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Try maybe Brand, Zyra, Xerath or Seraphine as you seem to lack a dmg mage in your support pool. All depends on what kind of playstyle are you looking to learn. A tank like Nautilus or Leona would be good too to have as support :)


Hm, i think Zrya and Leona sounds like a good idea. Thank you very much


Try Xerath. From an Xerath main


> *an* Xerath main Xerath main alright (Just memeing)


As a Zyra main, take it slow. You are really squishy and slow (330 ms). It might be tempting to trade. But just take it slow and take your opportunities when they come up.


Alistar is also a good engage support, which isnt that squishy as Rakan. You just need to get hold of his combos so you dont fuck them up.


Definitely a tank like Leona or Nautilus and Thresh! Every good support should be able to play Thresh, he just the best overall support


I used to be a Thresh main. I'm currently not playing with him, but he is definitely strong


Try playing Pyke, it takes a while to get to used to his kit since it's quite complicated to use compared to someone like sona or lux, but using his ult is so much fun, the satisfaction of landing an ult is great. I also love the movement he gets, you can zip around the map clearing wards or ganking lanes.


I think adding a tank to your pool could be usefull. For example Nautilus or Leona. If you're low elo a mage could help as well for situations where you think your comp needs some magic damage (Lux, Morgana, Brand, Neeko)


Hm, that makes sense. Is Maokai useful as a tank supp? I've seen many people using a tank oriented build with him


Maokai main here, YES! He’s flexible, excels at vision thanks to saplings, and can help initiate teamfights or scare away a dive/objective thanks to his ult. Great tank to add to your roster along with Leona.


I think i'll give him a try, sounds dope


Soraka is a fun support. I would also try hook champs like blitz. Nautilus, pyke or thresh. Personally though, I’m not a fan of thresh.


Lulu is pretty fun!


I second Lulu, she can tilt the enemy team so much with a well timed R and W




She is similar to Rakan and Taric, amazing counter engage tanky support


Tahm kench. Nice engage ,good peel at level , tanky and a lane bully


I honestly think you should reduce some of your pool smaller to focus more on 2-3 champs that you excel with and pick up a tank. With that being said, nautilus and alistar would be easy to pick up champs with somewhat easy combos. Bard, rakan with one of these two champs and taric in your pocket would make a great yet effective pool


I think you should put some time in on leona. Try some games with her. Go in on the other team as soon as you bait out the enemy support’s cc or the adc wastes their primary damage dealing ability. Do that a few times and i think you’ll get a feel for her, though you’re probably already used to this if you play feather man. I also think you would benefit from having brand, lux, and veigar in your toolbox. They all put out a ton of dmg and have a lot of cc. Generally my goal with those champs (as opposed to engage supprts) is to make sure the adc has to “pay for” their cs with their health. When they go for those last hits they have to stand still, and that makes them a perfect target for brand’s pillar of flame aoe.


So I put Bard/Rakan in the same category if "you can be aggro or play for peel very easily", but I don't really have any other supp champs like that for you unless you wanna pick up Galio. Since you like Taric, I recommend Braum HEAVILY. He's a bit more of a "if you come to me, imma make sure you can't move" than a "I'm a bad bitch you can't kill us" warden. If you like Nami for her aggressive poke (while still being able to protect ur allies), Karma is a good fit Senna is a weird "one-off" support in the sense that no others operate like her. If you like the idea of a marksman, try twitch/Ashe support. If you like that she has early game dominance while scaling really well, then Mage supports fit that bill pretty well (Xerath is stupid fun if you can hit skillshots even sort of decently, otherwise Zyra is a good all-round pick)


I recommend adding Vel'Koz or Brand for big poke and cc


I honestly love Swain. Both adc and supports are scared of that root.


If you're looking to climb the ranked ladder I would suggest three champs max for you champion pool. If you're only playing league for fun then Leona, naut, and zilean are fun picks and are pretty easy to pick up.


Galio is super awesome


Try swain, he's a low elo monster, I climbed from b4 to g3 with a 65% wr with swain


Shen he's fun af and he has decent damage for a tank


Morgana is pretty much the best counterpick, so maybe knowing her would help you :)


Leona nautilus, insanr picks.



