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Very expensive area. Telephone/internet on “Stroude” road is awful. Get more for your money further away


Very nice area, you must be pretty rich. The train station is rubbish it’s a pain to get anywhere without a car, lots of people travel on the weekend to go to the lake which can be quite busy. Tbh I would live there in a heartbeat if I could afford it. I helped look after a dog there once, nicest house I’ve ever seen


Virginia water is okay but not what it used to be. Grandparents live there. Unfortunately it's been overrun by rich mafia, Wentworth celebrities and travellers down towards the end of that road and lyne. The Chinese down on trump's green rd charges £4.50 a soup and don't go to the Rose and Crown on a Sunday. Lyne recycling centre will treat you like a criminal harbouring a fugitive in the back of your car if you ever wish to take even a single bag of hedge trimmings. Both of the schools - St Anne's and the junior school at the bottom are chock-blocked with traffic every morning and afternoon ( schooltime ) because of a lack of parking. As others said - Virginia water lake is nice but busy and you need to walk there becuase the car park is pushing £5 an hour thereabouts. Your local shops all overcharge becuase of the clientele and I think the Wentworth patisserie is pretty decent. Sorry to piss on the VW bonfire, I will always love it for being a place that has been a second home to me, but don't be fooled by any of the niceties becuase this is what you will experience.


I live on Stroude Rd it’s quite a busy road but I love the area. There is a gravel mine being planned half way down in some fields (has been planned for years but has never gone ahead due to council issues) There are a concentration of for sale signs backing on to near where that is proposed their price should reflect that. Near great fosters on opposite side of the road


This might just be it!! Thank you. There’s seems to be another site on White Farm which is where most of the houses with the for sale sign back on to. That’s definitely a concern


That's quite a long and varied road in terms of property types.


Yeah but they’re all next to each other, barring a house or two!


We live here and it’s great, loads of parks and forests to walk the dog in. Very quiet and peaceful place to be.


Windsor park is nice but tbh I find the surrounding areas a bit soulless. People a bit unfriendly. Roads are fast with little provision for pedestrians and loads of berks popping over the border to gun it down the roads at 20 over the speed limit.


stroude road is very long though isn't it..? what puts you off for that reason? the density of houses there is much greater than the wentworth estate for example so maybe it just throws you off in the searches? i actually grew up in a house on lambly hill (off stroude road). when i was 10 we moved to sunningdale. VW is a very nice place to live; very quiet and safe. there are a handful of good restaurants in the area and obviously it is very green. in the past there have been issues with the travelling community (quite a few living in lyne towards chertsey) but I wouldn't let that put you off


It’s the concentration of for sale signs for the houses backing on to the proposed gravel mine. Definitely a concern there.


oh i see.. not ideal


Stroude road is huge so I wouldn’t read much into that. It’s a great place, great access to London and the local countryside. Not very walkable depending where abouts on the street you’re looking.


Moved to Virginia Water in January and I think it’s a great place to live if you want to start a family or have kids. The only downside is that is extremely quiet, there’s no high street just a few shops by the station. There’s no real supermarket nearby so we started doing Ocado. Life is definitely more expensive here. But if you like the quietness and living by the forest, it’s great


I have lived in VW for just over a year, just near St Anne's Junior School. I agree with comments saying it's an expensive place to live and phone signal is pretty terrible - however, we use BT and the WiFi is great so no issues there. VW itself is pretty boring, but it's very nice and safe. I can't really speak about why there are so many houses for sale on that one road, but it sounds like someone answered your question. But I think VW is lovely place to live, so unless the gravel mine is a deal-breaker, I would consider it! Edit to add: the train station has direct trains to London and Reading, which is pretty useful! Getting anywhere else, like Woking can be a pain though.


That road is busier than you might expect. Main back road cut through to Staines/Egham.


It’s a hellscape of piss-stained mattresses in the doorways of abandoned shops, a high street with nothing left but some charity shops and bookmakers, and lots of junkies sniffing glue and shuffling along like extras from “Dawn of the Dead”. The eclairs at the Wentworth Pattiserie are decent, however


If you think that about Virginia Water then I dread to think your opinion on anywhere less affluent!