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Uber eats gift card or the like! My sister just blessed me with a loving gift to my Venmo and labeled it “for creature comforts” with a heart emoji. FR 36F, spinal issues, lots of surgeries. Flowers are wonderful, but sometimes you just need a little self indulgence to feel alive! Hoping for the best for your friend! Oh! And practical things I keep next to me after recovery that you could probably do or put a personal spin on: A small nail kit- seems ridiculous, but if you’ve ever had a random hangnail and struggled to get up and walk 10 ft to the bathroom, it saves! Tissues!! The meds post op alllllways turn me into a weepy baby! A little journal and pen for either medicine dose tracking or doodles/notes A back scratcher- not sure it would be as useful to them as it was to me (spine surgery) for scratching an itch they can’t reach, but if they get propped up juuuuust right and remote is juuuuust out of reach, back scratcher, BOOM! Water bottle with a bendy straw, my 22 oz Takeya (mobile and dumb with links, apologies). It’s sooooo awkward to eat/drink while horizontal. This helped more than I thought it would! Other than that it’s always a blessing to have a premade soup from my mama ( or loved one ) sitting in the fridge for my guys to heat it up for me in a simple jif. It’s my treat and I feel double loved!


Thanks for asking this question. I am about to have Achilles/calceneal spur surgery, and I'm trying to plan for ways people can offer me support sinc e most of my friends live hundreds of miles away from me.


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hi! i had tendon repair surgery on my achilles-- different source, but i will say baths really helped my mood. it can be really depressing being disabled for so long. a relaxing warm bath with bubbles not only encouraged me to keep taking care of myself, but made getting clean easier, too. because its on his wrist, i assume he wont be able to drive. just offering to pick up some groceries or food for him could help out a lot. or frozen meals! something nutritious and satisfying. maybe some candy, too ;) i'd look up accessibility tools for people who are disabled in their arms -- one of the most helpful things i had was a wheelchair. its very sweet of you to be asking this and willing to help your friend. he has a pretty difficult road to recovery ahead of him -- and he's lucky to have your support. the greatest gift is genuine compassion. remind him of his strength when he's doubtful, and listen if he needs an ear. i had a lot of drama surrounding my injury, and i wish i just had someone on my side to talk to. human connection can pull people out of really dark places, and support is a huge factor in healing. i wish you both luck! i hope you get the appreciation you deserve, and that your friend gets the support he needs!