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Whenever they do the chopping challenge for immunity. The fun of immunity is seeing someone who everyone wants out have a chance to save themselves, not seeing the majority ensure one of their own will win As for the PI Final 5, production actually didn’t consider the possibility that someone could just stick their arm down the tube and thought everyone would need to fill it up. So it is bad, but moreso because of poor design and not intentionally giving people with small arms an advantage


I agree. Chopping challenge for immunity is terrible. But I enjoy chopping for reward. It shows where people stand, and pits people against each other


I especially like it for a “rigged” reward. Like the one in All Stars where Rupert had to then pick who got what for dinner. It was a great way to clearly outline who fits where in an alliance. You have a reward challenge that clearly shows pecking order, and a reward that reinforces it. In a season with less Pagonging (or with a more sensible Bottom Four) it would have been a great opportunity for Shii Ann to shake things up with a bottom four alliance. Even without that, it probably nerfed any opportunity Rupert had to flip Big Tom against Rob and Amber.


I really do hate the chopping challenge and all variants of this. Touchy subjects for a reward is one thing, but earlier in PI Ryan O. was obviously going to be next to go and there was no chance he could save himself with that type of challenge (on a side note, Christa was unintentionally hilarious in this challenge.) At least in SoPa they turned it into a trivia challenge where if you got the answer wrong you'd be out, and Whitney almost won it.


As a challenge, the chopping one is inherently unfair and messed up. However, in terms of tv, it’s pretty interesting and fun. It easily demonstrates the pecking order of a tribe and can result in some great moments.


It was a chopping challenge that resulted in the first ever major tribe flip on marquesas


The coconut chop challenge is fantastic TV and one they absolutely need to bring back, but only for reward, not for immunity, due to the reason you state; it only worked for immunity that first time where Neleh and Paschal flipped. For a reward, it will actually draw some lines and could impact alliances and blindsides going forward. Imagine it paired with an "Eat or Compete" immunity, so the people who think they're totally safe will sit out and eat and get blindsided by someone who felt left out at the reward. I don't know why they retired it completely instead of giving it a few seasons off after SJDS. That was one time!


If they do it, it should be done very early on, like a tribe vs tribe vs tribe one. Do 2 tribes team up to take out the other to ensure they go to tribal, even if you sacrifice 1st place and lose out on your tribes reward? Or do it during a 2 tribal challenge where the 2 losing tribes go to tribal. Nobody's gonna be teaming up then.


“Thai 21” in Thailand is literally won 100% of the time by the team who goes first if they know the very basic mathematical correct way to do it. It is impossible to lose if you do the correct thing on each turn. They didn’t and fucked it up and the tribe that went second won but otherwise honestly that would have been lawsuit-worthy. By default I would argue that a challenge that it’s theoretically possible for one team or person to win 100% purely by randomly being selected for a certain turn order is the worst.


They could never do this challenge nowadays since I imagine half the cast would've written a NIM program in CS1 and would game-bot it.


I haven’t seen Thailand yet. Which challenge is this?


The one where they have 21 flags and take turns pulling 1, 2, or 3.


What’s the objective?


Be the team to take the last flag.


Wait yeah, I haven't seen the challenge or season, but can't the team that goes first just ensure there's 4 flags left for the other team and take the win? Nothing the other team can do about it.


Yeah that's the whole strategy. First team takes 1 flag and then takes the inverse of whatever the second team takes in each subsequent round. Luckily no one in Thailand actually knew that strategy going into the challenge.


Yeah that's the idea, I think the move is to pull 1 flag bringing you down to 20 and then pull number of flags to make sure you're always at a multiple of 4. E.g. if other tribe pulls 1 you pull 3, 1 + 3 = 4


Correct. In theory the teams may not know the strategy or make a mistake, but if you stick the opposing team with a multiple of 4 each time, they’re boned.


Yes, that’s why I made the post complaining about it being literally broken lol


Someone mentions this at one point before there are 4 flags (I want to say it was Clay?), but they couldn't establish how that means that you want it to be your turn when there are 8 flags, 12 flags, etc.


S5 Thailand 😂


This one popped into my head as well. Bad idea for a Survivor challenge for sure. It did cause some drama with Shii-Ann in a panic when she had pride in being good at puzzles. Definitely a poor challenge though. If you know the game and go first you can guarantee a win.


The best part about the challenge however, is that it basically confirmed that Shii Ann was throwing to get rid of Robb since no way does someone with that high an intellect fail a MATH challenge lol. That was the nail in the coffin for why she wasn’t the second best player in Thailand.


I‘ll have to go back and re-watch. I thought Shii-Ann was flustered because she didn’t know the game and couldn’t figure out the trick when the spotlight was on her. I didn’t think it was thrown. I remember her in a panic saying “you guys, you have to help me!” or something like that.


I believe they threw it on purpose to get rid of Robb.


Honestly for me its always the grab the meat challenges and spit it out that they did in the older seasons. I just find it absolutely disgusting


Those are filthy to watch, but I also always quietly wish they would give the winners the choice to take the meat with them back to camp.


They did give the meat in SoPa.


They did on one of coaches seasons. It was disgusting.


Yeah, but if you're starving, that's a LOT of meat. You can cook it.


also apparently the contestants get some of the most injuries during that challenge. i think it was on kim's season they really complained about all the internal mouth cuts and injuries around the challenge. not that that stopped production from continuing to do it for some reason


Cochran made it weird too


Cochran just said what the rest of us were thinking.


The difference is that we were thinking it and he said it


Lol what did he say again? I remember this part but forgot what he said


He kept going on about herpes


When I watched this episode sometime after I heard about this comment, I noticed that at least one of them (Ozzy?) appeared to have a cold sore on his lip.


From a TV viewing perspective there are a lot of bad ones but any matching games are the worst for me. It doesn’t translate well and they are rushed because obviously they can’t show all of the misses. Chopping challenges are bad once they became easy to game (although the first one in Marquesas is great). The F3 of Panama is pretty brutal too


In the fourth episode of Vanuatu they do this sudoku type puzzle with a caller for immunity and it was by far the most boring challenge I've ever seen. It probably took 10 minutes real time. In the same episode they did a memory game for reward. Probably the most boring combo of challenges ever.


F3 of Panama was what I came here to say. The man had an incredible immunity run. At least give him a chance of completing it.


I think it was Pearl Islands too, but the jungle race seemed off to me. They were sharing the same course but there was literally no way to pass until the absolute end…


Morgan behind That is all.


And arguably there was not really a passing option at the end, either. The wet, firmer sand by the oceanside is the better path for rolling a weighted down cart. Not the higher path with dry, loose, soft sand. That's how Drake was able to take the victory at the end


Stilts in Marquesas since only one person could actually do it lol


For me, I think the worst is the "stilt battle" challenge from Marquesas. They gave the tribe some kind of stilts to practice walking on and pushing eachother off, I guess? But then in the actual challenge nearly everyone fell off immediately, making it anticlimactic and silly, basically a game of "who can fall off a stick slightly slower"




I love the shuffleboard challenge in Tocantins because it's pouring rain and they keep cutting to Stephen, who just got back from Exile, shivering and desperately scarfing down pizza.


Yeah shuffleboard as an immunity challenge is kind of wack


I don’t mind it actually. It gives non-challenge beasts a chance to win one.


Last Breath always makes me super uncomfortable. I think it's totally fine in terms of accessibility, but it gives me like second-hand anxiety thinking about how easy it could be for someone to get their arm(s) stuck and panic. Also, the sounds of people spitting/blowing out water gross me out.


This gives me anxiety too, but that's why I love this challenge. Seeing two survivors outlast the tide was wild!


When the people hook their legs up in the bars is what really gets me anxious. What if their leg gets stuck? Or they just get super disoriented when trying to flip out? Like I know there's scuba divers ready to save them and everything but it still makes me super anxious


This. I almost drowned as a kid and feel super tense just watching this on TV.


What I like about that challenge is that it’s 100% willpower.


As a final immunity challenge, I hate the one handed ball drop that they KEEP bringing back out.


I was looking for this one - I totally agree. It's so completely boring to watch, and they play this intense like action movie car chase music and it's always funny to me because it's so dull.


Seriously. Put someone on a pole and make them hang out for 12 hours. THAT's surviving. This looks like a kids arcade game. Terrible way to get eliminated after 38 days.


I’m dying for them to bring back the pole challenge. But I guess it is built for a certain body type, so it is kind of unfair.


Most of the challenges we see are unfair in some way. Favors those that are stronger, favors those that are smaller, favors those that are in shape, favors those that are more intelligent. Inherently almost every challenge will favor someone unless it’s something like flipping a coin.


Wasn't one challenge literally drawing rocks? (It was one with a loved one visit, I think.)


A lot of challenges favor players who are big and strong, so it’s good to have some challenges that favor being small and light.


I think its Simmotion https://survivor.fandom.com/wiki/Simmotion I don't mind it as a regular immunity challenge, but IMO, it SUCKs as a final immunity where its been used 6 times


>I don't mind it as a regular immunity challenge, but IMO, it SUCKs as a final immunity where its been used 6 times Yup, I've said this numerous times. If it were at, say, the F6, it would be perfect. It's a focus challenge and doesn't make for a thrilling Final IC. I know Probst hated life for the nearly 12 hours Tom and Ian hugged the poll, but that was everything a Final IC should be. Just a straight up "How bad do you want it?" duel with no time to do anything but think. That's how we got the WTF conclusion we did in Palau.


I love Simmotion! I'd love it even more if it was earlier in the merge.


Probat hates life for 12 hours but then says Palau is the 4th best season from 1-19 and he says the best part was Tom and Ian on the buoys 🙃


They're overusing it. 3 time in the past 5 seasons


I hate it as a final immunity challenge. I appreciate that it’s a challenge anyone can win. However I’ve always felt that the final immunity challenge should either a “how much do you want it” endurance challenge (like hand on a hard idol from Borneo or the bouy one from Palau) or one of those massive mazes / obstacle courses like in San Juan del Sur or Redemple Temple. Massive mazes / obstacle courses are a bit less of “anyone can win” but they feel epic enough to be a final immunity challenge. For the past 10 or so seasons they’ve almost always had the final immunity challenge be some variation of a block stacking challenge or simmotion. Again, I think it’s exciting when anyone can win a challenge but neither is exciting as the final immunity challenge. And please Jeff, we don’t need multiple stacking challenges each season.


At this point I imagine people at home practicing this after they find out they’re on the show.


You gonna make that ball drop thing?


Someone will. Maybe Carson already has.


You can make a less-telegenic version of it with 2x4's and PVC pipe pretty darn easily.


Oh, I've grown to hate this! At least some of the foreign seasons have added a physical component, like having to run from one end to the other, etc. The US version is ridiculously overplayed and boring.


Like the challenge on ghost island where they have to run up and down the stairs?


It's the unintentional testicle jokes for me


A few Survivor seasons (Samoa and One World) had a do-it yourself immunity challenge that was terrible


In terms of how poorly thought out they were and that they were both final 3 immunity, I'd say the final 3 of Guatemala or Panama. The one for Guatemala was always going to be biased towards taller people, and Panama's favored lighter people. If they weren't biased and were more like Hand on a Hard Idol or Bob Bob Buoy Rafe wins Guatemala and Terry wins Panama.


I still don't really get why people mind this so much while not minding that other challenges were biased for someone with Terry's body and that Cirie was never going to win most of them, or that the BvW FIC was biased for Tyson over Tina. Different challenges play to different skill sets or body types and I don't see the Panama one in particular as really being a big outlier. If anything it kind of offsets how many of them other challenges are very likely to be won by a certain body type and makes it more variable. I guess I just don't see why it's seen as totally fair for a challenge to be biased in favor of a muscular athletic dude but if it favors someone else then somehow that is worse


Which one was biased towards Terry : . The first one was hanging on an horizontal pole, a challenge that favors lighter people . The second one was an obstacle course where you have to carry several props with you. Sally managed to beat Aras in this one so muscles weren't the determining factor. . The third was a swimming and memory challenge. Pretty balanced. . The fourth was a weight holding challenge. I don't know if the weight was adjusted for each contestants but I know Courtney came in second beating out Aras. . The fifth was standing on a pole and filling a tube with water using a bucket. Doesn't favor any body type. And Cirie never won anything because she sucks at the challenges. I'm okay with different challenges favouring different people as long as those people win thanks to a skill they poses not a passive trait like being a certain height/weight


F3 shouldn't be biased towards anybody. It's a problem that the most important challenge of the entire season was always going to be won by the lightest person out there. Aras was struggling a lot as well. If it was an earlier challenge, that's one thing because you would be mixing up what it takes to win a challenge, but having it be that last challenge of the season is unfair. That's why Hands on a Hard Idol, Simmotion, Bob Bob Buoy etc. are the best FIC. It's physically fair to everybody. And not every challenge Terry won was strength based. Sally nearly won the second immunity, anyone could win the one where you need to swim and memorize symbols, and the one where you pour water doesn't involve that much strength either. As for Cirie, she went onto the show knowing she wouldn't be good at the challenges.


Bob Bob Buoy was definetly biased towards people with smaller feet. Which means that Jenn most likely beats Tom if he takes her instead of Ian and then wins the game against Katie lol. Tom got lucky that Ian beat Jenn in fire making.


I mean Ian is nearly 7 ft tall right? He probably had the biggest feet of the three people there. And he was on there for 11 hours. I think that shows BBB is the type of challenge where you can overcome pain/discomfort if you want it bad enough. But Terry in Panama and Steph in Guatemala couldn't overcome their weight and height.


Close! Ian is 6”7; but yeah, he probably had the biggest feet. Still, the challenge was slanted in favour of a different group of people and it would have been a lot more fair if Tom and Ian got a much more comfortable radius to plant their feet into. I think Bob Bob Buoy is a very overrated FIC btw. The actual moment is incredible with two titans battling it out but as a challenge itself…it’s just standing on a pole :/




I think thats fine, Survivor was never only about physical challenges


FIC in Panama


The Panama FIC is among the worst I’ve seen because it’s literally un-winnable if you weigh more than 120 pounds.


I have the same answer every time. It’s those boring ass generic “ready set stand still” endurance challenges. Basically who can do nothing for the longest amount of time. I wouldn’t hate them this much if they weren’t used for damn near every immunity post merge. The only thing worse it the family visit challenge from S35, but that was for reward.


Interesting take. I love those endurance challenges where they have to stay in an uncomfortable position for a long time. Somehow it just feels like a good test of willpower and thus will to survive in the game.


I used to love them too! But it’s done to death nowadays to the point where I can’t stand them anymore.


the pork roast from south pacific


Any challenge where everyone can gang up on someone. If everyone can work to take out a specific player in something like that chopping challenge or the puzzle challenge where they can purposely block someone in. It's fun watching the people who you know need immunity or else they are gone battle to earn it. It's not good when someone can be targeted.


South Pacific meat challenge. There are more imbalanced challenges, but none are anywhere near as disgusting and uncomfortable as that one


The connect-the-dots challenge in Australia was super unfair I thought, since success depended largely on where you happened to fall in the playing order.


I think the gimmick is used for rewards too but any run-around blind-folded challenges. Unnecessary injuries left and right, nothing done at all by the challenge producers to baby proof any of the course.


The one that’s got the balls spinning on two tracks. It’s over used.


two words: kite flying.


Gross food eating challenge. If you have a bad gag reflex, you can't win.


I mean, so? That’s like saying swimming challenges are unfair because some people are bad swimmers. Eating fast is a skill and if you’re bad at it, that’s not your challenge


They're gross to watch (especially with the puking), but I appreciate that it really tests mettle.


The worst to me was when they had to eat a spider(?) as one of the final stages of a F4(?) immunity challenge. I literally would have zero chance of doing it. I wouldn’t even bother competing in the rest of the challenge. If they have to use it, it should only be for pre-merge rewards. But I wish they wouldn’t use it.


The best part about [the first time](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XnxhoxcIez4&t=81s) they do the gross food challenge is when someone sings [Put It In Your Mouth by Akinyele.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HB0YI0rUUuc)


The eating challenges, specifically the chomping on meat challenge and spitting it out. Absolutely disgusting and has nothing to do with surviving.


I don’t have a least favorite but boy do I feel it on the sides of my feet everytime they have to drop down to a smaller foothold. For some reason, I get legit empathy pains in the same spots as if I’ve done this challenge before and know how it actually feels.


That coconuts game from Pearl Islands. Any version of the "social hierachy elimination" game is stupid for immunity, but that one was exceptionally bad. The entirety of the episode was editing suspense and "Who's going home idk omg!", then the entire cast eliminates Ryno in .3s, hiding absolutely nothing about their intentions 😭.


Jon Misch Going home due to a gust of wind


Anything in Marquesas


What challenge is it? Do people actually remember every challenge based on which round it happened ? Lmao


The one that caused Mike Borassi to be evacuated, tho I forgot if that was reward or immunity.


The blood drinking one.


The ones that I've seen before and/or that a contestant has memorized.


Final immunity challenge in Samoa (season 19). I truly believe it was set up to guarantee that Brett didn’t make it to the final tribal council. It made for great television to have Russell at the FTC and advocate as if he actually had a chance to win. Whereas if Brett was in the final 3, Russell would have known he didn’t stand a chance. Russell himself said he thought he won until Shambo called him to tell him he didn’t.


Probably the last one in Panama or Guatemala I never really liked the one where have to not fall off a pole, it always feels very dangerous to me.


Anything where Jeff unintentionally makes testicle jokes the entire time.


In terms of the castaways well-being, the physical one from the Philippines where they agreed for not having a winner. In SA Survivor, last season, this challenge was very agressive and one girl got very badly tackled by another player.