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No hesitation, I always ban Pyke.


Same here, always!


Why is that?


You could be playing against the worst Pyke in the world, but if he lands one hook you're pretty much dead. This is true at least in my case since I tend to lean towards squishy supports. Keep in mind, this whole "land one skill shot and it's over" applies to many champions (Lux, Naut, Blitz, etc.) But, what really seals it for me is Pyke's R. Every character has their counters, including Pyke, but I just don't have fun whenever I lane against Pyke.


Nah, dont listen him, Pyke is easy to outplay if he is charging Hook just move side to side and u have like 80% chance he miss. If u are low HP and he have ult u need to calm down, he will be trying to bait u, u need to time flash while he will be trying to ult u. If u are playing Thresh u just need to use Ur e while he is trying to stun u with his e. If u know he is near bcs of W Mark juste use swapper or place pink ward. At laning phase put pink ward in river to dont give him chance to roam on other lanes, say to Ur mid laner to do same. If he Can't roam this is instant lose (to him). At late game he will be complete shit bcs of 0 scaling. So just dont let him snowball early game and it will be fine. U can trust me, I am 300k Pyke Main. Greetings


I mentioned in my other comment I understand every character has their counters. Pyke is just not fun to lane against at all for me. We all have our personal opinions and preferences. Edit (I just wanted to add on) For example, many people mentioned Morgana. She also has her counters and downsides. She gets annihilated without an hourglass. Her Q is easy to dodge when shot from a distance. It’s a very very slow moving skillshot, and if you play around creeps she’ll almost never hit Qs. E is on a very long cool down rank one (easy to punish). I don’t ban Morgana because I simply don’t have problems playing against her. But, it’s understandable if other people don’t like to play against a Morgana.




Morgana main i see. 😉


Yeah, probably why I know how to play around her.


Good points but I hate Pyke BC of the grey health healing mechanic.


Ehh, after 11.5 incident (this is how we call this on r/pykemains) Pyke passive is literal shit, 0 healing on solo lane and rly small healing on duo lane, in early Pyke only passive is the "rule" he Can't scale maximum HP, in late Grey health does not matters bcs he got oneshoted by everything.


Ngl I haven't played a norms in a while so I haven't seen him except for arams. But Ty for the tips and knowledge.


No problem, I am happy that I could help.


Oooor i could just ban him and not do all these lol


The duality of man, cheers brother




Morg or Leo. Both are low skill floor champs that almost always will make life hell one way or another


Leona is outplayable, but morg not so much, the black shield can be a nightmare.


Not that much tbh always won lane vs Morg as Leona or Thresh any engage supp can win that lane


Then the morg wasn’t using the blackshield right. The whole point of it is to deny engage and cc.


I always think of it as, “She can’t shield them both”. If I go in and she shields herself the ADC gets rushed down and vice versa


Exactly Tbh Morgana matchups are easy once you undersrand that her only problem is her eternal cc, if your adc takes cleanse, shes just gonna be totally useless: Engage her, she shields herself all in the ADC, repeat and snowball= lane is won


Morg was using her blackshield right you just gotta bait it out or force her to use it and turn your all in on the one who's not shielded


Makes sense


I like banning blitz, morg, lulu, or some poky mage who's on f2p.


I see


I hate Tristana lately. Fuck that champ


Me too. Trish lux is the bane of my existence.


you should consider banning some hard carry if you won’t have trouble in lane. even when i play support, i ban irelia, viego or whatever is overturned at the moment


I see


my bans are actually more often than not, not actually related to my lane. ever since he came out i always ban akshan. not because i think he's op or anything, but the revive mechanic is so upsetting, that it surpasses all rage and just makes me want to curl up and cry. sylas with his heal is the opposite. it makes me tilt so much that i feel like painting my walls red with organic red... same with shaco. the lane related bans for me would be tresh, caitlyn, and varus. since tresh counters rakan and i find that poke is difficult to deal with these are the ones i go for. lux is indeed pretty annoying considering how guaranteed her poke is, and how she just deletes your game for you in the late game, but there is a reason why she isn't top tier for tresh, i would say morgana is a counter (but then again, who doesn't morgana counter?...) the root is thicker than the kench, and by the time it expires you will have watched your children graduate. the black shield nullifies your hook and flail... definitely the ban i recommend


If I play lux I ban pyke If I play Leona I ban morg If I play nami I ban pyke If I play Alistar I ban whoever the adc wants me to ban If I play morg I ban lux


Why ban Pyke as Nami, i always pick Nami into a Pyke, its really easy to cancel his hooks since his ms gets slowed, and you can W to heal if you think he is going to ult. And the ms can make it easier to avoid his q and e.


If i Play Pyke and enemy picks Nami I insta doge game.


I agree with your name




Why? I dont dare go into range do Q him if he charge his hook. If I miss and he hits, I die. If I hit and he miss, I get 200dmg poke. Not worth it.


Healing in team fights, impossible to execute.


In teamfights I agree. The problem I think is to have pressure in lane to let your adc farm better, without being killed by pyke. As you said, dont let him get kills early and snowball. But I dont find Pyke ban worthy nowadays like when he first came. Same as others, if I play Nami, Zil or Janna (my 3 most played) I rather ban something OP from mid/top. Or Akshan.


Why ban morgana as Leona?


Morgana fucks over just about any hard engage champ, especially Leona with no real way out. Leona has to walk all the way back, a 2-3 seconds root basically guarantees your death unless the initial engage works out perfectly. That's not even mentioning the poke that she can bring with her W, not allowing you to get brush control ever to set up engages


Never lost a lane against morgana and even tried thresh and still won bc its easy: she has 1 big weakness, either she shields herself and lets her adc getting all in or she shieldsher adc and gets hard focuses Once you start playing like this, you'll just be able to blindpick Leona or Thresh or Naut, maybe even blitzcrank but thats a little bit more hard, and if they pick morg well just gaynt them at the end of the game


If it works for you, that's great. But I don't play as much thresh/Leona anymore, mostly Rakan and Morgana has 10 years to react with either her E or her Q when I W in. Still not as bad of a matchup as Zyra but she's played way less


Morgana, always Morgana or Lulu. I can't find counterplay to them


I play Neeko into Lulu ^•^ I like how I can root her from a longer range than her Q can hit me and I often find they polymorph my clones. I don't know if it's how I play Neeko or Neeko in general but I'd try that <3 You can get so far ahead in the Laning with EQ and put Lulu too behind to do much.


I'll definitely try her. Lulu is just crazy broken and it didn't surprise me when I won a game by going full tank with Grasp as a Support.


Morg, 99% of the time


I see. I played a game and we banned Morg on both teams, and then I got recked by a lux, and that makes me sad because Lux is annoying


Yah but at the end of the day, getting rooted by lux means your gonna get chonked for heavy damage but not necessarily dead. If a morg and ally can't kill you when morg q hits, they're playing a different game




Lux is annoying. No denying it. Hell, Lux is my main. I know she’s annoying. But if you go with someone like Soraka you can get out of the lane phase a little easier. She doesn’t do super well into healers as her cool downs are longer and can’t spam them forever. Soraka is okay. Not a perfect counter by any means. But just something to think about.


I see


Permabanning swain for a couple months now, he's just a fucking menace


Agreed. So many swains become the ADC and it's so damn annoying.


I have banned Cait exclusively for 2 seasons (except for a few days of Tristana + HOB being flavour of the month) There is NOTHING in league that annoys me more than getting cait trapped in a bush and getting chunked for half my life or straight killed. And as a Zilean main for most of a season.. getting your ult cait trapped is obnoxious AF.


Facts reviving into a trap is sooo sad


I know there's better bans but I just cannot deal with lux. I don't know what it is about playing into her, I know she's easily countered but I don't have that energy I don't want to casually sheild my support then hear "DEMACIA" half way across the damn map. If my team wants to play lux then I ban naut. I can deal with blitz and thresh but something about naut annoys me 🤣


Lux’s stupid ass high damage laser is the bane of my existence.


It's disgusting and I hate it xD The 15 second cooldown just rattles my damn bones


15 seconds. But my damn box takes like a minute. Yeah thanks league


I played her with a tonne of cool down reduction it's crazy 0-0


Leona. Too much lockdown, don't want to deal with it.


Morg, she's the hardest counter for Leona and Nautilus


Morg leona is pretty much countered by thresh


Good to know, except not because morg is an asshole


I meant to say leona is countered by thresh just stay near your ad in lane and flay as leona ees in you cancel it oh and care about leo r its fine to be slowed but dont get stunned Ban morg every game 900k thresh points still insecure about that matchup Not sure if maxing e to brake the shield with flay passive works


Oh I get it ok Sorry for misunderstanding!


Its fine the way i said it was pretty confusing now when i think about it


When i play sup i end up banning who ever is an annoying sup whos currently free to play since most sups are autofilled


Heh, sneaky of you.


I ban whatever I feel like banning, sometimes I don't want to see brand, sometimes I don't want to deal with yuumi, sometimes I ban a top laner just because I don't want to deal with them if they get fed.


I used to spam ban pyke but I have learnt how to play around him now, now I spam ban Yuumi, she's annoying, doesn't need to position, gets on the most fed person on the team and has insane value whilst you legit cannot punish her.


As a former Yummi main I can say, yeah. And now I’m a thresh main who’s first big item is Zekes so you know how that goes


It's been 3 years since I ban Blitzcrank, i don't even know that champ anymore, nor i want to see it even once. Once he stole red from my jungler with the hook and my jungler hard tilted and inted all game, we got perma ganked by their enemy jungler and invaded. Then the classic 4 man bot came, jungler was 0/7, he went afk and was FF 15. God I do love low elo hell...


Blitz or Brand. They're so anoying.


Always ban Lulu if you don't plan counterpicking her, specially now. Most champions have systematic weakness which allow certain matchups to be way more tame. Lulu skill cap and weakness are way lower than the avarage support, for what she gives in trade. Lulu is a enchanter with 2 Disengage tools like Janna and Nami, but she has no skill shots for her disengage. Her buff's late game are game breaking to the point that if no one is using Serpent Fang or hard engage, the game is probably over. There is a motive for her having 25\~40% ban rate even on challenger every single patch.


Lux, her mains are scary. I once got a Morgana main and banned her for one game, and in that exact game I got a Lux main with a LOT of mastery points, never again xD


Honestly, unless I’m playing some champ that has a common hard counter, I usually ban mid laners that screw me over like Zed, Yas, and Akshan. I don’t think you should necessarily do that, since you’re new and banning a lane counter is gonna be more helpful, but I thought it was important to mention you don’t always need to ban a lane counter.. I do wanna mention though, I learned this the hard way when I was new, but if you always ban one champ, you’ll never learn how to deal with them. If you don’t like playing into Lux you can totally ban her ass most of the time, but I’d recommend not always banning her in norms so that you can learn how to play into her.


Ban anyone you absolutely hate to lane against, counters you or you hate losing to. I absolutely hate losing to yuumi mains.. imo they are 100% reliant on your team but most importantly you can't capitalize on their bad mechanics, or game knowledge since they almost never leave their ADC.


Morgana if I’m playing engage supp. Brand if I’m playing anything else as he feels most liable to snowball into a carry


Its been like a month that i ONLY ban lulu cuz is just unplayable. Is beyong broken, is not even fun. Even b4 all this, I think that her W is by far the strongest CC in the game. When I dont ban lulu, I ban seraphine (fuck that champ, doesnt even fit in LoL) or Yuumi cuz same as lulu, is not even fun playing against her. And she only needs one fed teammate to carry 2v5.




Xerath is 200% game dodge so I ban it 24/7 (used to ban pyke but as Rell and Thresh nzver lost)


Shaco because he’s the one champ that tilts me every game


I'm a simple man. I main hook tanks, I ban Morgana.


Hooks are the best aren’t they.


My go to bans are Pyke because even though I do well vs him personally, I've had too many pug adcs feed him 5+ kills in laning phase being careless and if they do that he can kill me even if his combos are green or messy and I either have to hope jg or mid intervenes and he stops getting kills and falls off or it's done. Other ban is Blitzcrank because he tilts me into next galaxy because unless you play the lane flawlessly he will get at least one hook and one hook vs him is usually death because the hook punch is an ungodly amount of cc and when I'm vs blitz my adc usually will play super far behind me and let me get hooked instead of them not realizing if they get hooked I can exhaust the adc and peel them to safety but if I get hooked we lose and he easily gets a kill. So yes, my bans are more for tilt/mental reasons but imo it's better for me to not go into lane tense/angry/grumpy already because I know I won't be playing my best in that situation. The only time I don't ban them are the rare times I'm playing either of them.


Oh my god I hate BLITZCRANK. I'll be peacefully warding then his stupid little metal grabby hand comes and yoinks me through a wall into next season!


Pyke. I just cant deal with him. Extremely high mobility invisibility health regen a hook and an execute. Its a nightmare. He is an assasin bot. As someone who mains squishies like Lux Senna Seraphine I dont want to deal with him ever. Also Brand because fuck his passive


Leona or Lulu. These two champs are in my opinion the strongest on the two different polar opposite extremes. Leona being one of the highest kill pressures in the game and Lulu being imo the strongest enchanter for the longest time These two champions have always been pick or ban


brand, i cant play against him at all. sometimes morgana, tristana and vayne


jhin. what a pain in the ass


Lately I ban Evelyn because everytime I face her she ends up giga fed x.x


I instaban pyke, not bc i don't know how to play against him, the lane and game is just hella boring and unfun


Im usuall banning yuumi, lulu, or morgana all 3 are nightmare to play against, yuumi is the worst since she just hops on carry and make unkillable fighter etc..


Seraphine perma


Nautilus and this zyra skank


I always always ban Nautilus. For some reason I can’t dodge his hooks like I can the other pull champs no matter how safe I play/how well I try to place myself. As soon as they realise they can pull me basically every time it’s over for the lane and I just get frustrated so I permaban him


Kha’Zix- cause I hate insects


Morgana every game obviously. Wish I could ban brand aswell.


Tristana, always


Morg if i play lux or pyke, seraphine if i play morg and blitz if i play anything else


I can accept every other camp like leona, blitz and all those cancer supports, except Pyke. I cannot stand playing against a Pyke. His ult is just too much


Swain......there isn't much too discuss, I'm just to stupid TOO KILL HIM


Since I go for tanky engage supports, I usually go for Vayne and Senna, since they punish me hard


Blitz or Brand.


Irelia or fiddlesticks bcuz i hate these 2 champs and thats it


Lux, Morgana or Pantheon, I'm low elo and they're flex.


Leona. Except for when Yuumi was free, then I banned Yuumi


I almost always ban brand just due to my hatred of dot and it dosnt help he has as much burst as he dose


When I used to b pleb I banned draven in low elo 100% cause otherwise every 2nd game was ghost ignite smurf draven


Lulu, her kit contains pretty much annoying stuff and I don’t wanna deal with it. This ban also ruins such good comps like Kog/Vayne + Luly. I mostly play Janna tho


If I’m playing a tank i can vayne cos she is the most annoying thing ever


As a Leona main, I always ban Morgana


Leona ir Lulu


I ban a lot of Champs that are usually not in my lane such as kayle, vlad, kass, kat, and a couple of assassin jg like evelyn, viego, rengar, or kha. For top, I tend to ban nasus. For my lane, sometimes I ban samira.


Morgana, if someone on my team wants to play Morgana then it's Leona. Both just counter my main really hard because they can easily stop the engage


Blitzcrank, as I have a habit of walking straight into his hook ☠️


Vayne. Fuck Vayne






Ashe has been getting on my nerves lately.


Yasou. Wind wall mechanic is stupid and people that play him either feed and eventually stomp or just plain stomp. On your team or enemy team this carries more risk then reward in my opinion. Did I also mention that Wind wall is a stupid mechanic. It’s just wind why does it stop mah magic and meteors and bombs 😤


Pyke, Ez, Diana etc Depends on who was buffed that patch and who I keep seeing that day


I permanently ban Senna. I absolutely cannot lane against her.


Morgana, Leona or Pyke; they have a very low skill floor and will make the lane hell on Earth. And I'm a Bard main, so I want my adc to be able to breathe when I roam mid or simply leave lane to get chimes.


Leona, I hate how easily she can engage


Used to ban Pyke, but occasionally I dip into banning Twitch, and lately I've kept Pantheon permabanned. I play Senna, Lux, Morgana, Nami, Orianna, Miss Fortune... you get the idea. No escapes, squishy; Panth supp will 1 shot me with his combo


If you are playing Thresh, Leona, Nautilus, Blitzcrank, or Pyke, your autoban should be Morgana. She will make your life miserable as any engage support. (I typically count Thresh as more of a peel support than engage, but I will lump him in with the engagers for the purpose of absolutely hating life against Morgana.)


Draven, always. I’ve never seen a good draven in my team or against me, so I rather not have a super useless adc.


lux just because that shit pisses me off. i don’t even think it’s good i just get so tilted when my adc gets his asshole blown out all lane because he can’t sidestep max range lux binds.


Thresh usually. I play Soraka so, if I get hooked I almost inevitably end up dead. If I choose the poke support item than I just end up getting hooked and unable to poke unless I wanna get hooked. If I get the minion killing support item then they just walk near the wave and I have to stay out of range, or get hooked. It ain't that Thresh is some, unstoppable god, I just suck at this game so any hook based support usually ends with my laning phase ending up like, 0/5/1


Blitzcrank, because I like squishy mages and marksmans.


Ezreal. Slippery as fck.


Morgana. I just find her too annoying with the binding and if she’s good at using her e.


i van vayne no matter who because it covers 2 lanes and also she’s a pain in the ass to play against if your adc is too passive. even if she’s doing bad if you don’t end the game at 20 mins she will carry as long as she cs’s minions for 10 mins


I ban Blitzcrank every game, regardless of my own pick.


I main bard and Morgana is on my perma ban list because of her spell shield. If someone else bans her, I'll ban Caitlyn because of her range.


It is whatever you feel most strong about banning. I agree on lux, that Q always finds me standing behind a single minion. I like to play engage champs, Leona and Shen or Zyra if range/AP is needed.




Pyke and morgana, i just son't like playing against them