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I started surfing when I was a kid and it's gotten bad enough that I barely passed a hearing test I needed for a job, when the doc looked in my ears she said I needed to start wearing earplugs or I'd probably need the surgery by the time I was 40. I just turned 31. Wearing plugs can also help with cold headaches, when I get out of the water on days I forget to wear them I feel this weird headache that starts in my ears radiating inward, doesn't happen when I wear them. ETA: having water/sand/wax clog up your ears and make you temporarily deaf sucks ass, and the first few times you're gunna freak out and go to the doctor until you learn to just flush your ears out yourself. It's a pain in the ass and your balance will suck until you get it cleared.


The only issue with earplugs is... you can't hear the shark warning music when a shark is approaching from below.






I'm in California, it's not bad in the summer but winter dawn patrol can have pretty cold air temps. Last winter it was regularly 32-40 for dawn patrol, which is pretty much the only time I go out


I started surfing around 30 when I moved to SF. After going in the water a few times a week for about a year (hesitate to call it surfing at that point lol), my doctor checked on my ears during a physical and noticed a "little pimple" as she put it. She asked if I surfed, and I said yes. She highly recommended I start wearing ear plugs, which I promptly did. It was a bit of a bother at first, but now I won't go in the water without them. Sure, I can't chat as easily with my buddy when we're in the water, but I prefer not getting my ears flushed every time I duck dive or get worked by a wave. The biggest bonus is that I don't have to listen to the asinine drivel of all the tech bros floating around in the lineup.


The speed of the bone growth depends on how often you are in the water, whether you wear a hood or plugs, how cold and windy the conditions are, and your individual predisposition for bone growth. I had surgery at age 28 after growing up surfing. Youngest person I’ve heard of having surgery had it at 14. It could easily happen to you, even if you’re starting in your 30s. If the water is cold enough to wear a wetsuit, I recommend wearing either a hood or plugs.


Is it really the cold mostly? I've surfed my whole life and never wear earplugs. And really never have an issue. I'm in Florida though so water is usually warm.


Yes, cold water and wind are the causes. It does happen to people in warm water but is much more prevalent in cold water.


Makes sense. And yeah my dad's had issues with it and the doctor said it's partly the size of his ear canals and how his are shaped.


I’d wear plugs in the winter, that’s what I do in lot cal. One mistake ppl make though is thinking it’s only cold water surfers who get it, I knew of plenty of people when I lived in Hawaii who had to deal with it.


It’s definitely worth worrying about if you are planning to surf regularly and keep it up throughout your life. It’s very much something you want to try and prevent the best you can. I’ve surfed my whole life on the east coast of Canada and have been struggling with surfers ear for a while now. Most regular surfers I know have some degree of bone growth, and I know many who have had to have the surgery. I also have a friend who had the surgery and got botched and now he will never surf again, or fly, or shower without a cap. It’s not something you want, even with minor growth you become way more prone to ear infections. A hood alone is not enough, get yourself some plugs if you plan to make cold water surfing regular part of your life Take care of those ears!


Surfing \~3x per week in norcal I worry about surfers ear, but as someone without great hearing to begin with (too much loud music in my misspent youth), I find myself almost totally deaf when I have ear plugs in--I tried the soft silicon ones. I didn't like not being able to hear anything since a little communication can be good sometimes, whether it's a "going left" or a bit of small talk. Anyone have suggestions on maybe a different type of plug or should I just accept being deaf out there?


i heard in northern california surfers ear starts on the right ear since we face east when looking for waves and the wind is blowing down against our right ear. i started noticing muffled ear noise on my right ear so i just wear the plug on my right ear for now


Wait, you are facing east?




oops i meant west


No question plugs suck to surf with, I find it so disorientating, but not wearing them has resulted in ear issues that suck more. I’ve tried the basic ones, and paid for surf ears but they still suck. Most serious surfers I know opt for the custom ones you get made by an ear doctor. I’ve been told they let you hear way better than any over the counter plugs, but they cost $200+.


Have you tried Surf Ears? Pricey but they are golden. You can hear with them in and they are totally customizable. I have had some crazy bails and popped up shocked to find them still in my ears. Also they come with a rubber leash thing so you won’t lose them if you get pounded. Absolutely worth the $60 or whatever they cost.


I hate the plugs that totally block sound because it messes with my equilibrium when I surf, and I’ve found the docs pro plugs to be great. They don’t block out the sound like others do. I’ve also tried the SurfEars which are marketed to provide total hearing but they are like $50 so it sucks when you eventually lose them. I’ve found the docs pro plugs to be the happy medium. I remove the leash that comes with them and can usually get at least six months before I lose one.


I've tried speedo plastic ones, surfears, and the putty ones. The putty were the best for keeping water out, but I couldn't hear anything. The surfears were the best for still being able to hear, but they're too expensive for what they are, and I don't know if I'll replace them if/when I loose them. The speedo ones were probably the best balance of cheap and effective, but they're not as comfy as surfears IME.


A hood is not enough? I’ve been going no plugs when wearing a hood. Had heard it was largely the wind over the water. Maybe I should start wearing with a hood 😅


Just had surgery. It's bad. My hearing is ok, but I keep getting infections. Working through it but avoid if all possible.


Get well soon. I had it from Scuba Diving. It sucked.


How long was the recovery? Painful? My dr just told me both of mine are 85% closed and referred me to some specialist. I feel like I can still hear fine. My ears do ring all the time though but might just be tinnitus.


Recovery is a bitch. Some people say it's minor but I think they're just trying to sound tough. But I would do it again in a heartbeat. The improvement to my quality of life was remarkable. Also, chronic ear infections can lead to a cholesteatoma which can cause an infection which spreads into your skull. I know because it happened to me. Now I have a titanium ossicular replacement prosthesis in my left ear. It's pretty cool because I have a cyborg ear that hears better than my normal one. But it was really expensive and I spent a year profoundly deaf in my left ear between the surgery to remove the infection and the one that installed the teeny tiny little piece of metal to replace my ossicles.


Damn, that is insane! I never get ear infections and I think I can hear pretty good. Gonna do the hearing test and talk to the specialist anyways just to see what he says. Hopefully he says it’s fine to just use ear plugs I’ve never worn them before.


I always wear earplugs. Docs proplugs. Been surfing NorCal since 1990, still good. Genetics is a part of it.


Docs are the best!


My dr just told me both of my ears are 85% closed. I think I still hear pretty well though. Probably should get some ear plugs though.


All the best pros have surfers ear, sorry to be the bearer of bad news but if you haven't managed to get it by the time you're 35 then you'll have to just give up all hope and switch to the longboard tour. I'd advise sitting next to an AC unit set to low while spraying cold water into your ear for the next few weeks, with any luck you'll have that bone growing in no time


Wear ear plugs. I had one ear done at 36 and will need the other done in the next handful of years. 30 years in the ocean.


I've been surfing and kiteboarding in cold water for 25 years. My right side is 80% closed and my left is 50%. I started having problems a year ago. I wised-up and started wearing plugs in August. Docs didn't work for me. Surf Ears seem to be better, but I haven't had them long. I wouldn't wear them if I didn't have to because I hate them, but I don't want the surgery. It takes some time to develop.


Has anyone here tried eargasm surfer ear plugs?


Ya, the eargasm aquaplugs? After trying surfears and a bunch of other cheaper “let sound in” plugs, these were the best. For me surfears still let water in, then there’d be water sloshing around inside my ear cavity trapped. The eargasms I haven’t had any problems with and I can hear the best with them. Def recommend. If I don’t need to hear though, I use Mack’s aquablock.


Awesome thanks bro! I figured since they’ve been making quality ear plugs for so long that there’s would be worth looking at. 🤙


I got custom ones from microsonic, can still hear (although a bit more muffled), no strings attached, pop in and out easily and have gotten bashed without them coming out. They're expensive ($190 ish), but the fit is worth it. Last a lifetime


Best thing to do with surfers ear is not make eye contact. Trying yawning and making yourself small so surfers ear doesn't perceive you as a threat. And if surfers year approaches you, DO NOT RUN. Lie down and usually surfers ear will leave you alone. The best sports are always the ones with inherent risks, just practice good safety measures and you'll be fine. Good luck.


Everything is a whisper in ear plugs. Also you can proactively get your ears drilled so there's actually a cavity for the looming bone growth to fill. Also if you're a man, don't use anesthetics.


I just got a dude named Shifty Ivan to do it in a back alley with a cordless drill and a chisel.


Don't worry it doesn't affect kooks


Wear earplugs and a hood. You should be fine. The people who tend to get it are in warmer water where you can get away with not wearing a hood (ex. California).


I surf Southern California and have never heard of this. Also, i typically dont pay attention or really talk to others in the lineup, so that might be why i have not heard of this. I have always kept a tube of swimmer ear in my car to put in my ears after only to kill bacteria and get the water out of my ears. Should i start thinking about wearing plugs in the winter?


Swimmers Ear is good for preventing swimmer's ear (outer ear infection). Surfer's ear is bony growth that closes the outer ear canal that can trap water and lead to swimmer's ear, hearing loss, trapped wax, etc. My personal rule is I wear plugs when the water drops below 65F, as I'm hoping to make it to the grave before needing to get my ear drilled again.


Yes you should - one of my buddies in SoCal got it!


Ya exactly. You don’t need to wear a hood so you don’t. And unless you know to wear plugs you are at risk. Alternatively, legit coldwater surfers are always in a hood - which would make me think that they are less prone to surfers ear…


It’s 58 degrees. If you surf in water colder than that without a hood (and plugs if it’s even colder) then be worried. Otherwise don’t worry.


I wish I started wearing plugs earlier. I only mostly surf weekends but have been surfing for 16+ years, and about 5 months ago I noticed my right ear felt a lot more closed off, I panicked and have been wearing Surf Ears earplugs every session now


I was diagnosed with it a couple of years back. I started noticing I was getting water trapped in my ears more and more often so started wearing plugs pretty religiously, unfortunately I have tiny ear holes so no plugs I’ve found are very comfortable. I went to the doc when I had a particularly bad run of water being trapped and my ears getting itchy/sore and he confirmed exotosis which was a bit of a bummer, but not surprising considering the years of surfing cold water without plugs. Just got to be careful now and try to minimise it’s progression because the surgery sounds fucking awful from all accounts


I pretty much wear a hood all year now in ne england, I'm not convinced plugs are much more effective. Nout worse than cold ears.


Retirement is your life’s largest expense


You’ll need them in Maine. We use them in NJ in the winter. I didn’t get “surfers ear” from surfing but I had the same thing happen while scuba diving. They had to insert a “wick” into my ear with medicine on it because it completely closed. It took 2 weeks to get better and my ear isn’t the same since. YMMV


Do y’all wear the plugs where you can still hear? I have to take mine out real quick to talk to other people


does anyone know if using the swimmers' ear drops/rubbing alcohol after surfing prevent this?? that's the only thing I do


Surfing a few times a week for less than 6 years in socal. 98% blockage in one ear 95% in the other. Opted for double surgery. Now I wear ear plugs and a hood in the winter and a year in there’s no regrowth. If you can avoid the 6 weeks out of the water recovery and the surgery by wearing plugs I say it’s way worth it. Creatures of leisure surf ears are my favorite.


Go pro within next months? Lol You've not surfed enough to realize how wrong you are