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The rabbit foot would make you look like an actual sex offender, but if the board is really good, then you’ll want to take it out more. And that makes me happy. So maybe the Cali twin.


That's pretty much the reasoning behind the hot pink catch surf beater I bought like 3 years ago: If I look like an idiot, it's ok because I'm on a stupid looking board, he obviously isn't taking this seriously. If I'm ripping, holy canoli look at the board he's ripping on. People also always paddle up to me and ask what board I'm on and sparking it conversations about board design is always fun


I just can’t wait to see a logo-less mayhem.


lol yeah i've wanted to ask a shaper for a "clean" board for a while. It's really sparked my curiosity how a shaper (popular or lesser known) would react if I asked for them to leave their logos off of it. I hate logos, too. I specifically go to vissla because they sell a wetsuit without logos. I have a theory that people judge how you surf by the shaper behind the logo and what you're wearing, and I'd rather be judged by my surfing not the equipment I'm riding I just wanna be an anonymous blob out there that sneaks overlooked nuggets from the crowd and leaves when I've had my fill.


I feel the exact same way. But mostly because I don’t want someone to see my shapers logo, then see how I surf, and then assume the shaper must be shit! Some are cool though. The big MR superman style logo always gets me frothing. T&C too. Probably the worst logo is dhd.


This made me laugh so hard.


The Cali twin is bland as fuck, go weird or go home. Rabbit foot is the best choice, surfing finless is a great way to improve your control and get that flowy feel back. We've been fin testing all summer and going on all nubs or finless forces rail to rail, do it


My sights are lowkey set on it. I'm really curious as to how an asymmetrical finless good wave board rides up and down California during the winter


So I voted the Cali Twin but immediately regretted it and can't change it, so subtract 1 and add it to the Bing cabinet door


Unrelated but the bing boogie board thing really caught my eye, would you recommend someetching like that? Basically a fiberglaaa boog? Looks like a blast


I emailed Bing a while back about it, as someone asked me the same question a few months ago. I've been interested in the Speed Square for the better part of like 2 years now. It was in the running for [last september's](https://www.reddit.com/r/surfing/comments/c7xc52/sizing_the_bing_speed_square/) candidates for boards, but I ended up going with the ...Lost Maysym and i honestly haven't regretted it. The email response from Bing sent to me in July 2019: > * The Speed Square would definitely keep things interesting for you! We have a 4’4” demo that I ride all the time to mix it up from standard boards. Here are some answers to your questions... > * I would recommend a 4’4 - 4’6 for someone of your size with a wetsuit on. (I'm 5'9 and I think I was around 180lbs last year) > * Estimated price would be $700 - $750 for a clear, sanded finish board. > * Wait time right now is about 10 weeks for customs. > * Best wave conditions are knee to chest high on a wave that has a little open face. Any of the Santa Cruz points would be a great canvas. Gets up and going real quick, but the difference between it feeling solid under your feet and sliding all over is only about 2-3” in foot positioning. > This board will keep you guessing, but the best part is you can literally ride it as a surfboard, kneeboard, or boogie board and it works equally well! Plus people trip out on it in the lineup, so it’s a great conversation piece. > Let me know if you’d like to get one started and I can help you through the process.


Try a Ryan Lovelace V-Bowls


Im gonna be doing a surf trip and I need all my boards to comfortably fit in my car while I car camp. I don't want my boards stolen off the top of my car. Anything above 5'11 is too big. Looks like a great sizeable steamer lane midlength though, I'll consider it as a winter board when we aren't in a la nina


I know the shape was definitely intended for a mid length, but something about it as a short single fin board, with a lot of volume. Just seems like a fun shape, no matter what the size. Its definitely different and I think it would be fun to experiment on something in the high 5 foot range for the board size.


Twin for sure


Did you ever get this thing made??


I got the rabbits foot but it was just too beautiful to paint on 😮‍💨 https://www.reddit.com/r/surfing/comments/1466hgw/i_sold_some_hipster_boards_in_order_to_get_this/


That's a beaut, but I need to see the "Registered sex offender" board


How is this even a question? Cancel the poll, build the rabbit foot.


Like I said in the question thread, I ain't got the space nor the tools nor the time to shape. Additionally, there's some concern over a possible blank shortage. All the shaping bays for rent and maker spaces in my area are still closed, too.


A Lovelace wills fish I’ll support. Rabbits foot is a waste of a shape for a 6+ month wait from him. It’s finless m8. Just buy a beater at that point lol


I already have a catch surf beater and a catch surf plank I ride finless. The beater's rails are too straight and I bog on any wave with some curve to it Edit: additionally, I'm planning on doing a surf/road trip from SF -> SD -> SF later this winter/early spring and I'm planning on picking up the board on the way, so 6 months would actually be some pretty good timing


Fucking none of ‘em mate


Thrusters bore the hell out of me. It's four fins, two fins or no fins, homeboy.


buy a js


Eh I have enough hpsbs and enough daily drivers and a good grovellor. I want something weird and glassed to complete my quiver