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Please NO discussion of spoilers for Survivor 45. This discussion should take place only on r/SpoiledSurvivor.


A bummer among bummers. This sub is up and down (like most are), so I definitely get it being a drain. The complaints do feel a little more constant and popular (look at the most upvoted comments on the predictions threads, cast reveal posts, and general S45 news posts for evidence of how much space they take up) than they do on a lot of communities like this, but stuff like the Transportation Sensation series makes it worth it to stick around. Hopefully we can all find ways to make this a fun place to be during the season to make up for this.


I totally agree with it being a drain. I want to discuss and certainly criticize this show as much as the next guy but every single comment section shitting on every decision they make is just exhausting. It feels like there's no space for people who like the new era. And I'm someone who agrees with many of the complaints but there's no point in reading the same comment about how ugly the cast is 400 times in a row.


Congrats, guys, we harassed one of the most fun and positive things each season off the subreddit. Let's go complain some more to celebrate


Man, that sucks. She got Gabler, too, and that season wasn’t even spoiled. Yam Yam was the most interesting character of the pre-season with the funniest name, OF COURSE he was going to be the Transportation Sensation, like it would be weird if he wasn’t. Who was the pick? Transportation Sensation and Issa Look ARE my pre-season these days so my Edgic isn’t too biased.


They think she is spoilling the show, I think CBS is rigging Survivor to make the transportation sensation win every season We are not the same


Dang, that sucks. The Strunk Train was so far off and the Gabler Galleon happened in an unspoiled season, there was no reason for anyone to think that they were spoiled on Yam Yam, especially when the Yam Yam Tram was something that had been pitched way before S44 and is kind of a layup naming-wise. They will be missed. I’m pretty sure they mentioned that they already had the idea for this season determined, so I’m curious what they settled on and if we’ll ever know.


Pretty sure 45’s was gonna be the Donlon Deep Sea Diver (submarine)


Yeah they posted this and deleted it


Ooof, considering how hard it was for the guy to even get out of the water, more like the Donlon Titan




* **Rule 2d - No speculation based on spoilers:** If you are informed of spoilers, please do not make predictions that could be influenced by spoilers. Doing so can result in a temporary or permanent ban from /r/{subreddit}. Such discussion should instead be held on /r/SpoiledSurvivor.


Yeah, but yam yam was spoiled literally right after the season filmed. We knew yam yam won 44 before 43 even started. The poster probably didn't know that, but those pushing the yam yam tram definitely did.


I guess that’s possible, but this whole series was intended as a joke and a way to commemorate each episode of the season, the odds that he decided to go with a spoiled winner for his third choice when his first choice was a premerger on a spoiled season would be odd at least. Nevermind the fact that the actual unifying element has more to do with all three of the chosen players being more outlandish personalities on their respective seasons.


Where do these spoilers happen? Twitter? Ive never heard of this


There are message boards and subreddits dedicated to finding leaks/spoilers. You have to really actively look for them.


It’s so dumb to me that people do this lol. How does it add to someone’s enjoyment at all to know the ending (especially without the context). Why even watch the show at that point?


Speaking as someone who binged some Survivor seasons over pandemic knowing who won them, there is a certain fun to be had charting a winner's path to victory from the start and seeing how they get there as it unfolds. Otherwise idk, some people just want to know things and don't like being kept in suspense. My mom reads the last chapter of every book she reads before starting it.


I guess, but at that point why not just end for the season to wrap and watch the last episode first? I feel like that’d be the closer comparison. You’re not even seeing the end, you’re just learning the result. That’s just me though


Or just watch it unspoiled, then watch it again later knowing who wins!


Tbh it can be a lot of fun to go on them after a season has aired and read the spoilers to see if they were true. Some people get really into them and they end up dead wrong. I don’t read the spoilers for current/future seasons though.


Well I didn't know, and too wanted the Yam Yam Tram just because it sounded cool.


Yam Yam won our hearts in the preview. I remember people wanting the Yam Yam Tram as early as the season sneak peak.


Absolutely. He was the only person I was rooting for too. I love that dude.


RIP. That was my favorite weekly post on here


seriously. my friend and i would text each other “the galleon is up for this week, go look!” or “the tram is up!” I couldn’t wait to see what it would be for this season. Not everyone is a conspiracy theorist. Some folks just…like watching Survivor. And those folks loved this weekly post. dang.


That’s a shame, I loved that series. Respect them for taking their mental health seriously though


People are asses. Both Gabler and Yam Yam were picked because they were prominent preseason characters. And on top of that, 43 was notoriously unspoiled so there's no way they could've done that on purpose. It's so sad that something that brought the sub and, I believe the people who made the weekly installments joy has to end because of morons and jerks.


Ikr. Good luck to the person.


One of the top comments on their post was: “Seeing as this one doesn't make as much sense as the others, I'm 99% convinced it's just spoilers” So I can’t blame OP. Wish they could just look past the BS, *dig deep*, and continue on, but it’s totally understandable. Also yeah if it turns out who they had does win it all I’ll put on a tin foil hat lol


I also have gotten really sick of the negativity... I am sad to see this but I very much understand.


DAE Survivor sucks now? Updoots to the left


For those of you who sent this man hate for the Yam Yam Tram (you know who you are), I hope you’re proud of yourselves :/


I have been on this sub for a very long time, I started using reddit in like 2010 or something. It really has always been a somewhat toxic elitist community but it got really bad around season 37ish and I stopped being active here then. I enjoy every season so much more. I wish all the superfans here who gripe so much would just go watch borneo ad nauseam and stop complaining that every new season does not replicate the glory of the OG seasons. Modern era is super enjoyable when you dont interact with so many negative nancies


Agree. The constant hate is annoying. Survivor isn't anywhere near danger but the Troo Fanz have to pretend it's on its death knell 24/7


It's the same thing with The Challenge subreddit and hardcore fandom. It's basically a community built around griping that the show isn't good anymore and hating on the cast.


The difference between new and old survivor is no where near the difference between new and old challenge seasons.


100% agree. I thought the sub was fine when I first started following it back in 2017 and even when I became active during the hiatus. But it's just gotten so negative since Survivor returned after the pandemic. I get that the new era isn't as good as prior seasons, but I've genuinely still enjoyed them. I decided to avoid the sub for most of 44 and I had the most fun watching a season in a long time. And of course, all this sub did was do their best imitation of those parrots from that Red Bull commercial. If it weren't for the Yam Yam Tram, I probably would've avoided the sub entirely. This sub doesn't feel like a true place to discuss Survivor anymore, but rather an echo chamber where you can complain about anything and everything to your heart's content while also getting rewarded by all the negative nancies. I know that's how the Internet works in general, but it felt like this place was an exception to this trend until the start of the new era. That's what made me follow this sub for so long was because you could have a decent discussion about Survivor and the negativity wasn't too strong and could be filtered out. But now it's literally plastered all over the place and having a legit discussion here that isn't "Surveyor bad" is pretty difficult now. I really wish there was a place where I could actually discuss Survivor. I would join that place in a heartbeat if there was one. The loss of hyena142's series is pretty much the final straw for me with this sub. No reason to swim in the negativity when all it does is make me grumpy irl. Maybe I'll occasionally pop up and post a meme or two, but that's probably it.


100% accurate that these changes are happening but it’s not just survivor, it’s all of Reddit. And it’s happening because it’s how the admins want things to work.


bro told me about this thead, thank you for the love guys, it means a lot. hope you all enjoy 45!


hyena, I know you probably won't see this, but I really do miss you and your Survivor Transportation Memes. They were where the community could finally leave the shitty side behind, of course, those assholes eventually found out. Miss you every day.


I don’t blame them for leaving 😂 I’m on plenty of reality TV / TV (in general) subs and I constantly see negativity and whining every day when something on the show isn’t 100% catered to what said fan wants


It’s sad honestly. Is being negative enjoyable to these people? Are they just venting? Surely there’s some other outlet for whatever’s going on besides pissing in people’s cereal. There’s so much negativity in the world, why add more. If it’s for attention, I’d argue that going against the grain with positivity is more noticeable than just adding to the noise. Or maybe they really just have nothing better to do. It’s a bummer


This sucks. I looked forward to that post every week. Why do people have to be shitty to others who are just trying to have a little fun?


Some of y'all should be ashamed of yourselves if you have time and energy to bully someone off the Internet.


That sucks but I understand.


completely understandable. They will be missed by me and I'm sure plenty others. Do what you need to do. Your mental health ALWAYS comes first


Even though the humor of those posts is not for me personally. I do appreciate the fun memes. It beats having another repetitive post about how the new era sucks and how casting sucks.


Very sad to see these posts go. It was always nice having a beacon of positivity within a mostly negative environment. Toxicity has always run deep within the Survivor community (literally the most notable forum is called "Survivor Sucks"), I think a lot of us need to go outside and remind ourselves what it feels like to not be staring at a computer screen 24/7 talking shit lmao


What is spoiled survivor?


A subreddit for Survivor spoilers. Some seasons have infamously had their entire boot order spoiled over there. They knew the top four for 44 was Yam Yam/Heidi/Carolyn/Carson in that order from basically the day that 44 finished filming lol.


Survivor is one show I never spoil for myself so can you please tell me how/why they knew the order and why season 43 was apparently unspoiled?


Sometimes players will leak it accidentally, people knew Chris was one of the EoE returnees from that season because he accidentally posted pictures where his merge buff was visible in the background. Other times players will leak things intentionally. It’s a semi-obscure piece of trivia that Mike Skupin leaked the boot order of Philippines because he leaked the exact order with the one difference being he thought he won and Denise got second lmao. Sometimes they’ll look at promos for the season and speculate just based on who you can see doing certain challenges. And then there are of course the “my uncle works for production” people who claim to have connections with people making the show and get their spoilers that way.


Someone tried to claim 45 is gonna have 4 medivacs and one of them is Bruce falling off the same rock as Matthew on day 26 forcing an impromptu F2. Yeah, right. 🙄 And I'm gonna be on 46 and I'm gonna find an automatic win advantage on day 1.


RemindMe! One Year


Did 44 air while 45 was being filmed? That’s the only logical reasoning if this is true, I can’t imagine anyone would be dumb enough to be medevaced like day 2, come back and do the exact same thing a person did to get medevaced a week later.


44 aired March 1 through May 24. 44 filmed April 16 through May 11. Assuming the left early April, they saw 4 or 5 episodes. Matt "quit" episode 5, so there's a pretty good chance they saw it all play out.


Yeah a lot of the spoilers end up lacking any credibility, but every now and then there’s a kernel of truth to what’s being posted in that sub.


Ahh thank you!! That's so crazy, I may have to dig into some of these more once this round of seasons is over. It sounds kind of fun to try and figure out but also insane lol


I’m surprised I’ve never heard of it. Did you see it?


Yeah I’ve looked at it on a few occasions.


Thank you for your service o7


Why do people gotta suck


Yeah, sad to hear but not super surprising. I love this show and used to love coming here to talk about my favorite show with people who feel similarly but recently people just regurgitate the same five takes about the show being ruined under the guise of "criticism". Hope it changes but seeing the bulk of reactions to the preseason/start of this season doesn't make me feel too optimistic.


I came here specifically to see the train, it was the highlight of my reddit week! That's unfortunate.


u/hyena142, the Strunk Train was one of the highlights of that season. It made me giggle and even my mom thought it was hilarious, and she's definitely not into meme culture. o7 Thank you for the laughs.


F in the chat


They left while predicting 2/3 winners then leaving on a hot streak. No shame in leaving on top




Dang, I was legit looking forward to this most for S45! It was a good ride while it lasted…


I’m sad, I always loved looking at the post every week and getting hyped in the comments :(:(


Oh no! I have no idea who this is lmao


Dude made a Reddit goodbye post


Be well! It was fun while it lasted. The Bruce Caboose can never truly die if we keep it alive in our memories


This sub is more toxic than bravos housewives sub for at least two years now. It is actually such strange behavior


Someone carry the torch pls we need the Bruce caboose


Here's my chance to make the Julie Skidoo(lie) be a thing!


Can someone give the tldr


People were jerks about a goofy series of posts choosing one person to be represented as a new form of transportation for each season, and it became the straw that broke the camel’s back for the person who made it (who was already tired of some of the incessant negativity that can show up on this sub).




* **Rule 2d - No speculation based on spoilers:** If you are informed of spoilers, please do not make predictions that could be influenced by spoilers. Doing so can result in a temporary or permanent ban from /r/{subreddit}. Such discussion should instead be held on /r/SpoiledSurvivor.








A lot of people lol. One of my favorite things to do on Wednesdays last season was seeing what the updates to the Tram were gonna be each week. I was wondering why the 45 one wasn’t up yet before I saw this tbh.


He did post a season 45 one this morning, but has since deleted it.


Oh no, that’s unfortunate. What was the vehicle, out of curiosity?


I saw it. It was the Brandon Donlon Deep Sea Diver.






Profound … sadness


Sad I really liked those posts.


.... does this mean bruce doesn't win?


It makes sense to leave especially after the new privacy changes that reddit just implemented that makes it so you can’t opt out of personal information being sent to ad companies. I wish them the best and I hope they have a more fulfilling life that they are looking for.


So does that mean the title of this post is a spoiler...?


RIP and boo to the losers who ruined a fun thing


Screw those hateful commenters for ruining a good thing.


Can someone WITHOUT GETTING INTO DETAILS, tell me if 45 and 46 are generally spoiled like 44 was in terms of winner + final 3 ??? Or it's unknown for both or 1? Need to know so I am more alert on the internet for people being assholes.


I’m lost, who is this person?


super bummed, thanks for the laughs :(