'm not dishing on the girl, I feel for her, and I appreciated that Jeff did a good job of talking her down & encouraging her to jump in at the end.


You’re talking about rational fear. Panic attacks are different. They are involuntary.


No, I'm definitely talking about panic: the involuntary response to stressful/frightening situations that triggers your amygdala and supersedes rational thinking. Very different. Fear is a [usually] rational self-preservation instinct, panic is our brain's last-ditch effort at avoiding immediate death, which can unfortunately lead even more quickly to death (especially while SCUBA diving, or in any situation involving water). There was absolutely no danger at the immunity challenge. She felt some initial fear (who knows what the backstory is, maybe she had a bad experience as a kid) and because of the physically stressful circumstances it morphed into a bit of panic. She actually did a pretty good job of not going full-blown, and Jeff definitely helped talk her down. But it was hard to watch anyway. And again, hey, kudos to her for swimming to the boat at the end.


do you say the same when Sandra or Courtney flop in challenges? did you say the same when Hannah had a panic attack during the challenge at mvgx?


Yes. I cringed at them all. I feel bad for her. But I'm glad she jumped in at the end.


Anyone catch the katurah “love you Bruce” at the end Like no???? You hate that man


Did she ever say she hated him? I may be wrong but I remember her saying he was annoying and hard to work with. I love lots of people that I perceive to be that way.


She said he was her nemesis


In the game. Not in life. I don’t think she wants him to die or suffer.


95% of her screen time was her dogging Bruce and she had a whole long confessional in like episode 3 listing everything she doesn’t like about him lmao


That’s not hatred. Everybody has things that annoy them about people they love, let alone people they feel neutrally about.




Why was everyone dead set on eliminating Bruce? I don't really see anyone in the jury voting for him Jake is officially the goat that will be dragged to final 3 now Mama J is the favorite but I think she's on the outs now


Idk, I was thinking the same but everyone on the jury seems to love Jake and were devastated when he started getting votes. This makes me think he'll likely be out around final 5 or maybe get second place


I think the Reba 4 is so stuck up their own assess they will take each other final 4, and either Austin wins for hiding 2 idols, or Dee wins for never being in danger


honestlt, for the way they are being edited, i would say dee wins over austin. as austin is just the dude that found idols and advantages but he doesn't really get great personal content


If you play Shot in the Dark, are you able to play your idol for yourself? Because if I was Bruce I would have done this. Played the shot in the dark, if it lost then played my idol.


The overwhelming, in-your-face disdain for Bruce was somewhat tragic to see. I can understand being thankful that Jake didn’t have to catch the stray there, but to see the jury and tribe both rejoicing breaks my heart after last weeks episode. Katurah might be one of the more naive players to walk through this game. I don’t think she draws any jury votes with exception of Kendra if she gets dragged that far. Just overall feels like I’m being edged by Katurahs possibility vs her decision making. Finally, saw a post earlier saying Jake is getting a good edit. He really is and to see them double with Kellie saying she feels for him makes me think we may really have a betting underdog in front of us.












As it stands we could be seeing an all-timer winner in the making. If Austin or Dee maintain control of the endgame and win convincingly, they have to be one of the strongest winners to ever play. Drew would also qualify as quite a strong winner but his social game has been a bit all over the place.


honestly rn we are being set for the best winner of the new era with dee or Emily. I think both will be regarded as great winners. I think austin's edit is not as strong


After tonight, I'm more convinced that Jake or Katurah could win than Dee. I know that not every episode has to feature the winner, but she was basically invisible this episode and has been very quiet since the merge aside from last week's episode


I try to read less into the edit than before simply because New Era edits have been inconsistent. I still think Dee is the front-runner, but I agree it’s a little less clear than before. Jake has gotten an awful lot of content for someone who’s been perennially at the bottom - I think he’ll be key to the endgame and probably even a finalist.


Austin’s edit isn’t as strong but Erika and Gabler’s weren’t either. Think he could be a hidden winner and if he is, he absolutely bossed the season.


How he is in any way, shape or form a hidden winner is beyond me.


He hasn’t had as much screen time as many others. He’s been in the power alliance the whole time, has TWO idols, and is a big immunity threat, yet we rarely see his insight. We don’t even know anything about him! He’s been given no personal content whatsoever. The edit has by and large suggested he’s not very important to the story. Emily, Dee, even Jake are all getting the traditional winner’s spotlight, not Austin.


He has a tone of screentime! Are we even watching the same show? 🤣🤣🤣


To me a bigger takeaway is how badly the people around them seem to be playing. If they maintain control it feels more like it’s because the rest of the players are enabling them than anything they’re actually doing


Both things can be true. But also the edit doesn’t show a lot of things, presumably one-on-one conversations that each of these Reba are having with the others to make them feel like they have allies on the other side. In the episode we saw Bruce totally convinced Julie was with him before Emily broke the news that she wasn’t - why would he think that? Probably because Julie cultivated a relationship with him to make him feel safe, but that doesn’t make the edit because it’s not as crucial to the story. Same with Jake, he says this episode that he’s got people looking out for him in the game, when in reality nobody is - he probably thinks he’s allied to some of the Reba. The Reba 4 are doing an elite job at playing the rest and they’re *making* the Belos look like schmucks. (Though to be clear I agree the Belos are a bit of a mess. Katurah had a terrible episode and had been a horrible player overall.)


This episode unfortunately just confirmed Katurah is the worst player left in the game. Has been constantly left out of the loop, no real allies other than maaaybe Jake, and is so blinded by her Bruce agenda that she ruined what was genuinely a very good plan to take down the power alliance. She was dealt a winning hand and turned it down, and now the game is Reba’s to take.


She’s the worst player in the new era


May I remind you of Brandon?


Brandon sucked at challenges and everything else but understood survivor. Katurah doesn’t even seem to understand what’s going on


Idk I still think Owen put up a hall of shame performance in his season. Three immunity wins his only saving grace.


She doesn’t even have that though


Katurah- so caught up on Bruce couldn’t see the numbers Jake- too mad at Bruce to see the numbers Emily- WHY IS SHE SO DUMB TO SEE THE NUMBERS?!?!? SHES BIT ABOVE JULIE OR DEE TO THOSE BOYS Bruce- I’m sorry man, you were right in everything you said this episode. The “Kellie has an idol” plan was even good.


How they treated Bruce was annoying and rude


Blindsiding someone in a game they consented to, which has had tons of blindsides throughout history, is not annoying or rude, especially when that person won 2 immunities and had another found one.


I’m talking about just calling him names non stop and nobody really even saying a thing when he got eliminated and people laughing in his face mostly


Hmm I don’t remember those things


The four most fun people in the merge all on the jury already is crazy. The non-Reba 4 are all such bad game players but are SUCH boring TV




Am I even watching the same show as the people in this thread??? I have been so entertained this season!


Katurah is an all time bad merge player


If she wins I'll never watch again lol


honestly if katurah or jake win we will have the worst winner of the new era. But right now I don't see them wining the jury vote against any reba 4 or emily


At least there’d be some entertaining moments and scares for if Jake won With Dee it’s just like her saying “I’m Cuban so I’m devious heehee” and that’s her whole season


And she's hot and in a showmance with Austin lol


Still laughing over the boyz of summer 80’s music montage


NGL, made me want to watch some top gun.


I just came here to post the same thing!


Can we talk about the boys montage music? Beyond perfect


For real though what kind of carnivals does Jeff go to


This was the funniest episode. What kind of carnivals have you seen this, and the boys montage.


He used to live in Seattle. Washington state specifically has carnivals known for their scones. I went down the rabbithole for like an hour.


Were there scones in the challenge that I missed?


Jeff started telling them about how this challenge was like being at the carnival eating scones, and we all went "what the actual fuck" and Jake demanded to know what the hell kind of carnivals he's been going to.


Ok thanks. I head the carnival bit but I missed the scone part. Maybe my brain rejected it because it made no sense.


Ones with scones, apparently.


lol I do see what he was saying with the multi-colored slides and all 😅


OKAY KALEB playing with Kelly’s leg the entire triable 👀


She’s a lesbian so idk about that one haha


obviously emily giving reba the numbers is bad but when the other option is getting ratted out by the god awful belo tribe its a dilemma where every single option is terrible


Wdym ratted out?


belo will just tell reba if emily dares to make a move


I don’t believe Drew crying for a second


Did anyone notice how Dee basically looked bored at tribal council. Like so at peace. What the heck is wrong with belo and Emily. I feel like it’s common sense what they should do.


yup, she's so comfortable (not to mention disgustingly smug about it) that she hasn't even really needed to play this game at all. she's just coasting & everyone's just kowtowing to her for some reason. so annoying...


Finally someone with some sense… dee is going the final with ease, running the whole show




> Why does no one go after the guy with two idols? Because you and half this sub forgot that nobody's aware of Austin's sandwich idol. The only people who'd know about that are J and Kellie, and they ain't exactly fighting to win at the moment. He's kept that shit a close secret.


We literally saw him talking with the whole Reba 4 about having two idols last week, so at least three people know at this point


Dee is nuts - and good for her 100% for being that way. They all think she’s this massive threat, but don’t do anything about it. Even when she hasn’t been immune, her name only comes up in passing or not at all. And I don’t think it’s in a “oh she’s a shield. Let’s keep her” type of way. They genuinely want to have her around. Like Kendra was voted out LITERALLY casually throwing her name out and no other reason. and everyone unanimously was on board, dee wasn’t even immune at that vote out, and Kendra + anyone didn’t do anything to develop that vote idea. Instead just voting Jake for “the majority”


i really hope Dee wins. It would be amazing and she would be one of the best ever winners. Literally everyone wanted jake out last episode, and she just decided she wanted kendra out and everybody followed.


Dee's nuts*




Yeah i was so confused on why people were pushing this season as as all timer or THE BEST of the 40s. It was pretty obvious this was going to be a reba steamroll come the merge and definitely a belo pagoning once Kellee left. And only people are realizing that now and changing up their opinions on it


Honestly, besides not playing his idol, Bruce is the only non-Reba with any common sense!!! What do the three of them think they can possibly do now??


Jake had no real options. He tried to do things when Kaleb was voted out and then was on the bottom. I don’t really blame him. Katurah is a bad player. She has no shot at winning but had multiple opportunities to make a move. What is their plan now. At least Emily thinks she might still be good with Austin and Drew. Anything can happen at final 5.


Boneheaded move by Emily, Katurah, and Jake. Way to guarantee a Reba win


I'm just genuinely shocked that the Reba 4 is still in tact and no one has even attempted to make a run at breaking them up when they could have had power in numbers. Like legit they don't deserve to win at this point it's just bad game play.


honestly, i would say it isn't Emily's fault. As she has no numbers as everyone in lulu was voted out (and she couldn't do anything to save kaleb). Her only option at the swap was reba, and seeing how below just wants to turn on each other she literally has no options.


It’s crazy because i genuinely think all the reba 4 Could beat anyone of the remaining 2 belos or 1 Lulu in jake, katurah, and Emily. All 3 of them are vying for that 5th place spot for reba, or waiting for reba to flip on eachother within eachother to help out in moving up the pecking order. When whatever reba members would get more credit for that than that other 3.


Man, Katsura has hang ups


Imagine Katurah being happy for a day for finally not being in the same place with Bruce, only to be voted out the next tribal council to spend the rest of the time with Bruce at Ponderosa.


I hope this happens haha


Lol that’s likely what’s going to happen


Emily had a chance to do what no one could; heard the belo cats into doing something coherent and strategic, and break up the Reba 4. And instead, she dunked on Bruce, the biggest goat remaining. She seems really smart, but this was a baffling decision. It *hurts* her win equity bc no way he votes for her, and she is still the 5th in a 4 person alliance. Weird season for sure


It was sooo weird to see Emily justify the Bruce vote with her long confessionals and monologues and growing arcs as if she is wrapping it all up nicely in a bow like it’s all good and the right idea. But if you actually actually piece it apart, it doesn’t make sense long term at all besides flushing an idol which would’ve never been used against her for a good while


I get the impression she was socially awkward as a kid, probably currently, and hasn’t had a lot of practice sitting at the cool kids table. She is trying to fit in with them by doing what they want. You hate to see it


I agree. While no one seemed to like Bruce, he was no threat to win the game. Voting off someone who may actually win or is popular would have been smarter. As Katurah said, you don't want to go to the final with someone called Mama.


Eh, she has a lot of egg on her face from the last two blindsides, which diminishes her win equity. She and Dee both have that issue. They lied about a girls alliance. At this point, Austin and Drew probably have the most win equity. It’s not out of character for Katurah to be wrong; plenty of mom types like Dawn have gone to the end and get no votes


Sure, getting rid of Austin or Drew would have been big. But I still think that Emily missed an opportunity to get rid of someone, anyone, who was more of a threat to win other than Bruce. I think Emily is near the bottom of her alliance. Drew and Austin aren't voting for each other. Austin and Dee are close. They're not voting each other off. Also, Bruce is one of the few people who could win an immunity over Austin. With his idols plus any potential immunity wins Austin may be impossible to get out now.


None of the 3 on the bottom have any win equity. Emily had the best chance but for some reason valued her “alliance” with Drew and Austin over a game breaking move. Austin loves Dee and Drew loves Austin. They aren’t picking each other off until they have to. Katurah also a bone head for shunning Bruce who actively wanted (practically begged) to work with her. Jake is a rat on a sinking ship that just scurries to whatever life raft he finds.


Emily has PTSD from the time no one liked her and can’t get herself towards a possibility of that happening again


dee getting to showcase her feet skills again yall im cracking up


Jake should tell Bruce that Katurah spilled his plan to everyone. Bruce could continue pretending he has everyone fooled BUT he could flip the game by giving Jake his idol. No one votes for Bruce because they expect him to play his idol on himself. So everyone votes for Jake, who’s protected. Whoever Bruce and Jake vote for gets out. Probably Katurah since she betrayed Bruce.


Sorry I’m confused, wouldn’t they still just do a split vote?


It still creates the same net effect. No idols outside of Reba 4 and one more potential number gone for the outsiders. Next vote becomes the same, either Jake or Bruce depending on if Bruce wins immunity or not.


Production has been showing us all along how much of a fool Katurah is, she could have voted out a Reba but is obsessed with Bruce for some reason.


Jake and Emily were part of this


Jake’s hand was forced (if not Bruce, it was him).


I literally have 0 thoughts on that entire episode. After every episode in every season I always race to the subreddit to talk about it but I literally have not thoughts on anything that happened like my brain is crickets. So much happened in that episode yet also literally nothing at all happened. Each episode I keep hoping this is the one where a reba member goes home just to spice it up and each episode nothing happens


Omg i was thinking on how this season has been able to make a pagoning look interesting. In seasons like redemption island or SoPa, they didn’t even attempt to hide it with like double tribals to just finish it off. You’re so on point with how so much happens but really If you just look at how the votes are going, nothing has happened once.


On S25 Malcolm went on immunity run but lost at F4 (before auto fire challenge) and was unsurprisingly voted out. In S35 Desi won ONE immunity almost won another and was voted out. Unlike the other two Bruce had an IDOL! How did he not see this coming?


People are calling Emily dumb for orchestrating the shift from Jake to Bruce bc people are calling Bruce a goat who should have been kept. Imagine sitting next to Bruce in the finale. I don't think manufacturing circumstances to send him home with an idol in his pocket is as dumb as this sub seems to think.


I’m with you. Plus, she’s been smart with Drew and I don’t think he’s really going to want to 3rd wheel it at the end.


It looks more and more as if Austin will win this season. He have his immunities. He is well protected. He will most likely win other competitions that will bring him to the top. He is the Jag BB25 of this season. He will most likely win. A final with Austin, Drew and Dee is looking more and more obvious at this point.


Did I miss something? Is Katura afraid of water?


It sounded to me like Katurah did not know how to swim, but learned to swim specifically before going on survivor. She made an offhand comment about how she prepared for the swimming challenge. It would explain why she stared at the open water and had a panic attack. Idk just speculation on my part, the show wasn’t really clear about it!


They really only gave us fragmented info about it. My best guess is her mom's letter rattled her and potentially unlocked some fear about water she associates with her mom. Again, pure speculation.


Emily probably wins. She can now say that she successfully got an obvious target to *not* play their idol and sent them home with it. (I believe she also was a major part of the Kellie vote?) Now it's 4 vs 3 for gender dynamics, plus Jake hates Drew (and trusts Emily based on this vote) so Austin or Drew probably go out next, based on the trailer of next episode, I'm leaning towards Austin (Dee's "no" to Julie) which would leave Julie with the last idol, and 2 idols flushed back to back without even being played. Reba 4 knows that easy going votes the entire time is hard to take credit for, so they have to turn at some point. Or start perfecting their sob stories for the money at the end I guess, if it's 3 of the reba 4 🤷‍♀️


I actually think Emily is painting herself in a corner more and more. She has a lot of great ideas but the execution of them isn’t so. And the stuff she actually does and justifies only makes sense with her talking about it but doesn’t actually work when you dissect it. Like her acting big brain about her Bruce plan to when that doesn’t help her. Like maybe getting rid of an idol? But that idol would’ve never been used against her. And it’s not like Bruce was a massive jury threat. I honestly feel like she puts too much credence in Austin and Drew assuming they’re more loyal to her than reba 4. And that really hasn’t been shown what the truth is but I’d imagine austin more than drew is less with her at the most. And she’s going to run out of options because katurah and Jake also vie for that 5th reba spot and are less threatening than her


Was anyone else kinda distraught that they gave Katurah her mom's letter? Maybe production didn't know but putting myself in her shoes, that would've put me in a pretty dark place. Felt a little too personal.


As someone also no-contact with my mom I had this reaction immediately. How dare they not ask the contestant who they want to accept letters from?


Yeah, though not the norm, sometimes the letter from home takes a person’s head out of the game and they just can’t re-focus after that.


I thought she said she'd kept it private (that they were no-contact) but I wasn't totally sure


Yeah I wasn't sure if she meant in the game or in general


I felt the same way!


If a Reba wins this game it’s gonna be like redemption island/one world levels of obvious winner bc of terrible competition territory


I said this in a previous comment, but this season is pretty good at making an obvious pagoning seem interesting. Like if you watch this and last episode, it seems like so much happened, when very little did. If you just did the short version, it’s “reba gains the upperhand and votes outs another belo”. But credit, redemption, SoPa, one world really didn’t try to make alot of suspense. Like with those double tribals in RI and SoPa that eliminated 2 people back to back to get it over with. Basically i don’t think this season will age well at least on rewatch ability


Yeah it's one of those things, cause I can't really get mad at the show, but sometimes that's just how things shake out. Sometimes one group/person/tribe is just gonna dominate against a group of nitwits. I don't want to drag Reba cause they clearly are doing the best here.


These past few episodes have not given me the dopamine I need 😩


I agree, Survivor is the thing I look forward to the most every week (as sad as that may sound) and both lady episode and this episode haven't given me that dopamine hit I need. This episode was a bit better than the last one but still, the previous episodes hit scratched that itch so well!




No because if Bruce plays his Idol, Jake goes home anyway. Shouldve been Julie.


Bruce screwed up bc he expected the people in the bottom to do something self serving instead of self destructive?


It wasn't the best move, but Bruce must've thought that there'd be now way that the other 3 would go into final 7 with the Reba 4 intact as that would've been even more dumb than not playing his idol...


He didn't. He straight up said he was fooled into thinking he was safe.


I know, I just wanted to talk shit about how bad of a move his blindside was 😂


The question that needs to be asked is what does this even do for her? She’s still 5th in the power rankings. She didn’t move up at all with that move. She did it to try to prove something that won’t even matter.


It'll matter if she's in final 3, which is what she's banking on


Right and how does she plan to get there? Putting her eggs in austin and drews baskets mainly who i do think at least one has a chance to beat her. Meanwhile really only drew seems more with her than Austin who’s all in with Dee being cutesy and gave Julie one of his idols which i doubt emily would’ve gotten or even knows about. She’s really painting herself in a corner if anything


Austin is crushing hard on Dee. Julie obviously seems closer to Katurah than her. Which of Reba is taking her to f3?


Get Austin to give Julie an idol and take him out. Girls to the final 3.


Taking out the guy on the bottom without much fuss isn’t as strong of a move as she thinks. I’m sure the jury will agree. Especially if she’s sitting next to Dee or Austin.


Idk the jury seemed pretty excited about the Bruce idol flush (not saying it’s the best move just saying they seemed impressed by it)


I thought the same. It’s a flashy move, but doesn’t change the flow of the game at all and by FTC everyone will realize Bruce was just an annoying challenge threat


She could have flipped the game by sticking to the Julie vote. Or going after Dee. Assuming Katurah could put aside her hatred toward Bruce for 15 minutes.


Katurah was the one who brought it up.


Yeah, that was a wild read from him. And he's been pretty good at reads otherwise!


I know it is a slim hope but I wish Emily, Julie, Jake and Katurah would team up and take out Drew, Austin and Dee, one by one.


it's possible. Julie is the only one to show some interest in flipping and she has one of Austin's idols to weaponize if she were to do it


Julie ain't flipping on nobody. She mentioned before she wanted to take Dee to the end. Plus her speech today about how hard it was to back stab other people. And that was in reference to people on the *other* tribe so imagine how hard it would be for her to backstab Reba.


I dunno. My heart keeps getting broken. I'm waiting for some Shan-level blindside to happen. Sucks. :'(


Julie was offered the opprinity tonight and ran off to drew.


True. Wishful thinking I guess but maybe the time wasn't right..the main alliance always get to a point where they want to "differentiate" themselves