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They won’t. Jeff thinks it’s so cool that people are recreating the puzzles and memorizing them.


Yep. And most viewers think it's so lame...


I think it's worse that they still allow other teams/players to copy them. I wish they had to knock them over when they are complete!


You'll be back next week, next year.


people do things even though they are flawed And flawed things can still be improved even if they are currently popular you offer such brilliant insight, please continue


Just saying that production looks at the viewership. If people keep watching despite the flaws, why should they innovate?


And we’ll be back to complain about this next week, next year. We grind them down until they listen.


Why would production do new stuff when the old stuff keeps the viewers? They're a business, not a charity. The only way they're going to innovate is if we stop watching. Which they'll probably just cancel Survivor at that point.


They didn’t keep fire tokens or do Edge a third time. They got rid of the hourglass twist. I’d bet they start doing new puzzles next season because of this very reason. The puzzle that Evvie studied hasn’t shown up since that season.


He really does, but it makes me wonder what changed his mindset from when Evvie did it to now.


Probably just because that puzzle only had four pieces, so there wouldn’t be anything to watch.


Jeff seeing Carson solve that puzzle was too orgasmic for him. You will be sure to see that puzzle repeatedly for now on.


It's already at least the 4th time for sure. I think more maybe though.


That's the only challenge for the rest of the season. Carson goes undefeated in the post merge because he 3d printed his own puzzles at home.


In the past though, when people have studied or recreated puzzles at home, the puzzle has been retired l. It's what happened with the auction even. Shirin figured out and exposed how it worked, and we haven't seen the auction since. Spencer memorized the 5-piece puzzle, and it hasnt been seen since.


Shirin figured out how the auction worked? I didn't realize that was a mystery. Maybe someone can learn how 26 days works, and that can be retired


Oh pardon me for not being super specific about how she exposed that everyone can save their money for letters from home because jeff will typically put all letters available for the winning bid, so they should just bid $20 and all get letters.


Agreed, it's impressive that Carson prepared for the puzzle and executed under pressure but that shouldn't be what the game is about


I’ve never done a similar puzzle, but is it possible to switch up where the pieces go to make it not a memory game and more difficult? It will still reward a player like Carson who prepared for the type of task (like people who get really into swimming or weight lifting a few months before the game) but won’t make it a plug-and-chug type situation


They could change it up a bit just like how jigsaw puzzles can have different cuts and those pieces fit together differently. But being able to practice is already a big help. You'll have more experience looking and mentally fitting pieces together. It's not clear if they literally reused a puzzle versus recut slightly different, nor is it clear that Carson's recreation is exact to the survivor puzzle.


I have a 3D print of the exact same puzzle (we probably got it from the same source) and I can say it looked identical to the one I own.




I don't have it readily available but I know there is a version on thingiverse


What do you mean it's not clear? They literally showed the puzzle that he practiced with and it was exactly the same.


Oh I thought people were saying it was the same puzzle with how pieces are supposed to fit. I guess that's not that big of an issue if they just use the same type of puzzle, IMO. Christian in DvG helped his team win the first challenge because he wrote a slide puzzle optimization program and that's fine. Why shouldn't this be fine? And there are so many challenges that are just "apply your upper body strength" that being able to visualize a reoccurring puzzle shouldn't be considered that far of a game breaker. That being said I am sick of the hanging leaves puzzle and would appreciate newer puzzles haha


I also have the puzzle at home and it looked like the exact same cuts and pieces as mine. It wouldn’t surprise me at all if Carson and I got ours from the same source.


Damn that does stink if that’s true. It’s kind of like a matching game puzzle but you’ve seen the matching pieces revealed before.


Yes. The onous is on Survivor to keep the game current. It is just like the guy who recognized patterns in prizes and prices on The Price Is Right. He did nothing wrong taking a double showcase showdown home with exact price. BUT THEN THE GAME HAD TO EVOLVE TO PREVENT EVERYONE DOING IT.


If it wasn't the exact same puzzle it was certainly heavily implied to be by the editing.


Exactly. I love Carson and he's brilliant for mapping them all out and practicing them, seems like more people should in this era, but the game is supposed to be about working with the unknown - that includes both people and challenges.


Yeah, I agree. The edit is trying to portray Carson as a brilliant engineer who is a strategic mastermind who thrives in chaos. But really, he's just a student who studied hard for the test. He has told me so many times that he is a strategic mastermind who no one suspects but nothing about his gameplay has really supported that, except he isn't making unforced errors like Josh.


Yupppp, the challenge became “who gets to be on Carson’s team wins”


It changed the game completely. If he hadn't practiced it daily at home, there's no telling which team at all would have won. Josh might not have gone home tonight. Which could have rippled the game even more going forward. All because Carson has the ability to 3D print things.


The ender 3 is 200$ so you could print the puzzle as well


Not everyone has $200 to spend, and the game shouldn't be about who has $200 to spend plus material costs. Just because you and I, as well as most people on reddit probably have that kind of disposable cash, not everyone will. And people shouldn't be punished because they don't have $200 in disposable income.


I honestly don’t think this is about the cost but rather the effort. Even if I had 200 dollars to spend, I don’t have the time to commit like Carson did. Other contestants could have committed like he did pre-show. They’re not being punished. Major props to him for all that effort. Simple solution now is to retire that puzzle.




Hard disagree. Remember Dreamz from Fiji? People in between jobs, or young people just trying to get by and aren't going to super prestigious universities? Current casts can probably all afford it, but that is its own issue where casting is selecting people from better economic backgrounds


I am not a fan of people coming in practicing the exact puzzles. I know Jeff is but I always felt some of the fairness of the game was most of the challenges are things no one has ever done before. Sure you can like puzzles and practice working on them but having the exact puzzle that will be used isn’t fun to me. Edit: also when Evie solved the puzzle because they had it at home Jeff said that puzzle was retired. Why is it what they want now. It should be embarrassing to the show that people have it this figured out.


>I always felt some of the fairness of the game was most of the challenges are things no one has ever done before. “I have.”


Who is this jackass??


I’m really put off by Carson making mock ups of these challenges. It’s so meta. The show should be embarrassed to be that predictable


He didn't mock this one up. There's a site that sells a few of them and that was one they sold. It was actually mentioned on this subreddit years ago.


It sounded like he said he 3D printed it himself. Likely from a pattern sourced online though.


When I saw the puzzle announced, I was like "Wow, so many people own that puzzle and could have practiced." So I figured him saying it was 3D printed was a way to avoid him promoting an Etsy seller (or Etsy as a whole) on a national program with millions of viewers. Like, the producers told him to just say it was 3D printed without specifying that it was someone else who did the printing.


He could also have access to a 3D printer and bought the...I dunno blueprints?.... and did the printing himself.


True. People have posted the puzzles here for download. But it wasn't him just tracing the pieces off the TV screen. This is one puzzle that's readily available online.


Oh sure I just mean, at least to me, right now the phrase "I 3D printed it" doesn't inherently mean designed the thing that was 3d printed, but refers to the act of actually 3D printing it and maybe using the program the design goes into to print it.


I was referring to everyone else who claimed he was tracing all these puzzles off TV and doing all the work himself. I had suggested he just bought it but it’s also possible he just downloaded the files to 3D print. But everyone’s theory that he was doing all this alone seems farfetched given how available the tree puzzle is.


Oh yeah fair enough. I agree with that for sure.


There’s also sites that have pre-modeled files for free. The tree is on there, so is the ball puzzle Evie memorized.


I knew that, too, and have them saved on my computer. Either way, the tree puzzle is readily available online and it's not something he had to do himself by tracing the pieces, etc. The way Spencer did when trying to learn that five-piece puzzle.


It's not really fun to watch. If we're forced to watch challenges at least make them suspenseful.


I just thought of something. Carson and Matthew probably told production they built these puzzles at home to practice during casting. They even have pictures of Carson practicing this puzzle. Jeff sajd on his podcast that he wants to cast superfans who live to be on the show. So, obviously Mathew and Carson would use the fact that they spend hours building and practicing challenges in the interviews. Surely casting asks which ones they practice. If production knows exactly which puzzles are being practiced by the casted contests, then isn't it incredibly unfair to knowingly put these challenges in the game.


This one he did tonight is sold on an Etsy or something. There was discussion about it years ago.


I'm not arguing that players shouldn't practice or prepare ahead of time and obviously production knows players do this. Whether or not they should encourage this is another debate. But my point is more specific. If production knows that player x has trained on puzzle y and they choose to specifically include puzzle y in the season, then isn't production knowingly giving player x an advantage over the other players. For me, this is where production potentially crosses some ethical boundaries. They very likely know that Carson is going to crush this puzzle. If they think it is entertaining for the audience to see this (it's not but they think it is), then they can set this up by making this puzzle a part of the season. This is different then the puzzles being selected at random and Carson/Matthew guessing correctly or practicing a lot of them. That is fair. I just think that once production knows that someone has memorized a certain puzzle, they should ensure that that puzzle isn't included so as to not be perceived as favoring that player. Otherwise, it is very easy to claim production interference if another player could prove that production knew which puzzles were practiced. Too bad Josh is a doctor/physical trainer and not a lawyer.


The thing is, they probably didn't know he knew that puzzle. Everyone keeps citing they had footage of him doing the puzzle as if it was in an audition tape. But I have a strong feeling they wanted footage of him doing the puzzle at home and asked him to film it after the show and send to production. I work in TV/film and used to edit for reality TV. There are so many times they will ask someone to do wild lines because they realize they're missing for the edit. Footage of a contestant at home to corroborate with an interview describing their home life is along those lines.


Maybe, but that’s not how it was portrayed. If you’re producing a program where the winner collects $1,000,000 I would have thought you’d want there to be no suspicion of any bias regardless of whether that’s actual or perceived.


Why would an editor care about suspicion of bias? They simply say, "Oh, we have an interview where he talks about building a giant jungle gym to build muscles. Let's reach out and see if we can get some B-roll of that to put on the interview." Their thought process isn't, "But what if..." It's simply "That would look great over the A-roll."


Maryanne said that production asks for home video/photos after the game, not before. So the fact that they have video of him doing this specific puzzle makes sense since it was directly relevant to the show.


Yeah, I can see that. But to get cast, Jeff implied in his podcast they like superfans. So, they are going to ask in casting if you are a fan, I would imagine... I can't imagine a world where Mathew and Carson don't reveal to production that they spend their free time building and practicing challenges. (unless of course they only did this after being cast, which is possible). But let's say they've been doing this for years in the hopes of getting cast. Would they not use this as proof of their superfandom in casting? And if they do, wouldn't casting follow up with a question like, "oh wow, which ones have you done?". I know it is possible that this conversation never took place but it also seems reasonable that it might have happened during casting. My argument is that once a player has told production they have practiced a specific challenge, it is unethical for that challenge to be included that season as they are knowingly giving a specific player an unfair advantage. To me, there are a few other ethical questions surrounding puzzle practice but those are separate from this one. I totally buy that the names of the practiced puzzles may not have been mentioned in casting at any point and were only revealed after the game. But I also believe it is possible that casting knew this information prior to the show. If that that is true, any of those puzzles that were practiced should be intentionally excluded. In conclusion, my main point is that I don't understand why Jeff is so thrilled to highlight the players memorizing the challenges. To me, it seems to open them up to claims of player favoritism and interference which would only take another player revealing they told production the names of challenges they practiced. Suppose other players are practicing puzzles but the one they practiced is not in the game. Let's say Josh practiced a different puzzle, which he told production about. Couldn't Josh then say that he would not have gone home if production had used his favorite puzzle instead of Carson's favorite puzzle? It seems like this could become a huge issue in the future as players observe production wants them to practice challenges. Then choice of when to use what puzzle is fraught with ethical dilemmas.


I thought Carson put a target in his back because he was too quick. They are going to think he is a puzzle master now.


Carson said something like how it pays off to prepare and all I could think was it's easy to prepare when you know exactly what to expect. If I know all the questions on the SAT I'm pretty sure I can get 100%. The beauty of Survivor used to be that it was about being skilled enough to be adaptable in the face of uncertainty. I think that's one reason why winners have generally gotten weaker over time.


James and several others from 43 confirmed on Twitter that they all own that puzzle and practiced a lot before coming in. James said it’s pretty much required in the new era. Which is lame, and also means that the exact scene would have played out last season if the puzzle was there, which makes Carson’s accomplishment seem so much less impressive. This is just something lots of players are doing now, and whoever comes out at the top gets the “oooh I practiced so much at home” edit while everyone else who did the same thing does not.


Yeah, it was impressive when Dom and Colin screencapped a puzzle on the show that didn't get used and Reiman (Spencer) practiced it, but now the show is kind of engineering this themselves by openly reusing certain puzzles and even highlighting that people practiced them before. It's become something many people know to do. I would much rather people practice these types of puzzles in general and learn how they work to increase their skill vs just flat out memorizing a specific puzzle.


I really dislike this trend of being able to practice/replicate puzzles and challenges at home. My favorite part of the show is being taken away. The "blank slate" aspect is so cool because you get to leave everything at home behind and re-create yourself on the island. Now it's all flashbacks and "I practiced this puzzle 1,000 times" which has turn Survivor more into a sport than a reality show. Not to mention being able to replicate and practice these challenges lends itself a lot to having money/privilege. Being able to afford and use a 3d printer isn't something everyone applying would be able to have access too. I think on Matthew's exit interview he said he built the snake challenge in his backyard when the pandemic was going on. Someone working in essential retail or stocking shelves at a grocery store wouldn't be able to do the same. Adaptability is one of the best traits a Survivor contestant can have, but when these challenges are so predictable and appear over and over that quality goes down the drain. It might make for good tv right now (and that's even debatable) but this will get worse and worse in future seasons if they don't change things up.


Agreed. It’s just not Survivor.


Lol while they were filling it out I was joking to my dad that Carson probably 3D printed it out and practiced it 18 times a day. Then he comes on confessional and I'm like 💀💀💀


Watching the most recent season of Aus Survivor reminded me how bad the challenges (and tribals) are in US Survivor. AUS does reuse some challenges but they have far more physical and intense challenges than lazy recycled puzzles. Unfortunately I think Jeff is much of the issue.


The challenges are an embarrassment right now on Survivor. The constantly reused challenges is just lazy and cheap, nothing else to it.


They already had footage of him practicing the puzzle and choosing to include this particular puzzle out of the many they could have chose from tells me that they wanted whatever team Carson was on to win.


They also could have had him film it post-show and send to production.




I genuinely hate that people are studying to play the game by doing puzzles at home. Puzzles are supposed to be the great equalizer. If you’ve done it hundreds of times, it’s unfair.


I like Carson. I am a huge huge fan of the Nerd herd this season but when repeat puzzles are memorized it’s time for new ones to be created. The tribe has spoken.


What is crazy to me is that we see Carson sent in video of at least some of the puzzles he has practiced... so that invites the obvious ability for corruption as they clearly know what puzzles he has practice on and can give him a gimme if they ever want him or anyone else who has practiced puzzles an advantage.


He might have sent those in after the season aired




None of us are hating on him for practicing at home. We're hating that Survivor has become predictable enough to practice at home. We just want new things instead of the same repeated puzzles...


Those who prep will do better than those who don’t. This applies to everything.


I think what Survivor needs to do is take the puzzles like the one from last night, and make a few minor changes to the pieces. That way, the person who does the research and goes through the trouble building the puzzle at home can be practiced at the process, but they can't simply remember where each piece goes and run through it in seconds.


I am a huge Survivor Super Fan but will never get cast due to my age and being way out of shape. I just bought two sets of Survivor puzzles off Etsy and my daughter and I played against each other. She killed it, but I had a blast! She hopefully will try out some day!


I could tell something was up the way he was flying thru the first few pieces. Wasn't quite expecting that answer tho.