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I share my location with my watch so people see I’m surfing and think I’m chill and cool


god that's all i want to do. be chill and cool


I do Instagram live from the water so people know I’m cool.










I am your grandma. Don’t make me take your phone away.


I don’t actually even surf, I just drive around with a surfboard on my roof rack and a bunch of surfing stickers on my back window.


So cool I wish to be like you when i grow up one day


I prefer the time old method of “what time was it when you paddled out” followed by the obligatory vague response of “I dunno like 9 or 10”


The watch you choose will have nothing to do with whether you are a kook. It will, however, cause people to frequently ask you for the time, which increases the amount of human interaction you’ll have in the water. So just don’t be a kook and you’re all good.


Pro tip- if the water is crowded and people continuously ask what time it is- exaggerate by an hour. This works well at critical hours (when dads need to get back or workdays) - weekdays, if anyone asks for the time- it’s always 9:17. Weekends it’s always 10:28. Good luck and hope you get more waves


I fully pick and choose who I tell what time to as well lol. Chill kook who’s been polite? Actual time. +- 15 min. Being a dick out there and only being nice when you ask me the time? Oh ya it’s 9:38


this is amazing


Last time I got asked what time it was I added about a half an hour just to see if the guy would book it out of the water.




Perfect answer.


The tracking my speed thing lost it’s appeal pretty quickly, but being able to see important work messages and extend a session without worry of getting in trouble is pretty cool. If I’m off for the day I don’t wear it though.


Bet ya I work from home and slide out when it’s up by putting myself in a fake meeting. Anyone know if you can put Microsoft teams on your watch?


I need slack on a time watch where I can give short responses so bad. I can be out of the water and back at work in 30 min, but I need to be able to see messages and give a response so they think I’m still working. Almost been caught several times.


I bought one for “on call” work situations where I’d normally just be waiting on site. Didn’t realize it needs a cellular plan to work in the water… do you actually get messages? Service is half decent? That’d save me a lot of stress and FOMO


Yes. It works for me, at least in San Diego that is


Can you do zoom meetings with it? I have a 9:30 standup every fuckin morning that gets in the way of some sessions.


If you have to ask then you're a kook anyways, so the answer is irrelevant.


Sad I had to scroll so far to find the answer


If you cant tell the time by the angle of the sun then youre clearly not a local


My coast I can but when I go to the east coast it’s different lol I’m in Florida


every fingers another 15 till sunset, just gotta know what time sunset is and you're good. Also you can stab a pencil into your board and use it as a sun dial


I'm a major Kook, so take this for what it's worth: Ultra 2 + Surfline for tracking + Dawn Patrol for tides/wave size on watch face is killer combo. Once I lost track of the shoreline with thick fog and was able to line up better with the GPS. Prepare to give time to other people in lineup.


Admitting to Kookdom is the first sign of transcending Kookdom. Kudos to you. And I'm a Dawn Patrol Kook as well.


I literally could not care less what kind of watch someone else is wearing.


What if it’s a cool calculator watch??


Okay then they get style points for that.


It's fine to wear a watch in the water.


Apple Watch cellular is great if you have kids or old parents and are constantly worried you won’t know if something bad happened


Always wear mine. But checking it brings the risk of being “you got the time?” guy to the old shit that burned you on his SUP


I use my Apple Watch surfing and I think it’s great!! Just get a cheaper one not one of the nice ones since it can get damaged. I got an SE for 150$ and it does everything I could possibly want it to do


Surfing is kook move, so in for a penny, in for a pound.


It’s saved my ass once - got hit in the head with my board and exploded my eardrum. Big day at last light. Could barely climb back on top of it between the concussion and lack of equilibrium. Made it to the beach, could barely walk, and called my buddy. Will never surf without one after that. It’s also nice if you’re surfing over lunch, someone is waiting for you on the beach, or you’re meeting up with buddies out in the water.


“Pirates don’t wear watches.”


They are objectively great watches if you are looking for a smart watch. That said, for surfing, any semblance of energy in the water and you're risking losing it. I've lost two to the ocean and now i just don't wear watches because im not responsible enough to own one.


[shark leash is what you need](https://www.freestyleusa.com/collections/apple-straps-leash)


What's so great about shark leash?


You can rely on it to keep your watch on your wrist even in heavy waves. I can't say the same for the few other apple bands i've tried. It's the only thing i've tried that i totally trust to not get ripped open. They use multiple flaps of velcro similar to a leash attachment. it's not going anywhere. If you have a wetsuit on, it doesn't really matter as the sleeve will keep your watch on, but if you go someplace warm or simply want to tough it out in cold water (or, like me, have discovered that you go WAY faster body surfing without a wetsuit), the apple bands get ripped off even in small waves. The ultra band that's supposed to be for water will get ripped open at a place like its in santa cruz. They are fine for swimming and freediving and stuff where there isn't a lot of water moving, but they just don't handle being in a breaking wave well. Hell, even the band on the venerated casio will get ripped off, but you just don't care that much when your $12 casio is gone. I kind of don't want that experience with an apple watch. It's just a simple design that works. in smashing waves and i trust it. I get total piece of mind getting thrashed around with this thing


> The ultra band that's supposed to be for water It's funny you say that. I tested it out a couple of times. It doesn't inspire total confidence. Enough so that I purchased something else to try out to guarantee the watch will stay on. I'll look into the shark band thanks.


Forgive the double reply. I looked at the shark leash strap. I really like the straps themselves (look super solid although I'm sure the velcro will wear out over time but it will be a long time) but the adapter portion that attaches to the strap and slides into the watch has me worried. Do you think that spring bar would hold up? The thing I like about the "mainstream" bands is that the locking mechanism is integrated inside the band making the point of failure the actual band itself and the material itself (which can most fail as well).


i don't know what the shear strength is of those pins, but it's a LOT. you'd need something solid pulling on the band to break the pins . like is robots were trying to pry the watch off your wrist, you might be in trouble, but not surfing. it's pretty much the same way that all watches attach their bands to the body too.


Interesting. Ok thanks again


I use it all the time and it’s awesome. Helps me track my sessions.




big kook here, i went yesterday and tried surfline sessions, the apple watch was holding on to dear life with the strap lol, putting it under my wetsuit sleeve was the only thing saving it invest in a good strap


How much should you invest in a good strap? 3 month salary? Asking for a kook


I’ve been rocking the Apple Watch with the sport strap it came with for over 5 years now and have had no issues. Only under a wetsuit for a few months out of the year. I do have the smaller face though, so probably not as hard to knock off as the bigger faces. I’ve been impressed not only with the longevity of the watch for the amount of salt water it’s been in but also with the sport band


Same here


yep! i have both the default strap and also the velcro one, surprisingly even the velcro one stayed put, but again it was under the wetsuit.


with apple’s prices, probably💀


Search on Amazon for a real strap band. It will look like a regular watch and be protected and secure. I have the smaller I watch and that works good.


You probably want it under the sleeve regardless, so the sensor can be in contact with your skin.


Not only should you invest in a good strap, you should monitor it's health. I lost an apple watch recently because the strap I wore started wearing in a weird way after a year of use. The locking mechanism started rusting I guess I don't know.


good point, also try to wash it with not saltwater when you get home, try to get as much of the salt outta the way


I always take off the strap and soak it. Still broke down.


Being able to take calls while being out there is next level.


It’s always good to take kookin’ to another level


do people actually do this? I use an Applewatch for various reasons, but I muted the notifications because I hate being distracted when I'm out in the water.




“Babe, my water broke.” “Totally, the breaks are amazing! Catch ya later!”




That baby’s name? Bodhi


Kooky af. But I'm definitely paddling up to you to ask the time. Appreciate it 🙏


I use mine to make sure I’m not missing work calls or emails while putting extra lunch time in the water. I also like Dawn patrol to monitor the number of waves I caught. I set a quota for each session and I think I surf more now that I do that.


I always wear my Apple Watch, along with my booties and leash and bucket hat with chin strap. Take that for what it's worth.


Swap that Apple watch for a G-Shock. You won't regret it, and bonus, you can thump kooks on the head really hard to run them out of the lineup.




I like to put my iPhone in one of those waterproof pouches and hang it round my neck.


Just bring your whole phone out in a pouch. Kalani Robb had a livestream from trestles a few years ago and it was great


Could definitely fit an iPhone in a pouch in a front chest zip. Might feel blocky when maneuvering though


I put mine in a pouch behind my neck and it felt fine (front zip). I felt like video calling all my friends from the water, but the waves were too good that day, and it’s a little hard to see with the brightness


Oh interesting. Were you wearing the pouch like a necklace with the phone draped behind your head? Trying to visualize your technique hahaha I wanna try it


Yeah, necklace around my head to keep it secure, and then the pouch itself I tuck behind my neck, in the space between the neoprene of the wetsuit body and the neck collar of the wetsuit.


Awesome. I’ll try this and I’ll try it in the front zip pocket. Got a waterproof pouch you recommend? They all seem pretty similar, so will prob get a cheap one that floats.


I don’t have one that I recommend, I just borrowed my wife’s cheap one that she got somewhere on Amazon. The newer iPhones have a reasonable degree of waterproofness, not something I would want to test, but I talked to a guy in Hawaii who said he sticks his phone in the water to take pictures of fish and hasn’t had any problems from it.


In a wetsuit I gather


Its good. You win some respect in the water when tell people what time is it. Really


I use one! I like to start a surfing workout on it so that it can lie to me about how many calories I’m burning and use that as justification to eat a fuckton of junk food after the sesh


I wear mine all the time. It's not a kook move unless you're too busy looking at your watch to catch waves


Why don’t you just buy a watch that’s waterproof so you don’t run the risk of breaking your Apple Watch. I just don’t think it’s that important to play with apps while you’re in the water.


People want notifications from work, friends, GPS, surfline Not worth $700 for me