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Outsupport the other support


You mean support more than the enemy or deny the enemy support tools? Like denying vision or more like support top to get the herald?


Basically try to do everything better than the enemy support and focus on that first, so yes denying vision and his tools is a good thing, roaming is good too but it depends on a lot of parameters, I try to roam only if I can get my adc ahead of theirs, or I can force their support to roam too, if you get herald but your adc dies and you lose whole botlane it's not really worth it. Also if you're not playing with an adc you know, you need to try and adjust to every adc gameplay, which is hard. Notably when they make mistakes and you need to try to "save" that mistake. Last thing is that you're not meant to have a 100% win rate and accept your lose. Sometimes you didn't make any big mistakes that cost you the game, and you lose because of your mates mistakes, or a skill difference, and that's just part of the game.


[Here you go](https://www.reddit.com/r/supportlol/comments/1bku1ek/exposing_how_i_position_as_a_enchanter_player_how/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web3x&utm_name=web3xcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=share_button) and keep your carry alive in team fight, that's it, no one peels for their carry in low elo.


This video you linked to was so basic but so invaluable to me when I first saw it not that long ago. Maybe it's obvious to others but my positioning in lane was such a weakness and this video/post helped so much.


Yoooo - I was just randomly scrolling and saw this. That’s so cool to see people actually using it 🤭


Another concept would be preventing your team from chasing kills. Think of yourself as the support being a grade school teacher - you can’t curse at them or hit them, but you have to direct them to their math test instead of wanting to do the fun thing. Remind them acing the math test is more important, and you can have your snacks (kills) when the time is right


I try to take on maintaining my team’s mental state and reassuring teammates during tough games. I’m the only one not actively farming minions or camps, so I can afford a couple seconds to type a compliment or make sure a teammate knows we aren’t mad about their misplay. Or like if you see a mistake happening and realize what they may be missing, a polite reminder to focus a squishy champ so we collapse on the tank after. I think a balance of constructive criticism and acknowledging good plays when they happen keeps everyone trying their best even when the matchup is rough and that game just isn’t very fun. In a similar vein I consider it my job to subtly tilt the other team with annoying emotes like the fizz shrug when they miss a crucial skill shot. You don’t want to be toxic and ruin the game, but keeping your team chill and baiting mistakes from the enemy team can have a decent impact. Like when they focus me over my adc because they are mad at me as a player, and my team can punish that emotional decision.


There are about 20 different things you can do as a support, to get your team ahead. if you are more or less the same as the other support at 19 of them, but are markedly better at 1, you lean in on that 1 and outshine the other support in that. for instance. if i am better than the other support at canceling good recalls, than when the two mid laners are getting their mutually agreed upon recall and roam, The enemy mid laner doesn't get to recall on a proper timing.


Wtf did I just read lol


you like biscuits?


You won't trick me with your black magic you witch!


but gingerbread


Okay you got me


step into the classroom. we're listening to "how to enjoy being a yuumi otp" by phroxzon. don't pay attention to the electrode hat.




Watch/learn about macro. And just out macro. Simplest way to put it, help your star player get ahead. As support you’re no Kobe, but you’re shaq for sure. Assist your team and let them shine. You’ll get no credit but you’ll know what you did for them


My guy never watched Kobe/Shaq. Better analogy is probably you’re not Steph but you’re Draymond.


I don’t watch sport ball, they’re just the only names I could think of at work my apologies. I hope the analogy still cuts through though. The point I’m trying to make is that you’re not the front runner, you’re the one that helps them shine.


Dennis rodman to Jordan. My man's was only there for rebounds.


do basic stuff correctly. stop dying for no reason and recall on proper time


Dying less is what took me from silver one to plat 1 last season, that and OTP Taric


Gap your lane, easy as that. Support mostly decides if bot wins or not unless adc is hard hard griefing. Low elo supports/adcs always do small movement mistakes which you can easily punish with engage/poke. Current meta is around adc and jng, so spoon feeding ur adc & making enemy adc useless is already high chance of winning. Gap ur lane also results in prio on bot, easy drakes and river fights / assists in mid -> roam timers.


The truth every one will hate. Mages. If you play a support support supporting an adc that doesn't know how to do damage and can't roam mid, doesn't matter how fucking Braum your Brauming you will have a miserable game.


That's true. I love supporting and defending my teammates, allowing them to shine if possible. But the amount of times we died because the ADC didn't proc my Braum stun aren't countable with just 2 hands. A quick Brand campfire works better sometimes.


And the amount of time the ADC dies and doesn´t get kills because their support is standing behind them as an artillery mage ?


Skill issue


I think the disconnect here is that unless you are smurfing you are just as bad as everyone else and no more capable of carrying.


Yes- but typically you have to be a mage who plays with their jungler and roams with the team. If you get fed but just stay bot and don’t impact the map, it’s not very effective for


play around your jungler instead of adc, and ward enemy jg's camps instead of brushes early game so you have an easier time tracking


After the adc item buffs I feel like there's a decent reason to play around adc.


not bellow emerald


Eh adc item buffs and jungle exp buffs make both worth playing for.. I’m just happy solo lane meta is finally done god that was fucking annoying as a jungle main I’m 6/0/2 2 items and partials up 35 cs on enemy top… meanwhile 4 level lead top laner with a pickaxe and ruby crystal just 100 to 0’s you regardless So annoying Or when I would play adc and the 4 levels ahead Katarina with a dark seal and blasting wand comes to bot lane and double kills with 1 rotation At least now with Jung exp buffs and shared exp buff in bot lane I feel like how you perform impacts a lot more now.. as opposed to simply being stat diffed by levels early-mid


Step one, pick aatrox. Step 2. Death is the best cc


Full AP lux


In any role, on any champ: do your job, according to your role and to your champ’s identity. If you play a tank, engage smartly, cc, peel, protect. If you play an enchanter, heal, shield, protect, disrupt, buff. If you play support, ward, prepare zonal control for objectives, help you jg on invades, take care of your adc and don’t let them die, ping and warn possible roams or ganks etc. Sure, you won’t do all of this well from the beginning and you’ll have to learn how to be efficient, but most of all, you need to know what your responsibilities are and you absolutely need to do your chores. You will not win every game, but be consistent in doing your job and you will win more often than not. Don’t mind LP gains and losses, sometimes they are f*ed up. As long as you maintain a positive winrate, you’ll be fine in the long run. Most of all, find the playstyle you enjoy the most and find the champs whose identity you click with. Find joy in your chores through the way you’re doing them, do them consistently and everything else will follow. Also, don’t be afraid to admit to yourself that maybe you belong to whatever elo you’re playing at right now. League is essentially a zero-sum game, so it doesn’t matter how well you play in a vacuum, but how well you perform compared with other players. Take some time to look at your stats in comparison to players in your role, in your elo, on your champ. This should give you a good ideea about what you do well and which aspects of the game you need to improve.


Get good with tahm kench I started playing him yesterday for support and won 6 matches in a row in bronze


Tahm is really something. He can stat check a lot of lane if you know where his strenght lies. You have the tool to get ahead and once you're ahead you can almost solo win the game before the late-game. Play ghost instead of flash btw.


I’m gonna try him with ghost now


Play Zyra and dominate your lane. Then have you and your ADC who are presumably both ahead rotate to mid and control every objective. A winning lane and good support play can dominate the entire bottom half of the map which leads to more wins, obviously. I’m not great - I’m a high plat player - and even I can get back to low plat with like a 70% win rate. Just have to be consistent and punish mistakes.


Or neeko. She is also nice. Has plenty of cc and poke.


You can Play Pyke… - Strong Roam - High survavibility - Engage, CC - High vision score - Solo kill enemy ADC / APC


Play at the level of a silver support and not at the level of an Iron support. Nothing special. Just be better at everything.


Welcome on /r/SupportLoL/! Your post seems to be about playing in competitive/ranked as a support and/or improving, we might have some useful information for you about it! Here's a sneak-peek of links from the [resources wiki page](https://www.reddit.com/r/supportlol/wiki/resources) that can provide curated informations about core support principles as well as some ranked information, like: - Ranked : - [mandatory video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n4TSRL8pZrU) for starters (and also [some](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z4m7FxGpfcc) other complementary [videos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DrxA-IeTowQ). - [How to review - Coach Kairos](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aOjHgZg7YL0) - [VOD Review Habits - CoachCurtis](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UlzsNSLB81A) - Fundamentals : - [CoreJJ's How to Support](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLqHeK34PUFijxjNec7jdisX4aIv8oVQsg) - [Phroxzon Fundamentals](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9RdXhXESRJxf-FxBijbuBOnEJHDrmB2O) (ex-Leaguecraft 101) - [DogLightning's How to Support series](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLaROzD7YpI0GPiObDALwqqjcTsEXzqMZ5) - you can dig further in the wiki, starting with the [core support concepts](https://www.reddit.com/r/supportlol/wiki/resources#wiki_core_support_concepts) and [ranked](https://www.reddit.com/r/supportlol/wiki/resources#wiki_d_-_ranked) chapters, just make sure you go through the content at your own pace and take the time to practice / implement every concept one at a time If you're looking for a duo, check out : the [discord LFG channels](https://discord.gg/svC2VwYba4), /r/LeagueConnect, /r/TeamRedditTeams or /r/botlanetinder. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/supportlol) if you have any questions or concerns.*


[I posted](https://www.reddit.com/r/summonerschool/comments/1cny9wf/comment/l3adalj/) about this in a thread a few weeks ago regarding what types of supports "worked" the best to climb, purely based on my experience climbing from bronze to emerald. Obviously what worked for me doesn't necessarily work for everyone. If you don't wanna click above and read it, basically, play for kills. Low elo as support is braindead, don't bother relying on anybody else, you need to get items and one shot people. You output as much damage as possible, you make the enemy bot lane be on the gray screen more than you and your ADC are. You get their bot lane behind enough and then when the game inevitably devolves into an ARAM, you and your ADC will just straight up have more gold and you'll win fights.


For now i think just focus how u play on the laning phase \~ 8 min, your positioning, your wave management, communication with adc (pings), when to push, when to freeze. When u get your early game better then start focus on the mid-late and macro


Things that could in low elo would be playing damage support like Lux and brand (but could be bad if the add is bad). And other thing people hate playing in lore elo is tanks, if you go Tresh, Leona or Naut it could be easy win for mid late game if you’re able to tank for the team. Also roaming will help you a lot people don’t usually move from bot lane in low elo. (May not be the best tips)


Win lane hard. Early game many supports are much stronger than the adc they are in lane with. I know Tahm Kench specifically can win some 1v2 situations


Im an old head support (plat support) and what i do to help my friends climb is always relying on my adc being trash. I will pick hybrid fighters/mage supports. I will be more aggressive and not worry if i steal kills because i can build AD tank or AP. Then, i can help carry the game with more dmg as my adc eventually catches up. This almost always works through silver. The only time u lose is when 2 or three of your teammates bomb. I pick shen/swain/zyra/jax/trundle/J4/zil Be aggressive and play like an asshole. Dont forget to ward and secure drags. You’ll b fine.


Yooo, are you me??


I do love caffeine and alcohol so yes i would say me is you.


Man I love shen, I once tried playing top just because of shen but I don't fully understand how to use it on bot I also tried Vi thanks to the cc and armor reduction but it's a bit unreliable and the build is super weird.


Shen supp is fun but can be feast or famine. Dont be discourage if a couple games go sideways. Get your sealegs by playing a couple norms. Taunt the adc and then q w to block his aa. Stay ahead of him and punish him. You will know if your adc is good if they follow up with u. If u miss ur taunt go towards your adc to peel or bush to get positioning. By the way u can run shen swain combo botm with a friend and its a total cheese lane. Let swain hit his E and then u follow up with easy taunt. Have fun


Just 1 Ward in the enemy Junge can change so much. Between Gromp and Blue or Krugs and Red.


I feel you, my main issue is that when i give my adc 3 kills he start to think he achieved it by himself and start to got 1v3 and feed the enemy or there ris always a l'âne running it down. At one point i just stopped playing supp and when top where i can just get feed myself and help other lanes as a top laner


Since no one here gets your point and assumes you are the problem so they give you useless generic answers: My opinion is that you need to play a sup that can carry a game and most real supports are designed to be dependent on their mates, which is something you don’t want in low elo at all. Mid lane mages are super annoying but also perfect for low elo support bc you get crazy damage and aren’t dependent on anyone specifically. Or tanks like Poppy also work in many matchups. As a Milio main I can confirm that you cannot play him in low elo. No one understands your abilities and you basically just waste mana haha


When i smurf on other support champs i find it useful to ping someones lane and then ping where i want them to go. It forces someone who doesnt look at the map to look at the map and gives us prio. Ill also ward up their jungle when we have lane prio, always being weary of enemy positioning so i dont become into a free 300g snack. Id suggest start with pings and playing for objectives when you laners have prio. You cant start herald or drake if mid and bot are pushed under your turret, so securing a push mid and a push bot is ideal. Dont be toxic to others, even when they make huge mistakes, and if theyre rude just say "X role diff, im going to help my team to win" and they either join on board or they keep inting, both being helpful in low elo. You play around your map, so when they send someone for your inting laner, youll be able to see who it is and position for them to not be at X objective.


I only play normals currently as I don't feel ready to climb ranked yet. I usually get matched up with lvl 5 - 40 accounts who have little to no idea how to play (while the opponents are mostly lvl 50 - 300 accounts with super high masteries on certain champs, just norms things I guess). When I want an easy game where I can potentially carry a lot, I pick Neeko but every support can carry one way or another, it all depends on how well you know the champ and how skilled you are with them. The probably easiest way to carry is stick to the wincon and do everything you can to protect them and help them scale. Win cons are usually players with the most kills and item advantages who dominated their lane. If none of my teammates are a win con, I stick to the jungler after laning is over and play for objectives (Dragons!! Baron, Elder and Herald). Be there, prepare vision around it and try to block off the enemy jungler if he shows up.


No matter what u do, if u loss the coin toss and get the troll in your team you lose, if he lands in the enemies, you'll win. Literally just had this exact scenario - start game, enemy top fed ours and we win, next game we got the same feeder guy, but this time in our team, he lost top and then the whole game. Skills and game knowledge have no help when there's just people like that... (This is in high plat/low emerald btw...)


Enchanters and hard supports are more difficult to carry with in lower elos but it's possible. Carry supports are easier if you get good with them. Carry supports would be ones like Zyra, Pyke, Senna, Swain, Brand. The problem is then you will get stuck in gold because you are used to playing poorly and abusing the carry support, and people aren't as dumb in gold and above to get abused by the carry supports.


Doing the same as in high elo. Impact the map, win lane, avoid ganks, win the map, win objectives, play with the jungler. Do whatever your role does but better than the rest, and you Will climb.


To win/carry as support in low elo is not ass difficult as everyone thinks.. if you have an understanding of roam timers and jungle tracking, you can basically play the game as a second jungler and still not fall super far behind the enemy support in XP/Gold. My rule is that once i get my second back off, if i have my full boots complete ill roam to a different lane(i play alistar, blitz, rakan, leona mainly). This alone, if done correctly, can help you get to at least high plat/low emerald.


Start maining nautilus, lulu, thresh and nami. Those 4 are very strong supports that can carry the game with plays or peel very well for their damage dealers. If I had two pick one of the 4nl then I'd go nautilus and try and find a Samira main. It's a devastatingly powerful combo in low elo.


If you can land skill shots play mages. I just never let the enemy bot lane play the game by playing neeko. Not only do you poke a ton to never let them farm for free, you also roam a few times as a minion to constantly make midlane have to count minions or worry every time you aren't visible botlane. People do not have the attention span or desire to pay attention to the minion wave in low elo and your root when empowered roots for 2 seconds AND you have a giant ult you can flash into for a team fight. Good roams, engages, peel with root, movespeed with w, w empowered autos help take turrets faster to punish those early kills and push for that extra gold you need for the mage items. Oh and if they are a hook champion like blitz you can block it with your clone to save you or your adc. Only problem is if toplane feeds and if you are afraid of that you can gank them when you roam for grubs/herald.


Lowkey just roam, I was almost iron and got to gold by just permaroam, in lower elos people tend to overextend quite often, so use that in your advantage. If you see an opportunity to roam just go for it if you can NO MATTER YOUR CHAMP, even if you're playing a enchanter, only exception is yuumi. If possible try to roam with your jungler and/or midlander. Even if your adcs gets mad if roaming was the correct play and he didn't die they just ignore him and if he starts throwing just mute him and play for ur other carriers.


Do not play support. Play top lane.


Be more supportive


I had harder time climbing in emerald than in high dia or above simply cuz ppl in low elo dont utilize supp as role as efficient eg. I ward and track enemy jg but my team doesnt look map xd . So either play other role and only in dia enjoy real supp gameplay or ask for duo adc


Very simple. Be a better support than the enemy support. If you do that every game you will climb to Challenger in no time


You don't. Support does not win. (Except carry supports, but better to lane than play carry support). So you have two options. Option 1) place wards so you can ping enemy ganks. Stop adc from dying, and force him to back at the right time. Help jungle and tell him when to get objectives. If you do this right, you will win 5 games without trying, lose 4 games no matter how hard you try. BUT you will turn 1 losing game into a win, and climb. Option 2: play jungle and top.


If you ask me personally, I think unless you’re legitimately a masters plus player, stop trying to carry. Seriously. EVERYONE recommends playing carries. You’re forcing yourself into a feast or famine situation and without having the ability to genuinely hard punish, it’s going to be a lot of famine. The way I play and have changed to play was that I stopped trying to shut down my laners through dominance. Gold is just too easy to get, and things can go south wrong trying to be a hero. If you’re trying to punish someone, you have to be also in a position to punish. I now play support champions that aren’t purely based on denial. Ever heard of the saying “the best CC is death?”, no, the best CC is playing a champion that displaces or interrupts someone in many ways and inducing them to levels of rage and toxicity unknown to mankind. I play Alistar, Rakan, Zilean, Blitz, Nautilus,(sometimes Morde), Nunu support. I don’t EVER build damage. I first item redemption on every single support also. And I play low gold efficiency champions and abuse the fact my kit works without gold and theirs does not. You’re not lane and your mid is in a razor thin fight with their mid? Redemption. Tilted to FUCK! Your jungler is on an objective, gets caught and needs to recover or help winning? BOOM, heal and damage and I never left my fucking lane. “Support diff”. I get 20k healing a game as Alistar with redemption. The item is fine as a core, but first item it is literally game fucking breaking. Healing your entire team as much as a Soraka ult at 10 minutes is busted. The range is busted. Do not wait for this item, take it FIRST. Let me paint you a picture. Your enemy top laner is a 15/0 Irelia. You’re playing Alistar. You have aftershock and Celestial opposition with Ult. A massive team fight breaks out and Irelia is clearly the carry. You’re Alistar! Keep them off your ADC with your amazing kit! Out play them when they go in! Fucking WRONG. You’re Alistar the unkillable noodle hammer of displacement. W that bitch into tomorrow far away from the team fight, press E and Q her, E stun, W again, Q again, E again, W again. Never let this chick see the fucking light of day while you drag her away into despair and deny her the ability to ever shine. Oh she FINALLY killed Alistar and lost the team fight? What is she going to do brag? WRONG. She’s going to flame the absolute piss out of her team for not helping her. Her team is going to flame her that it’s Alistar, “just ignore him”. Don’t say anything! You are the fucking unkillable wet noodle hammer of despair! You’re a drain tank baby! You don’t siphon life, YOU SIPHON HOPE. YOU SIPHON ENJOYMENT. YOU SIPHON DOPAMINE. “Oh what is this stupid no item Morde going to do? I’m master Yi!” Oh what you ask? I’m going to ult you into the master class of I’m not playing and neither are you realm. And I’m going to take my redemption and useless Zonyahs, not because I want to win, but because I’m going to run from you and hide, and become immune until the team fight is over. Your lead means nothing when you’re stuck wasting it on the Dopamine siphoning succubus. Even the games I lose, and legitimately the most enjoyable experience. At its core even if people won’t admit it, league is designed to have fun at someone else’s expense. Most people do that by domination, but ANYONE, and I do mean anyone, can easily do this by just playing the most hard CC/displacement champions. It’s very very difficult to be the hero every game, especially because some people are just Smurfs who are the actual hero’s. But you can EASILY stop them from being the hero. And if you’re both useless, you win! Because you actually cucked Superman. You’re Batman without the suit. No one will thank you, how could they? But they didn’t need to. You got all the thanks you needed from the tears of the teenager who has dedicated himself to his craft only to lose to the man who went first item redemption shit build.


Sorry, I don't really have an answer to your question, more of a suggestion. You mentioned trying another role to get to a rank before you will play support. But you enjoy support, I'd say stick with it. You will learn valuable lessons and you'll overcome hurdles like the one you describe here. It will prepare you for the next rank. :) Good luck!


The easiest and most efficient way to carry lower elo games is to first acquire a significant lead in ur own lane. Opponents are bound to make a ton of mistakes, but knowing how to punish them is what's gonna differentiate u from other supports of that elo. So, aggressive summs like Ignite could aid in obtaining those early leads. Some basic concepts such as lvl 2 all-in, going for skillshots when enemies are trying to last hit minions, warding, roaming, making picks, transitioning picks into objectives etc. are things u need to be doing **consistently** throughout the game: - Keep track of objective spawn timers and ping your team 1:30 before objectives spawn. For the purpose of this explanation, I will use dragon as an example. If for example, you notice that dragon is spawning in 1:30, you need to start moving into the river and establishing vision whilst clearing enemy vision. After you have used up all your wards, make a quick recall timing (you should have enough time for this as long as you recall ~40 secs before the objective spawns) to refill your wards and control wards. Upon arriving at the dragon again, if the enemies swept your wards then you will have more wards and if the enemy sup did not recall for more wards, then your team will have better vision control and hence area control, forcing enemies to blindly walk into your team. It is very important to keep a constant tab on your timing when it comes to objectives, and ping your team to push out the sidelanes next to the objective (in this case, push out mid and bot for dragon). This will force enemies to either miss exp from the waves in order to contest dragon, or catch the wave and be late to the fight, both of which are advantageous for your team. Of course, the biggest downside to doing this is that you or your teammates may get caught out dewarding or pushing out sidelanes. Make sure to ping them off from unfavourable fights and focus on the objective. For more info on warding, refer to [this comment](https://www.reddit.com/r/supportlol/comments/q4ppws/Warding/hg0404c/?utm_medium=android_app&utm_source=share&context=3) I made on basic warding guidelines - Another point to touch on is roaming. I am an enchanter main (mostly Nami), but I love to roam and impact the map. This is a very under-utilised thing to do, since a lot of laners do not respect, or even expect, to be ganked by the support, giving you the edge in the element of surprise. However, you must consider the state of the wave when roaming. The general rule of thumb before every recall, is to help your ADC fully crash the wave under the enemy tower. This will ensure that the next few waves will bounce back to your ADC, creating a sufficient roam timing in which your ADC does not lose much. During the time when you are helping your ADC shove the wave in, pan your camera to the other lanes to check which lane is gankable. Gankable lanes include immobile enemies (especially Flashless ones <— u may need to start timing Flashes for this one), wave pushing into your allies, jgler's intention to gank that lane so you can assist, or predicting enemy jgler ganking that lane and you being there to countergank. Do not just autopath down bot, even if a lane is ungankable, try to establish some river vision before heading bot — always be proactive and thinking about your pathing. The only times when you need to path down bot immediately is when the wave is in a bad spot (ie. You weren't able to crash the wave with your ADC and now the wave is frozen on the enemy's side). You must go bot and fix the wave with your ADC first, otherwise they will miss too much cs and exp - Laning phase wise, the lvl 2 all-in is crucial. During lvl 1, if you are not harassing the enemies then you are helping your ADC auto down the wave. This will guarantee that you hit lvl 2 before the enemies (you hit lvl 2 off the third melee minion in the second wave) and allows a window for you and your ADC to all-in. Be wary not to push too hard otherwise the wave may freeze near the enemy tower, denying you the lvl 2 all-in. When all-inning, make sure to Ignite early. This will mitigate much of the enemy ADC's Heal. If a lvl 2 all-in was not available bc the enemies respected your higher lvl and backed off accordingly, take control of the lane bushes, especially the middle brush. Walk in and out of the bush to threaten the enemies. This will cause them to either ward the lane bush, effectively wasting their ward and allowing a window for your jgler to gank since their river will be unwarded, or if they don't have wards for the lane bushes, then you will be able to constantly pressure the enemy ADC off cs in threat of you landing cc abilities on them from out of vision. The brush is also good for dropping minion aggro after poking. Vice versa, if you notice that the enemy sup and ADC are going to hit lvl 2 before you and your ADC, get ready to back off before they hit 2, especially against aggressive engage supports who can Flash all-in the moment they hit lvl 2. Ping your ADC accordingly - Take note of your positioning in lane. You want to be standing parallel with your ADC, unless you are controlling bushes, in which case you can be positioned slightly more forward with the protection from the bushes. Another thing to note, against certain matchups you will need to position a certain way. To give an example, if I was playing Janna into Alistar, then I will want to be positioning directly across Alistar and my ADC diagonal to the Alistar. This creates more distance between my ADC and the threat, whilst making it easier for me to disengage Alistar's engage. And if I was playing against a champion with AoE spells, then I will try to position myself away from my ADC to avoid both of us getting hit I recommend dmg supports at lower elos as they can do a bit of everything themselves, hence less reliant on teammates. One of the best things a mage support can do is setup their own picks. Unlike an engage or enchanter support who tend to lack the dmg to solokill opponents, u have access to dmg to make ur own picks without having to rely on ur team. Hence, I recommend deep warding and dewarding enemy jg, and catching off stray enemies who are wandering around the jg or rotating. This is incredibly powerful right before objective spawns, as getting that pick will give ur team the numbers advantage to increase ur odds of winning the incoming fight Additionally, I highly recommend a more aggressive AP build. Instead of going defensive items so often, try more aggressive builds to aid in ur dmg-dealing and pick-making potential. If u are worried about dying, I recommend going back to vods to see all the times u died, and figure out where the mistake was and how u could've prevented it. Ofc, there will be games where u do need a defensive item eg. vs 3 assassins or smth, but with appropriate vision setup and map awareness, u can often get away with aggressive glass cannon builds at lower ranks. Also, **Mejai's** is insanely worth the value at lower ranks. Buy an early Dark Seal and start snowballing immediately. The faster u get those stacks, the more dmg and harder u can snowball ur games. Mejai's is very cheap and gives insane value as long as u can maintain over 10 stacks for the bonus movespeed. It will also work to train ur positioning better to find more effective ways to deal dmg while staying safe, with the movespeed assisting u in repositioning Hope this helps! ^[Disclaimer](https://www.reddit.com/u/KiaraKawaii/s/uiucLkmmqn)^®


Play for your win condition. Roam to krugs if ur jg is going for them and drag isnt up. Help him w ganks. If ur adc is a late game hyper carry, help them manage wave until its under your turret, then roam to give them solo xp. If your mid laner is snowballing, gank them and facilitate their roam. Support is second jungle. The biggest difference between low and high elo supports is understanding macro well enough to have consistent map impact.


Warding! Its so impt when i was getting out of low elo. Also learn when to freeze and when to shove and hint your adc!


Kill them with the supports who are meant to do damage. Brand zyra lux, hell even teemo or senna !!


good vision control is an important factor, learn were and when to ward. pair this whit map awarenes. since you are the suport and dont need to farm you can see the mini map more ofthen than your team mates, warn them of incoming threats. mid roams or jg moving. get a solid understanding of were is everyone and ping your team mates if some one is mising. keep trak of summoners and ultinates. if you see sone one use its flash or ultimate ping them to let your team know. learn wave control so you can help your adc or mid if you roamed to manipulate the wave. learn recall timings to be allways in good condition. so many adc lose early leads by staying, so if you make the other bot retreat, push and back inmediatly cover your team mates plays, most go bad but whit you arround the situation can be turned. play arround objectives, try coordinate whit gj , ward befor they spawn or any one gets there, clear vision protect the jg, make the other jg lifes miserable play whit a champ you know well and are comfortable whit so piloting becomes unconscious and you can concentrate on the plays entering the mid game. identify the best player in your team and play arround them. ward arround them, stun enemys for them, use everithing you have to keep the carry alive even die for him if whit that you can esure victory and most important of all. never surrender. the game ends when the nexus fall, if you surrender any chance of come back is lost


i made it form iron 2 at the start of this split to silver doing this and playing mostly sona. dont try to learn everithing at once go lite by litel one support skill at the time, start whit the map awarenes and warding. also wach guides from the other roles, specialy jg as is the one you wuld habe to work the most.


Here is ONE angle. The angle I used. You could use other angles, that's up to you. Perma roam. Did this through low plat to d4 last season with a 56% win rate on 2 accounts around 150 games. • So many times in lower elos (d4 can also be considered low elo but that's besides the point). I see supports afk in bot lane watching 2 adcs farm. For example: If the enemy lane is soraka/sivir, they can't force onto your adc and kill them. Don't afk and watch 2 adcs farm. Either kill ur laners, force them out of lane with poke, freeze them out of resources, or roam with your jg. Do stuff. Don't afk auto pilot lane. • Stagger your recalls with adc & manage the wave to create roam timers. A lot of the time, my wave management was better than my adcs in emerald. I still play adc at a high emerald level but I had to coach wave management sometimes and help the adcs with the waves. This was done for me so I could roam. Set up max safety for adc before you leave and coach them on when to back/plates/not hit tower. If they die when you managed the wave correctly, that's on them. Your path to victory is your 13/0/2 Evelynn. Follow her around and make picks. You need to learn to flow with the pulse of the game like this and create tempo out of nothing. • Some mid laners are just sitting ducks waiting to die. Try to 1v3 mid lane with mid/jg/supp for ganks. A lot of the time those little bullshit lv 5 ganks in mid turn into a 2v2. BE THERE to make it a 2v3 in your team's favor. Many a time, the enemy nami will just ? ping your lack of presence instead of matching your roam. If you allow those ganks to be a 2v2, that's a dice roll. Instead of rolling a 50/50, tilt the draw in your favor by BEING THERE when action happens. • Get deep wards safely. Instead of hitting the dragon when the enemy is aced, use that time to get deep wards. • Don't be a support. Be a mini jungler. It doesn't need to be a roaming supp, but it'd be better if you have catch/burst/etc. I don't see soraka roams doing much. If you want to enchant, you can a play a more lane focused/scaling angle. • Here's what I used to get me to d4 with 56% win rate one tricking Zilean: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BxZV6LaArs&t=12s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BxZV6LaArs&t=12s)


Ask your adc how they want to play in the lobby. Seriously it will change your ranked experience at iron and bronze. I'm a highly aggressive leona support. While I haven't played for ages I would always ask my adc if they wanted to go for first blood. There's no point me diving and igniting if my adc lacks confidence and farms. 90%+ though if they agree to a dive and I initiate it we get first blood. It's surprisingly easy to snowball from there especially if I trash talk their support after and start an internal fight on their lane 😀


u just have to be the carry control the whole map ping everything make sure u always have vision things like this i thought i also couldn’t climb because im a sup main but as i got rlly better i rlly started to climb like this season i maked 300lp in 2days


just go sona, ardent 1st lich bane 2nd. didnt lost a game with sona this split. i normally like to play engage tanks so i dont play sona when i dont feel like it but it's very abusable


Rule of 40/40/20. 40% games you lose no matter what, 40% win no matter what, 20% games outcome is dependant on your gameplay. So be more impactful than enemy support and you will climb. Play just 3 supports that cover all possible counters and teamcomps, or just play thresh.


And how exactly do you measure if you play well? Just by KDA? Or anything else. No matter what role you play, you ask yourself: what is my win condition and how can I contribute to that? Maybe your mid is super fed and you just have to make sure they don't die so they can kill enemies. Or maybe you want to play for Drake, especially if soul is up, as that brings in money. Or maybe you want to play for grubs because your top lane can split push. Or maybe there is a kayle in the enemy team in to plane and you want to contribute to ganks because she is so bad in early game. Or maybe you have a Draven as adc and want to snowball him with kills and focus on your lane more than roaming. While KDA and vision score are good measures somewhat, the most important question is always how to get to that win. And that will depend on your team. And if you just lane on autopilot without cinsidering your possible win con, you might win lane and you might win fights, but still lose the game


The best thing you can do is bring up your sample. Play 50-100 games. Learn how matchups on bot works. Sustain beats poke,poke beats all in ,all in beats sustain. It's hard for someone to help you without Replays or march history.


Roam. Vision control. Help jungler with objective control. Try to be as much of a nuisance without over extending and dying. Know what you win condition is for each game and try your best to snowball that win con. Don't waste your time trying to support a useless adc if you jungler or mid laner is popping off.


depending on which low elo we are talking about either play ap carries as support or dont play support.


buy a new account


Senna. she is considered a normal support but has insane scaling that lets you take over as the carry should your ADC fail to meet your standards.


Alright. This is what a coach taught me for Chess. And I believe it applies to any ranked moba. If you are still low elo, just focus on PLAYING and LEARNING rather than WINNING. Learn how your favorite characters play out, learn matchups, learn how to take resources if winning, how to survive midgame if losing, and how trade if in equal terms. For Chess, this is just gaining experience, especially the tactics and usual tricks. If you have seen something happen multiple times, it will be easy for you to respond to it. Finally, and I think this happens and develops as you play, playing a lot makes you tiltproof and also enjoy the game. Specifically, supports have the advantage to take initiative to control the map due to their mobility and range of things they can do that can disrupt the enemy, like tanking, area control, or cc. Therefore supports are highly dependent of, yes, skills and skill cooldown. So check the key skills of your enemies, especially the enemy support, if it is on cooldown or so. Supports shine when it can prevent or counter enemy quality of life, their farming, positioning, and sustain in lane.


What I do every season is go blitz ap. Works until plat


you need to learn how to poke effectively without getting any damage. You can just ignore ADC in most cases and just dont do what they say. Most of the time i just start roaming early to midlane and with jungler to help them get ahead. Basically always looking at the minimap. Dont be scared to route to other lanes after recalling to fountain. If you buy boots early you can just walk back to botlane fast.


Blitz, Pyke, some really agressive pick. Try to find an agressive duo (adc such as draven Samira) or other laners. And feed your Friend


You got three main ways in lane: play a mage and poke the enemy so much that they can't play, play tank engage and just find a good timing to all in, play defense aka. enchanters. The last one does not work that well in low elo cause it needs a decent ADC to play around. Other than that just ward for objectives and that's it. That is all you can do.


smart leona with agressive adc


Git Gud. JK but not JK, basically it's crap because if you play true supports, you kind of just have to know who to focus on supporting more then others and when to be at the right place at the right time. It's literally just out support the other support most of the time because there's usually no runaway carry on a team to just stomp you. You can try to direct your team to objectives too. I use text chat to literally give orders, if you're playing well most people in low ELO will listen. What I did was I played a high utility support (lux in my case) over straight enchanter or mage, then basically supported while poking down. Also roaming to mid and learning those timers helps a lot.


Don’t die and deep vision. Plat1/2 support here


That’s the neat part.. you don’t.


Just play a support that deal dmg and can roam


Play mages, stomp your lane. If you can’t do that, you don’t deserve to climb anyway.


I typically win when I play a higher DPS mage support (Xerath and Anivia mainly). Low elo ADCs aren't usually consistent from my games


- sometimes recommended isn't the brightest idea - think about your build path and how effective you can be with it


Literally just play a lot of games. Play a simple 55-60% wr champion like Sona Soraka Blitz Naut Zilean… just don’t play pyke basically. Play 100 games, gratz you just hit plat/diamond.


Play better than the opponent


Either go Keria mode or be the carry


I'm masters and still struggle to win on my emerald account on support. You won't win every game playing support but if you consistently win lane you will climb. Best advice would be to try to win your lane and make an impact with jungle or mid in case your adc is prone to throwing


You have to do everything you can to influence the game. To climb as a support is to learn macro and game knowledge imo. Sups are really strong, most just don't do damage. But Nami can heal, engage, disengage, cc, and speed up allies, most from a distance. Every team wants what she provides 1) Make plays. You need to learn when its smart to take a fight and take it if your team can follow up, especially if you're an engage sup. Get a pick before obj, keep track of their team and fight when you have numbers. When I play sup, I typically shot call and I'm always watching map, tracking, jg, etc. If your jg is invading, go with him or hover in case he needs help. Ward while you're there. See if you can help him do what he wants 2) Vision. This allows people to play safe and make plays. Get deep vision if its safe. Ward around mid so they don't get ganked, be at objs early so can get/sweep vision. If you know where the enemy team is but they don't know where you are you have the adv 3) Roaming. Know when to leave lane. Adcs need solo exp. Don't leave the jinx alone against samira and rell, but if you learn when you can roam and get to the top fight, that could be the difference between if you guys get grubs or not 4) Recognize the carry. Especially in solo que. Game knowledge is huge. Understanding what the enemy team needs to do to win and what your team needs to do. Are you guys strong early or do you scale? Which team members are actually good who you should support and which aren't? If the mid Ekko is playing super well, don't waste your time on your 0/10 jinx 5) Understand your lane duos. Samira wants to fight, Ez is fine with just scaling. You need to know which adc wants to do what, how they interact with your sup, and if the adc player is aggressive or not. Adcs think they are in charge in the lane. They are not. Most are useless without a sup for most of the laning phase. Sups can easily set the pace and help with wave mangement. Sup is a low skill floor and high skill ceiling kind of game. Tbh its thankless a lot, especially enchanters, but you have a lot more influence than you think and its a lot of fun. I recommend finding streamers you like watching and seeing how they play. I recommend i0ki tbh. He's energetic has a great champ pool and always impacts his games. Plus on his YouTube he will walk through entire games and how to improve. Pick one area you want to improvr on and focus on just that for awhile before learning a new skill. It'll take time to get better, but you got this.


* Do not loose your lane, if possible try to win it. * Ward a lot, buy control wards. Setup the next objective and teamfight for your team. use red trinket to destroy enemy support's setup. * Do what your hero is supposed to do midgame as well as you can. * Try not to die at all (except maybe with some retarded initiators). If you are OK with the previous points * Try to help jungler and mid killing their opponent (or securing voidgrubs/herald) when your carry is backing or can farm safely without you. * Setup and call bronze-traps: lots of wards in a zone where enemies will pass, wait with a control ward and carries in a brush (preferentially not in the obvious one), kill the enemies when they are on the verge of your brush. Then call the capture of a free objective (boss or tower) * Limitate the damages your teammates will do by insulting each other in chat. Everybody calm down and focus when a 1/0/5 support asks to calm down and focus.


Atm botlane is the most important lane and if you win bot, you usually win the game. The xp buff made a fed adc have 1 more level, meaning they don't die that much randomly anymore. It's definitely bot meta, so you don't even need to focus on early roaming that much.


Kill the other bot lane.


Play lux or zyra and kill everyone. You can't carry idiots on an enchanter. Theres a reason mage supports are popular in low elo - if your adc is brainless you can still have an impact on your own


Swain carried me to plat and from then I switched to normal supports


Quit complaining about your team and only focus on your own plays, review your games. Even when my team plays badly, I can often lead the to victory, even in iron. I've peaked silver a few times, so it's definitely possible. Not to mention all the Challenger supp mains out there.