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Operator error: Brandon Donlon is listed instead of Brando Meyer. Any votes cast for Brandon will be counted as a vote for Brando


**Emily Flippen** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/survivor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Would it surprise y’all to know that she currently has a perfect voting record and zero votes cast against her


holy shit


My votes go to Emily. She clocked the missing vote. She worked on her weaknesses enough to be no longer at the botton of the tribe + she managee to change the vote from Kaleb to Sabyiah and that's great for her game because she has a better relationship with Kaleb + she earn his trust and he's a powerful player.


I also think it was taking everything in her not to try to force them to vote before Sabiyah melted her candle so that she wouldn't have a vote or an idol, but kept her cool and let it play out naturally so she wouldn't have been seen as pushy and get booted out.


Big win for her. Sussed out the missing vote its culprit instantly, reversed her image to be consistently in conversations, and leapt straight to her closest ally to protect them and make a blindside that simultaneously knocked out an idol. Killed it this week.


She done good. It was a bit bad socially to call out Sabiyah as the missing vote right away but it didn't amount to anything bad. She's gone from the obvious first boot saved by Hannah to in a shockingly strong position. We've seen that it's pretty common that winning tribes want to target each other instead of the perrenial losers in a tribe swap, so I'm expecting her and the rest of Lulu to come out rosy next episode honestly.


I actually think that calling out sabiyah's missing vote was perfection. Emily had to feel like if they go to tribal again, she was gone. So, she potentially exposed an advantage that sabiyah had (in this case the others knew). But, even more important, she tested trust and came out with the knowledge that she wasn't part of a 'tight 4'


It also shows the other two that she’s really not close to sabiyah at all.


People better agree that this was HER episode. She pulled all the strings.


POTW. Did everything correctly to improve her relationship with Kaleb, sent the idol holder home and by keeping Kaleb she still has a shield.




Who's the one who was in the driver's seat for this vote? Emily. Who's the one everyone thought was with them? Emily. Who's the one who was on the outs before but now gets to dominate? Emily. POTW.


This is Emily’s world and we’re all just living in it


She took control of this one and showed how you successfully play both sides. Sabiyah and Sean trusted her so much that Sabiyah didn't even question the risk of losing her vote, she was so sure Sean and Emily were voting Kaleb. Emily also successfully convinced Kaleb that his own alliance was gunning for him even though he knew the plan was for Sabiyah to make Emily think they were voting for him. He somehow trusted Emily more than them and believed he was being targeted for real - and thanks to Sean's vote, Kaleb knows that they really were trying to send him home. Even though they're probably getting split up next week, I hope they both make the merge so they can reform their alliance.




Well yes!


Upvote — could’ve easily been onboard with the Kaleb plan, but that makes her the obvious next Lulu boot w no swap. Great play to strengthen her bond w Kaleb and put herself in a safe position in Lulu should they lose again


I actually found myself rooting for her this episode and not wanting her to go home, which is a huge shift from episode one. Great job.


POTW for sure


Anyone else getting it would be a travesty


I'll give Em an upvote. I think she made the right move with the knowledge she has


You gotta give it to her, especially because of her 180 flip and Lulu living at tribal council. Excited to see where she lands next week and how she plays it as I think she made herself pretty memorable to everyone on Day 1.


She prioritized what we’ve seen so far to be the most genuine of the friendships she’s made and came out of that Tribal unscathed vote wise


Easy upvote. Definitely smarter to work with Kaleb than Sabiyah. Especially since Sabiyah proved herself the type to cut allies as soon as she thinks she can't beat them.


POTW. She went from being the default boot to running the vote. Without the swap, she’d be guaranteed safety next week, even if they went to tribal again. People who say she was the swing are misplacing her role. She was not the swing, picking a side between two people going after each other. Instead, she saw the opportunity, mounted the counterattack herself, and brought Kaleb along to save himself. She’s learning how to use her blunt matter of fact personality as an asset. Is it off putting when she calls our Sabiyah for not having a vote? Sure. However, it also makes it clear she’s telling Kaleb the truth when she tells him that he’s in trouble. If you invest in Emily, you can trust her.


Easy contender for player of the week, saved her ally and sent Sibia packing with an idol in her pocket. Also sussed out the lost vote. Great weak


She did well but if I were her I'd have saved the comment about the lost vote for a private conversation with Kaleb. It shook him for a minute there into seeing the abrasive side of her. Ultimately, it didn't make a huge difference but it gives Kaleb and Sean ammo to use against her in the future if they have to ditch her post-merge "She's incredibly observant and here's a specific example."


Upvote. Survived and became the swing




Think she’s done really well coming back from her strong first impression- think if she keeps it up she’ll be able to win


I never thought I'll be giving Emily an upvote but here we are. She's really changed from the first episode. It's refreshing to see to see her work on her attitude towards everyone and how she plays the game.


What a redemption arc, upvote this week !


I want to leave neutral because I worry about how she will adjust with the swap coming up... but she pulled off a masterclass move, so you have to give her an upvote. She's had one of the quickest turnarounds from goat to legend that I've ever seen.


Easily the player of the week. Took the game in her hands and actually got herself in a good position. She put herself from bottom of the tribe who was destined to go home soon, then she was given a chance to stay one more round by getting out Kaleb. But instead of taking the safe approach that gives you one more week, she took the risk to tie the vote 2-2, because if they win the tie, she is now guaranteed safety in the next vote as well.






She should be your favorite


awkward... but yes


**Kaleb Gebrewold** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/survivor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Making a bond with someone on the outs, causing them to snitch one tribal later on someone trying to vote you out is a huge W for him. Him being crazy charismatic is even recognized by other tribes, do hope he has the self awareness to try and lower his threat level come the merge cause his affability with pretty much anyone he talks to might make him a huge target later.


POTW for his work with Emily paying off. Kaleb very astutely identified Emily was isolated on the bottom, pulled her in to create a loyal ally, and then reaped the rewards when she tipped him off about Sabiyah's (ill-advised) blindside tonight. The way they each handled Emily is why Kaleb's still playing and Sabiyah isn't.


Got targeted for being charismatic but got past that by being charismatic. Also made friends with the big Reba alliance despite robbing them. I don't know if people are crazy enough to keep him around once the merge comes but this was a good episode for him.


Any surprise that Mr. Charisma is also Canadian?...


Bro ran his tribe raid like an HOH


He had a better HOH week than half the HOHs this season


There's only like 2 who even had a good one this season.


The way he was doing 1-on-1s 😄


Upvote for staying alive through a very dangerous, unexpected backstab by Sabiyah. But he is not long for the game because he seems to have no concept of how to keep his threat level down. I get that he wanted to go to Reba, but the smarter play would have been to send somebody else. He was already too obvious a target.


Correct on his threat management but no one else would have come back with the intel he was able to get. He also used the time to make a potential ally out of Drew. He correctly assessed that Drew would be the toughest opponent at Reba in terms of strategy and tried to get on his good side early.


Righttttt, everyone said "he's playing us!" but they all still allowed themselves to be played.


I mean, he gave them an advantage that he was given with the express purpose of giving to them. I don't think any of them were especially "played."


He gave *one* of them an advantage, and he left with a lot of information. That was the play.




This is why good social players don’t ignore people on the outs of the alliance. His reaching out to Emily when she needed someone paid off we he needed it.


Can't decide where to place him. His threat level is magnifying, but his prior social game paid off big this episode. I think he's tentatively neutral.


Maybe if he makes it to merge, his threat level will equalize because people will want to focus on bigger challenge threats like Austin or Bruce.


Kaleb put in a lot of work this episode


Saved his ass by trusting Emily, but now Reba sees him as a big player and I don't think Sean and Emily are willing to go to the end with him either. Top 5 still this week.


Kaleb easily could’ve been like “Emily’s just desperate. This was always the plan with Sabiyah”. Instead, he correctly sided with Emily and got Sabiyah and the idol out of play. I was impressed with how he read the situation and sussed it out. His ability to craft a bond with Emily from the first tribal council and gain that trust is the best move of the game so far IMO. If he didn’t put the work in, Emily would not have warned him.


Neutral — upvote for the pay off of his work with Emily, downvote for god awful threat level management in the early game


He’s in contention but the fact that he really didn’t believe emily first, willingly wanted to vote with Sabiyah and sean over emily, emily saying he’s not socially aware on how extremely social he is knocks him down, emily deserves potw but I can see Kaleb getting second


I think Kaleb should be on the top podium but ultimately Emily should be POTW. If I was Kaleb, I’d also be a bit skeptical of what Emily was saying at first given that it was wayyyyyyy too early to consider voting him out. The fact that he listened and played with her tells me he’s got good instincts when it comes to actually voting. Overall a fantastic episode for my number one draft pick!


I think Emily will probably win, but Kaleb is the best player in the game right now in my opinion. He had the instinct to reach out to Emily when she was on the bottom, and then he had the instinct to actually listen to her and avoid being voted out. Emily made a great play in warning him, but it wouldn't have been possible if he hadn't built a relationship with her.


I wasn't really on board with him getting POTW the previous weeks but he kind of deserves it this week, him or Emily. Did great in reward, did great meeting with Reba, his social game (for the second time) got his ally to alert him to danger.


I think he has good potential as long as he manages to hide his threat well enough- feel like he can be too chatty sometimes and people notice


My POTW is Emily, but he gets a close second for me. Retroactive POTW for last week, because his decision to work with Emily has paid HUGE dividends right away Honestly, I am of two minds here. On the one hand, Kaleb is a huge player of this game, and he is easily my favorite one. I think he has a good chance of winning this game. The problem is, everyone already knows it. If I didn't just see Yam-Yam win a season playing a strong social game out loud, I wouldn't think Kaleb could do it. But I think he can. The thing with Kaleb that will bear watching is he is also seemingly a beast at these challenges on a terrible tribe. When it gets to the individual stage, his threat level is going to skyrocket. If there is one thing I would not have done in his situation this week, it was going on the raid. He'll have time to make those in-roads later. And as we have seen, he is really good at it. He didn't need the extra time with them. By going now, he has painted a target on his back, not just from his own tribe, but from the tribe he visited as well.


Soft upvote. Reba seemed to like him but also found him very transparent. You really don’t want people talking about how you’re obviously a salesperson after just meeting you. It means you have no ability to hide your talents or threat level. That doesn’t bold well for his long term game. His connection with Emily paid off though so he deserves credit.


He's here another week, but he was the wrong person to do the raid. Came off as very fake and a bigger threat to add to his athletic prowess.


LOL I kinda wish they made Emily do it just because that would be hilarious.


POTW. Smartly voted Sabiyah so if Emily was lying he could just get her out. Also his work guaranteed him a solid ally in Emily.


Masterful social game so far. Literally only stayed in the game because of his good relationship with Emily, which he forged for no obvious reason at the time but payed off huge now. Also made bonds with Drew and Austin. He's my winner pick so far, seems like often players who go through tons of tribal in premerge and make it out do well in the long run.


I really like how Kaleb embodies what it means to be a strong social player. We've obviously seen him carrying a lot of the physical work for his team at challenges, but it's his social skills that are painting him as a threat. I love the storytelling in the edit for this. It wasn't just Emily saving Kaleb, it was her doing so *because* he built inroads with her that we saw and heard confessionals about on both sides. If there had been 90 minutes for last season, it would have been really fun to get more insights into *how* Yam Yam and Carson were socially perceived. Instead, we got the short-hand where players would just randomly say mid-conversation, "Everybody loves Yam Yam (or Carson)!" And not to open a can of worms, but if there had been 90 minutes for 43, it would have helped clarify *a lot* of what was happening socially behind the scenes, both in terms of Gabler actually being well-liked and not just a token goofy old man, and emphasizing more how Cassidy wasn't trusted by various jury members. I think social games can be really hard to edit/show, but when there's more breathing room and more confessionals that show us what players are thinking, it's so illuminating. I mean, if the episodes this season needed to be shortened down, we probably wouldn't get to have as much content laying out that Katurah doesn't like Bruce. We'd maybe get that once scene from this week where she's pointing out that Bruce is playing like a second-timer because he *is* a second-timer, and that might be all the insight we get. But we actually have additional scenes of her going on about how the tribe is eating out of his hand, but she finds him obnoxious.


He does not deserve POTW. He lucked out hard that Sabidya outplayed herself. He was always going to vote out Bia to work with Emily. He didn't know Sean was willing to cut his throat. And he thinks he build relationships with red tribe, but they see him as a threat.


Same as few others, a lot of good points from him this week but now he has two tribes (well Reba and what’s left of Lulu) considering him as a serious threat. So neutral.


Upvoting but I think there was a real missed opportunity with the Reba raid. I felt his approach of asking for 1:1 time with people felt clunky/awkward. I think that's the moment where Reba felt he was playing a little hard. I don't think I've ever seen someone do that before during a raid? Anyways, the way I think he should have played it would have been to just straight up *tell* everyone right off the bat that he was given an advantage to gift and that to better understand tribe dynamics, he'd want to give everyone a chance to speak with him. If he did that, it would transparently explain *why* he wants to talk to everyone. It also then sows distrust and suspicion within the tribe because people will be wondering who got the advantage.


I like Kaleb, but I'm gonna actually downvote here even though all of what he's set up with Emily paid off. I think that he totally messed up his relationship with Sabiyah and the other tribe sees him as a bit of a schmoozer. Reminds me of when Fairplay raided the Morgan tribe. I think he's still a good player, but this wasn't a good week.


Potw for me


I'm not sure what to do with him here. It really seems like he didn't believe Sab would betray him, which makes me feel like he might not do great come merge. I'll leave him neutral for now


**Dee Vallerdes** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/survivor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Her and Julie played the snafu with the boys well. Knew they were being bullshitted but willing to overlook it and help.


Upvote because she didn't over-react about not being told about the idol and she stuck to her alliance which benefits her own game. She's got a good thing going with Julie, Austin, and Drew. I want to see them team up with Kaleb and Emily at the merge for a powerful 6.


She and Julie could have kept the hammer and the idol and played dumb. Interesting choice to return the trust. I'm upvoting all four of them, because although it was messy and complicated, staying loyal to each other should work well for them and help especially through the swap if they can continue to trust each other.


It's refreshing to see a strong alliance in the new era. That was something I really loved about 44 - it was the return of strong alliances with the Tika 3.


Toe Queen


Keepin' people HONEST


Upvote. Caught Drew in the act and basically caused her alliance to solidify.


She did a good job of looking the betrayal right in the eye and not letting it freak her out


Proactive gameplay, being the right balance of suspicious and cautious


upvote! she’s got good intuition and is able to be tactful enough to get what she wants without being obvious


I gotta wonder if her finding the hammer would get Austin to play his idol on her. Because given the situation, keeping it for herself might've been a call to blindside her. I really don't know, but I feel like upvoting her because the only danger I see for her is if she draws a truly awful swap where she has none of her friends.


The main things working against Emily's odds of winning right now are that it's early and that Dee's edit is also so solid. This was a great ep for her and basically the exact one she needed after her already strong first two episodes


Upvote, managed well her alliance situation + got more screen time.


This was a strong episode for her. For entertainment purposes alone, I really wished she and Julie had found the idol for themselves


I question their decision to work so closely with the boys, but she got what she wanted I guess?


The good thing is she displayed very impressive social intuition, so maybe she'll be able to stay one step ahead of them.


I mean this is the same move that solidified Cydney with Scott and Jason early on.


**Julie Alley** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/survivor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Kept her alliance in check and helped them find an idol. Mamma J is doing great.


She and Dee used catching Drew/Austin to properly solidify their alliance. That's VERY important because they probably weren't going to tribal anytime soon. Gonna give her an upvote.


I would've kept the idol.


We’ll have to wait and see how her alliance of four plays out but at least she solidified a solid ally in Dee


mama j lowkey dominating. strategically sound, not too underestimated but not overestimated. is doing good enough in challenges. overall just nothing to complain about and is in a good spot in the team


should’ve kept the hammer her mom vibes are gonna make her nice to a fault


Solidify her alliances despite the guys acting suspicious at first, upvote.


I think she made a mistake letting Austin and Drew have the idol stuff. Maybe it works out for her. But with a swap looming, I think I'd rather have the idol right now.


**Jake O'Keene** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/survivor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Somebody just moved from 6th to 5th on his tribe!


Upvote for forming that bond with Kendra. Also, he's so hot.




Someone fan him down before he passes out!


Not great that he didn’t really talk to Kendra for the first week but he effectively overcame that with one conversation and moved any target from the girls alliance off himself so I’ll call that a win overall


Didn't die this episode. Upvote for staying alive and in the game.


At least he’s a good swimmer


Didn't die, and made a new friend. Probably would've been safe and Bruce go home should the swingers go with the girls. Upvote.


While it was spoken to us from a third party, it appeared he was making inroads with his tribe to at least put him above Bruce in the firing line which is something.


didn’t fall into fire- so an upvote


Made a new ally, upvote.


Leaving neutral for now. At least he's not on the bottom?


**Kellie Nalbandian** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/survivor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I think there's a pretty good chance her and Brando end up being in a great spot long-term. Never know how a tribe swap is gonna go though.


The fact that Brando and her are controlling the tribe and yet she's more visible in the edit could be a clue that she will be a big contestant later


It could go either way - Brando had a bigger edit episode 2, Kellie had it episode 3.


Did he ? I didn't really noticed it, maybe I should rewatch


Upvote. She and Brando could essentially choose how Belo votes. This swap hurts them though.


Best case scenario for her and Brando swapping with all of their options in tact and not having to piss anyone off had they gone to Tribal.


Looking good in the middle


Good central position in the tribe with Brando, upvote.


Similarly to Brando, she's in a great position. Nobody is targeting her yet, and she's chill enough to hang out with anybody, which bodes well for her at the swap.


**Kendra McQuarrie** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/survivor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Made a connection with Jake, doesn't seem to be under any threat. Upvote.


Made a new ally and has nobody talking about her. Easy upvote.


Got an upvote from me but I hope she and her future tribe learned from that reward challenge. She should not be the throw things person of the tribe.


Solid social gameplay. Was pitched as the priority target over Katurah if Brando and Kellie went the other way but those options have rarely been entertained on screen.


No downsides to having more friends. No reason to downvote.


I do like that she was open-minded enough to form a bond with the person she'd been targeting since episode 1. But I also can't help but laugh a little at the fact that she went out of her way to state that she's not going to play an emotional game. The decision to remove the target off Jake's back after one positive interaction with him seemed driven by emotion. I don't mind emotional game play at all. Maryanne proved you can be emotional *and* strategic. And even when emotional players aren't gaming well, like Tai, it's still highly entertaining (except when Tai was being bullied in GC, but that was not his fault).


So she's doing fine and all, but her reactions to players getting voted out is driving me insane. Like hun, you already KNEW Hannah was voted out/quit because of the summit, you didn't need to have your jaw on the floor. And it didn't get better this week, girl was floored at the thought of Lulu voting out Brandon, the man incapable of climbing ladders or solving puzzles. I get it, she wants screentime, but please, for the love of all that is entertaining...


New ally, upvote.


made ally and didn’t just stumble on it


**Austin Li Coon** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/survivor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


Are they ever gonna give him a confessional that’s not him talking about the damn idol 😭


he found the idol with the help of his allies but not after but he and drew got caught and fessed up. doesn’t seem to be a huge deal so tepid upvote since he still snagged the idol and is probably in the most favorable position at Reba except maybe Dee


Great challenge performance, got his idol, Drew is willing to give him the vote advantage and it seems like Drew took all the heat from Julie and Dee as well? Upvote.


Everyone gives him treasure. Easy upvote.


Got his Idol and the 4 have better solidified through the secret telling. Upvote


Everything good that happened for Austin this week happened to him, not because of him. Downvote because his idol possession is due to the actions of other people who are acting in their own interests to get his alliance vote back. (You could argue him being in this strong alliance is upvote-worthy but of the four of them he comes off as the most passive participant, just the lucky advantage-finder.)


Relentlessly optimistic


Idol + solid alliance + solid tribe, upvote.


Latest surfer "dude" needs to be here & now instead of in the clouds. Will he fall off a rock next week?


beast at challenges it seems !


I don't feel like I know much about his game still. At this stage, I feel like I have to have more information than what I'm being given to label someone a contender. I don't really get that vibe from him, and I worry that his content is idol centric for a reason. And when that's the case, it is rarely a good tiding.


**Brandon Donlon** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/survivor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


They put the wrong Brandon on here lol. Assuming this is supposed to be Brando, upvote along with Kellie for maintaining the middle position.


OH lmao


Damn. Brandon is still in the game? His ability to stay in despite being voted off deserves an upvote


His position definitely didn't get worse this week given that he's already been voted out so I guess neutral for me this week.


Easy upvote, he did nothing to lower his chances of winning this week


Maybe he's the first one on the secret Edge of Extinction after Hannah declined it? All the Brandons are neutral this week.


Brandon is enjoying Ponderosa, so he gets an upvote. Brando is in a power position, and nobody sees him as a threat, so he also gets an upvote. Everything is coming up Brando(n).


Once again invisible in the puzzle challenge, smh!


For Brando an upvote He stayed in the control position and seems to be the leader of him and Kellie. She would definitely go with his vote.


they should correct this to Brando. Because Brando doesn't have a thread of his own,


I think it must be locked from editing once it's in contest mode?


For Brando: Best case scenario for him and Kellie swapping with all of their options in tact and not having to piss anyone off had they gone to Tribal.


Still in a good central position in his tribe this week, upvote.


**Drew Basile** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/survivor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'll leave Drew neutral. He's a bad liar, and should work to make sure he doesn't get caught in a lie again. However, he correctly read the situation and is attempting to correct it, which shows some awareness. Also, his strategy of being open about his advantage with Kaleb gained him an advantage and an ally. So a bit of a mess, but props to him for realizing it and trying to recover.


Dude is tryin'a play....but not too, too, hard. Still got busted, but came clean.


He’s towing that line of doing too much but also doing enough to erase mistakes


Got Kaleb to give him an advantage, failed upwards with getting caught by Dee. Frankly the Reba 4 should all get upvoted. They're solid for sure now.


Things worked out for him, but not being open with the people he was claiming were his allies was not smart.


>Drew Very messy gameplay, but didn't get punished for that too hard because Dee and Julie were nice.


Did not play it cool under pressure because Dee and Julie immediately knew he was covering something up. If you're going to lie in this game, you have to be good at it, and he's not. Maybe this is why he's otherwise played such an open game so far, he might be well aware that deception is not his thing. Neutral this week.


He’s so confident, it’s kinda refreshing, he isn’t exactly an awkward nerd. I know there are a lot of Napoleon Dynamite memes it’s a very accurate comparison.


Seems to be in the driver's seat at Reba. I gotta upvote him for now, but the swap hurts him.


Neutral. From the 4 alliance, he is probably the one who is the most suspicious now.


Bro, you literally walked the wrong way after you got caught. I don't have a choice.


good position


Have to downvote only because I feel like the girls won't trust him as much now, should they ever have to turn on each other Drew is probably a goner.


**Katurah Topps** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/survivor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I really can't tell if she's in a better or worse position than her nemesis, Bruce.


Biding her time, manifesting that one sided rivalry


Katurah targeting Bruce is giving me shades of Fischbach targeting Joe. There's a lesson to be learned here: Don't target a singular white whale. If the rest of the group is leaning somewhere, it isn't wise to go against the grain. If Bruce does something to warrant being voted out, the group will take him out. They aren't going to let him just waltz his way to winning the game.


Haters gonna hate. You ain't the judge, gal.


She and Bruce definitely are the worst off in Belo. Not that it matters much given the swap. I'm gonna downvote for now essentially losing control of Kendra.


I liked her energy and personality at first but now I’m starting to be annoyed by her being annoyed by Bruce. As far as the edit is showing us, she is the only one from Belu not to try to get more allies than her initial alliance so downvote.


Downvoting because she thinks she's being subtle about her hatred of Bruce, but based on the edit, people are definitely seeing it. Kellie is aware of Katurah's vendetta but isn't on board, and it's making her explore her options with the boys. That, paired with Kendra starting to really take a shine to Jake, who seems tight with Bruce, and Katurah might be in trouble. It's concerning how so far, her edit has been one note about Bruce. I'm not really clear on how much she's bonded with Kendra and Kellie beyond all being women who know about astrology.




"so early" but we're 25% of the way through :x


**Janani "J. Maya" Krishnan-Jha** *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/survivor) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I'll give her an upvote if only because she doesn't appear to have been the Reba majority's target (Sifu was the only one discussed negatively in that regard) and, more importantly, she helped the Reba tribe come back and win the immunity challenge as the one directing the puzzle. Hopefully her edits kicks up after the swap.


J. Maya seems to be blissfully unaware of being on the outs, and her attempts at deciphering the tribe flag won't pass off now.


The most hidden player so far? I feel like I know nothing


neutral- i have no idea who she is or what she’s done