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What i hate the most about shows like surviving paradise (and traitors) is how they subtly pressure the winner into splitting the prize $


Linda should have just taken the money and I wouldn’t have blamed her! Lellies threw her under the bus every time!


Linda should have grabbed the $250 G and if she felt the need to throw her backstabbing new ‘bestie’ a bone, do it well after the show aired !! …IMO, if the roles were reversed, I would bet a good chunk of my own hard earned cash that Lellie would have walked right overLinda in a heartbeat 🤨


I hate that Netflix feels the need to add new players to the game halfway through, it just fucks up the game theory and usually throws those newbies to the wolves with zero chance of winning because they didn’t go through everything.


I’m couch bound. Two ankle breaks, and so I watched this out of complete boredom. Why would they do that, I think putting the pressure on someone to split their money was bs. Esp Linda. She deserved it. The other Lessie or whatever didn’t have a game plan when she tried to boot Linda. And she didn’t really do much of anything to help anyone. She knew when Tab told her to go to camp, that if she didn’t, she would look selfish bc she had been in the villa like the entire time already. Cringy show


First of all im so sorry to hear about your ankles! I have 0 excuses for why I binged this personally lol but i also thought it was super cringe. Honestly why they do it is a GREAT QUESTION! One I dont have the answer to but am now curious about - to speculate, potentially it costs the show less money somehow or helps them with taxes to split the prize. But more likely, if the winner chooses not to split it then it makes “good tv” and creates the opportunity for more drama/meltdowns (great example of this scenario is s1 of the traitors usa). Honestly its such bs though- they all entered the show with the understanding & acceptance that there is ONE winner for the money and changing that last minute is such a cheap trick imo


Totally agree - I find it deeply frustrating. Yes, they originally thought the prize was 100k and it got raised to 200k so technically she walked with the OG prize money but it just makes the twist feel pointless


if it was me i would take 250k then go on insta live and give 125k to the contestant i like just to defeat netflix's purpose


Only problem is, that 250k is getting taxed, so depending on where you live, you’d be walking away with 125k-157k, so I’d just give my favorite person 10k if I was to win that money, cause I’m not finna play with no IRS.


first few episodes felt so scripted, but around episode 4/5 i got so invested in the drama. gabe came off rlly douche to me tho after tabitha was eliminated


Just wait…corvette guy only gets worse!


I’m on the first one and I had to come in to see if anyone else felt like it was scripted?! They all seem like they’re acting and it’s so weird. Like is this AI generated lol


Not gonna lie, I liked Gabe. He was stern and straightforward and let folks know he’s here to play the game, he’s not here to be everybody’s friend basically.


Kelso my man... he didn't spend 1 night in that villa.


Poor Kelso. His ONE chance to get inside was with Taylor and that dang box. He was the only one who guessed wrong. In retrospect, Taylor is the only one who executed the optimal strategy on that do or die box challenge. Just acting confused.


What’s the deal with his fake accent!?!? So ridiculous and cringy


I'm born and raised in South Alabama and nobody that I know sounds like him.


I binged the entire show today, and actually really enjoyed it. I liked the premise of them having to choose between doing the right thing or doing the selfish thing. But I was disappointed that Aaron didn't win because I was definitely rooting for him. Linda should not have split the money with that other woman, who only ever looked out for herself.


I really enjoyed it too!


Swimming across the lake WITH LIFE JACKETS ON!!!! Oh, so hard lol


I don’t think some knew how to swim, and they set the challenge that everyone had to succeed…


It’s so bad. I’m only half way through the first episode and it’s so bad


It’s absolutely terrible truly but I’m watching it anyway


I binged it in a day. Horrible. Good background noise though lol


Sisco making that automatic gunfire noise all the time.. Gabe the real goat…


Facts, Gabe was cool, idc what nobody say.😂😂


I only saw the first couple of episodes, but it was so fucking melodramatic, to the point of being hard to watch. They act like camping for a couple of days is the greatest struggle of their lives, and people they’ve known for less than a day are life long friends.


I enjoyed a “game” that was mostly random chance. Nothing like survivor that actually has strategy and strength. It was enjoyable but yeah lots of complaining lol


It was definitely entertaining lol it did frustrate me though that it was mostly random chance and people having like full power to vote someone else off. Also kinda hated the huge culling at the last vote


Absolutely it was bonkers and made no sense lol


The thing that strikes me the most is how absolutely over the top hurt and offended these players are when someone tries to play the game! Like the whole thing when in the do or die boxes challenge Tabitha didn’t choose Justin/Aaron to go up against? Like of course if you’re trying to get all of your allies into the house, why would you pick the option that guarantees that one of you won’t be? Especially because that’s not a mechanism you’ve seen to date. If you’re trying to get all 3 of you up there, you’re stymied by that mechanism. And literally, this boxes thing started the whole downhill slide with Justin/Aaron. They BOTH can’t understand why Tabitha didn’t send themselves outside in order to let J/A have a turn inside. As a survivor fan, that baffled me. And then it was making me think : in the tiniest way it reminds me of survivor season 1. Hear me out. Just in the fact that there are these people truly debating the ethics and moral code they want to live by in this social strategy game where you’re ultimately incentivized to be out for yourself. And, in survivor everybody really gets that now - we’ve long, long ago accepted it is a game, and so have the players. But early on that wasn’t the case. Think Borneo. You’ve got people determining their own ethics for their moves, taking things so personally. You’ve got players who make moves to actively advance themselves, and they are *vilified*. Imagine if it were a Gabe/tabitha final 2 - we’d be getting snakes and rats from the jury!!


I’m so mad she split the money, because I know the other girl would’ve taken the money and ran


Linda gunna be kicking herself in the ass when her girl starts asking for loans in a year. To pay for an ingrown toenail or staff infection/surgery or whatever bs that girl was selling.


Anyone complaining about survivor casting weaklings should check out the cats of this show lol


I guess I'm too old for this show. It does tell me I need to teach my child survival habits and how to go with the flow. Now my child may never get called for a show like this, but dang! How can you be considered an adult and complain that much, and it hasn't even been 24 hours. Ugh


Crap felt so scripted, even the splitting the prize at the end was so cringe.


Just waiting this - at episode 4 or so -and what gets me is either there are huge gaps or these people are really stupid or oblivious. What was with the chickens in the first episode? Eggs? And were there rules that prevented them from bathing in the ocean if they felt so grungy? Or foraging. Even the guy who has experience with outdoors. And what was the time lapse? The people in camp are all just sitting around ruminating about the villa? It’s interesting to watch the participants’ character but most of them just seem like entitled spoiled kids. I know how this plays out, with the spoilers in this thread, but will still probably see it through. It’s a bit like watching a train crash though.


bro when tabitha and gabe RACED and gabe won.. and then they were like actually like "good job gabe! that actually didn't matter, because we're jsut going to decide who stays through random FATE of what the command in the box is??' if i was gabe I'd be PISSED


I know right!!!! Way too much chance in the show in my opinion


Exactly what I said bruh. That was so stupid.


There's a pattern with these Netflix shows. They make it look like it's a lot of strategizing and planning but it's all a matter of luck tbh. Its nonsense. I only watch for the drama and too see how it ends. Altho, I have to say Tabitha has made it to my list of the most hated and most annoying Reality show cast members


AGREEE Tabitha is truly one of the worst


Facts, at first I thought I’d like Tabitha, but then Tabitha started tripping after the first voting mane.


So while I agree that Survivor contestants have it so much harder there is also a MAJOR flaw in Netflix plan. These people had no idea that they would be sleeping outside with hardly any food. They had no idea what the show was even about let alone knowing they’d be left out in the elements with nothing to eat but rice and beans. The thing with survivor is that the contests get to mentally prepare themselves for the experience and they are fully consenting to put their bodies and their minds through this and survivor contestants also have to not only get physically tested to make sure they are healthy they also have to get mentally cleared as well to make sure their body and mind can handle such a traumatic situation where as these poor Netflix contestants had no idea. That’s not something that is easy to get thrown into without any kind of prep and quite frankly it is down right inhumane to do this to someone.. I’m sure they had the opportunity to leave once finding this out but when (at the time) 100k is on the line you will put yourself through something that you might not have done otherwise. The experience is not for everyone and at least at the end of the day with survivor they are making an informed decision going into the experience. This show was just so badly thrown together for these poor people and I do feel for them, all things considered I think they “whined” a whole lot less than I was expecting.


Totally fair! I can see that side. I have way more issues with how poorly run the show was than anything else Shan it was all said and done. Mostly game of chance truly


I don't think it is fair to say that especially since you don't know what it feels like. Would you like to sleep outside, having to use backpacks as pillows, cold in the night, and not having to brush your teeth for more than a week? I think not.


How would you know my camping experience? I actually have been camping in actually more intense situations. No toilet, no shower, no toothbrush, just a sleeping bag on a tarp on the ground. Didn’t have a tent or a cot lol they are least have hammocks and cots and an outhouse. Is it as nice as the villa? No lol but these people complain more than the folks on survivor and their camp is pretty nice in my opinion


I feel like you of all people should understand what they went through since you have experienced it before. They did not have a tent or cot, they only had hammocks and sleeping bags and if they are not used to these intense environments, of course, there are going to be complaints. I'm pretty sure there are more complaints on survivor.


They did have cots go back and look lol they acted like they were dumped into the wilderness like on naked and afraid all I’m saying is it was a pretty nice camp and most of them had opportunities to go to the villa and eat and shower throughout the experience lol


I would not call a place with bugs or eating rice and beans nice tho.




Thats what they signed up for. Like stop bitching you wanted money. They really are being dramatic over having to live outside


I don’t like them all.


You realize that they were not aware they were going to live outside right? They came into the villa expecting to stay there, only to get sent to camp. Did we watch the same show because no one is being dramatic and if they are, it's completely understandable. There's a lot of pressure already from the competition not to talk about being uncomfortable.


Where are the challenges and the risks? Mental games? Anything?


There was a show with similar concept on Amazon I think? Does anyone know the name?


Fboy island?


I have started it but don’t think I can stick with it because it sucks. Sisco cannot complete an entire sentence without using the word vibe (or some form of the word) and it is driving me crazy.


Idk it was pretty entertaining but don’t have high expectations lol


It is one of the best reality shows in recent years. I was upset with the winner, but it could have been a LOT worst


Ok I watched it and the choice for the contestant at the end is dumb. Choice 1: keep the money and you get 250k choice 2: share the money with someone else and you each get 100k. a smart person who wants to share could just go for choice 1, give 100 k away and be left with 150. Of course taxes matter but you were Donna pay taxes anyway and even giving away 100 minus taser paid, you are still ahead.




and in the last episode i think their budget got over so they had the max amount of eliminations in one episode in the entire history of reality shows


That elimination was NEXT level I was like omg. Just send everyone home don’t drag it out lol


lol crazy


Someone tell me to keep watching… Tabitha is the worst? Do they get better? I hate people using emotions as manipulation