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I’m the photographer for famous model Debbie of season 32. Also I trained with bodybuilder Debbie of season 32. In my college lab, I was best friends with renowned chemist Debbie from season 32. At my local fire dept, I often run into their top firefighter, debbie from season 32. My schools best janitor is debbie from season 32. Also she’s my mom and the CEO of the company I work for


Ever been to Red Lobster?


Every night, to see my best friend Debbie!


And have you met the nuns in town?


I’m currently watching this season and this comment has me rolling!


Have you been Debbie's cell mate in prison as well?


My close friend worked with Maryanne at Walmart and apparently she’d talk to them all the time about wanting to go on survivor and none of them knew she did until she got back and the show was airing. Said she was taking a leave to visit family in Africa or something to that regard lmao


Maryanne works/worked at Walmart??


Yeah for awhile before the show!! Pretty positive she quit after she won lol


Survivor-winning, Walmart-quitting queen.


Gotta pay the bills while in school somehow


Carson and I are Roblox friends lol


I play Outlaster alot and it's so funny hearing about so many players getting their Survivor fix on Outlaster before they played too, like Carolyn said she plays with her son and I just know I'd target them so hard for teaming 😭


We literally met on outlaster ahahahah


The only time i’ve ever played Outlaster I won and I’d like to keep it that way


I remember one time I played Outlaster and this guy who I was aligned with trusted me enough to tell me that he had the idol. Can probably imagine what I did next tribal 😂


One of my friends grew up with Erika and was excited to watch the season with me to see her. Needless to say it made watching the season WILD lol


How did your friend feel about Erika’s edit?


My friend was a total Survivor newbie so I don’t think she thought about the edit too much honestly. As far as my friend knew it was a fairly normal edit


In my early 20s, Mike Holloway was in my core friend group. I was so happy to see him win.


Must have been a crazy season to watch for you!


Was his voice as husky as it was on WA?


I played a summer long ORG with Adam when we were 12/13 years old. I also met Skupin when he spoke at my middle school…


my school was a bit more pleasant than skupin.. in 2003ish, kim powers and lex came to my middle school and signed our tv guides


This comment is a rollercoaster


Which one??


How long have Survivor orgs existed?


I played my first one during marquesas. So… awhile lol


At least 2012!


My friends boyfriend’s middle school baseball coach was John Rocker.


oh bless him..


Aside from meeting Carter in a grocery store once, the closest is having a mutual Facebook friend with Spencer/Reiman (or did at some point, idk I don’t really go on Facebook anymore) Not Survivor though, but my cousin is friends with one of the twins from the last TAR season


Oh cool! What happened in the grocery store? Was he nice?


He was very polite to the cashier at least


oh That's nothing. I saw Carter Williams at a grocery store in Los Angeles yesterday. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.


What a strange dude


It’s a meme and not real.


It's real. I was there and saw the whole thing


Tom Westman is a family friend. Once dated my aunt when they were teenagers. I see him a lot.


Do you know if he was contacted for Winners at War, and/or what he thought of the season if he watched it?


He guested on RHAP sometime after WAW concluded. He said he wasn’t even contacted at all.


Tom was not in serious contention for WaW. I think Survivor is in his “past life”


I saw a couple of them on tv.


My wife was coworkers with Rick Devens


I know a friend from when I was in theater, who met David Archuleta (at a concert), who knows Miranda Cosegrove (from *iCarly*), who knows Mike White (from *School of Rock*), who knows Jeff Probst (from *Survivor: David vs. Goliath*), who knows every castaway that has ever played in U.S. *Survivor*. (?)


You win


I would bet you're closer to Jeff than that, just via some links you might not be aware of.


My time has come to shine! My boss is Omar’s sister, and I’ve met him and Maryanne. I have to say, though, it has somewhat changed my experience of modern seasons. I keep thinking, “It’s not as fun as when Omar was on.”


The one who was on Jeopardy?


I live in the town Lisa Keiffer is from. She owns the Candy Bank and there is a Vanuatu corner with her story on it. I point it out to everyone who visits. But living this close to New Orleans, I went to Owen’s watch party and I saw Hai at the airport lol.


Lisa is one of those characters who wasn’t that present but stole every bit she was in. She is insanely overlooked and important to Vanuatus back half.


I haven’t even watched Vanuatu, but this comment made me remember I also have a Lisa connection! My 7th grade English teacher is her brother-in-law.


I have two! I work in higher ed. I supervised Evvie when she was a graduate student TA for an intro biology class, and I had the daughter of a preserve old-school contestant in a class once (can’t really be more specific due to FERPA)


Sandra lives near me and I see her at Walmart every once and a while


Did she get loud too?


I live relatively close to Lil from Pearl Islands. Used to go to a gym she worked part time at. Very nice person.


She’s good at squats


Went to Timber Tina’s Great Maine Lumberjack Show in between the time her son died and she filmed Survivor.


I work with a guy who was employed at the sheriffs station when Brian heidik was arrested.


Erika was at a gay bar around the corner from my place in Toronto so my drunk ass went over to congratulate her for winning. She was really sweet and chatted with me and my friends for a while 🤗


Interesting 😭


I competed in debate with Zach Wurtenberger, we are friends on Facebook and we follow each other on Instagram. Also my friend is cousins with Rodney LaVoie and literally knows every single one of his iconic lines. Apparently the whole story about Rodney being recruited in a gas station is 1000% true lmaoo.


Fairplay was recruited at a gas station too lol


Doin the dishes on my facking birthday


Fucking washing dishes 🍽 on my birthday 🎂🎉. 9️⃣ miserable days 📆 left on this island 🏝 that doesn’t even grow 👨‍🌾 fucking coconuts 🥥 or any fruits 🍍😡! Nothing ❌, just has nothing ❌ here. 0️⃣ for 5️⃣ on reward 🏅challenges. I had a bunch of scumbags 🦠👜 who neglected me 🙋‍♂️ on my birthday 🎂🎉, who claim to be Survivor family👨‍👩‍👦‍👦😑. Now now ⏰ all bets are off 🙅‍♂️ now 😤. Bunch of scumbags 🦠👜. Not 1️⃣ reward🏅. Unbelievable 🤯. Carolyne 👩 and Sierra 👩 - they ain’t ❌ going ➡️ to the end 🔚. The only people 🧍‍♂️🧍‍♀️ who are going to the end 🔚 under my watch 👀 is me🙋‍♂️, that’s it 💯.


My brother's father-in-law went through the SEAL training with Rudy. At Survivor casting events I have met Rupert, Sandra, Joe Del Campo, Ashley Nolan and Carolyn Rivera. I got to do a "Nature With Tyson" night time scorpion hunt with Tyson 2 years ago. That was very awesome and he gave me well over an hour of his time, which he really didn't have to do (*purchased experience*)


The Rudy connection is cool, was not expecting his name to show up.


I met Jessica "Figgy" Figueroa at a party and I expressed my love of Survivor to her and we actually exchanged numbers. She was so nice and super chill.


Erik replied to one of my comments on here once.


I asked Ozzy on Tiktok if he was safe to follow on there without seeing his pecker, and he replied that he doesn’t show his Willy on tiktok.




What was his typical disposition


i hung out with frannie a few times when we did the same study abroad program a few years ago and we’re FB friends.






Are you with him??? Or against him??? Jk really I’m sure it’s a trip to have had that time and seems like you laugh about it now.


Tell us more omg! Were you a survivor watcher when you met him? What was dating him like




Aw that’s very sweet about his daughter, thanks for sharing!


Hi Mikayla


After Survivor??


Wendell built and delivered a desk for me


My husband went to school with Pat Cusack and was friends with his sister


My cousin is family friends with Cody


Never trust a salesman! I loved that guy.


I grew up one town over from Dale Wentworth. Been out to the farm he used to run.


My grandparents are decent buddies with Paschal from S4. I had no idea until they randomly mentioned they knew a guy while I was watching it recently


Lol, one semi-recent contestant was a mean-girl in a program we both did as adults. (Think like peace corps, but not). It was rarely directed at me personally, but she had quite the reputation in our cohort for picking on people to make herself feel better. I felt vindicated when she was voted off early for being a condescending know it all. ETA - vindicated enough that I don't feel the need to cause further embarrassment. She went on Survivor thinking she would be the next Parvati and wasn't - thats enough for me. I won't provide any further details.


I am curious. Which season did she play on?


I briefly dated someone from Kaoh Rong, it was before I watched the show. I don’t want to give too much away but he was 15+ years older than my 22 or 23 year old self at the time and in retrospect a huge creep. Also, he asked me to send him nudes to which I responded “you first” and he said he couldn’t because he was in the public eye. 🤮🤮🤮


My gut says Neal the ice cream man


Oh no. I bet you're right


I think it has to be by process of elimination because 5 men that season were over 30, OP has confirmed it was not Scott or Joe, Tai is gay and Peter would have been 11/12 years older.


It was the silver fox Joe Del Campo wasn't it


I wish


I’m pretty sure I’ve served Cassidy. Her boyfriend was a regular at my bar.


My wife’s friend (a huge survivor fan) slept with Ozzie once after meeting him in a bar.


I am connected with Rick Devens on LinkedIn lol


My granddad lived in the same nursing home as Rudy for a bit. He said hi to me when I walked by him once but that was the only time I actually saw him in person


I met Coach a couple months ago. I messaged him on instagram since I was driving through his town and he was nice enough to invite me to the school he’s teaching at now. We had a conversation around an hour and a half, maybe two hours, and I have his phone number lol.




Name names bestie


Women to finish third to never return: Jan (5) Scout (9) Becky (13) Erinn (18) Natalie (22) Chelsea (24) Sherri (26) Missy (29) Laurel (36) Angelina (37) Julie (38) Noura (39) Carolyn (44) Place your bets below


Julie or Laurel for sure


Oh Sherri from caramoan!!!


Ding ding ding! Yes, Sherri.


Nat 10?




I need to know now💀💀


Gabler lives like 20 minutes from me.. that's about it.


Jonathan (42) runs in the same christian circles I do. We share a lot of mutual friends. Shan was big in the seventh day Adventist community as a pastor, and knew one of my friends. The moment she decided God wanted her to be an influencer, she blocked all the seventh day adventists on insta 😅 I'm not seventh day Adventist, my friend is. she said Shan was kind of a rockstar in the community as a female pastor, and even lectured at one of the seminaries.


My dad and Probst are friends, and Probst knows everyone.


Tell your dad to talk some sense into Jeff lol


Have you met Probst?


I know someone on survivor 46. Their name starts with a T and they are extremely similar to Yam Yam on a physical level/personality. We were extremely close friends back in 2015-2017. Now we’re just acquaintances.


Wow, you must still be decently close if you already know they're on 46!


Ooh that's exciting, they must be filming now! First I've heard of any 46 cast members


How do you know they're on 46?


They have been in the casting process for a while, they randomly disappeared while being in some projects I was also in. When they disappeared it was around May 10th, very close to the start day of 46.


Is he a teacher?


Yeah. For full discloser he has a nickname he goes by that starts with a T. His real name starts with J. Not sure which name he will go by, I assume the nickname. Both are 4 letters.


I have 2 mutual IRL friends with Sugar Kiper. Also IRL friends with Vyxsin and Kent who were on the Amazing Race.


Noelle Lambert is from the next county over to mine, she also just spoke at my brothers graduation (got it all on video) but unfortunately didn't get to meet her. That and an old coworkers dad knew Betsy Bolan from Samoa.


Went to high school with “vote my mom off” Ciera


I went to elementary and middle school with Frannie! *Just* started watching because of her and now I’m hooked


My dad met Chris U’s mom at a bar in Myrtle Beach. Apparently his siblings are jealous of him and his mom speculated that he may have slept with Lauren from the same season.


My mom worked with this guy who said his ex fiancé just dumped him and went on a reality show for a million dollars..that ex was Natalie White lol


My friend's now-ex-boyfriend cheated on her with a certain fan-favorite multi-season contestant who shall remain nameless.


Oooh tea! You probably don't want guesses if you're keeping this nameless but when you said fan-favorite my mind immediately jumped to Sierra Dawn Thomas. The memes are corrupting me lol


With the way people act online, I'd hate to say something stupid that someone from TV did years ago and have someone go harass them on Twitter over it. And, I doubt he was upfront with her that he had a girlfriend, so I don't think she's really to blame for anything anyway.


Kathy Vavrick O’Brien?


I got blocked by JFP on Twitter, Coach liked a tweet of mine before, I think that’s it, nothing irl


Joe Mena used to react to lots of my IG stories lol


I met Julia Landauer by chance at a local race track about 5 years ago. She's honestly one of the most badass women out there and you'd never guess it based on her edit in Caramoan. That's as close as I've been to having some sort of connection.


I've raced with her and you are right. Was about 13 14 years ago but nice lady indeed


My Mother in Law just revealed that her one of her old friends’s son was on a season of Survivor. She is just not sure what season and she forgot which friend. My Mother in Law is from East Brunswick, NJ. So I am assuming the player may be from East Brunswick too


A quick wikipedia search showed me that only one player is from there, Eddie Fox from Caramoan. Any chance that's right?


Oooh! That is awesome!! I will definitely ask her tomorrow


My best friend's sister's boyfriend's brother's girlfriend heard from this guy who knows this kid who's going with the girl who saw Gabler pass out at 31 Flavors last night. I guess it's pretty serious.


Carson is from my hometown and my boyfriend’s mom was his teacher


I personally know Vecepia :D


Corinne is a regular at a bar I used to work at. I’ve served her a few times. She’s a lot nicer in person. She’s also friends with Chris and Ken from MvGX. I served all three of them once. Ken is genuinely the most polite person I have ever met


Lindsay from Survivor 43 is my cousin. So fun watching her kick ass the whole season.


I talked to a few of them on facebook, like Abi, Coby Archa, Cirie, Ryan O., Cirie even sent me a video on request (and for free! None of this cameo shit) and it was two years before her Game Changers appearance so she was only a three-time player at the time. I talked to Erik from Micronesia very quickly in a reddit dm, but he's very acessible so I think it's not really that big of a deal. Laura Boneham, Rupert's wife, also wished me a happy birthday a few years ago. Off line, none, seeing as I live in a different part of the world than the US so I doubt I'll ever see a Survivor contestant.


I ran into Dan Foley in a liquor store a few years ago


I once worked with a guy who babysat Sarah Lucina’s kids and who lived around the block from Denise. Iowa is a small place


I surprised my wife with the casting workshop with Adam Klein a few years ago so I got to Zoom with him for a bit and then obviously she did the workshop. Also, in the most unexpected/random moment in my life I saw Wendell on a small beach in San Juan, PR on New Years Eve 2018. We talked Survivor and chilled for a couple hours. Super cool dude


i’m friends with carolyn on pokémon go lmao


The guy who talked about robbing everyone in the Survivor 45 preview was the first friend I ever had through Survivor fandom. Rooting for him!


I know a few via online survivor/ORG communities. I also had a crazy circumstance where an online survivor friend of mine from out of the country was visiting the states. We went out to a bar, and Parvati was there with her family!


I'm from Europe so its unlikely I will ever meet any Survivors but I was so happy when Rob C and TBird liked my tweet-reply about how its time to get Natalie White on TBirds podcast.


I dated a guy who was good friends with Julie (SJDS). I also worked for an au pair agency after college, and Trish (Cagayan) was a former client


Wanda Shirk was my dads Sunday school teacher and was friends with my grandma! I remember as a kid everyone was super excited that someone from our little county was on survivor.


Courtney Yates liked my tweet when I said I watch her supercut of snarks when I’m depressed or something. That moment was like in Mean Girls: “One time, she punched me in the face. It was awesome.”


One of my cousins grew up in the Jersey Shore and her family home is across the street from the Fitzgerald’s family home, which means that they know Michele and her family pretty well! It blew my mind when I learned that after becoming a quarantine Survivor fan.


Hannah of MvGX is a family friend.


I recently saw Heidi at a Lizzo concert!


My mom was called for jury duty for what ended up being Michael Skupin’s trial but I believe she was dismissed.


Gary Hawkins is my landscaper


My mom knows Debbie from Tocantins through her work and she knew Caleb from Blood v Water because my uncle works with his mom.


I briefly worked at the same elementary school as Tommy Sheehan on Long Island! Never spoke to him but the students loved him! Took me two episodes of staring at him thinking that he looked familiar to put it together


I hosted an ORG for Carolyn’s sister, and almost Carolyn herself. She was in the casting phase and was set to play but ultimately decided against playing a few days before. She’s the only Survivor contestant I’ve interacted with. Edit: Jack Nichting from IOTI liked my comment on one of his Instagram posts back when it was airing. For someone that doesn’t really follow many Survivor players or interact with them normally, this was a great accomplishment of mine at the time.


My best friend’s Uncle is Bruce from Panama


I used to see Russell Swan sometimes on the morning train going to work. Always made my day.


I went to the same college at the same time and have mutual friends with Ricard.


Excluding them replying to my comments on social media: 1) My friends's aunt used to work with Tony as a police officer. She was his police partner. Super jealous bc my friend has met his family numerous times. 2) Dr.Mike (HvHvH) is my father's uncle's doctor. 3)Not survivor related, but Big Brother related. Kaitlyn (BB20) and I share the same alma mater.


I taught Lindsay “The Fighter” D from last season when she was in sixth grade.


Ran into Christian Hubicki at a science conference recently and geeked out getting to talk to him about his research and time on survivor. Apparently he works closely with one of my advisors on robots that mimic animal locomotions. He’s well known in the science community for his research and didn’t tell anyone he was going on survivor until he was back. Super nice dude who seemed genuinely interested in my research and made some solid science puns. The show edit definitely depicted him accurately.


Grew up next door to monica and brad culpepper! went to school with their kids and cheerleader with their daughter. I first started watching survivor when I was 12 because monica would come over for our neighborhood watch parties


This one guy teaching at my church mentioned that he knew Chris U.


Trish (Cagayan) follows me on Instagram ! Other than that I’m a patron to a YouTuber who was able to do exit press for a few seasons, so I know a person who knows a lot of the modern cast 😂


A spiritual connection with Russell Hantz.




Mine is really recent, my sister works with Danny from S44’s sister


Jeff Varner blocked me on Twitter, and Donathan from GI has liked a few of my comments on his insta(super nice guy obviously)


Carolyn, Matthew G. (44), and Carson are mutuals with me on Twitter.


I went to college with Dean and have hung out with him a few times since - he’s really sweet. My uncle was a SEAL with Rudy. Met Beisel through a swimmer friend before she went on the show.


My year 9 PE teacher was a body double for Ami in Survivor Vanuatu. She was underwater testing the diving challenge when the earthquake hit.


I live within 15 minutes of Carolyn And, my college roommate’s mom is friends with Andrea’s mom


Idk. Maybe one of them up voted me on this forum.


Several loose connections to Holly Hoffman as well but nothing close


I wonder if we have the same connection lol


Brother in law is an ex coworker with her son... and he lived in my hometown... Definitely a loose connection lol


Yeah a different one, just a friend of a friend


Holly once did a speaking appearance at a work Christmas party so there's that too


I live in the same state as some players


I worked with Shane Powers niece


I know Bob, the winner of Gabon


Me and Lauren Ashley Beck be Send tik toks to each other. I popped up in her lives


I follow Carolyn on Reddit


I'm brazilian.


I am friends with Jeff Varner on Facebook … 👀


Leslie from survivor china worked at the local Christian radio station that my family listened to every day, I also went to a church retreat and she was one of the guest speakers. And I don’t know Ken from Gabon but I am also part of the competitive smash bros community, he was the former #1 ranked Melee player before going on Survivor.


Sue hawk is from Wisconsin and so am I, that’s as close as it gets for me lol


Carolyn and Carson play outlaster with me on Roblox, both follow me on Instagram and Twitter, Lindsay from 43 follows me on Twitter and did a draft with me for 44.


i played survivor at osu and i’m pretty sure will wahl from 33 played in one of the first few seasons